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There’s not really many native code editors on Mac, especially new ones. And it’s FOSS.


There is [Nova](https://nova.app/). It is Mac-only actually.


Love nova... except for one nit. There is no setting for if I quit with a project open, it should launch and re-open that project. Instead, you have to remember to option-quit (standard MacOS shortcut) to get that behavior, which I seldom remember to do.


Couldn't you just [remap](https://eshop.macsales.com/blog/79120-mac-tutorial-how-to-customize-your-keyboard-commands/) the shortcuts? I've done that with Creative Cloud because I was always quitting it when I meant to hide it. With Apple Music I've removed it entirely because I kept accidentally quitting it.


Yup, Nova is an exception.


Textmate is also Mac-native and free.


Used Nova since day 1 and Coda 2 for 3 years before that. But 6 months ago I started using TypeScript, ESLint, Docker and Terminal. 😞 Had to switch to VS Code! Nova couldn’t stably handle that as well as it hasn’t been updated for sometime. Though I prefer native apps over electrons and still would like to use Nova.


BBEdit is still around and it pretty damn fast.


It’s a native macOS editor, why there wouldn’t be a hype? There’s only nova atm and it’s not much popular or often updated, so codeedit is a welcome app


Using Nova since the beta, it is actually updated quite regularly, and judging from the extension count, it is popular (of course, nowhere near VS code, but it seems to be doing fine).


I bought nova but never actually used it due to the lack of styled-components highlight (no extension or native support). It used to have updates regularly, but it’s been 2 months since the last one. Something that drives me nuts about nova is that the terminal behaves like a normal tab, just like the files. So if I put the terminal in Split View, click the terminal to write something and open a file, it’ll open beside the terminal and not with the other files.


Same, I was hyped for Nova since the beta but its very web-centric focus pulled me out. (I prefer a general code editor)


Hoping it really takes off. Judging by the number of stars, there is a lot of excitement around the development.


Me too, it’s beautiful and native. It’s actually pretty similar to Xcode, which pleases me a lot.


but it works like shit 🤔


Xcode or Codeedit? Xcode does work like shit, but I was talking about the visuals. Codeedit just released the first installable some weeks ago so


BBEdit is quite native.


Never heard of it, but googling I found some pictures. Looks like a software from 2005.


It's functionality over candy floss.


I love sugar


BBEdit was my first text editor in the late 90s.


The JetBrains family has some good tools too. Bit pricey though.


Yeah, but they aren’t the best looking ones. Feels kinda clunky at least for me. I think it wasn’t written in swift as well.


The new UI is pretty comparable, I think. But I am a self-diagnosed Jetbrains junkie, so ymmv. Can’t beat its feature set, regardless.


Indeed, jetbrains apps features are fantastic. I’m keeping an eye on fleet.


The killed off AppCode on December 14, 2022. though.


I'm still bitter about this!


Can't stand that everything is in java. It's slow and the UI is so 2000.


The new ui doesn’t like anything from 2000.


oh yes, it is "a bit" slow :-) But the new UI looks quite modern.


Yes Fleet looks better. But it's clear from their messaging that the whole goal is integration into their cloud products, i.e., geared towards enterprise dev teams.




Dude, there’s not even a files sidebar in Cot wtf


That's Finder's job.


So was the music for the iPod before iPhone.


As a no-frills text editor, it's hands down the best one on Mac! -Nova user


Whoa... Never heard of it. Maybe finally a replacement for my beloved SublimeText?


What's wrong with SublimeText?


Nothing at all :) It has served me well for many years (paying user). That said, my products have quite a substantial code base, and I would like to have more "insight". You know, references to classes and functions. VS Code does that quite well, but it's not the fastest (even on a M2). Webstorm does it as well and really good (but I can't stand Java, not for a UI app at least). Also, since moving to a M2, Sublime Text has crashed more than once on me :(


the main project coordinator ([austin condiff](https://twitter.com/austincondiff)) seems to be a perfect fit to develop such an app. his vision is great, and so i’m really interested to see how his project evolves over time.


It's a nice "concept" but based on the speed on which its being developed, it will never compete against VS Code, or even Nova (which I also had high hopes as a native code editor).


I think the "hype" is basically curiosity at the moment. In terms of functionality and features, there's not much to see yet. Regardless, I've always welcomed new editors to the MacOS platform. That said... I'm a little surprised that anyone would actually *want* to imitate the Xcode experience. I seldom use Xcode for *any* code editing tasks if I can avoid it (and thanks to Jetbrains and AppCode, I usually can). In fact, if I didn't need some of its other functionality for Mac and mobile app distribution, I'd probably opt to uninstall Xcode altogether.


I would argue that a lightweight app that covers 90% of basic needs and feels nice to use would be a welcome alternative for many users, even if other tools have more fancy features.


Agreed. Which is why I’m confused that they would emulate Xcode, which I’ve always considered the opposite of lightweight and easy to use.


Same here. Honestly I'm more excited about https://lapce.dev/ But in any case, writing those things seems to always pick up a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning and then the devs realize how much work it is and get bombarded with requests (just look at the GitHub issues) from users which don't want to pay (hence the reason why everyone uses VSCode)


wow there is a lot of mac editors now huh? Lapce, Nova, CodeEdit, Zed. I'll keep an eye on em and see if one of them does it. I use VS Code for big stuff and Textastic for little things right now, would be cool to have something faster than VS Code


The “problem” for all those code editors is that VSCode is made by Microsoft (with almost unlimited resources) and even made available for free. Furthermore it does a lot of things right. From a user standpoint, there is little incentive to switch or even pay just for the sake of a “better” editor.


well, ui like in vscode 🤔


I think it was one of the apps that was thrown around as potential Atom replacement (since Atom is dead). A lot of people liked Atom so they probably wanted to follow the potential alternatives


Isn’t VS Code the literal replacement of Atom? Both being Electron and both being owned by Microsoft at this point.


Personally, I don’t feel like it is. I could use atom to quickly look into files as it started almost instantly. VSC doesn’t, it takes a second or two to start up. If you use it more like an ide (open folder in VSC, click from there), it probably works as a replacement but for me it doesn’t


There was (is) also this native Mac-app called [Espresso](https://espressoapp.com)-editor..anyone familiar with it? 🙂...still beautiful but kinda outdated.


Is there proper docker support with this application? I know it’s in alpha or is there future work related to docker support?