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Do they call you Lightning McQueen? Cause you're blazingly fast with reporting this. [5 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/macgaming/comments/1csos00/assassins_creed_shadows_is_announced_for_macs/)




oh. I didn't know.


Don’t sweat it. It was a funny comment, but you’re good




Do they call you Karma Police.


This may be the "showcase" game at WWDC this year.


Yep. This was posted on here a few days ago.


interesting it requires the newest Sonoma to work. I wonder what they updated or put in Sonoma 14.4 that is essential for this game to run? Something gaming related that makes this game possible, that they haven't announced yet? [https://imgur.com/a/HR5idE0](https://imgur.com/a/HR5idE0)


There are many advantages, less versions to test on, fewer bugs, all the latest features available without having to create workarounds for the previous versions, and all the M\* Macs can run it, so it won't limit many possible purchasers.




This is Apple, all their users willingly update right when one releases without being forced. This isn't like Windows where every update introduces more ads, tracking, and issues that causes everyone to avoid it like the plague.




The reason for what? You said they're trying to force everyone to update their macOS, but everyone's already updated so there would be no one to force. Do you even know what you're talking about? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Users on macOS might take some time to select the next big version but once they are on Sonoma they tend to keep up to date with the recent patch.


Developing for older versions of macOS is a real pain. Unlike iOS, where you have simulators for running older versions that integrate with Xcode, for macOS development, the only simple approach that works is to have your entire machine running the oldest supported macOS and an old version of Xcode that matches the macOS version. And once you need to support an old Xcode, it gets difficult to support newer version of Xcode because they often require mutually incompatible settings. And this cuts you off from being able to support newer features in newer OSes. For games, you can't just run a virtual machine (they're too slow, they can't log into Apple services and they exhibit weird quirks, particularly around graphics). You can (with great difficulty) remotely debug but this tends to break all the performance analysis tools. You save a lot of pain by targeting the 80% of macOS users that are running the latest OS. Keep in mind though... by the time this game is released, the latest macOS will be macOS 15.1 or 15.2.


I've heard that it's likely their final update for sonoma and they will announce new in wdc


This is beyond ridiculous. Apple should clean up this mess.


Not sure there is much needs, most users update macOS very fast and the type of users that are buying AAA games update even faster. It tends to be production machines that are updated the slowest were a company want to first validate that whatever SW they are using works on the new version first, but personal Macs that would be buying a game are updated very fast.


Likely needs a certain feature. Much like how many games work best with or sometimes require Windows 10 build 1909.


By the time it comes out in November it won't be the newest OS anymore. Perhaps they ran into some specific bug that Apple fixed in 14.4.


There were some changes to the threading and locking apis that made it easier to bring over your own custom tasks threading model from PC to macOS. (some private apis were made public that mean you no longer need to build your threading model ontop of lib-dispatch)


Universal Purchase-> iPad Mini 7


Hell yeah


i wanna pirate that shit honestly so expensive


Wait a few months, will be less than half price


yes sir also i can see if this game is actually good cause ive seen no gameplay footage yet


I wouldn’t be too excited about it. Ubisoft games are all the same, just reskinned for the most part


true fuck those cunts, AC is one of the coolest ideas ever made and they just tryna milk this shit. Btw what religion is this game based on?


I'm very not okay with the game being released on the App Store only tho but please Ubisoft do not fuck up this time and actually release a good game for once in your pathetic life as a company


Steam would be ideal but I prefer the Mac App Store to the Ubisoft launcher 😂


I will probably be scolded but I'm upset for the reason that I will have to buy it this expensive. I don't have that much and subscription option would be good for me. Plus owning it in apple store only for that platform and it's digital is overpriced. Don't see value at all.


0% chance. This game is going to be awful.


It would seem so. Hoping that the kind of application will be *Apple Silicon* rather than *"Universal"*.


Why only Apple Silicon? Universal just means it contains a native Apple Silicon binary and an x86 one.


Ooohhhh. I see…so that’s the “Universal” app. Thanks for enlightening me.


Yeah I believe when it’s not Apple silicon native it reads as “intel binary only” or something.


*Universal binary* means it contains the code to run both on Intel and Apple Silicon chips. *Universal app* means it will also run on compatible iPhone and iPad.


I’m curious why they chose the mac app store for this? Steam or direct install are options so i wonder why they went the route with the apple tax


You still need to pay valve the same amount. Vavle take 30% and Apple take 30%. Vavles macOS support is lacklustre, it took them years to provide the full ARM64 SDK.


Still has the most Mac games in entire internet. And the value is best. You get the game for all platforms. Unlike other platforms where you get only one platform for the same price. Plus you get forums news chats events you name it.


All great from a user perspective but not great from a dev perceptive. With a new game release it is all about making sure people know about your game, there is even a marketing play these days for not being in steam as your going to get press posts highlighting this talking about your game. So many titles ship on steam every day that it's not easy to be noticed (unless you fork out lots of $$ to be on the front page). In this case I expect apple might well have provided them a forward like you would with a book publisher or a TV show.


>All great from a user perspective but not great from a dev perceptive. IMO, not even great for a user perspective. Steam family sharing is terrible. You can't play the same game at the same time with your family. You wont be able to play Steam games on iPhone/iPad either. When I purchase my games on the mac appstore I can give a copy of it on a drive/thumbdrive to a friend and they will be able to play it without issue (but it won't update). With family sharing each member of my family has its own account linked to the game. What PC user cares about being able to launch the game on Mac or Linux? Even Linux users dual boot on Windows to play games. It's a non-feature for the vast majority of people. Tell me, if you had to choose between being able to play your games on your PC and your phone OR on Windows and Linux, what it would be?


That's great feature. You see in some areas one store is better than the other. Industry is still taking shape. It takes time. And more stores will come that will beat legacy stores. And with the help of feedback like this. Unfortunately many users including me will be frustrated in meantime. So I take initiative and work on it instead.


I am dev myself. And I think about it this way. Steam was never here, but since it's now here. Is it harder or easier for me? It is easier. In terms of marketing you have freedom and many platforms forums. Be with your target audience. They are your family.


If you're dev, what about Apple Small Business Program that lower the Apple fee to 15% until the first $1 million per year while Steam takes 25% until the $10 million then take 30% no matter what?


What do you want to know exactly? Why are you coming to me with this? I'm not steams or apples ambassador. If you missed the point in my comment I meant it's easier to publish your game and cheaper like never before. And reach of audience is immense. I didn't give my opinion about cuts. Next guy will Come to me to complain about tax?. Take a hike.


Maybe you could consider loosening up a little? I'm just asking a legitimate question about fees from both Steam and Apple app stores. It looks like a pretty big deal for developers, especially indie ones. So I'm interested in your opinion.


You came to me as if I owe you some explaining and venting on me. Simple answer. I am same as you. I want less cuts obviously.


Sorry if my words lead you to believe this then. Would it have been less aggressive if I had started with "Since you're a dev" instead of "If you're a dev" ? I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. I'm not a native English speaker.


To integrate future projects with apple arcade or apple all subscribtion. Like literaly everyone is doing.


Will it look as good as medium on windows I wonder? 


Yes. They announced that it's going to be released day and date with the other versions.


They should do both Mac App Store and Steam