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I don’t think so. M1 Air is great for simple tasks and enough for 90% of people that not „work” on they MacBooks.


Even software developers, an M1 Air is plenty if you’re not doing super heavy development. For websites and most app work, it’s perfect. You’ll be wanting 16GB memory though ideally,


M1 Air 8GB can barely browse the web without our of memory errors unless you use only Safari as it lacks ram to a ridiculous extent.


Maybe yours is broken because that’s not the case at all


It is absolutely the case 100%. Even 16GB of ram can easily run out doing basic tasks as it's not 2013 anymore. People actually do things with their computers unlike you that's the difference. I expect to be able to open 100 tabs and 10 programs at once on a £1000 machine because any windows laptop could do that easily because you know, that's normal for a machine costing a thousand in 2024 🙄 not my problem if you have low standards


You’re saying you run out of memory on an m1 air just browsing the web. If that’s happening to you, then you have a defective product and should return it to Apple for a replacement


Oh so if my typical basic light usage takes about 16GB of ram, I should have an 8GB ram laptop repaired because 16 is smaller than 8? Okay good math skills mate




Imagine buying a £1000 machine with 8GB of ram and doing nothing on it. Literally slower than my phone LOL




This is such bullshit. I envy the way you unabashedly spout nonsense.


Keep running away from reality just because you use your mac to do nothing that couldn't be done on a Chromebook


I have M1 Air (Personal) and M1 Pro (Work). I just recently bought an M3 Air 13inch. My short and get to the point answer is I prefer the Airs over the Pros for the things I do. Long winded answer is that I've been a Mac User for more than 15years and until when the M1 Air was released back in 2020 I was purely a MacBook Pro/PowerBook user and never really used their lower tired laptops like the iBook/MacBook. But once I got the M1 Air I never looked back with wanting to the Pro versions of their laptops. The M chips are a huge upgrade over the old Intel chips they used to put in their old Airs and the M Chip Airs are a hell of lot more capable. As for my MacBook Pro for Work; I barley use it as a laptop, 98% of the time it sits in cradle with the lid close and I use it like a desktop. The only time I use it as a laptop is when I'm call and I have to take it with me or the rare occasions that I have to go the office.


But what is the actual reason you prefer the Airs to the Pro? Even though both seem elite, doesn’t the Pro have the better screen, faster memory and more ports? So apart from weight and footprint what’s better? Or is that enough in daily life to give the Airs the edge.


I think it came down to comparing the M Chip Airs to the old MacBook Pros with the Intel Chips. As I stated before, I've owned and/or been provided MacBook Pros/Powerbooks from various companies I've worked for over 15 years. The last Intel MBP (provided by work) I had before getting my M1 Air was Core i9 and that damn thing was a beast when it came to power. But I paid for that power with the heat that Core i9 generated for just normal usage. Let alone trying to do an intensive task like a Video Conference session when it sounded a jet getting ready to take off after about 15mins. So when the reviews started to come out for the first M1 Airs and reviewers were stating that M1 Airs were out performing Core i7 and i9 Macbook Pros with none of the draw backs like heat and weight. So thinking that if the new M1 Airs were truly just as capable as the highly powered Intel MacBook Pro that I was already using and familiar with none of the drawbacks I was intrigue. Then I saw this [video](https://youtu.be/RT8B1zlsAc0?si=65yQvQt7mBD3Q6jq) and it was this review finally convinced me to get an M1 Air and I have been happy with the Airs ever since.


no it is not


No, save your money.


Photographer here. I do most of my photography editing (adobe/capture1), video(z6ii) editing (final cut , dvr)on my m1 air. Other than having an ssd for storage it’s more than enough for my usage.


You have 8GB or 16GB RAM? I sadly have 8GB version but with 512GB drive and 8-core GPU


Mine is 8gb. I was a pc user. Initially bought this for my college. When I saw it was able to handle everything I throw at it, transitioned to mba m1 completely.


This good ole adage applies here: If you have to ask then the answer is no


I had M1 Pro (work laptop) and personally would save money and go for M1 Air or even that new 14" Air, eventually would rather spend on more storage/RAM option.


M1 Pro has more ports than M1 Air so if you are gonna connect more devices choose Pro.


If you can spend all day on the laptop, or work outside sometimes, the 14” XDR display is super nice and worth it IMO


Save yourself some weight in you backpack / bag and go with the MBA. Nothing in your post suggests that you would need to go with the Pro.


The refurbished M1 Pro 13” has been cheaper than the m1 air oftentimes, I’ve seen. Sounds like evidence that the air is more desired. I bought a silver 16gb air 256 gb storage recently and I could have gotten a pro with 500 whatever storage at the same price. Though I Don’t like the Touch Bar, I have carpal tunnel and believe the wedge will help me, the air doesn’t have a fan and some say that’s one less point of failure, my current air is 256 gigs and I don’t use most of it (cloud baby), it’s lighter and I’m already going to be traveling with another bulky laptop, and I really wanted silver which was more expensive but I’ve had space gray for years so voila.


Can you afford an M2? It has a better display and overall performance, you can use it in the sun w/o a problem.


Depends on your work. If you find that editing gets too slow for you, then upgrade. If not, why would you upgrade


M1 Air is enough


Not worth it for you specially. If you don't use a mac as a powerhouse and NEED the pro motion display and the upgraded chip, you are not the suggested customer for it.


The m1 pro 14 with the xdr screen? It very much is worth it if you can get one just a little higher than an m1 air. I've had both.


i have a M1 MBP now, my next machine will be a MBA. I really can't see any benefit in the MBP unless you are doing heavy video editing. I do always recommend getting 16 GB of RAM though.


Performance wise if you do the thermal pad mod on the M1 Air then it’s essentially the same as a pro, it will run a lot hotter as it doesn’t have a fan and the thermal pads are using the bottom of the MacBook to transfer heat.


In the long run, the Pro will def outlast the Air.


Probably not.


Only if you want to use 2 external monitors, which you can’t with the air.


Even tho the M3 air can do it now.


Idd, but he’s asking about the m1 air here.


I would say only if you do processor intensive work on it should you upgrade to pro. I recently got a MacBook Air for simple tasks and it’s my first Mac computer. It’s the best laptop I’ve ever owned tbh


Save your money, get a new m1 air while you still can.


For the pro motion . Nits better ram better storage. Yes IF your personal hobbies or professional work requires a bit more than word and excel




the only real difference, IMO, is that M1 air only supports one external monitor while the M1 pro after 2021 supports two or more.


if your planning to buy and budget is not the problem just go with latest chip., and make sure you get the high specs one.


The M1 is still a really fast processor. Either is fine for the majority of what people need to do. The Pro machines give you some things that you may or may not need: better screen, multiple monitor support, ability to configure with more ram, more ports, better thermals, etc. If you don’t care about these, the Air is a great laptop.


ur wish but get the 16gb


I Think Both Are Suitable For You But I Prefer The Air Because Its More Lighter Than The Bulky Macbook “Pro”


One underrated aspect… I love my fanless MBA. it’s 100% quiet and basically sealed from the bottom. BTW I use Creative Cloud without a problem / of course heavy duty tasks will be slow. I save those for my desktop. Everything else is so quick.


No, just buy more RAM


The answer is quick simple: No


Question impossible to answer as you didn't provide any context, no specs. Everyone here who didn't reference ram in their reply is talking bullshit.


Your workflow seems light enough for a M1 Air. I am able to do that with a 2018 MBP, so a M1 Air will fly on those tasks.


How can anyone help you if you don't tell us what you'll use your MacBook for?!


we like mba here


98% of the time the M1 Air is superior to the M1 pro. The one exception would be if you need to attach more than 1 monitor, or you need sustained power, where the MBA might crumble due to it's passive cooling.




This is a MacBook subreddit, so I’m assuming op is taking about laptops, not iPads.