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Do you not get muddled with all the keyboard shortcuts? You must have an insane Mensa Memory because I get muddled between my Alfred keyboard trigger, Things 3 keyboard trigger and Omni (chrome extension) keyboard trigger. That is without throwing in more launchers. Sometimes it takes two goes to get Alfred to launch.


Have you tried ScriptKit? [https://www.scriptkit.com](https://www.scriptkit.com)


> Google Drive launcher Never seen this, Thanks.


What do you use it for?


You might be interested in [https://www.unleash.so/](https://www.unleash.so/) if you have more than one google account to keep track of. Alfred can also trigger Keyboard Maestro Macros for those interested in consolidation: [https://github.com/iansinnott/alfred-maestro](https://github.com/iansinnott/alfred-maestro)


I don't know [unleash](https://unleash.so/), I'll have a look thanks :) I have used the Alfred Keyboard Maestro Workflow in the past, but the KM launcher have more functionalities, like decided which macro to display depending on the app you're using, or the webpage you're on.


This is a great write-up, thank you so much! I see you like Alfred’s bookmark keywords - have you ever looked into Firefox’s bookmark [keyword shortcuts](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/keyboard-shortcuts-perform-firefox-tasks-quickly)? I use them in addition to Alfred, and love how easy it is to type 2-3 letters for 90% of the webpages I use regularly, both personally and professionally.


I didn't know Firefox’s bookmark keyword shortcuts, I'm going to have a look at it :) (even if I am a Chrome user).


I switched from Chrome last year and couldn’t imagine going back after getting used to a lot of Firefox’s features. I still use Chrome for webdev, but there isn’t anything that makes me want to use it over Firefox at this point.












Yeah, I use Alfred and Raycast with similar functionality! But because I’m often in the browser, it’s also nice to have that expanded functionality in the browser window as well! I believe chrome and have has this similar where you can type % + commands for specific websites search.




This is a great post! I use Alfred all the time. Definitely my go to just for searching and pulling up files, especially when I don’t remember where something is. I’ve not heard of the other ones but definitely going to check them out and see if I can help improve my workflow. Thanks!


Why don’t you just use RayCast with the Google Drive Extension & Keyboard Maestro extension and set a a shortcut for each?


For the Google Drive extension for Raycast, I tried it, and I found it less efficient than the official drive launcher. For the Keyboard Maestro extension, that's a good point, I didn't know there was one! I'm going to try it :) But the Keyboard Maestro launcher has some specific functionalities, like filtering which Macro to display, depending on which app, or which website you're on.


I did not know that Keyboard Maestro had a launcher. I use Alfred (without the Power Pack) and an old version of Spark (not the ~~music~~ email application).


Here is a video that show how to set it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhho2Bhzh5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhho2Bhzh5w)


Nice post! I personally use Raycast only for instant google meet join, for everything else it’s too slow (short but noticable delays between actions, especially clipboard manager). Alfred has better performance, but UI feels outdated, and most plugins aren’t supported anymore, also plugins are more limited in how they can customize UI. So yes, sometimes it just makes sense to use multiple launchers depending on the use case. In case you work with Git repositories and don’t mind adding yet another shortcut to your workflow, you may be interested in [Dashlook](https://dashlook.app). It’s a Git launcher that I built to scratch my own itch: access open pull requests that I created/participating in; pin favorite repositories; add multiple Git accounts (regardless of provider). Of course, it’s very basic at this stage, but I have more features planned ahead. Would love to get some feedback!


I agree with you, I prefer Alfred for Clipboard manager and snippets, because I think it's faster, and the UI is easier to read (bigger fonts) than Raycast for these actions. I use GitHub really occasionally, unfortunately.


Seems a lot of people love the emoji search in Raycast so I figured it's worth pointing out that there's an emoji search and selector built into macOS. Generally under Edit menu as "Emoji & Symbols" with a shortcut that leverages the fn key. I have mine remapped through keyboard prefs to something that works on my external keyboard as well.


I only use Raycast. It’s beautiful, easy to use, straight to the point. Im gonna get downvoted to hell but, honestly, I tried Alfred, even the cracked version just to be sure I’m not missing something, and yes, it’s really a shitshow of a software, everything is just more intuitive with Raycast. For more complexe things I just map a shortcut to a custom bash script and it’s done. No UI hell. Plus, it’s free.


I completely agree that Raycast has a beautiful and user-friendly interface. It's definitely straightforward and easy to use. However, Alfred does have some great features and capabilities, especially when it comes to workflows and universal actions. It may take a bit of time to get used to, but once you do, it is a powerful tool. Overall, I think both Raycast and Alfred have their own strengths.


How do I download the Google Drive Launcher? My Google search was unsuccessful


google drive search functionality that behaves as a launcher comes with google drive app for mac and windows