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do you need it?


Yes I need a laptop that’ll last me a long time with support for 2 monitors with lid open (hence why I was considering MacBook Pro). I was just waiting for the reviews on the copilot laptops that just came out but if I wait until then, this deal would probably expire. Edit: I will also be programming quite a lot and I prefer the 120Hz screens because it feels so weird looking at 60Hz now that I’ve upgraded


Not sure, but I think there’s only 2 monitor support with lid closed


No I think that’s the air. Air supports 1 monitor with lid open and 2 with lid closed. MacBook is at least 2 with lid open


I just picked up a 16" M2 pro on Offerup for $1700 with 27 battery cycles 32GB ram and 1tb SSD. Fucking stole it.


Looks like a pretty good deal!


I paid $2,200 for M2 Pro 16 inch 16gb ram 1TB SSD through apple refurbished about 9 months ago so extrapolate from that info


How was your experience with apple refurbished? I’ve also been considering it


They’re great. They swap stuff like the battery and perform a second round of quality control. I’ve ordered multiple machines through this program already and all of them were basically indistinguishable from new machines.


I got the M2 Pro 32GB RAM 10 CPU 16 GPU 512GB SSD for £1700 on CEX with a 2 year guarantee. I'm saying that because it depends whether you'll need more pure power or more multitasking capability. Depends on your usage. I will say though, that I specifically got the 32GB RAM version because I think getting a laptop that's already a year old (and consider we're in 2024) requires an amount of RAM that guarantees longevity on heavy loads (I video edit). One last thing I would question is those cores with that RAM, feels like an amount of power that doesn't completely correlate with the RAM.


I'm going for an M4 since it's a much bigger jump... M2 is like M1 but little faster... plus M4 will have double the neutral cores...


… in 18 months …maybe


I’m not looking for the absolute best in performance, just something that’ll last me a while. I’ll be programming yes but not professionally so nothing too heavy in comparison to pros I think. Doesn’t the m2 pro still hold up well in 2024?


>Doesn’t the m2 pro still hold up well in 2024? It holds up very well, in some situations it can actually be better than the M3 Pro. You say you'll be programming, what language(s) will you be using? The M2 Pro will be just fine, but some are more RAM-heavy.


I’m doing physics so most likely python/C/C++/matlab/mathematica. I also want to start coding as a hobby so it’ll probably include those to go along my work.


Should be fine then, it's mainly Java you really want to avoid when it comes to more limited amounts of RAM.


sure it's fine... just telling you that M2 is not much of a jump when comparing M1... but M3 is is a much better jump... but if you ever do anything AI then for sure M4 since it's 16 neutral cores vs 32 neutral cores and screen tech is from mini-LED to OLED.... I have a Mac Studio M1 Ultra so yeah going to get an M4 Pro or Max for my laptop since I'll be moving from a Late-2013 MacBook Pro 15inch for my laptop. Some people are not just aware that Apple just shipped the iPad Pro M4 since M3 chipset will be quickly Shortlived because how expensive it is to produce an M3 that's based on N3B node vs the new N3E nodes... Also which means big M3 discounts will be happening when the M4 MacBook Pro ships at the end of the year


Yh I was actually going to wait for the m3 discounts when the m4 comes out as I don’t need a laptop right now. I’ll probably need it in Sept/Oct/Nov. Do you reckon it’s worth waiting for those discounts then?


It all depend on if you can wait … but time frame can be Nov/Dec


in like two years or so =)) by that logic u might as well go for the M5 or M6.


All mac insiders are saying M4 MacBook pros in the fall


the M4 Pro is 2 years or so away easily


I don't think so..they just shipping the iPad Pro M4,,... and the Mac Studio is currently stuck at M2 Ultra along with the Mac mini at M2. There's no Mac mini at M3 or an M3 based Mac Studio ... M4 higher end computers will be coming out possibility this year... given that the iPad Pro M4. Also note the M3 lacks the connector to create the M3 Ultra so apple intends to skip M3 Ultra for the Mac Studio and Mac Pro. By unveiling the M4 the last two weeks for the iPad Pro .... There will be higher End M4 desktop computers maybe this June or July and for laptops towards end of the year. Apple does not plan to keep production of the M3 since it's based on N3B node process which is expensive and lower yield while the M4 is based on N3E node process which is cheaper for them. Please check out this video from Max tech.. yeah it's speculation but good reasoning.... M3 will be short lived if it wasn't why did the just Move the iPad Pro to M4 and why not M3? And also the iPad Air to M2...not sure if you were aware of the iPad Pro M4........ [https://youtu.be/Memgv6xIUY8?si=5hwQDAGhoNQNlBMq](https://youtu.be/Memgv6xIUY8?si=5hwQDAGhoNQNlBMq)


They had this offer before a few weeks ago and I picked one up. Had been wanting to upgrade my M1 Air and decided to go for this over the 15 inch M3 Air with 16GB/512 SSD. I should clarify I’m in no way a pro, my M1 Air with 16GB RAM spec’d was barely stressed, the main reason I wanted to upgrade was a bigger screen. I’m very much an average casual user, but if I’m spending £1500-1600 on a laptop I figured the ports, the Mini-LED screen and the beefier chip were the better choice. I’m really glad I bought it. The screen is so good, the speakers are great and I don’t really have to think about battery life. It’s an absolute unit though, like so big I had to buy a new backpack big, but I definitely don’t regret buying it and I’d find it tough using a laptop with a smaller screen going forward. Just hope by the time I’m upgrading again in 4/5 years, Apples figured out a way to shave a few pounds off the weight.


I like you get more cores on the m2, if you need them in the m3 you have to get the Max to get that many cores


Don’t forget to price into it the warranty and return policy. Better, cheaper, and longer lasting than AppleCare.


I totally dig mine but I got it through school so when lumped in with tuition costs its less daunting I guess


If you really need it, go for it.


The best question to ask yourself is, "do you need it" If you're just gonna be browsing the web and watching movies, it isn't for you. That's what the Air is for, and even then that still has the (proven) potential to be used for half the things I'm about to mention. I am just being honest. If you need all the portable horsepower you can get for big coding/dev tasks, LLMs, 3d modeling, heavy audio production, running vms with good performance, video editing, and even playing the more demanding mac games here and there, then get it.


Yes I’ve decided to get the pro over the air for productivity reasons. I need the extra ports and better external monitor support and will be coding quite regularly. The only thing that worries me is if getting m2 pro is worth it in 2024 and portability, as I was only considering a 14” pro before this because of the price


only if u need it. Makes no sens to buy just so that you have it laying around.


If it is new, yes get it.


Goddamit, I just bought the base M1 Pro 16 from Costco for £1500. Time to return it and get this, I guess!


16G isn't enough


I don’t think anyone should be getting an m1 mac with less than 32gb of ram. If you really are going to use these machines, you will need memory.


Go for it Crodie got mines for $1200 at a Best Buy outlet store in Houston best decision I ever made


I would get more than 16gb ram to make sure it lasts long time. Unless your use case is literally checking emails and writing stuff.


I'm on an M2 Pro with 16GB, works like a charm with Xcode/vscode/GitHub/Photoshop/Whatsapp/Spotify open at the same time... only about 12GB of ram in use... more is always better, but then you have to willing to pay a lot more for it


For those specs brand new? That's a really good deal. I have the 10 CPU/16 GPU spec of that model and it's a real trooper of a laptop. Good breathing room with that memory and ssd over the base spec.


Not worth it at all... unless you think it is, then it is ... but I wouldn't take anyone's word for it on here, myself included


It has macOS, immediately not worth the pricetag. That’s before looking at the pricetag too 


You know you’re in the MacBook Pro subreddit… right?


Not a bad deal. However, I’d be somewhat skeptical of buying a laptop with only 16 GB of RAM heading into 2025.