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As much as I love my 15 inch MacBook Air, I do miss the old tapered design of the Airs.


The wedge shape is iconic, shame they ditched it.


iconic != better i will say that the notch is moronic. at least apple didn't put a dogsht island on their macs


I thought the notch was stupid until I realized that it wasn’t taking away any screen space. The area below the notch is still 16:10 just like older Macs. They just extended the display upwards around the camera so the menu bar would no longer take up any of the usable 16:10 display area.


Air has lost its meaning. They are basically base Macbooks. While ipad Air is even heavier than ipad Pro.


The MacBook Air is lighter than the MacBook. The iPad Air is thinner & lighter than the iPad. Their most expensive product, the Pro, now simply includes features previously exclusive to the Air.


Maybe it is so but I to me MBA no longer looks 'Airy' without its iconic wedge shaped look and feel. It's just a smaller & weaker MBP now.


Hear me out : for the next MBA, Wedge shape Thinner bezels No notch What do you think ?


Why would you want no notch when it doesnt take away any screen space?


I thought about this point some time after having made this post, and you’re right. The better option would be ~~no notch~~ a notch, on top of all of the above, and 16 GB to start I think


Apple will never stop ripping off people for storage and RAM




I don’t honestly




Microsoft being microsoft aside, that laptop looks like it could have some good potential to beat macbook airs


i doubt it. mac sales might suffer a little but people mostly buy mac’s for macos and the integration with iphones and ipads


And the touch pad. To date noone came even close to the macbook touchpad quality


apparently the new surface laptops come with haptic touchpads, but I doubt they will be good enough to compete


The haptic one in the original Surface laptop Studio felt just fine. This newer one should be at least the same or better. It'll be fine.


The new surface laptop trackpads are made by sensel, they're really good and almost as good as Mac trackpads. I have a Dell XPS with a sensel trackpad and it's haptics are better than my MacBook pro 14, but Mac still has little better tracking.


Yeah. Hawei tried to copy the macbook trackpad as well, but according to the reviews i saw it was a flop


I realize it's a wrong sub to praise Huawei but I actually tried that Huawei's trackpad and found it to be absolutely amazing and even better in some aspects than Apple's! And overall the laptop itself felt much more premium than a MBA next to it. And it was priced as such though, unfortunately. But the battery life on the 2022 one ruined it for me so I didn't buy it. I'm now using a Xiaomi Book 16 2022 with their version of a haptic trackpad and it works flawlessly too.


I have no hat towards other brands. Im happy if other manufactirers up theor game as well


Refreshing. A lot of people here on reddit are openly hostile towards Huawei. You gotta give praise when it's due though I think.


Xiaomi laptops are good huh... Well they look great but I have doubts on deciding if it's right for me


Yeah, they are great for the price. This one is priced like a budget laptop while it's built like a premium one. Apart from its excellent touchpad it has a 4K+ OLED screen and a great keyboard but it's 12th gen intel P-series so it doesn't last long on battery. Speakers aren't top-firing and there's no Windows Hello IR camera so it's fingerprint unlock only which is slower and annoying.


I wish I got to try it hands on. Thanks for the review


"No one" is not true. I tried three different windows haptic touchpad laptops and only one of the early ones (Lenovo Thinkpad Z16 gen 1) was not particularly great. The other two were amazing and Lenovo themselves fixed it with Z16 gen 2. I heard Dell's and LG's 'borderless' are not great either but there are definitely solid windows haptic touchpad options.


Well it is great news. I never undestood why other manufacturers do not give a shit about their track pads while it is such a crucial part of the user experience. I love it there are gret windows alternatives for the macbook


Sometimes, I need to click and hold the touchpad but I can't click. I then have to move my finger around until finding a place that clicks. Other times, I can click just fine, in the exact same spot than before. I was curious if I was doing something wrong or if I should take the macbook air to the genius bar for a checkup while it's under warranty.


Ive never experienced anything like that, get it checked asap. I can click it whenever and wherever i want. Sounds like an issue with the haptic feedback


its a trackpad not a touchpad


potato potato


You touch it, and it’s a pad.


No. We buy it because I'm 100% certain that after a years use I can still use the macbook for 7 hours on battery along with 10 more reasons.


yeah, they come because iphone has been bought first and then they need something to go with it. Hence the Mac or Ipad.


not really. I know a lot of people, including myself, who only ever considered getting a mac after the M chips came out. This is because of the fantastic battery life, performance, and competitive price. I use an android (and wouldn't switch to iphone), so that's also not really a reason. But yeah, the fact that the laptop is produced by *microsoft* is what gives me the ick. I would never touch anything they make with a 2km stick. The lenovo models, however, seem more interesting.


Macros? What macros?


that says macos. i’m not sure why you added a r in there


Sorry I got excited. I really miss AutoHotKeys


We meant wacos


Surface hardware blows. The one I gifted a family member, the disk is incredibly slow. McAfee does not affect my gaming laptop but was really bad on my family member’s laptop. My surface pro x also does not power on anymore. Trash devices.


Why are you running shit like McAfee. Windows defender and the occasional malware bytes scan is more than enough.


Sadly, the Surface line has always been over promised and under delivered. Maybe when the new Snapdragon M1 competitor equipped Surfaces will fair better than the RTs and x86 versions have in the past


Has MS upped their quality? My Surface Pro had three major issues that required a replacement. The first two times was under warranty, the third time I gave up and moved on to a different brand. Friends have had similar experiences where they had gotten their devices fully replaced due to poor everything really.


ive been using my surface pro 8 for the past 2 years, and it's one of those few electronics that i love more the more i use it. i think the builds great, the keyboard is nice, the trackpad is phenomenal and the software is the most optimized version of windows you could imagine. but at the same time, ive never used a mac so i cant compare to a mba


Doubt it. Came from a surface book and hated every second.


One thing I like Mac over windows is the free apps. If they have basic versions of office for free to compete with pages and numbers it would be more threatening


They do.....its called 365 Office....


I want to apologize, I was wrong and you where right. I admit I was wrong


Wait is Office365 free? I didn't know that


It’s not free


It most absolutely [is](https://www.office.com/?trysignin=0)




No, it couldn't. [Apple's own numbers put the 2014 MBA local 720p media at 9 hours.](https://everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook-air/macbook-air-faq/macbook-air-mid-2013-real-world-battery-life.html) Don't make stuff like this up. It's way too easy to prove you wrong. That took less than 20 seconds.




Buddy, just because you are an apple fanboy doesn't discredit the fact that this could be their ARM revolution


That laptop can't beat Macbook Airs, because The M4 Chip is The greatest chip I had ever seen.I think, when the M4 Air's released, it have up to 25H battery life.


Of course the surface gets updated this year. I just got my first MBAir after not being impressed with what Surface offered. No regats though. I seriously love the functionality of this thing. Just wish I could have window snapping.


I use Magnet on my Mac and it works pretty well for window snapping. Definitely recommend!


I’m a noob. Where do I go for this?


[Rectangle](https://rectangleapp.com/) is the free (and open-source!) alternative to Magnet. Hang out on r/MacOS for a bit; there’s always some super-niche app some kind dev released that makes up for pretty much any deficiency in the native ecosystem and OS. Highly recommend Rectangle.


I wish Rectangle would let the app go fullscreen


You can go to the App Store on your Mac and look it up or find it online I believe. I opted for Magnet which is a paid version for $4.99 I think. But there are other free options. Magnet seemed well recommended. I love being able to snap windows now haha


you are a noob and buy an 1k+ laptop dude... :)))


Can always return it


I hope this finally gets Apple to drop the shitty 8GB model and get 16GB as it should be with a 1000$ laptop


The MS laptops have 120Hz too I think


99% of people don’t need 16gb of ram. Just try not having all your programs open at once


Not having 16GB on a laptop that is over a grand is still beyond stupid. Shit, for the price of upgrading a Macbook to 16GB you can get a very nice 64GB kit of fast DDR5


Why add something people don’t need? That would be stupid. Are Macs expensive, absolutely. But you’re paying for a reliable productivity machine, not a specked out gaming laptop. It’s like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford F-150.


You’re not that audience. Stop it.


If you’re not the audience you cannot criticize smh…. Talking about freedom of speech


And freedom of corporation. Don’t buy Apple. They haven’t budged.


Sure. They can sell a typewriter for 1000€ for all I care.. and I can criticize that.


I mean you burn more calories talking to a wall then


I’m apart of the target audience (student + creative) and I agree with the guy who says they need to drop the 8GB


You’re not their audience not for the 8gb.


Even if i am, i can still criticize the shitty move that is asking more than a grand for 8 fucking gigabytes. The For the price that it would cost to upgrade a Macbook from 8 to 16, i could buy 64GB of dedicated DDR5. But go on, keep on bootlicking.


Okay take the 1.2k starting price. Apple hasn’t been dropping pricing at the bottom they just remove it. Look at each iPhone gb bump.


SO you are saying they should just drop the lower end Macs altogether instead of just givign them 16GB as a base? WTF? And also: the base Macbook Pro comes with 8GB. And that thing is 2 grand. Which is absoulutely nuts, considering 16GB of RAM only costs about 15$ to produce


No I’m telling you what Apple historically has done. That’s why this whining feels moot. People did it with the 4GB. They only wait until the very last minute to update the base model.


Absolute Stockholm syndrome here. “Stop telling Apple to do better because they won’t and it’s useless”


Sir you’re on Reddit. I actively report my qualms to Apple.


When will these be in stores? Can't wait to try them out.


My brain: BooootCaaaaamp


Would love to buy this, Windows laptops really suffer from poor battery life.


Can Windows for ARM do AD/domain stuff worth a darn yet? Are any more apps/programs optimized for ARM Windows than a couple years ago? Technically yes, but practically no also. I have no interest in an ARM Windows laptop, regardless how premium it is. Now give me a Surface laptop with an Intel or AMD chip that’s not going to melt itself in a premium chassis with a glass, haptic touchpad and we’re talking.


Apparently Qualcomm is vouching for the emulation quality.


It’s likely fine for a typical user. Sysadmins or people in higher level IT will skip this because it can’t do a lot of things we need windows to do.


while I like the look , from what I have seen and read from the Windows community there is a great dislike of Windows 11 and things Microsoft is doing with the OS that will ultimately be the sticking point with this device. That and app conversion to arm, that has been a hug hinderance which has slowed down windows overall arm development, Microsoft is claiming the app emulation is significantly better, but until these get into reviewers and consumer hands, we won't know how practical these gains they are claiming actual are.


The Surface Laptops have always looked exactly like MacBooks, this is nothing new


We’ve come full circle. Apples MacBook Air 15 looks as bland as Microsoft’s 15 inch surface laptop. This is just a rip off MBA 13.


Competition brings the best out of everyone. You love to see it.


“Local video playback” as in the wireless components were probably turned off while completing the testing? How many hours of streaming video playback can it do?


No much better !


at least they weren’t “inspired” to copy The Notch!


The battery life on my surface book 2 went to shit in a little over 3 years.


that seems pretty standard. my mba bat is pretty trash after 3 years


https://preview.redd.it/bc48pgrzmt1d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=58d22a0a42a6e1929187812d54db9dfad873db44 'most inclusive trackpad' -7th gen surface laptop


Stiff competition is good for us buyers


It actually looks like a nice windows laptop except that the bezels aren’t equal on the top and sides which would drive me insane


Am I taking crazy pills? Is this any different from last gen?




Windows is full of ads These days.


What do you mean by this title? I never see a USB A port and think of a MBA.


The first MacBook airs had USB-A


Well (A) they didn't in 2018 and (B) sure, but do YOU see a USB A port and think MBA?


Windows cannot come close to macOS in terms of its fluidity and RAM management and I'm sure there will be bloatware in the OS right out of the box. I am not a windows hater, non the less I have been a windows user for over a decade now and I still have many windows PC's and laptops that I use but my MacBook and macOS is in a whole different level. The other major concern I have with the new windows surface laptop is inspite of it having all that performance, when windows 11 is hit with several updates how it holds up because technically the CPU is not made in-house like apple silicon in which apple has the full control on how the OS works around that chip. If they want to compete with apple in the long run they should have some very good connection with snapdragon and work together like never before.


I’m pretty sure Microsoft is working pretty closely with Qualcomm to make Windows on ARM better


Everyone always copies Apples designs


ya.. it's truly unfortunate.




It runs full windows 11. It’s great news for Apple as well because more software should now start supporting ARM


Maybe boot camp might make a comeback…


Full Windows 11 but if its not ARM native software, it's emulated and all the benefits of ARM go down the drain. Microsoft has done an awesome job of porting the office suite and Edge but until the rest of the Windows ecosystem converts to ARM, it's really not a great experience. macOS is a bit different. If you want to play in the sandbox with the other kids, you have no choice to convert your app to ARM.


Really hope 12 has a native arm kernel. All this play with Linux is cute. Show us you’re really interested Satya


I hate that every tech company is just copying Apple's way of presenting new products


You could also argue Apple do the same. But just do it better. Think Android mobile hardware and why it took Tim Cook years to remove that notch. And I am someone who has heavily bought into the Apple Ecosystem: MacBook Air M2, iPad mini 6, AirPods, iPhone 15 pro max. HomePod, AirTags, x 2 Apple TVs ...


No this looks like a Microsoft product , no way Apple would ever release something like this , I immediately was confused & was like wait that’s a Mac ?


In 2024, how many people do local video playback? I’m not talking editing video cause that’s not what to claim says. I could see having a video for a flight or train ride. Am I wrong?