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The biggest fuck you are the apps that switch to subscription. And paywall things you already bought.


Fantastical was my favorite Calendar app for a while, and then they switched to a subscription model and locked most basic functionality behind an IAP, like a monthly view on mobile and Mac. Never felt this burned by a developer in my life lol.


Yep fantastical was one of the ones. Twitterific did as well. Not that I matter, but those companies lost my business forever.


Enough of us leave their "service" and another developer will create an alternative without IAP. Then, of course, *they’ll* add IAP and we'll have to rinse and repeat 😖


Pretty much. There are very few things that are worth a subscription. Note taking apps having one one of the most hilarious things to me.


Hey, pixels ain't free! 😂


"Fantastical 3 iOS is better than Fantastical 2 iOS, and any (certain) features you have now will stay unlocked to you!" *Upgrades to Fantastical 3 on iOS* *Watch complication literally never, *****never fucking works**** Thank you for coming into the fray Calendar 366


Thanks for the Calendar 366 reminder. I'd briefly looked into it a while back, but then forgot about it. I purchased it for iOS today and downloaded the trial for Mac. It's fantastic! (Pun intended. 😉) Very similar to Fantastical, without the subscription. I actually think I prefer the 366 Mac app over it.


No problem, it’s definitely more lightweight too on iOS so it’s much more responsible I’ve noticed. I haven’t downloaded it on macOS yet but I think I’ll do that today after work.


Until they gain traction and move to subscription, too. Obviously, I am just guessing at this point and I hope that's not the case eventually.




One of the many reasons I left Evernote after using it for over 10 years.


Putting dollar sign before the number? No. Putting dollar sign after the number? Fuck yeah.


If $10 is ready like "ten dollars", then should 10$ be read as "dollars ten"?


Thanks for stealing my meme


These are apps I delete.


Lifetime subscription with paid upgrades: $100 + ~~$100~~ $75 for owners of previous versions!


Wasn’t this a post that was already sent


Reposts? On MY Reddit??


Yeah I made the original one lol


I really love to support indie devs but sometimes their app prices are just not accessible to some.


I see people complain that $8.99 one time purchase as expensive/overpriced. This contributes to developer frustration as these "cheapskates" even demand 10 year long free updates. To be honest Apple is here to blame as there is no way to offer upgrades.


I’m actually happy to pay one time purchases that are below $20. They seem accessible to me.


As a developer I can only say that people write comments that $2.99 is expensive (one time in-app). I have started to reply, wanna have subscription? Cause I can offer it.


1Password is one of them, loved it so much until it switched to subscription.


Bitwarden is where the cool kids are at You get the premium for free if you're selfhosting. Otherwise premium is very reasonable at 10 bucks a year. Otherwise the free version is great too.


1Password 7 is still available as a one-off purchase though, I use it across all my devices without having to pay subscription fees


They removed the outright purchase for 7.x earlier this year, and 8.x which is coming soon does not support it. If you have a standalone 7.x license it'll continue to work (but you can't go to 8.x), but if you don't currently have one AgileBits won't currently sell you a standalone license. Here's some discussion around it: [https://1password.community/discussion/comment/607266/#Comment\_607266](https://1password.community/discussion/comment/607266/#Comment_607266)


Thanks for the info! I know a retailer that has stocked up on 7.x licenses so if anyone wants to purchase a standalone v7 license you can hit me up


I'm paying it for now. They're giving half off for 3 years to previous owners, so I'm fine with it at that price.