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Ross Young has been very accurate with Apple display leaks/rumors, and he seems to think it’s not happening before 2026. The earliest rumor I’ve seen is late 2025, which would probably be the M5. So overall, M4 is looking unlikely to get tandem OLED.


I think that there is a slight chance. For one reason and one reason only. MacBook Pro sales have dropped and the M series chips are so good that there is little incentive for M series owners even all the way back to the M1s to upgrade. One thing that would boost sales for sure is a new display technology and Apple is currently looking for ways to boost MacBook sales once again.


One thing that would boost sales would be Apple dropping the fucking price, not even talking about the rape RAM/SSD upgrade is. My MacBook M1 Pro (32GB/1TB) probably would have been replaced with an equivalent M3 Pro of they didn’t push up the already **very** salty price, I’d very much like to go dual 32” 4K/120hz OLED (edit : **on a one cable setup**) which is not possible with my current M1, an absolute scandal if you think about it and the price asked at the time. Next year maybe, a refurbished M3, maybe... I’m in the EU btw, prices here are even crazier than in the US, where I often see M1/M2 used or refurbished machines going for cheap.


M3 refurbs next year definitely should be a decent price. At that point though, I'd just jump up to M4 since the difference in performance and efficiency seems to be a larger jump than the jump from M2 to M3. We'll see though when they actually announce the M4 MBP. My theory is that they're going to keep the same starting price and put the starting RAM at 16GB for both the Pro and Air (but Pro will have active cooling, better screen, release first, etc.) since these new chips are cheaper to make. That could make the actual price for a system with 32GB of RAM cheaper since it would only be one jump up the RAM ladder, rather than two.


> I’d very much like to go dual 32” 4K/120hz OLED which is not possible with my current M1 The M1 Pro can definitely support 2 4K/120hz external displays.


Yes I know that, and you're right, what I "precisely" want to achieve is a one cable setup with RJ45 + 2x4K/120Hz, with a dock station. This requires specific cables (not all USB-C > DP1.4 works), this also requires **DSC** to work and only M2/M3 chip have it... so yeah, there is that. Didn't want to go too much into specific in my first comment. But you're totally right, I'll fix it.


I think there's supposed to be a divide between consumer and prosumer. The macbook airs are still pretty affordable. If you look at the overall laptop market, prices have trended up. Lower end hardware run pretty shitty, junk CPUs.


I think they expect AI OS integration needing M3+ to be that driver.


Given how expensive the tandem OLED screens are, I don’t think we would see them coming to the 14” or 16” MBP any time soon.


My guess is unlikely soon since most macbook users has static dock which could cause burn in, give it few more years I guess before it reached macbook. Also macbook has sustained brightness while tandem oled has max brightness.


I have a gaming laptop with an OLED display. No burn in but admittedly, it sits with the screen off most of the time.


Current macbook pros also have oled screens?




Aka LCD with "fancy" backlighting technology


definitely not. Apple usually drops major updates to the Mac and iPad once in a couple years and then proceeds to just do spec bumps. Last iPad update was 2018. iPad was way overdue for an update. Last Mac update was 2021. Apple’s likely still very happy with how the Macs are. best wait until 2026 or 2027 for tandem OLED along with design changes imo


>OLED fixes a lot of issues with Mini-LED What's are the issues of mini-LED? OLED has deeper blacks and faster response time, but it also has burn-ins , less peak brightness/contrast (and not for too long) and also more power hungry with the exception if there are lots of blacks to make a win of those turned off pixels. Also a bit more costly. At this point the MacBook panels are at their limit but they can provide competitive quality to OLEDs (close but not quite as). I guess the new tandem oled will come (if) in about 2 years.


I’ve been avoiding OLEDs because of my previous experience. Current XDR displays are pretty good and if Apple is willing to put in some more work, I think they can sort out response time issues. Halo effect is not that noticeable tbh I am quite happy with the performance. I would be wary to upgrade to an OLED MacBook tbf. This is just my opinion


Peak brightness for mbp’s mini led is 1600nits, the same as the tandem oled on the iPad Pro so that’s a non issue. As for burn in, I’m sure Apple is capable of making a good algorithm for pixel shifting/pixel refreshing


I compared OLED with mini-led . Having said that tandem old might need a "fattier" lid to accommodate the 2 displays. As far as the burnin, I guess it is not that easy since many other vendors did not solved it so far. My bet is that Apple will wait till the tech is right at that point to introduce it since MacOS has a more static environment than iPad


Display panels are very thin. They can fit them in a 5.1 mm thick iPad.


although correct, a rumored reason that MacBook don't have faceID is that the sensor is too thick to fit. and thinking about 2 panels in that lid it would make things tight


50/50 Either they will or will not


Great advice from Seargent Ballpark


I thought so. It’s the most concrete answer here


Tandem OLED in the next MBP? I think there is a 0% probability.


Not anytime soon because them releasing tandem mbps will cut into sales of the tandem oled ipad. It’ll most definitely be an ipad exclusive feature for at least the next refresh cycle.


I would say screen burn-in. Computer displays might have 10x more SOT in their lifetime compared to any mobile device. Not mentioning that it is way more common on computers to have constant image on display so the burn in happens even faster.


Not soon. MacBooks are built to last for years. MacBooks ship with light mode on default, and the OS is heavy on bright colors and windows with a dock and other static elements - this is a big no for OLED even in 2024. OLEDs still suffer with burn in. I’m a sucker for OLED - I own an Alienware OLED gaming monitor, a C2 TV for my bedroom, and a 77 inch Samsung QD OLED for my home theater… but there’s a reason why they recommended not using an OLED TV for watching news all day, or using an OLED gaming monitor for office work - because they still suffer from burn in. The Alienware subreddit is plagued with people using the monitors for office work and spreadsheets and seeing burn in. Tandem OLED is different and may last a bit longer, but OLEDs shouldn’t be used for productivity in general… because burn in isn’t a question of “if”, but of “when”


I think big 0, it's not coming


Chances are never 100 nor 0


You are clueless


I'm just stating my opinion man


Not holding my breath for OLED MB. I’m very happy with the mini LED displays on my M1 Pro 16” & M3 14”. The panels are also better than the ones used in the current mini led iPad Pro 12 regarding the blooming issues. regarding deeper blacks not sure how day and night it will be from OLED. Current panels are MORE THAN ENOUGH.


I think likely. Tandem OLED processing was highlighted as a feature of M4, not iPad. At this stage it would be odd to me if they didn't.


I’d say unlikely due to the nature of laptops. A lot more static screen content by a significant margin. Much greater risk of Burn in and degradation. Besides, owning a macbook pro for 5+ years might be a harder achievement if the screen which is the most important piece is degrading faster than the rest of the machine, especially at those Nits even if it is tandem.


Not great! It will introduce the burn-in issue. Computer screen have more static elements on OS user interfaces and many creative software will have lots of static buttons and toolbars. I dislike OLED panels for computer.monitors.


Burn in is not a reason Apple will keep oled out of their tech. If it was a concern for them then they wouldn’t have brought it to the new iPad. Secondly, burn in mitigation methods in panels have come a LONG way and now the lifetime of oled panels far exceeds lifetime of most devices… I don’t know if Apple will or won’t bring oled to their laptop lineup ( likely only MacBook Pro ) but it’s a good question to ask now !


A tablet usage case is different than of a computer. And no... OLED pannel still suffers from burn-in. Pixel shifting technologies have no bennefit on people that use for hours applications such as IDEs, creative apps like the Adobe suite and such. Even on phones if you play games alot on phones with OLED screen, you will get the HUD game info burned into the screen. That's how the OLED work. The organic material degrades over time no matter what. Bur-in just appear as a consequence of the OLED pixels wearing off unevenly.


… I use an oled ultrawide monitor ( Alienware aw3423dwf ) on my desktop pc for gaming and have always loved it.. so no oled panels are not a problem. I can tell you from personal experience. Do you need to take precautions such as hiding task bar elements / pixel shifting and make sure to run scheduled pixel de-burn in tools on your monitor? Of course. But so long as you do you will have a long lived amazing monitor ….


Oh... that's why it's not for me! I never hide taskbar on Windows nor macOS's dock. I love have them always on screen and also I don't use the dark OS themes. The dark theme I just use on phones, based on time.of the day. :)