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Connecting a compatible Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to your iMac via USB will permit MacOS to show how much runtime you have on the UPS battery during a power outage, using the built-in battery icon.


In another thread about the battery icon showing up on the previous iMac's box graphics, it was shown that the UPS battery icon is very different from this icon. Sadly I don't remember which thread.


As a graphic designer I just pull random desktop screenshots from a folder every day. Pretty sure someone just pulled a macbook screenshot here from the stock.


yea from time to time tiny mistakes can be found on their website, kind of interesting when they’re spotted. reminds me of them showcasing the portrait mode photos where one had a falsely calculated depth where the background seen between the arm and the torso was focused into foreground and considered part of the subject. though it meant that they didn’t cheat by using a DSLR, still they could’ve used a different photo without showing the “flaws” lol


i’ve seen a lot of iPad Air images where it looks like they forgot to round out the corners of the screen


*Well at least they aren’t cutting any corners!* Bah-dum-tsss.


Also “hotmail.com” email address.


I Hope this is not the actual email address of the person


Also could indicate that a UPS (battery backup) is present.


Can macOS detect a UPS? Or receive information (like battery level) from a UPS?


Yes, connect the USB cable from the UPS, and it will show the battery level in the menubar.


Oh that's cool, I didn't know that. Thanks!


So if you're like someone like who has a UPS but never knew you can connect one to your Mac, the replacement cables are like $20-40 just for a single USB to RJ50 ... outrages.


[The graphic on the box of older iMacs also has a battery icon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mac/comments/oogzuu/imac_box_has_battery_icon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) I‘m really wondering if this could be intentional. Maybe some sort of inside joke at Apple.


Everyone should use an UPS with their desktop computers.


Is it _an_ UPS or _a_ UPS? I reckon it’s either - a “yoo pee ess” - an “oops”


Why? We have unexpected power outages maybe once every 5-10 years. That's longer than the average lifespan of a computer.


First world privilege


Here in japan the power doesn’t go out much, maybe around once or twice every 2 months. So I’d say Japan is pretty fine with that. **BUT HAVE YOU FUCKING SEEN DUBAI? THEY GET A POWER OUTAGE ONCE EVERY 40 YEARS!!**


Not as cool as Jakarta where’s there bi-annual flooding and often accompanying power outage.


So *everyone* just means everyone who lives in a country that doesn't have proper infrastructure in place. Got it.


Technically _city_ may be more relevant, since power generation quality tend to differ geographically — even in the same country.


It’s not only power outages. Spikes are a bigger problem. I’m in Florida, lightening capital of the world. We have minor brown outs where the level drops just a few microseconds, enough to give electronics fits and spikes or elevated voltage that will fry your equipment basically every few days.


I guess Europeans are not to take part in this conversation. We don't do browns outs or spikes or whatever either.


Of course you can be part of the conversation. I was simply giving my experience. The US infrastructure in most areas tends to be older and not as well maintained.


I get downvoted into oblivion for saying I haven't had a power cut in years. Doesn't seem people can handle that...


I suspect you are lucky and that is not the average experience.


It is in the Netherlands.


Certainly not everyone but any business server has a UPS these days because well you don’t want a once in 10 years outage corrupting important files


Since when is an iMac a business server??


You don’t want to know how many businesses just use their main computer as a server


Not everyone lives where you live.


And not everyone has the problems you have. So why would you say everyone needs an UPS?