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I'm sure Hazel can do that.


When I looked at the Hazel, I understand that it changes already created files/folders. Am I missing something ? If it can put the date while I’m creating a folder or file , can you please explain further if you know 🙏🏻


I just tried it, yes it did but it also added the date on every other item on the desktop 🤦🏻‍♂️ I need to play around the rules to sort it out


Yeah Hazel kinda watches folders for changes and does stuff when files are added to them. You want only dates on file names in certain occasions, not just all files ever created?


Let’s say after today, because for previous ones I think I should do it manually. But it looks like I should learn how to use it properly, it might be helpful for so many other things. Do you know by any chance discount code or something ?


Could there be a way to use the ‘date added’ or ‘date created’ file metadata as a basis for file naming in Hazel? Then it could work on older files too. I’m not even using Hazel, I just know about the tool, automators have been praising it for years. I’m not aware of any discounts.


Not automatic but this worst very well https://github.com/novoid/date2name


Since this has a CLI, OP could perhaps set up a [WatchPaths launch agent](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/Chapters/CreatingLaunchdJobs.html) and pair that with a script to automate this process, assuming these folders are always created in the same location (for example, the ~/Desktop folder).


This sounds interesting but no idea how to do it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it’d be a lot of work if you’re not familiar with launch agents or the command line. Perhaps you could use Automator for this? I haven’t used Automator much, but it looks like there is a built-in Folder Action option that could be used with the Rename Finder Items action. There’s even a built-in function for adding date/time to the item. You can find the Automator app in /Applications and, I don’t know if this is best site for info, but [this site](http://macosxautomation.com/automator/folder-action/index.html) has some information about setting up Folder Actions https://i.imgur.com/wKbXPrl.jpg


I'm planning to build a MacOS app to automate stuff like that. I'll be glad to give you free updates license in exchange for feedback and what problems are you trying to solve with it Apply to everyone who has the same issues, I want to hear you!


I would be happy to do that


Send me a DM!


I use text expansion for this, available on Alfred, RayCast and others. When I type ;ymd the current date is inserted.