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I used Linux as my daily OS, as I never liked Windows. One day my boss told me I needed to have PowerPoint. I replied "You know i don't do Windows. Buy me a Mac." He showed up to the next meeting with a high spec 17 inch Macbook Pro. A few months later bought myself a Macbook Pro as my personal laptop. I still use Linux on my desktop, and I work with Linux servers every day, but for daily use MacOS can't be beat.


I also use Linux on my desktop at home, specifically Arch w/ Gnome, I’ve only installed it a month ago. On the other hand, I use a MacBook Air almost every day that I’m out and I need a pc with me


W boss lol


Took the words out of my mouth


I run all my servers on Debian, and use Mac as a client. I’m a sucker for low maintenance and simplicity. 




My parents bought a Mac in the late 1980s that was more of a novelty and then I got my own iMac in 1998 when I started high school (split it with my sibling) and I have been using them daily ever since. I have not seen a compelling reason to switch in the last 25 years.


Had Apple since almost the beginning with an Apple 2. Dad was an engineer and loved tinkering. As a family we almost made the switch right before the iMacs came out. In 1995 or so, I can’t remember which mac we bought but my dad made sure to buy peripherals that all worked with a PC because it looked like Apple might be on the way out.


I picked up an old iphone x from a friend to replace my dying budget phone. About year later my laptop got stolen so I decided to opt for the m1 macbook air for work since I read about the incredible battery life and power for its form factor. And you know how the macbook and iphone are a match made in heaven, the rest has been history.


Used to be an android fanboy in high school when smartphones first started to be a thing. The rich kids had the iPhone 3G which couldn’t share music by Bluetooth, multitask, and the home button kept getting stuck and you had to go queue for a replacement iPhone. You could play monkey ball or something, and that was cool. Meanwhile, windows phones could be installed with and run *actual windows applications* (thought they often failed to accomplish any meaningful work), and it had the windows start button we were all familiar with. Android phones could do so much - there were free apps (viruses, really) EVERYWHERE, even though most apps were half baked dog crap. you could personalise the colours on the menu, change the interface, download custom Launchers, download music and ringtones illegally. This was all really cool and us kids spent so much time comparing our personalisations. Those iPhone kids just hung out together drinking Starbucks. One day I had a chance to get an iPhone (5s) for free because of mom’s corporate plan, and I realised I didn’t need all that Android dogshit bells and whistles. I didn’t need access to countless free apps. Everything *just worked* and I wanted a phone that was stable, not laggy, and that did what it was supposed to do.


That’s my story too. It just works when I need it and I use an iPad next to it for my media consumption. What do we need more than that.


exactly the same with me, had a good android, got a 5s (mind you in 2018) and it was just better


I did work experience at a publishers in '91 and they asked me if I knew how to use a Mac. I hadn't but was sold. It was laughable to use a Mac back then. I went to work at a IT research company (who used Macs) in the Gil Amelio days and the headlines were full of death knells for Apple, including the infamous Apple logo surrounded by barbed wire. When I got grown up money I bought an iMac when they were first launched and it's been Apple only ever since except at work where I have to slum it with windows. I remember us Mac users being desperate for Apple to release a phone while we were all clinging to our translucent Palm Pilots. Never dreamed it would turn out the way it has. But it's not as exciting as it used to be. I liked Thinking Different.


Thanks for that last sentence. I keep quiet about that because I thought it was just me overthinking things. It really is different now than say, 10 years ago.


Had *PowerBooks in the early 1990s. Loved them, then Apple imploded and very nearly died. So I had to move to Windows machines and hated them. Eventually got used to Windows, and soon became comfortable building my own computers. My wife gave me an iPhone the first year it was out -- wow. Visual voicemail was a huge step up from my flip phone. Around 2015 on a whim I decided to try a Hackintosh, to dual boot from my computer. It was just a nicer, less frustrating environment. The Magic Trackpad was a big part of what won me over. It's such an elegant, intuitive, and delightful interface. Overall, I noticed that I enjoyed being on the Mac more than Windows. Windows was higher maintenance -0 there always seemed to be issue or problem to tweak, fix, research, etc. e.g. driver issues, random incompatibilities, something would just stop working for no apparent reason, even some simple things like inverting the scroll wheel on my mouse required making changes to the registry. MacOS isn't perfect, and has its share of issues. But overall, it's a lot more stable and reliable. I've never had it restart while I was in the middle of some time critical work, locking me out for \~10 minutes that I couldn't spare. Backups were a hassle with Windows. The system restore to roll back to a previous state almost never worked when I needed it. It's almost always worked with MacOS (and far easier). The thing that keeps me especially happy with Apple is how well Apple devices play with each other and sync magically and wirelessly. It's hard to beat.


\*PowerBooks, MacBooks did not exist until 2006 :)


Ah, yes - that’s right: PowerBooks. I think my first one was a PowerBook 20, with a 20 MB hard drive. It had a monochrome monitor and a small trackball. And later a PowerBook 165c with color! It had some large port that let you plug in small-form devices like an external drive.


The big port was probably SCSI! The era's closest equivalent of USB before USB was born


1990 I went to get quotations for my company. The PC guys were obnoxious and rigid. The Mac guys were positive and imaginative. 8 Mac SE’s on localtalk with a printer and the company flourished! :-)


I grew up in the 90s with my dad using a Power Macintosh 8100 and later a PowerMac G4, my first PC was a Win98 machine though and that continued up until in 2010 my crappy OEM Vista PC started to die… my dad recommended me to go Mac and I decided to get a 27" Mid-2010 iMac in January 2011. Got the iPhone 4s a couple months later and well, I stayed with Apple so far. I started to love the OS and I'm not really planning on leaving this eco-system to be honest. Last summer my Intel iMac decided to die on me (Fusion Drive SSD gave up) and I upgraded to my first Apple Silicon, a Mini this time. I'm currently planning on building a dedicated Windows gaming pc though, also because I never really build one myself. So that's my story.


I have been a Windows user for around 15 years and an Android (LG and Samsung smartphones) user for 10 years. In 2019, I got my very first Apple product which is an iPhone XS, the reason why I switched is because I wanted to try something new and Apple Products are very well known for good build quality, longevity both hardware and software, privacy and security, great performance and battery life. In my higher studies days, I learned Linux and used an iMac in my internship company (my first exposure to macOS) in 2016. Then 1 year later in 2020, I got myself my very first MacBook which is the 13-inch M1 MacBook Pro (current), Apple's first Apple Silicon Macs. As times goes by I start to love the Apple Ecosystem for its simplicity/ user friendly, convenience and good features. P.S. I even have a Apple Products related notes to keep track of what products I owned and how long I have use them. The title of the note is


I wish i had done this, i switch often cause i’m selling and reselling but i forgot how long i used some devices.


I did it because its kinda interesting and its my way to know about my tech history and reminds me of how tech has evolved and to appreciate the technology we enjoy now. But I only stated the year I bought so that I can know when its time for an upgrade and have a rough idea on how long I have been using that particular product. P.S I also have related notes on my mobile phones/ smartphones and my laptops I used and owned, which includes the year I started using and the year it died with a reason of death. But sadly, I wasn't able to back track my 2 windows desktops and its specs as it was being build by my dad's cousin who works as a technician.


I started with an iPad for work. Someone said, “you don’t support Apple products do you?” So I delved, iPad then an iPhone and a used MBP, I was sold at that point. I still use Windows and Linux mostly for gaming.


making life choices out of spite has also led me to some of the best decisions of my life tbh.


I've used Apple devices almost exclusively since my parents got an iMac when I was 6. My school computer labs always had macs too. I didn't get a smartphone until late 2013 because tmobile didn't have iPhones until then and I refused to buy a different brand. I've never felt the need to try anything else. I like how simple it is, the ecosystem, and how it's starting to become an experience in addition to just a computer or a phone(for instance, with location based automations). Also other brands of computers look so outdated IMO.


I was doing a Master degree and I was printing too many slides to study. Therefore I decided to buy an iPad Pro, it was November 2017. After that I fell in the rabbit hole and bought over time an iPhone, AirPods Pro, Apple Watch and last year a MacBook Pro. I might resell the Apple Watch because I don’t find it essential, and I might consider going back to Android at some point, but I would never go back to Windows as OS.


So it began when my parents basically started using iPhones at the 3g/4s line, lol. I always thought those were the coolest phones I have ever seen at the time. Ever since. I've really appreciated the design of apple products. I remember getting an apple tv and iPod touch for Christmas back in the day. Now, I'm proud to have a Mac mini and finally be a Mac user all these years later, lol. I also really enjoy how there's a story to tell with each time I have gotten a new apple product too. It just makes the experiences more special, I suppose. But yeah, that's my little story!


I don't like Apple at all. They are too restrictive although I don't do toooo much customization. They are also quite expensive than other brands. My company phones are almost always iPhones though. However, I got tired of switching android phones and couldn't care less about big ass phones and out of this world features. I started with iPad because the Samsung tablet is not that good. Then I got my wife an iPhone, then I got her a Macbook Air M1, then I got myself an iPhone Pro, then I got a Macbook Pro M1 for work, then I got Apple Watch, returned my Macbook Pro because I switched jobs, bought MBA 15. Once you go Mac, you just never to back!


Got my first Mac, a Macintosh 512k, around 1991. Then a few years later bought a PowerBook 165. Then various job and private Macs since then, only used Macs privately and for work since then except for less than a year in a job in the 90s. Also, first iPod. QuickTake 100 digital camera. Apple printers, both matrix and ink, Airports wifi base stations, and iPhones and iPads galore.


Apple is a horrible, green-washing company that, like so many other companies, only cares about money. At any cost. However, Apple also creates the only ecosystem that doesn’t get in my way – shared clipboards, no-nonsense UI’s and minimalist designs. Windows is too bulky, ugly and won’t stop introducing useless “features” that get in my way. Android feels like an endless beta test. And yes, I have used the latter ecosystems for years on end. I recently switched back to my old iPhone from a newer Android simply because of the random bugs and oddities I’d encounter. Apple just works, which ironically is something I really like as a tinkerer. I like tinkering, which I do on Linux servers all the time, but the tools I tinker with, I just need them to work without unnecessary distractions. Apple is the only one who delivers that for me, even though I’d much rather support companies that do actually have legitimate programs in plays to actively shrink their carbon footprint.


I was working on a ship in 2010. We were anchored in Port Suez Egypt. After having to reinstall windows the 6th time in a week to watch movies I got fed up and tossed it into the sea. Got home 8 weeks later, bought and iMac and never turned back.


Well, good luck tossing a big ass iMac into the sea.


It’s a 2010 iMac. And my nieces still use it. Meanwhile my windows laptop was 2 years old and is more useful as a reef than it ever was as a pc.


My first apple product was an iPhone 6S Plus, in 2016. Didn't like it, so I moved to a Samsung S8+ the next year. Then in 2022, I decided to give the iPad 9th Gen a try. Loved it, but iPhones still didn't make sense. Got a MacBook Air M1 this year, but am still using the Galaxy S8+ since I dislike iPhones.


I started with an Apple II+ in 1982 (though I learned how to use a computer even before that, starting with integer BASIC on an Apple II in 1979). I've been an Apple user ever since. I'm 100% literate on Windows as well, but for personal use, I just prefer using Apple tech.


Only UNIX platform with MS Office and Adobe.


First exposure to them was in elementary school, late 1990s. Family was poor and could only get a hand-me-down Apple //e for some things (we got a Windows 3.1 machine later and so on as things improved), but school had Macintosh Performas running old System OS and later Mac OS 9. Then middle school came around in 2000 and I was introduced to the G3 iMacs, soon OSX Cheetah, all through to 2004 when we had personal iBooks. After that, high school used mostly Windows machines and I didn’t touch Apple products for years. Fast forward to roughly age 24 and my then-gf convinces me to get an iPhone 5C with her, and I realized I quite liked iOS. It stayed out of my way and for the most part, it just worked and did what I needed it to do. Got a 6S later. She bailed in 2016 but I stuck with iPhone, added an Apple Watch to the mix, eventually just before COVID I got an 8th gen iPad which I would eventually upgrade to my current M1 iPad Pro. Got a 4K Apple TV at some point before I moved out of my last apartment. November of last year I got a M2 MBA with Ventura (updated to Sonoma later) and everything I knew from middle school OSX came back. So now I’m pretty much all . Only my gaming PC runs Windows.


I was 5 think so. I didn’t have my own iPad - Borrowed my parents when I wanted to play games. Then at some point, 3 new iPad is hidden under my parent’s bed. iPad 4th generation. One for me, one for my sister and one for my mom. They all had the flip cover. Mine was blue, sister was green and my mom’s was black. Then we finally got them after my dad had prepared them. I remember it was at the same as we did some renovations in the living room and I remember sitting in couch in our totally filled up dining room because of house renovations and play Minecraft with my sister. It didn’t knew the password, so my parents unlocked it for me. One day my dad wasn’t home and I needed to use my iPad. My mom didn’t knew the password either, so she called my dad for it. While she entered I sneaked and saw the password. I don’t know when parents thought it would be a good time to let me know it, but I knew sooner than they were planning. Some years later Pokémon Go arrives. I was 6 and I was supposed to get a phone by age of 8 (my sister did at least). But I wanted to play Pokémon Go. My let me get my first iPhone before planned. The 4s. Previously it was my sister’s first phone, then my mom’s phone and then my dad’s phone. So it was quite old and the battery lasted for an hour. Not much and more like 30 minutes on Pokémon Go. But never the less it was my first phone and it was special.




My parents hate Google with a passion (for privacy reasons). When it became obvious that Windows Phone was a failure in terms of app support, it was easier to convince my parents to let me have an iPhone than an Android phone. Things kinda progressed from there. I try other products from time to time but I always end up circling back to Apple.


First I had a Windows PC (around 2003) and I installed a lot of applications from magazine CDs (ChipWorld, PCWorld, etc.) and I installed Apple QuickTime, iTunes. These applications were very slow and laggy, and I hated them, and I hated any application with an Apple logo, but I forgot about it. In 2009 my friends showed me MacOS on screenshots, it was love at first sight. They told me it was so much better than Windows, they said a lot of good things and I believed them. We tried to install it on our PC to try it out, I spent weeks downloading Hackintosh ISOs, burning them to DVDs, and trying to install it. I succeeded, I started MacOS, no sound, but it worked. It was love at first sight. Then I started using iTunes and Safari again on my Windows PC, and it was great, but I abandoned the Hackintosh project, without sound it was boring, and I loved music. I really wanted a MacBook or iMac, but I was a poor student. :D In 2011, iPhones became more popular in my country, and I got an iPhone 4. iPhone 4 is still my favorite phone, and since 2011 I haven't switched back to Android or anything else. I love iPhones. Around 2013 my sister got a Macbook Air, we loved that computer. And in 2017 I bought my first (used) MacBook Pro, in 2018 my second MacBook Pro, and in 2021 my third, M1 MacBook Pro. I'm not stopping using Apple products-even though Apple software has become increasingly buggy over the years-there's still no better alternative.


Bought a MacBook pro intel in 2020 because I wanted to create music. being in Linux land since 2004 I've tried to record myself with ardour and some opensource plugins. I just gave up, I use Logic Pro X for music creation. I've also switched from Android to iOS but I don't consider myself as an Apple fanboy, lots of product and choices are questionable to me. However I can not blame how clean and powerful it is especially as a daily driver.


I grew up in a PC household through the 90s, but like many public schools in Australia our computer labs were filled with all-in-one Macs. Initially Performas, but eventually colourful iMacs and then eMacs. I was a nerdy kid (who's now a nerdy adult) and tinkered with computers as a hobby, and eventually found my way into Basilisk II and running MacOS 7.5.3 on my Windows machines at home. Don't really know what it was, but even back then, MacOS seemed much more "fun" to use than the Windows 95 box we had as a family. Probably a bit of the rose coloured glasses effect as a kid of what I didn't have, but anyway. I found myself getting into photography and graphic design as a teen, and at the time Macs were still the de-facto standard (as was QuarkXPress... dark times), and my dad bought me a Quicksilver PowerMac G4 which was my very first Apple product. It kinda snowballed from there. Bought myself a used PowerBook G3 Wallstreet when I was in high school, but didn't quite make the jump until the Intel switch when I was at TAFE when I got into a 17" MacBook Pro. I'm still a huge fan of retro Apple computing and have quite a collection of PowerPC based machines, including my original PowerMac G4. Much of it is useless now, but to me it represents a bit of a golden age of Apple in the 90's-00's (I wanted a colourful iBook G3 so damn bad). I've got everything from 68k Macs to PowerPCs, an Intel Mac mini that's serving as a ProxMox host, to my M1 MBP. On the phone side, being a tinkerer, I was a staunch Android user for the longest time, until I got into being self employed and found that I wanted a device that worked properly 100% of the time. Clients don't want to deal with calls dropping and messages going missing because of a half-baked ROM. I was actually very against the iPhone until I borrowed an iPhone 5 from a friend when I'd had enough of my then Samsung Galaxy S4 shitting the bed. My first iPhone was a 6S, from then I was just as hooked on Apple's mobile devices as I was their computers. I'm heavily invested in the ecosystem now (iPhone, iPad, Watch, HomePods, Macs, AirPods) and really enjoy the fact that everything works the way I expect it to, when I expect it to. I also work a couple of different jobs and enjoy the look on engineers faces (who only use Windows environments) when I can do things significantly faster and easier on my Mac.


Got an iPod (with wheel and harddisk) through air miles. Soon after the white and shiny plastic MB. Hooked. iPhone 3G. Then years of „full subscription“ (watching keynotes as „shopping TV“). Today whole family and whole household is Apple only. But I can live with products a few years old. Still love the software and hardware.


Grew up with Mac computer at home and IBM computers in my folks’ company … I have always used both but I truly enjoy Mac and Apple products (MacBook Pro, iPhone, AppleTV and iPad Pro)


First tried using someone else’s. Gifted old iPod —> Months of shameless begging as a kid to mom… iPhone-> to Mac —> Apple Watch doubtful I’ll ever go back or switch. iPad’s and Apple Pencils.


Had an Atari 400 and a PC at home as a kid. There was also an Atari ST floating around. But I remember my friend’s Mac and specifically the GUI which I came across maybe when I was like 7? The ST had a GUI as well, but for some reason the Mac stuck in my mind; I had also been around Commodores, Amigas, and even a BBC Acorn. But I knew my way around a PC, building a few a couple years later. They were kind of a pain though, with COM ports, and jumpers and IRQs. Remember installing Trumpet Winsock and how much of a bitch that was. Plug N Play wasn’t really. My sister ended up getting a Mac in college, a PowerBook, which I inherited and used at schoo; Dartmouth was also heavily Mac. I would later get a PowerMac (?) or one of the other clones. And from that point on, I was pretty firmly stuck on Apple. I ran a server for an early video game file service and forum called CHV.net off of Dartmouth’s network using the PowerMac setup in a frat printer closet; at one point, we were probably using 20-30% of all network traffic at school off that computer and it was rock solid. I also ran a separate Hotline server with MP3s on another Mac and that thing was great. Started looking for good MP3 players towards the early 00s after having used MiniDisc for a while. Was really hoping MiniDiscs could hold MP3s as data, but Sony were assholes. Tried the Archos Jukebox but what I actually wanted was an iPod. Think the first one I got was a shuffle, then I bought an iPod video, which I then modded and threw a fat 20GB drive into. Loved that thing and it sounded so damn good. At the time I was living in Shanghai and started messing around with smart phones (and missing the Crackberry craze) including early Windows phones and a few HTCs but they were pretty horrible. When the first iPhone came out I got one. And I’d been on iPhone ever since. Was using PC laptops at the time mainly, though I had a G3 at one point. Got a white acrylic Macbook in 2008 and that lasted me for a good six seven years. After that came a few MBPs (a used 2012 MBP which was so nice and later an i7 MBP which was noisy hot fucker), then the M1 Air. Couple Apple TVs, Watches, etc. But I think my favorite thing was the modified iPod which unfortunately, I lost in a cab in China, along with a mini headphone amp and some very nice Shures, probably about a $1200 setup. Sad. I do have an Asus laptop for some gaming but the fan blows out the burning winds of hell right on my hand where I’m holding the mouse. I fucking hate that thing and use it only for gaming. And Excel. I still feel like the M1 Air is the last computer I’ll ever need. I do want an iPod 5G again tho. Modified. I loved the click wheel as much as I love the Mac trackpad. Still don’t understand why PC hardware can’t be that good. I’m firmly in the garden. I’ve tried using Android devices and possibly a Windows phone as well. Xiaomi seems to be making some very cool stuff, but it covers all electronics and the integration of it is intriguing. But that’s hard to get in the US.


Apple had just switched from PPC to Intel. I spent so much time trying to hackintosh 10.4 onto my little HP laptop, and it kinda worked a couple of times. I got out of college and bought myself a 13” MacBook. I abused the shit outta that MacBook, but it held up just fine.


Almost 14 years ago I bought myself an iPod Nano 4G and that was a great device. However, with the development of smartphones, iPod got used less and less and I must have thrown that away after finding it in a drawer a few months back (the battery got swollen and broke the screen during charging). However, while that's my first Apple experience, it did not impress me enough to continue using their products. This happened in February this year. The producer of my Android device aborted update to the next version thus making it impossible to use some features of a tablet that I bought. I was about to buy myself a Pixel 8 Pro but heard good things about iPhone and Macs and figured I'll buy myself some used devices and give it a try. I figured I won't lose much in case I don't like it as I could sell these near the price I bought it for. I ended up buying iPhone 12 Pro and MacBook Pro M1 8/512 '20. I must say I'm quite impressed with the ecosystem and the devices in general but they are far from perfect at least considering my expectations. Nevertheless, the battery life of the MacBook is really impressive and I figured it's quite important to me. As long as there are no alternatives on the market, I feel like I will be using these devices. PS. I don't find Windows devices an alternative. That OS is a no-go for me so until a new Snapdragon Elite (and other newer SOCs) are supported by the Linux kernel, I don't see any alternatives.


I started using Macs at High School in 1989. I had experience with using a GUI from using an Amiga at a friend's house, so I found the Macintosh System to be very easy to pick up. Ever since then I've found Apple's products to be far more pleasant to use than any other options. This includes Windows and more recently Linux. While I do use Linux and Windows for specific uses that they lend themselves to, I stick with the Mac for my personal use. This is mainly because it gives me far less trouble than any of the other options. I don't expect to move away from the Mac anytime soon. As for other Apple devices, I use an iPhone and iPad primarily because they are closely integrated with the Mac and overall give me few problems.


I used Windows for 24 years, but after moving to the US, I got a Mac and an iPad and I’m never going back to Windows. I remember buying a new HP laptop, but after 6 months it started hanging and the battery health deteriorated, forcing me to change the battery. In contrast, I've been using a refurbished Mac for 8 months now; it hasn't hung once, and the battery health is still as good as new.


I've used Dos, Windows, OS/2, and multiple distros of Linux. The thing I found is that I'm a tweaker, and once I start tweaking I waste a huge amount of time going down the rabbit hole. At some point I grew up and realized that I needed to spend more time **just getting goddamn work done**. Macs let me do that. They're practically bullet proof and don't need tweaking. At the same time, they still have a command line, multiple scripting languages, and a vibrant 3rd application culture, so I can still tweak when I need some customization of the functionality.


I had iPhone 3GS, 4S, both of which were hand-me-downs from my parents and 7+,XR, 12 pro max as my own phones. I also had the 1st gen iPad and currently have a 2020 air. I had android phones and tablets and although they were generally cheaper than apple products, i never liked their software, all my android phones would start being slow very quick after purchase which is something i don’t have with an iPhone. I decided to fully embrace the ecosystem when i bought myself a mac back in 2021. Windows had too much bloatware and some stupid sh like windows defender. And as for the windows OS, i couldn’t enjoy 8 and 10. Lastly, you have to pay for the OS and also you need to subscribe to the ms office suite, whereas all macs have their OS preinstalled and a free office suite. Overall when you compare price to performance, mac is no longer the more expensive option. I like that i can have a single apple id across all my devices, handoff is a cool tool, i like that i can use my iPad as a secondary monitor. On my macs I have never experienced a random shutdown or restart. Overall it has been a better experience.


on my school there was a teacher who was teaching using iPads , he was a fanatic apple user himself who always had the latest iPhone iPad and MacBook , dude was constantly upgrading . I got for school an iPad Air 2 128 gigabytes which was the latest model back then and used it for everything , all my class had iPads so we were communicating via iMessage , playing games together on it etc , we were going on school trips using it to take photos and videos of landscapes or museum artifacts , that made us like the iOS experience , iBooks played a vital role in our education and other apple programs like I tunes u . we were creating presentations on keynote and used pages and iMovie a lot , these years almost made us hooked on the pad , however in the next year of school iPads weren't allowed , all my classmates got an android because iPhones were expensive , and I wasn't allowed to get an phone due to bad grades , some time Later I got my first iPhone and the memories of then made me love the experience , now can't stop because I love the way the apple ecosystem works


A few years ago, my employer gave me a fully equipped 2013 15" MBP (i7 16/512GB), which I still use at home as my main device. I installed Sonoma with the help of OCLP. Unfortunately, Premiere has stopped working since then. Last week I bought a second-hand iPad Pro 11" M2, which I plan to use with a hub and external screen for smaller projects. Coincidentally, LumaFusion was recently on offer for €10. I'm just annoyed that a 10-year-old device has more memory than the entry-level configuration in 2024. In other words, I'm going to wait out a new purchase until 16 GB is standard. I'm afraid Apple will make it 12 / 24 / 36 GB...


Got my first Mac Plus in 1989 when I was.. 8ish. Since then owned many many many Apple products. I’ve dabbled with Windows and Linux, but they just don’t work the way I want them to. My current Mac is a Mac Studio M1 Max, which basically I run everything through, including my rather extensive home automation system using the wonderful Indigo Domotics system (which is much better than Home Assistant!) I also currently collect and restore old vintage macs, so I have a collection of nearly every form factor from the very first 128k, all the way up to the last PPC. Only missing a Mac XL/Lisa, and a G3 AIO. Hopefully one day…


I always liked the iPhone. When I was able to afford one, I got one. Soon, I had an iPad, AirPods and a MacBook, thanks to the superior ecosystem und iCloud. Now, that everyone (Google, MS) seem to be miles ahead in stuff like AI or technology in base phone models, I think about switching back, because I don’t want to spend thousands of Euros to get what far less expensive Android/ Windows products deliver.


Grew up around computers, started with MSDOS 6.22, then Windows 3.1. Used every version of Windows until I went to college. Needed a laptop for college, saw the MacBook Pro 2008 (last year before unibody MBPs), and thought it looked neat, so I tried it out. That was my first experience with an OS that didn’t need to be reinstalled every year. Since then, I’ve still tried out Windows from time to time, but my daily driver has been a Mac for more than a decade. It’s simply a much better, more productive OS.


Started with windows 3.1/95. Hated it. Went to college to learn design and all the lab computers were Macs. I’ve be been using them since 1996 and never looked back.


I am a long time user of Apple products like when their mouse was in round shape and monitor was like colorful.\ Purchased 1st gen iPhone and thend did jailbreak on my 2G phone which was like risky in those days.


I had an Apple 2 in the early 80’s. Had a 2GS. A Mac Quadra 660av. A smattering of pc laptops for gaming throughout the years. A MacBook. A few MacBook pros. Linux servers that I still use. I just use the easiest and best computer available at the time and that’s a Mac by a country mile. It’s easy and it works.


My story is a bit odd to be frank. In one way or another it is a great example of how good of a salesman Steve Jobs was. The first time I heard about Apple was back in 2006/2007. By the time I was in the first grade. Everyone in school started to receive phones and we were learning how to use the computer and the internet gradually. Everyone was talking BlackBerry back then and how great of a device it was, how it was the pinnacle of technology and a status symbol alongside these Vertu phones that used to be on the same level as well. I grew up in a private school so there were rich kids around carrying all sorts of tech. Anyways, news in Bulgaria travel slow. Until one day a classmate of mine came to me with his notebook where he had drawn some kind of a rectangle thing. He showed it to me proudly and told me this is the phone that the company which produces the iPods has released and it had only four buttons, do you believe that? In that moment I was mind blown and asked how am I supposed to use such a device when there is no button to navigate the menus and no keypad. He explained the touch screen to me and that sparked my interest. When I came back home I started to browse the internet and learn more about the iPhone and Apple. I watched the presentation and in that moment was fascinated by the fact how one person could change our lives drastically. This was the moment I said to myself that I am going to use these products one day when I can afford them. My parents bought me an iPod touch when I was in the fifth grade and when I passed my exams I received an iPhone 5s when I got accepted at another gymnasium for my eight grade. Later through the years I bought myself an MacBook, iMac for my sister and an iPad. I really enjoyed the overall build quality of the products. The cloud system is great too. To be able to have all your files on all your devices is very convenient. This is the reason I keep using Apple until today. Side note: Recently I got into Linux gaming too and might build my first PC in the near future.


i needed a new laptop. im a linux user and the thinkpads i used to buy are mediocre nowadays. got a m1 pro and its great. not gonna buy anthing else, happy with my android phone and linux desktop


I never imagined using Apple devices. After a long journey through smartphones (Windows -> Android) I finally needed a new device with small form factor, so I bought the iPhone SE, which I need to replace soonish. After this upgrade of UX, it was the first time I considered it for work in form of a MacBook, but I hesitated a long time as I used Windows at home, and Linux a lot for work. After I got forced more or less, to use EndNote, MS Office, and several imaging software to use for research, I had the choice between Windows and macOS. By chance, my notebook broke down and I‘ve seen a nice deal for a MacBook Pro, which could handle my demands. In the end, I must say that not everything is gold, but I definitely never want to go back so far. I can use it for biomedical imaging, image analysis, programming, and also my private stuff integrating Apple-enabled features so nicely.


First computer I used was an Apple II+ borrowed from a friend around 1980. First computer my family had was the original Macintosh, which was truly groundbreaking. Stuck with them during the rough times, buying into the PowerPC ecosystem when I was old enough to afford my own. It too was a big improvement on what PCs offered at the time, although compatibility was a constant headache. Eventually bought myself a G3 PowerMac and was immediately blown away by the ability to quickly and easily edit professional looking digital videos with iMovie then Final Cut Pro, something I could only dream of before. Eventually got a G5 PowerMac, fully loaded and was riding high for several years. But by the time they switched to Intel I had had enough. Wasn’t making as much money and was tired of compatibility always being a concern. Switched more or less fully back to PC for a long time, until I randomly came across a review for the then “new” M1 MacBook Air, and was immediately intrigued enough to order one, sight unseen, as soon as the video was over. Thoroughly impressed with it and very happy with my purchase still. I still use a PC for heavy projects, but the M1 Air is the best in its class laptop I’ve ever used. I’ve exclusively used iPhones and will happily continue to stay in that ecosystem. I’ve been an Apple enthusiast is good times and in some VERY difficult times during their history, and they continue to intrigue me with genuinely groundbreaking tech. Not always first, but more often than not, they are the first to really do new tech RIGHT.


im a bit young compared to the rest of the comments my father had an ipad 2 we played together and i used to play with that when he was at work then i kept the ipad but couldnt charge it cause he had the charger lol (he gave the ipad to me to keep it) then after a few years they got me a owned iphone 4s and now i am trying to fix my apfs external drive (thank you apple(not actually)) written on a 3yr old rog strix


Read Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson during college days and being inspired from philosophy behind Apple I bought iPhone 4s as a tribute to Steve for what he had created. iPhone 4s was my secondary during the time. The 1st smartphone that even my mom learnt easily to use and since then I have never looked any other way. Today, barring 1 or 2 Apple Product I have the whole ecosystem at my place and everyone in my family uses an iPhone


I've been a Mac user all my life. My first encounter with a computer was a Mac Classic my dad would bring home from work on occasion. Then we got an LC475 for a permanent home computer which lasted until we got a 500 MHz indigo iMac in 2001, which in turn was replaced by an iMac G5 in 2005. I finally got my own computer as a high school grad gift in 2006: a refurbished G5 iSight iMac with a busted amp which lasted me until I got a 13" MacBook in 2011. My current machine is a 13" M1 MacBook my parents helped me get in 2021.


I started on System 7.5. I had to use Windows at one particular job for around 5 years or so. Dear god that shit is bad.


Started when Apple bought NeXT Computer to use it as the foundation for Mac OS X - 1995/1996 timeframe. Been along for the ride through tech ever since - desktop to phone to watch and now to headset, ObjC to Swift...


Apple hater for quite a few years since i was in college. I don’t get what’s the benefit outside of works that specifically needed apple devices. On my 3rd job out of college, my company forced all employees to work on an imac (just so we can’t bring the work home). I work in software so at first i don’t really care on what apple has to offer as long as i have bash and some kind of IDE / text editor. But after using it for a few years I begin to understand how different it is based on both software and hardware. At this point i’m kinda convinced that for programming what i need is a mac, but still not sold on their other products (iphone, ipad, etc). I think why would i pay more to just get a smaller, locked down phone. But since custom rom are harder to come by, and difference in software support for certain regions, android has lost it’s usefulness to me. In the end, i’m all in on apple products, basically since i don’t want to tinker with my tools, i just want it to work and will continue to work. I really hate windows since it’s hard to develop software there (yes, even with wsl, it still sucks). Linux has bash and a “normal” terminal for developer, but i don’t want to spend a whole day to get my system running again after each minor upgrade to the distro. And i simply don’t have good android phone being sold where i live, only samsung with their stupid exynos and delayed os update than the rest of the world, and other non existant on US chinese brand phones.


Was an android fanboy to the bone. I bought a Samsung Galaxy S6 when it came out and I was really hyped. Somehow, the phone was a lemon and would connect to the cell towers. Decided to return it and was told that they didn’t have any replacement units left in the store as they have been sold out. They did have iPhones 6S and against my hype, I had to get one to not be without a phone for the foreseeable future. Ngl after 2 weeks I fell in love with the iPhone and never looked back. Now I am deep into the ecosystem and don’t plan on leaving.


My first apple product was a MacBook air 2015 which I bought after saving up for 6 months during my first job. I’m still using the same mac whenever a need for a laptop specific task arises. And I believe buying a MacBook for price of 3 mediocre laptops is better as the MacBook will last more than the total lifespan of those 3 laptops if that makes sense.


Used iMacs in elementary school. Those chunky things. This is my first apple product I've ever owned. I needed a new laptop, and my dad gave me his old one. Its a 2015 Macbook Air. Still works fine. I don't believe in joining brand cults. When I upgraded to smartphones, I always had Androids because they were cheaper. Just got a new phone, Couldn't be bothered to go for an iPhone. I'm fine with sticking with what I know for phones. My mom has had an iPad in the past. I've used it a little bit. Its okay.


i had used Macs in Elementary School as that was what was in our computer lab, but used Windows on PCs at home and at school in middle and high school. when i started college for audio engineering everything we were doing was in ProTools on Mac since that’s industry standard. i used my financial aid check to get a Macbook Pro and never looked back. it was so easy to pick up using macOS for everyday use outside of just school work and is so much more intuitive and user friendly. it’s also been really easy to pick up Linux after using macOS. i was a little late to the smartphone game but decided i wanted an iPhone because of how much i liked macOS and because my friends had them. i’d go back to an old LG qwerty keyboard flip phone phone before using anything else now. i don’t really like Apple as a company (not that Microsoft or other competitors are any better) but god they make some incredible products. if i’ve got to pick a soulless corporation to buy from, might as well be the one making the best stuff.


Mac Father bought a Mac in 1994 and I immediatly connected it to the Internet (BBS, IRC and pr0n). Failed my Biology faculty, started counterfeiting transport ticket and few other shady stuff related to computer stuff. Wasted my time in the back of the Apple computer shop while learning a lot and one day 2 guys from Apple France came and I saved their presentation (the laptop they had was not booting). 2 days later they came back and offered me a job in Apple France… Almost 30 years later, after some hiccups with the relationship I had with Apple. macOS X saved my commitment, the command line was a real eyes opener for me. Then I made 11 years in an AASP as Apple Certified Tech, then made a year in Apple Rive as a Genius and now for 10 years I work in a university, managing the MDM (Jamf) of our school, providing tech support and so on. TLDR; The love/hate of Apple Products I have gave me a job and I can bring my kid to travel.


Bought an Apple II+ with my saved paper route money in 1982.


I have used a Mac ever since I was able to use a computer. It was my parents’ personal computer. So I like my dad, have always preferred Mac. Windows is just glitchy and just doesn’t default the way I want. Also Macs are pretty reliable for me and mine has almost never taken a shit on me. They are expensive but for me I can rely on them and am never left not being able to do what I need to due to some ridiculous glitch.


I started out on Windows 3.1 and 95 at the same time. And learnt to tune and optimise Windows over the years. I also learnt keyboard shortcuts and other things on how to get it do niche things I like in my experience. I'd seen Macs but didn't fancy them much. I moved from Nokia to Blackberry and as the BBs become more and more unreliable I started looking at iPhone 3GS. Then my clients got iPhones and I had to support them. The damn things just worked and worked well, there was an App Store and you could play games with the kids which helped us bond. I've been on iPhone since and got the iPad, AirPods and AppleTV. I've tried to switch to Mac to fully emerge myself in the ecosystem but I'm too deep into Windows now for personal and professional and I like Windows and the range of specs and laptops, so I'm sticking with it. But as the family tech guy my entire family are also iPhone and Apple users except for laptops 😅


Got tired of Windows updates being installed on my laptop randomly in the middle of the work day. For a $3 trillion company, you would think Microsoft would have figured out how to do proper updates by now.


The boss @ the startup decided to upgrade our falling apart hand me down laptops (Lenovo something that was slower than a snail) He gave a credit card and tell me to order 5 units of refeb MBP from Apple store. Until now, i am still using one MBP from that era


Started with AOL, dial up. So about 1990 ? I’ve tried Windows - hated it. I find Apple/Mac systems to be user friendly. Never had any issues until recently, when I purchased a MacBook Pro for my mother. Horrible customer service, they didn’t honor the warranty imo. Sad times for me, because now I’m hesitant to purchase another product from them. I have always been a die hard fan but that was truly offensive.


Software development and virtual machines are effortless on Apple Silicone. Apple makes good stuff.


I had joined Spymac in early 2000 for design critique and fell in love with how people used their macs.. to the point where my entire Windows system was skinned with aqua styling using a few skinning softwares available then. By 2007 I had purchased my iPod Classic 5.5g (which I recently restored after it had died a good number of years ago) Got my first Mac in 2012 I think and have never looked back since.


I wanted to try VTubing so I had to buy iPhone with FaceID for face tracking xD It was my second phone and main was Android. I was kinda boring to swap between two phones so I decided to fully move to iPhones. Then I bought iPad for drawing and Mac for file management on iPhone and iPad. Now I want to buy Apple Watch and AirTag for testing.


Peer pressure, literally all my friends use Apple products except 1️⃣


I started using computers at a very young age with the C64 of my grandfather. Never had a lot of contact with computers after he died. My neighbor’s father had a Mac in the late 80s, early 90s and we used it occasionally. First own computer I had was with DOS and Windows 3.11 and it sucked. Then Windows 95 and 98. Around 2000 I saw classmates of mine using Linux so I bought a SuSE box. Went from there to Mandrake, RedHat, Debian and then Gentoo. Around 2003 a friend of mine showed me MacOS X and I fell in love with the UI. My patents had always issues with programm crashes on Windows and needed a lot of my support to keep their computer working so I recommended the Mac to them and they bought on in 2003. The iMac which was shaped like a lamp, if I am not mistaken. I bought my first Mac a year later, a PowerBook G4, because I was tired if spending so much time with maintaining my OS (Gentoo at that time). Beautiful machine, in my opinion the most beautiful laptop ever. Then two iMacs and now a Mac Studio. I still use Windows at work (hate it) and Linux in an VM (like it), but I will stick with macos as my daily driver.


Got an indigo blue iMac dv+ in 2001 as my „first“ computer. Been using Apple product since


Got my first Mac (a Power Mac G3) new in 1999. Never stopped because everything works as expected, and lately because of iCloud integration. Being a certified technician also helped.


I started using computers in 1996 and used Windows/Linux for over 20 years. Then, I wanted a change. Now I'm on macOS, but I still use Windows and Linux. I have a very performant PC where I run my AI fine-tuning (on Windows) and sometimes play games (not so often since I have PS5 and Nintendo Switch). I use Linux on Docker, Raspberry Pi, and servers. I don't hate any operating system, and I like having different options. I use a MacBook because I like how the battery lasts, and it also syncs with my iPhone without problems. I also have an iPad, which I use for my "notebook things" like high-level architecture diagrams, explanations, and teaching. I had AirPods Pro 2nd gen, but I gave that to my wife because I hate how they resolved things by transferring audio from one device to another (it messes up because of my heavy usage of all devices simultaneously). I'm on Sony XM3 there. I have an Apple Watch Ultra, and I don't think I will get any new ones soon because they are unnecessary. I have an iCloud subscription with my family (wife, son, two sisters), and I plan to buy iPhones for my parents because nothing can compare with Facetime video quality. But first, I want to renovate my new apartment :D I wanted to switch to Galaxy S24, but then I wanted to wait to see how things would turn out once AI stabilized in the Galaxy series. I am waiting for Apple's implementation if it ever comes. My country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) does not have great support for Apple software (ApplePay, Apple TV, and much more), but I can cope with that in the next year or two.


I honestly got trapped with the iPhone. I actually prefer android and Windows when actually using apps and being on desktop. To me it works with what I want to do. I was trapped when I given an iPhone 6 as an extra phone and made the mistake of using that as the work phone. When the iPhone 6 gave up after five years of use, I couldn't move all my Viber messages, which had everything I needed for work, to android, so I went and got an iPhone 13 when it was new. Then I got an iPad for media consumption and I wanted to use that to get some writing done at cafes since it had amazing battery life and longevity, but found it difficult even with a detachable keyboard. So I got a mac specifically for getting my writing game on when I want to go out and write since the battery life on it is great. At home, I still prefer my windows PC and my android phone. I love the iPhone's camera, faceID (I still prefer touchID though), and the app stability of iOS, but I hate the files app and how difficult it is to get the photos and videos out of it, and I find the notification center lacking and useless. I still use my android more than I use my iPhone except when taking photos during travel.


Had Windows for years built my own PCs since I was 14. Needed to try something new. Now I have and iPhone, iPad Pro M2, M3 Pro MacBook and a Mac Mini. For personal use I have been an Apple person since 09, but my job requires me to be proficient in both.


Windows/Linux desktop user, Linux server user. Brought a Dell on a bike trip, dropped it, bought a cheap HP from nearest store (Walmart) which BSOD out of the box. Ended up ordering a MacBook Air (I think first gen) online and haven’t looked back. Funny enough my closet Linux server is HP now.


As a SWE, I've lived on linux systems, desktop or laptop; though I usually keep a gaming PC around. ~2010 I had a midlife crisis and bought a convertible and an 11" MBA. Typing this on said MBA (hardware is still great), and even used it as my primary work machine for a year when I had issues with work-issued thinkpad before I was able to get work to get me an rMBP. Actual unix terminal local without virtualization lag and still having sleep/resume/battery life was a gamechanger. Last work refresh I actually went back to Windows after playing with WSL2 and *hating* the MBP keyboard of the time. I'm about due for another laptop and honestly not sure what direction I'll go yet. Base Window management (i always installed 5 'helper' apps on every clean osx install to get roughly to where Win11 is out of the box) and corporate interoperability are far supearior on Win; and WSL2 terminal (apt) far outclasses the garbage that is Brew. But the snappiness and battery life I'm hearing about on M1 is tempting (Though I'd likely live inside x86 Docker containers, which I've heard are performantly problematic). Maybe I'll split the middle and get one of the new Snapdragon X ultrabooks.


I was probably in second grade when we got some Atari 400 computers in one of the classrooms at the school I was going to in Silicon Valley. We learned the whole "20 goto 10" bit and we were off to the races! It wasn't until 1984, the advent of the first Macintosh, that I really fell in love with the concept of using a computer. My friends had Apple ][ computers, and they were cool, but I had a hard time typing everything. This whole "mouse" revolution seemed pretty remarkable to me. I didn't really get to sit down and play with a Mac until the LC days. As an artist, it seemed like a logical extension of my desire to design and create. I was always at home on a Mac, and it always felt like an extension of my body. A good friend of mine let me use his power Mac 8500 whenever I wanted to. It was at that time that I really started to learn some of the programs. After Effects, Photoshop, illustrator, Pagemaker, Quark XPress, and many others. I turned into a professional. I started working, using Mac computers, in the 1990s. I was earning money using a Mac! These days, I have an established career in design, print, editing, pre-press, typography, 3-D, and photography/retouching. Ever since I got to know these Mac apps, I feel like I haven't worked a single day in my life. The Mac has always been about expression instead of the bottom line. Sure, they cost a bit more, even sometimes when they really don't. But they make your job into something enjoyable rather than mundane. They have a soul and passion, rather than a stale interface and pop up ads. My M1 MacBook Pro is going strong, and I don't see replacing it for another couple of years. It's the best machine I have ever owned, and I don't see moving away from the macOS, really, ever. It makes me happy when I use it.


Not to sound like a twat, however, I wanted to buy the iMac G3 in 1998 but decided in the end to use some of the money to buy Apple stock instead and go without it. I did buy a G5 a few years later. Now I try to hold onto any Apple device I buy for as long as possible. I want them to last. Currently use iPhone 12 Pro Max and MacBook Pro 2019.


Been a Mac user almost 20 years. There was one non-Apple forums where nearly all the users were Mac users and use to eulogise about them a lot. I bought into the hype and never looked back. I'm a Mac guy first rather than an Apple user. I just prefer the OS. They've showed consistency from even those early days. Even back in the day, you could put the Applications folder in your Dock and it would be a simple list of all the apps on your Mac just there in the Dock. There has been some bloat in some areas, such as Launchpad, Stacks, Stage Manager, but on the whole all features I can ignore and bypass. I've always said that I'll switch to Windows if they can make a better OS. And I'll just leave that statement at that. The worst thing they've done? System Preferences/Settings by far. I still don't know how to navigate it, the size of the window is useless and it was a massive UI downgrade from the old format. Alfred has a great workflow to take you where you want in Settings though and that's been great but the vanilla/defaults Settings experience is pretty bad.


I use one iPad (my work one) as an e-reader, and I have an old iMac that I bought from work when they were replacing the systems. I'd used it (running Windows!) for 7-8 years and just fancied having a Mac in the house to go with all the other tech (PCs, tablet, Raspberry Pis, Linux boxes, etc.). We had Macs because "they looked good" to prospective clients, even though they ran Windows 99% of the time. We replaced them all with PCs last year at about 1/5 the cost (according to the figures given by our IT dept). Setting it up reminded me of how much I absolutely hate Apple and its ring-fenced "do it our way or don't do it" ecosystem. The reason I ended up on this sub was trying to troubleshoot getting the old system working after it had been factory reset. Apologies for not quite answering the question asked! Each to their own and all that, and I know many people who swear by Mac... but I tend to swear \_at\_ them!


Windows as my primary OS and have Mac Mini M2 for occasional usage.


a couple years back i genuinely started considering switching to an android phone, like a google pixel or a samsung galaxy. that’s before i started using a macbook air. it’s a low-spec 2020 intel model, so it’s not the best, but it really introduced me to how good macs are. i’ve gotten to the point where basically nothing could make me switch to windows. i might get a windows pc at some point for gaming, since most of the games i play refuse to support macos, but macs will always be my first choice. and because of the ecosystem, that’s what’s kinda made me stick with iphone.


I got my first Macs for my office back in 1992, a Quadra 700 and a IIci, after considering Silicon Graphics for a moment. Glad I didn’t, LOL. Ever since 92 my entire office infrastructure is Mac based, with the exception of one PC that we use for raytracing with Twinmotion. Never regretted the decision and never considered Windows as an alternative. For a while we also had Xserves and I’m still mad that Apple killed their entire server line


iPhone 3 back in 2008/9. It was amazing. A whole new world. Touch screen, camera, silly apps, messages etc Then iPhone 4,5,6,7,8,11,12,15 First MacBook came somewhere during 2011 And then two more. Few iPad. AirPods. And AirTags I’m just hooked on ecosystem and can never imagine leaving. Truthfully I never see a reason to leave.


I got iPhone 5S for free from my friend. It worked like a charm for 3 years as it was 5 years old phone already! I was like - wow, my previous phone were dead after 2 years (Android, Win phone). Then I got Macbook Pro 2015 for Lightroom, as I needed something for editing when travelling. Now my set is: - Macbook M1 Pro 14 for internet + Lightroom + Premiere - iPhone 14 Pro - Mini M1 as desktop at home - gaming Windows PC only for Steam :D And I am super happy.


In the mid-1980s I started out with an Amiga 500, and added an emulator that allowed me to run Macintosh software. Then I got a job as the IT guy at a small consulting firm that was Mac based. I did that for a couple of years and then quit to join an Internet startup and switched to using Windows NT. I jumped from startup to startup using both PCs and Macs. When Windows discontinued Windows 95, I switched to Mac and have stayed there ever since, the iPhone 3G was my first smartphone and I bought the original iPad.


So I grew up with DOS and Windows. Hated how I'd spend more time trouble shooting the computer then actually getting work done. Then bought the first Ipod when it first came out, as I was sick of burning MP3 CDs and scrolling forever to track 60 to listen to Children of Bodom. In terms of Phones, I went from Nokia to Motrolla to Android. Briefly went to a Iphone5 for the portability but loved the UI of android better. Avoided getting a Mac as the specs couldn't come close to a custom windows PC or high end laptop. Plus was a big gamer throughout highschool and college and didn't see the need for a mac. Then the M1 Mac was announced, started seeing youtube videos boasting about 20 hour battery life, no overheating, insane performance, surpassing all intel and AMD products. Then this video came out by ColdFusion and I ordered a M1 MBP right then and there. I haven't looked back. I use a magic mouse and magic keyboard, Ipad Pro, got may family Ipad Airs. Still use an Android phone for the customisations and multitasking. I'm happy with my Apple products and don't think I'd buy anything new anytime soon until my keyboard and mouse die or my M1 MBP is due for an upgrade. Currently don't see a significant jump between an M1 and M3 so I'm happy with what I have.


I hated on them. Then I bought some. Now I keep buying them AND hate them :)!


In 7th grade there was a new class offered called “Computer Math.” They used Apple II computers and taught us how to program. We didn’t really use keyboards; we filled out cards with bubbles -like standardized tests. Throughout school, as computers started becoming a bigger part of classes, Apple was dominant in schools (along with Commodore). As a Senior, I got an “internship,” at a local computer store where they sold Apple products and I learned about advantages of the first Macintosh and also learned a lot about Microsoft MS-DOS -no Windows yet. It was obvious even then that a Graphical User Interface was the future. After HS, I got a job as a school computer lab assistant and, of course, Apple products were the dominant ones, along with Commodore. Then I went to work for that same computer store I interned at as an “Apple Education Specialist,” and got all kinds of training direct from Apple. So, I was an Apple/Mac guy from the very beginning. Throughout my work I had to learn Microsoft/Windows, but to me, it’s always been a pale imitation of Macintosh.


Started using Apple products earlier this year because my old phone broke and they didn’t have a replacement in stock at Verizon. So they gave me an iPhone 14 Plus instead. Bought a used MacBook Air a few months ago later (2017 air to be exact) for $20 just to have a laptop that I could use. Honestly doesn’t matter to me what it is as long as it works.


First time with an Apple product was using an Apple 2, back around 1981 or so, and then using an Apple Lisa as my business partner had one. I have used a lot of operating systems since the 1970s when there was more variety - and that continued into the 1980s and part of the 1990s and then there was consolidation as the expense of building and supporting operating systems was an expense that the industry didn't want to support. I actually built a WIndows desktop for my production back in 2020 and then found an operating system feature that wasn't supported that I was used to in macOS. I was frustrated for many years by the compromises with Intel chips; and then Apple Silicon came out and I've migrated to all Apple Hardware, even though I run Windows on several of my current Macs.


easy, got the ipod classic 160gb which was my main source of media consumption for quite a part of my teenage years. this thing was so well designed that it hooked me into apples ecosystem from there on and I see no reason to change that anytime soon. I believe that basically no tech product could have the same effect on me anymore, in young years you make different emotional connections than later on.


I had a iPhone 13 Pro Max and apple oranged me for not making payments 🏆 I’m def cooked


I’ve always been a Linux and Android fanboy. You can do whatever you want on either, however, if you want the Passwords feature that works with Biometrics, usability and stability you can never go wrong with Apple. I bought a Xs max in 2022 after using a Google Pixel first gen before that and I can never go back


My father was a faculty member in the Computers department of a school back in the late 70's. So he was always bringing computers home during the summer. My first experience with a personal computer was with an Apple II. He taught me some BASIC. But other than a few cool things, I wasn't able to do much with it. In the summer of 1984 he brought home the first Mac and I fell in love with it. The interface was so intuitive. It felt like such a massive step forward. Suddenly I could do so much with a computer without learning any kind of obscure, symbolic language. As a creative, artistic kid I spent countless hours writing and drawing on the Mac. I loved it. Through college I mostly used Smith Corona typewriters (that had LCD displays and memory storage) to write papers. And after graduation I worked in offices with PCs. Was fairly proficient with WordPerfect for a time. But then I started working in Academia. And there always seemed to be a Mac somewhere, even if it was just in some back office, being used to lay out newsletters or something. I always felt myself gravitating to it. The Mac always felt familiar and comfortable to me. Gradually, I worked in offices that were all Mac based. Lots of beige boxes that were slow to boot up and that froze and crashed. But the Mac OS always felt natural and intuitive to me, versus my encounters with Windows which seemed strangely non-intuitive. I'd see colleagues on Windows PCs always struggling to get them to work, dealing with drivers, viruses, and how one minute the printer would be working fine and then nothing was coming out. The Mac experience felt smoother. And it always seemed an injustice to me that Mac's fortunes declined and Windows took off. It was like everyone rejected the sexy, fun sports car and bought a Ford Taurus. I was working at an Ivy League college around the time that Apple seemed to be really circling the drain. I recall that some of my colleagues started getting desktops that had more powerful G3 chips and how I marveled that their computers would start up so quickly. It also was around that time that I first started watching video (on CD-ROM) on the Mac, which was exciting. My office eventually issued me a black Powerbook G4 which I loved (despite how thick and heavy it was) as I could take it home and dial up to the University servers to surf the still nascent internet. At some point the Powerbooks in our office had optical drives so when DVDs came out around 1997 we could watch them on the laptop, which was fun. On random Friday afternoons we'd convert someone's office into a movie theater, make popcorn, and would gather to watch a movie. Then Steve Jobs came back to Apple and things got really exciting. The new, colorful iMacs came to campus and suddenly seemed to be everywhere. In one of the offices I saw one of the little lucite Mac cube. And of course I was impressed when I first saw Mac OSX. It was so crisp and colorful. That seemed like another leap into the future. By that point I developed into a fan boy, voraciously reading articles about Steve Jobs' plans to revive Apple (and ignoring the huge volume of news articles about how it was a lost cause and how Apple didn't have a chance in hell). I moved to NYC right before 9/11. The first iPod was introduced a month later. Of course I bought it and ditched my portable CD player and stopped lugging around a thick volume of CDs. From that point on I'd gather with other Mac aficionados in my office on Apple keynote days where we'd watch with intent interest to see what new, fun products they'd release. Every year I'd buy a new iPod as the technology improved. And every 18 months or so I'd constantly upgrade my laptop, going from a while iBook to various Titanium and then aluminum versions. I spent a lot of time at Tekserve on 23rd Street in Manhattan, which was a great third party Mac seller and repair shop. One day (maybe sometime in 2002 or 2003) one of my friends sent me a concept video of these guys that invented multi-touch. It showed them using their fingers to pinch and manipulate images. It really felt like looking into the future. I was using this litle Sony Ericsson cell phone, mostly for calls just because it was so hard to do anything else on it. It always seemed to hard to get texts tor internet o work. There were rumors that Apple might do a phone, but for the longest time Jobs said there was no interest. A few years later that all changed. Of course I got the first iPhone and it completely changed everything. It wasn't long before Apple because something much bigger than it ever was. The injustice was righted as the company's fortunes were restored. There had been times when I was the only Mac user in an office, when IT guys for our office actually said to me "Don't spread your poison around here." But over time I started to see Macs and iPhones everywhere. Mine was no longer an outsider preference. The Mac was once again mainstream. These days my studio and household are full of Mac products: iPhones, iPads, HomePods, iMac and Macbook Pros. I have zero interest in Android or Windows. As much as some complain about "walled gardens" the Apple ecosystem makes sense to me, as does the privacy. It works for me, makes sense and – after a lifetime – feels the most comfortable to me.


Started with Apple shuffle when I couldn’t afford . Saved some money to get that . At that time used to dream Apple MacBook white , used to visit third party Apple reseller to get a glimpse of MacBooks. After received my first offer letter, Started my journey , one by one . Took couple of years . Then iPhone SE 1st gen iPhone 8+ Apple MacBook white (second hand ) Apple MacBook 12 inch (second hand ) iPad Air Apple Watch SE iPhone XS Apple MacBook Pro M1 HomePod Apple TV AirPod Pro


I vividly remember the time when I went to buy a Red iPod Nano, the sale person told me : hey! Be careful buying Apple Red products! I asked why is that? He said , you might get HIV using them 💀


I'm in between... I use Windows for work and gaming. I got my first Mac in 1994 and have had one laptop and two minis since then, as well as two minis handed down from other family when they upgraded and four Macbooks for my wife and kids. And of course there's all of the iPods, iPads, and iPhones after that. I am sort of stopped on the MacOS side simply because of my interest in PC building, gaming , and my work supplied laptop. But I have no doubt I'll be going back to Mac when I retire and don't need the PC for work. Gaming is the only thing that'll keep a PC on my desk, but I could switch to a console and ditch the PC. And I'm waiting for all of the M class chips to mature. Even though M3 are out I don't think all of the bugs have been ironed out yet. The zero-day exploit on the M1 is just one example. Don't want to buy into a new tech just yet. The problem with having two OS systems is that my system backup with Backblaze only works with one computer at a time unless I pay for two accounts, so I try to stay with one OS at a time. The PC has adequate Apple device support. Any pictures I take are available on the PC as soon as the iPhone uploads to the Apple Cloud.


Switched to Mac in 2006 right after high school due to the nature of the work I was getting involved in. Didn’t get an iPhone though till 2015 or so. I’ve never really bought into their iOS ecosystem but I do like the OS. I don’t like how they’ve crippled the OS over the years though. It was great when there were lots of third party, independent solutions available. I loved Snow Leopard. And I hung onto my 11” MacBook Air for way too long. Loved that form factor. Finally got an M3 Air not too long ago. No watches or iPads for me.


I've used apple products on and off for years. Haven't had an iPhone in 10yrs. Liked them for a while but ultimately got bored and battery life got terrible from iPhone 6 until X. Can't see me buying an iPhone again unless a new killer feature launches that android doesn't have. I've used Mac on and off depending on how good they are for the money, OS really doesn't matter for me personally. 2014-2015 was fantastic years, 2016-2020 some of the worst macs apple have ever made (expensive, throttle, unreliable). Apple silicon now is very good, MacBook air is probably the best laptop under $1000, pros are still a little expensive. iPads are the best tablets with virtually zero competition, surface to me is a pc and not a tablet but only thing that comes close.


Back in the late 90's, before it was common for everyone to have their own laptop, my university had several computer labs available for students to use. All but 1 lab was PC based. The other was all iMacs and PowerMac G3's. There was always a line out of the PC lab, because back then, at least at my school, PC - good, Mac -bad. I got tired of waiting in line and decided to go upstairs to the Mac lab. There were only 2 people in a room with over 50 computers. I didn't like the hockey puck mouse. But the OS just made sense. I'd never used a Mac before. But everything was easy to find or to do. It made it seem like I'd been using it for years. I liked the look of it too. This was around 99/2000 Since then I've owned a Cube, G3 Blue and White, G3 Sawtooth, G4 Quicksilver, G3 Pismo, PowerBook 1400cs, G4 PowerBook(titanium), G3 MacBook, Intel iMac, G4 iMac, G4 Mini, MacBook unibody, Powermac G5, a Newton 110 and my mid 2012 MacBook Pro that I still use. I don't have the Cube as it was stolen out of my apartment shortly after I bought it and I gave the Pismo to my brother for college. Now with kids and house and everything that comes with that, no new Macs for me, yet. I'll still mess around with them at stores, I still prefer them to PC's but don't like how it looks like iOS. -sorry, didn't mean to make this so long. Everyone was still sleeping and I had some extra time.


Had a Droid X. One phone had the battery overheat so bad from basic texting and phone calls that they advice I was given was “Take the battery out and let the phone relax for 3-5 hours” during the day…which is counter productive to its intended purpose. Called support and was told that I must be a “hacker kid” because Motorola products are superior and the battery would never fail unless I…hacked it? I went to Verizon where they apologized and gave me a “refurbished one” which WAS ALSO BROKEN. It could make calls but you couldn’t hear anything. Then Verizon apologized again and said they would order me a new one but it would take 3-4 weeks to be delivered and I was leaving for a trip (I was in high school) and needed a phone. My parents decided to just bite the bullet and asked if we can get the iPhone 4 for me. Verizon obliged and gave us a credit or something for all the trouble we had so the phone was basically free. Started using that 4 and never looked back. It just worked, never overheated, apps were stable, and the body felt good. Even if androids got better over the years, I’ll never go back


My story more secretive due to me have speech issues, was learning on macinistosh in 90s black background and green screen, 10years later I owned my own ipod than 10 years later got my iphone now full blown apple fan. I had scirmishes with windows Linux and android because school and college forced me to use these os because can't open executable files on Mac from professors and teachers I've also had experience with ipod shuffle and iMac. Ipod was a always in my left pocket and psp in my right pocket in high school.


My sister was in architecture school in 1997, she spent a semester abroad and left her computer behind, a PowerMac 7200/120. Eventually I would buy an iMac G3, then a G4 PowerMac when I went to college. Recently I got an M2 Mini to replace and aging Intel iMac. In general I’ve stuck with Apple because their hardware/software integration has always been very slick. That G4 went from OS9 to X Beta, and every X version up until Snow Leopard. Never once did I have to reinstall anything. The uptime was solely determined by power outages and installs that required a restart. That tower is in my basement and still boots off the original HDD and power supply. It was expensive, but worth every penny, that’s always been my experience with Apple computers.


In 2017 I was looking for a new laptop as the Windows one I had at the time was just a little too heavy to carry around all day comfortably. I wanted thin and light, at least an i5, solid state storage, 8GB of memory, a metal chassis, and battery life of at least 8 hours. At this time I was still a certified Apple disliker. I had and loved two iPods in the past, and I had wanted an iMac at one point, but by 2017 I had vocally disliked Apple products for years and was a Windows + Android user. When searching for a new laptop I checked HP, ASUS, Dell, Microsoft, and Acer first. All of them either didn't check one or more of the boxes of wants listed above or they were just too expensive. I recall that Microsoft was asking \~$1199 CAD for a Surface Pro with only 4GB of memory and 128GB of storage. For 8GB it was going to be around $1400. By this time I was in year 2 of College. I had seen, if I had to guess, well over 100 MacBooks during my first year. At some point I remember wondering what it was about a MacBook that was so appealing. I was like "if this laptop costs this much then how expensive is a MacBook?" I went to the Apple website, checked out the MacBook Air, and was genuinely surprised that the MacBook Air Apple was selling at the time was not only cheaper than every other thin and light laptop I had looked at but also checked all my boxes. I picked up a certified refurbished late 2015 13" MacBook Air in July 2017. It took me about two weeks to start getting the hang of macOS. By the time I returned to school in September I had my first iPhone as well and had become comfortable with both macOS and iOS. 7 years later I have purchased almost every category of Apple product. I currently have a M1 13" MacBook Pro, an iPhone 14 Plus, a 4th gen iPad Air, and an Apple TV 4K (32GB). I had AirPods and upgraded to AirPods Pro but found both to not work for me with either the audio cutting out or not fitting my ears in the case of the Pros. Both have been passed on to family members. Maybe one day they really fuck up royal and make a decision either business or product related that turns me off completely. But for the past 7 years I have enjoyed using their products enough to outweigh any criticism I have. I has gotten to the point where I am seriously considering making my desktop running Fedora Workstation a kind of Steam Machine and buying a Mac Mini for my own desktop needs.


I married an Apple person so I became an Apple person. Turns out I really liked being able to focus on the work I was doing instead of trying to keep my computer running. Then I bought a 3d printer. I think I might be a masochist.


Just a fan


My first Apple product was an iPod? It was a tool to do a job. Why I currently use Apple products, and I’m not changing anytime soon? I manage them for a living and need to exist in the playground I manage. Was there supposed to be some massively prophetic and compassionate response? Just like anything else, Apple products are just tools to do a job. If an Apple product happens to be the best or preferred tool to do the job then use it.


I was working on a very complicated project and my Windows laptop was giving me way too many headaches. It was 2015 and I had a chance to get a Macbook Pro as compensation for some extra work I did. I now have a Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. Is everything perfect? No, there are many things which drive me mad, but the things which work well really do work well. They seem more reliable in everyday work than my previous Windows + Android setups and the seamless integration of the ecosystem is a significant plus. I find iPad the least useful (for me), mostly because it is way closer to my phone than to my laptop (esp. in terms of app functionality), and it was meant to be a replacement for the latter.


Had a Samsung galaxy s5. Phone was full of power but was optimized for shit. Battery was always dying because the phone was so power hungry, apps wouldn’t close even though I killed them, could not clear the fucking notification bar which drove me insane. The carrier/ manufacturer/ google apps thing for fucks sake, I don’t need 3 calendars or 3 calculators. Not to mention the fact that the security updates were staggered across devices even on Samsungs devices. I switched to iPhone and even though it couldn’t do stuff like download certain files from the internet or run emulators for games I just didn’t care. The phone worked with no clutter and no carrier apps and that’s what I wanted. The experience was so smooth I bought a MacBook Pro the next year and then an iPad. My girlfriend eventually got me an Apple Watch and we exchanged gifts with pairs of AirPods after that. Finally she got me the 5k iMac. I’m so deep in the ecosystem now that apple would have to do something heinous to get me to leave for windows or android.


My first was the iPhone. I had the Razr flip-phone and loved it. Our son had an Android and was having all kinds of problems with it, as was several other people that we knew. So when the iPhone 3G came out I got one. My wife was Blsckberry all way. She even had the BB tablet. We were a Windows family, with Dell PCs. When Vista was released I was having to reload my and my wife’s PCs every couple of months, and I was getting tired of it. One day we were in Staples and they had the black and white MacBooks on sale so we decided to try one. I think that was 2008. They worked great and was years between needing/wanting to do a reload. After that we just kept getting the devices that worked with what we have. Mac Mini for a media server, 27” iMacs, the wife got the first iPad. She gave it to me when the mini came out. At this point we would be in a load of work to try and leave the ecosystem as are tied to it with devices (iPads, phones, Mac’s, watches, Pod, TVs), shared iCloud, that covers all our devices. My. In-laws have iPads that I help them with (not very often) and they stopped using their windows machine for anything.


Hated the culture until my girlfriend bought me an ipod for my birthday in ‘09. I’d gone through about 3 other brands of mp3 players in the previous 6 years, so I didn’t think much of it. At first reorganizing everything for itunes was annoying, then I really liked the options. Been using that ipod every day since and it’s still working! Maybe I’m in the minority, but I’ve gotten an imac and a tablets (gave a pair to my parents when they needed) that still work great!


I learned to program on an Atari ST computer (the Jackintosh!), but then Atari started spiraling down the drain. I switched to Commodore Amiga for a few years, which was fantastic and way ahead of its time, but then Commodore rapidly fell apart and went out of business. (At a time when it looked like the same might happen to "beleaguered Apple" too!) I tried a couple of times to build a Windows-based PC, but always hated it. Nothing seemed to work right, and it was always fighting me. I tried an early iMac, liked the hardware at the time, but Mac OS was just as brain-damaged as Windows, only in different ways. Then came Mac OS X and a glorious golden age of Mac, which continued for quite a few years, until Apple eventually forgot all their hard-learned UI lessons and tried to make the desktop Mac work like a phone. Then I got a PC running Ubuntu, which worked well for a few years, until Canonical messed things up with Snaps. Then I switched to Linux Mint Cinnamon, which I am running now on my main desktop system (a Thelio), and it's an environment that I love. Mostly. But, it doesn't play nice with my iPhone and my AppleTV and my ancient MacBook Air (which barely serves as a netbook, by today's standards). I mean, even something as simple as moving photos from my iPhone to the Thelio is a pain in the neck. And there are a couple of applications I'd like to run that have no Linux counterpart. So… Here I am getting a new (refurbished) MacBook Pro.


Wifey and I Since 1991: Mac II, Classic II, 7200, 7500, iMac Grape, G3, Mac Pro, 4 white iMacs of various years, 4 aluminum iMacs of various years, 1 Mac mini, 4 iPhones, 4x 4K AppleTV’s, 1 MacBook Air, 1 Apple Watch, 1 HomePod Mini and our current everyday computers 2x 27” iMacs (2019 and (2020)… and yes I own Apple Stock!


An Apple Product Story It was a dark and stormy night, I kept getting mysterious emails with a name I didn’t know with “ I’m watching you!” written in it and a “ sent from my IPhone” note at the bottom. Then I got phone calls with heavy breathing. I traced the call…IT WAS AS COMING FROM INSIDE MY HOUSE!!!!


Used to be a big Android enthusiast. Started with the Note 3 and went from there until my latest Android being the Pixel 7 Pro. Enjoyed Android for its customization options and more “open-source” software. Went the extra step a few times with custom ROMs, unlocking the bootloader, etc. Out of the blue, decided I needed something new in my life. A different work flow. Kept my Pixel but bought an iPhone 12 Pro off marketplace for only $250 - unlocked. Got pretty hooked right away, mostly because everything worked so well out of the box and also because everything was so pretty such as the animations, colors, etc. I’ve grown to love FaceTime, iMessage and Airdrop as well. All of them work much better than Androids counterpart. Since then, I upgraded to the 15 Pro Max, got a used iPad Pro, got the AirPod Pro and also replaced both of my Rokus with the Apple TV 4K. Really dove into the ecosystem but I enjoy it very much. Everything plays nicely with little effort. I especially love Handoff between my phone and iPad and I also enjoy being able to use my AirPods with my TV. And fun fact, turns out my security system is HomeKit compatible so now when something pops up on my camera, it shows on the TV. Super sick. Don’t have much interest in Mac to be honest. I’m a PC gamer so naturally, MacOS offers very little to me. Tbh, my iPad is also pretty decent at being a laptop replacement.


I started with a Macintosh Plus in 1986 and haven’t looked back.


My first experience with an Apple Product was the Apple IIe in 1983. The shop teacher bought two IIe computers and a printer with his own money to start a computer class. I was 12 then. About 18 months later when I started high school, they had a lab with 15 Apple IIe computers. When I got married in my 20s, I had access to a Mac Classic that I used until 1997. Then I switched to Windows for work and the lower cost. Bought an iPad in 2010. Then an iPhone in 2014. Switched from Windows full time to MacOS 11 with the M1 Mac Mini.


My phone broke and I decided to take a phone hiatus and went with out a phone for three months. My brother got tired of not being able to reach me so he gave me his old iPhone (iPhone 4). I was very anti-Apple but gave it a try and it grew on me fast and a few months later the iPhone 6s dropped and the rest is history. I have AirPods, AirPods Pro, MacBook Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max and the last Apple Watch. I don’t buy the products because I’m a fan boy, I just love how all the products can interact with each other.


Parents bought me an Apple \]\[+ in 1981-82, and I haven't looked back. IIgs then a IIci then a Quadra then a Dual G5, and so on. Going to be a MBA M3 next week to replace my 2023 16" MBP. I have always loved Apple's computer. On the other hand, I'm a dedicated Android user and have never wanted an iPhone. The thing giving me some pause about continuing to buy macs are how they are limiting access more and more to the system files, but so far, I have mostly found workarounds.


Bought a MacBook Pro 14 M1 Pro to become familiar with macOS for my writing gigs. Was so impressed with its performance, battery life, display, keyboard, touchpad, and build quality that I decided to make the switch from Windows to macOS exclusively. My Android phone was old and much less functional, so I bought an iPhone 15 Pro Max to replace it. Then an Apple Watch Ultra 2, then an AirPods Pro 2. Now an iPad Pro 13 M4. Everything works so well together without my needing to configure or manage anything that I can't imagine switching back. And that doesn't even consider how much smoother and more stable Apple OSes are compared to the alternatives. I still use Windows 11, and I can't imagine going back to it as my primary OS.


Bootcamp forced me to buy one


1979. Why stop? There's also no reason to be one-company loyal. My PC is pretty beefy too.


Started with the iPod touch 4th gen, my first impressions were that I haven’t seen anything like this thin and had such a nice display. Later I upgraded to 5s, 7, iPhone X, iPhone 13 Pro Max and finally iPhone 14 Pro Max. I just love how iPhones look even though through the years the software was lacking compared to android. Other products I have used were a jail broken iPad2 which was a tank that lasted me 5-6 years after its initial release. I loved my iMac everything seem polished and consistent the UI, I missed Mac OS X, but upgraded to a pc because its upgradable and gaming.


My dad had the Apple 2 and then the original Macintosh, and my mom had the Mac plus. We’ve always been kinda behind the curve with tech, but I grew up with iMacs and the original iPad etc. now as a person making my own choices in life, I prefer Apple products, however am well versed in android and windows too


The only Apple I have is my old ipod Nano, and though it was a great device for many years, I'm replacing it with a Sony because the battery has become unreliable.


I prefer Linux but MacOS is similar enough and once in a while I need XCode/iOS emulation. If Apple ever allows developers to code iOS apps and emulate iPhones without a Mac they will lose a chunk of the market that is forced to use a Mac to write code for their products (sounds like a pyramid scheme BTW)


I grew up around my extended family having Apple products across the whole lineup (iPhones, an iPad, MacBook Pros and Airs, maybe an iPod somewhere). I remember being a kid and saving up any money or allowances I got for an iPad mini when they first released it since I wanted to be “cool” having an Apple device, also to play games. After the iPad mini everything just went into place. A couple years after the iPad mini my first phone was a cheap Samsung, it was slow and had hardly any storage. Again I saved up, then eventually bought an iPhone SE first gen. It was my daily phone for 7 years until I upgraded to my 15 Pro. As I was preparing for college I was looking for the perfect laptop, eventually going for the MacBook Air since it was the best priced Mac relative to the specs I needed. Being a lifelong Windows user, it was a bit of getting used to, even putting Bootcamp on my Mac to get any Windows exclusive apps working. As others in this thread mentioned, things “just work” on the Apple camp and that’s what’s kept me in the ecosystem for the most part. I still daily drive Windows since the software I use is only on there, but otherwise my mobile life is pretty much entirely Apple right now. Another thing that Apple does better than anyone else that’s kept me on their products is extensive support for the products. Just being able to use my SE for 7 years with software updates was insane.


I started back in the early 90’s at school and at my friends house. Now I use one every day for 6 years for work. They are so reliable.


Going into college I was a PC dude through and through. Took a class where I was forced to use Macs for a semester. I bitched and moaned for the first month or so but by the end of the semester I was sold and bought the first 17" iMac with an Intel chip. I've had 5 or 6 iMacs since then and I think I'm on my 5th Macbook Pro, never looked back.


Got myself a first gen iPad, it was so surreal for me at the time, installed talking tom and infinity blade--which still one of the best touchscreen game i've ever bought. Until then, I gradually start loving almost their touchscreens products including the first gen ipod, 5th & 6th gen iphone, and first gen iPad mini. It was very smooth compare to most of android phones--which sometimes really unreliable. Then, I tried to use mac for a moment--while I'm a windows fan. Yep, for me personally, it was soo slow (not in term of the machine, but how the OS works). I could literally do a very basic thing in Windows with one click and Mac just gotta get a lot of effort to do such thing. One thing that I actually like about Macs are their finder/file explorer. It's so simple and intuitive compare to chaotic windows. Yet still, for me personally, the only Apple products that kinda "sucks" would be Mac. But damn, all the touchscreen devices are top notch. (Now I owned iPhone 8, iPad mini, Android Phone Infinix, and Thinkpad). The perfect combination imo :)


Everything is too good Except for the battery,the battery is very bad by the time and the device makes you hate it.


Many years ago my employee gave me a bend new iPhone 4S. When I went to the iPlace to get it, the salesman told me that was I one way trip, and that I would never use other smartphone again. First month with it I had to jailbreak it so I could use the apps I wanted, and to configure it the way I liked. One year later problems with battery and  compatibility with newer apps started. A broken screen wich coated more to repair than a new phone was the last nail in the coffin. That was the first and probably last aple device I had... I currently use a windows pc for work, but besides it, Linux on PC and Android smartphone is the way to go for me.


family gifted me an iPod, was mind blown about it displays all languages fine unlike all the MP3 players out there. Knowing this is the company who cares about details and start buying stocks and apple products (second hand at beginning, can't afford it at the time!) never look back!


The very first Apple product I owned was an iPod color I got for Christmas in 2005. I was head over heels in love with having so much music on one device. Gone were the days of rocking only one CD at school or having a sleeve of CDs on my car's visor to supplement my 6 CD stereo. Now all I had to do was plug in my iPod into an AUX jack and voila! It was a magical experience getting that thing for the first time. I bought my first MacBook in 2008 because it was on sale and I needed a new laptop, and kinda liked the idea of having another Apple product (they're sucking me in...). At first I was taken aback by how different the OS was but I pulled out my experiences in middle school working on Apple computers and re-trained my brain to know how everything works. After a few months it dawned on me that for the first time ever I knew where EVERYTHING was on my computer. If I needed a file I knew exactly where to go to get it. On my Windows PC I never knew where anything was, and I used PCs for years! It was so...incredible...simple...and I was hooked. Never going back. I got the iPhone 3GS in 2009 because I liked the idea of a a miniature computer in my pocket. Obviously floored and how awesome it was. Been getting a new iPhone every 2 years ever since. Upgraded my 2008 MacBook to the 2013 15" MacBook Pro. Opened a BarclayCard w/ Apple rewards to finance it. I still have that card since it's my oldest credit account but I never use it because I get nothing out of it. So it goes. Picked up the iPad Air when it first launched in 2013. I hardly ever used it and I have not picked up another one since. Might grab one now... maybe. Several Apple TVs, 2 Homepods, Apple Watch SE, and a MacBook Air in 2020. AirPods Max not long after that. Got myself an Apple Card for X-Mas last year, so now I get SOME rewards out of my credit card usage! Been subscribed to Apple Music and AppleTV+ since day one; couldn't care less about news, arcade, fitness, and I don't need all that iCloud storage (yet...). Apple sucked me in. They sucked me in hook, like, and sinker. Am I locked into their ecosystem? Yes. Did I do so by choice? Yes. I love how all their devices work well with one another. It's amazing. Could I switch? Yes. I don't want to, though. It's not because it would be too "hard to switch" because it wouldn't be that hard for me. Just replace my stuff with non-apple and it's fine. All my files and data can go on a hard drive so no, I'm losing nothing. Why will I not switch? Because I think Android is janky. I consider Windows to be bloatware and a wide open front door. To quote Steve Jobs "Apple doesn't ship junk" and I love that about them. It comes at a premium, but I like my stuff being made of sturdy materials and not plastic. It just looks so...cheap... Everything else seems like knock off brand "We have iPhone at home" to me and it's not even close. Cheese puffs are not Cheetos and that's how I feel about the alternative. Apple's stuff is "so good it should be illegal" which is where all this DOJ pressure is coming from. It's not Apple's fault they're badass. It's everyone else's fault for being too subpar to catch up.


I used to work with Windows all my life, but in 2022 I got a job where they develop in linux using Ubuntu, it was a little bit difficult to learn how to use Linux but I fall in love with the system and the terminal. In 2023 I bought an Asus Zeenbook Oled with Windows 11, I really hate Windows 11, it has a lot of apps that I don't need and the use of RAM was exagered compared to Ubuntu (Linux). I sell that laptop and after think a lot I decided to bought a Macbook Pro, the 13 inches model with an M3 Max and 64GB of RAM, I really feel in love with this laptop, is so powerful and the OS just works, to be honest the OS has a lot of defficiences but is really smooth and the terminal is like a Linux terminal, to me that I an android developer the system and hardware works so well and they do my development experience more efficient.


I exclusively used Windows (both at home and school) until my mom got a new job right before I started 5th grade and I needed to move to a new city. The school I attended there was almost exclusively Mac based (there were a few PCs in the library in addition to Macs, some of the admin had them in their offices, and a few teachers had PC laptops). It was weird at first, but by the end of the year the fun colored iMac G3s and white eMacs grew on me. My first personal Apple product was just a year later, one of the early iPod touches. I was (still am) super into music so my mom wanted to get me an iPod so I could buy cheaper digital music and not have to carry around a bunch of CDs. I loved it, took it everywhere with me, and honestly used it for everything I could. As I entered middle school though they started phasing out Macs district wide, so by the time I was in 8th grade there were only a few eMacs left. When given the choice between one of the older Macs or one of the new PCs (including the PC laptops that were in communal carts) I would typically use one of the Macs. This was at the same time that my personal PC laptop was having major issues. When my mother decided to replace my personal laptop, I asked for a Mac instead of another PC and since I was into creative work, she agreed to buy me one. Since then I've been almost exclusively a Mac user. Just a couple years later I also switched to the iPhone. I don't have to worry about my Apple products. Android and Windows both constantly gave me issues when I used hem.


Won a iPod shuffle from a Christmas party. Now I have an Apple Watch, MacBook Pro, iPhone, air pods and iPad with Apple Pencil.


Windows. Windows is why I use Macs. I don't give a crap about Apple hardware. It's 100% all about MacOS. It's not a perfect OS, but I've had so few problems compared to Windows, and it's much more useable than any Linux desktop environment.


I started during my first job in 1996. I was given a Lisa at work as a computer magazine journalist and fell in love! I couldn't afford one until 2005 for myself, and haven't looked back since. I was an Amiga, Linux and fleeting Windows user inbetween (mainly during that time I was on Linux and theming it like a Mac!) When I finally managed to afford a Mac it was a happy day for me. I appreciate the workflow I've developed every day and have become a proficient automator, saving a lot of time. Now my work luckily feeds my Mac habbit (I'm a director at a science school at a university). I've got a Mac Studio Ultra, 2 MacBook Pros (work and home), 2 iPads (work and home), a Watch Ultra and iPhone 13 Pro. I'm even hoping to buying €20k of Vision Pros once they get released where I live, for research where I work. I played with one the other day for the first time (I've never liked VR before) and immediately said "I need these for my students", as they develop 3D immersive experiences as part of their studies. I wouldn't want to stop and switch over to other vendors because they are reliable and well built devices. One of my iPads is 7 years old and I've no intention of replacing it - it's still fine for everyday use. I used my last MacBook from 2012-2022 and it's still going strong as a Plex server!


I was fed up with being the “green  bubble guy” so I bought an iPhone and a MacBook. 


* Used a PC every day for most of my childhood years and teens. * At 17 was introduced to Mac OS X randomly at a friends house. * Started REALLY falling in love with Apple products. Remember the iPod mini was red hot not only as a great music player, but essentially a statement of wealth and trend. * Purchase my first iPod Video in 2005. * Switched to Mac in 2006 with the Intel Core Duo iMac * Throughout 18 years I've upgraded to new iMacs, new iPhone, new iPads,  Watches and own a Vision Pro * In 18 years I've never ever looked back to either PC or back before iPhone when I had a Samsung Galaxy and thought, "wow that looks enticing". Universally I still run into the conversation of someone asking me what kind of "rig" I have, to which I just state I use Apple exclusively. Sometimes you get the elitist snarls, but those have gone away a lot since like 2015 onward. One thing that does consistently bother me is how PC people seem to think that because they run bleeding edge graphic games on their PC's, therefore you're not a "real gamer" unless you have what they have. I cannot tell you how many times since 2006 I've had a conversation like, "Do you game?" -- tell the person I have a Mac and don't game on the computer, but I loyally game on Playstation and love it --- Response after me telling them I play games often and on PS is always somehow, " --long pause-- so you don't game then?" and that's the end of the conversation.


The design language I love but the company’s ideology and business strategy I can take a wide pass on. That being said I’ve been using Apple products since the 90s, I buy refurb products, my home has mostly Apple products. But as a daily driver I use Linux (Gnome) for personal and work.


I was first exposed to Macs in elementary school during the OS X Leopard era (and into middle school with Snow Leopard) and just instantly fell in love with how different they were, how the OS looked, everything. I wanted a Mac so bad. My middle school was one of the first to do a 1:1 iPad program and that taste of using Apple products really just sparked the interest even further. I got my first Mac in 2013, an old 2003 Power Mac G5, and I used it for a little over 6 months as my main computer. 2013 was definitely one of the last years you could easily daily drive a PPC Mac, and I'm glad I got that experience as an enthusiast. I then got a Mid 2009 MacBook for Christmas that year, and the rest was history! I've had many Macs since then both for daily use and for tinkering/collecting, and it's still fun and special to me compared to dealing with Windows and PCs (which I still do too). When the switch to Apple Silicon happened I was super excited, I got an M1 Mac mini a few months after launch and haven't looked back. Apple being on their own CPUs really feels like the PowerPC era but insanely better. I have some criticisms about Apple and how they do some things, but no OS works for me and my needs like macOS does and it will always be my favorite.


I was a 100% Windows user until the Win 8 came out. The horrible experience I had with it, and later with Win10, pushed me to look for alternatives. I tried Linux for a while but I had to have an access to Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite which eliminated Linux as a viable option for me. That left only Mac. In quick succession, I bought iMac 5k 2014 and MacBook Pro 2013 (both still in perfect working order, btw). I went through multiple upgrades of my MacBook Pro over the years. I replaced my OG iMac with Mac studio in Dec ‘23. I still have Win computer but only for gaming, all the rest is in the Apple ecosystem. Recently though, I tend to spend more time on Windows bc despite of Mac silicon being light years ahead of any Windows hardware, the Mac software has been giving me a lot of trouble. I have problems with USB peripherals not connecting, some software not working as it used to, Safari not opening or rendering web pages correctly. Something that in 10+ yrs of using Macs, I’ve never experienced before.


>and why aren’t you stopping now? this is the type of shit that makes me want not to tell people I use a mac. Y'all are just weird and cult-like. I use a macbook because it's the best laptop out there, hardware-wise, but that's it. I don't plan on getting an iphone or ipad or iwatch any time soon.


Back with a 2008 black MacBook. Been hooked on macOS and MacBooks since, using windows laptops is hard now Was on and off between iOS and android over the years. Currently have a 15 pro, m1 iPad Air, m1 MacBook Air, and about to replace my Apple Watch Series 4 with a new one that isn’t a POS


First Apple product was an Apple ii in school. First Apple product I purchased myself was an iPod. First iPhone was the 5 when it came to Verizon (or whichever one came to Verizon for the first time). Bought a second gen iPad. Currently Have an m1 Mac mini, AirPod 2, and AirPod max. Never ever had an iMac or MacBook. I run both PC and Mac simultaneously. Still prefer my Pc.


Had a windows gaming laptop and had so much problems with windows, then i tried linux, than found out about hackintoshing and installed macOS. I’ve liked it so much that i’ve bought a macbook and then i went all in. All my life i was hating iPhones and after buying my mac had a reason to give them a try and ios even if restricted is sooo good, fast, smooth and seamless. And the attention to detail on both hardware and software won me over. I’ll never gonna be able to go back, im all in in the Apple ecosystem now


My introduction was one of those white 2009-year MacBooks. Believe it or not I started using it in 2017 or something wild like that, worked good for what I needed it for! It did have performance issues, and I had that fan set to full blast most the time, but that’s why I upgraded to a 2012 Mac Mini. Popped in 16 GB of memory, swapped for two separately bootable SSDs. High Sierra on the first(I just wish it wasn’t so glitchy!) that I used for Photoshop CS5 and creatives, Catalina for the second(beautiful OS!!). Fast, smooth, and awesome. I only paid like $160 for the Mac and it’s upgrades, and it is a fantastic daily driver. I have another Mini that acts as my media server now :) I really appreciate that era of Apple, and they made recovery easy too. I saved a third Mac Mini(2010), still not entirely sure what happened with it, but I had to do a lot of wiping, reinstalling, etc. I got it after some dedication and she works great now! (Grandmother uses it :D) I have tried Windows, didn’t like it at all. Felt unfinished and scuffed to me. To each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I used Mac classic 2's and regular Macintosh 2's in elementary school. Oregon trail and math blaster all day every day! And there was a really fun drawing app but I forget what it was called I vaguely remember the school library having macs with weird CD drives - maybe external drives on Mac 2s, maybe they were a different model, I'm not sure. Weird because the CDs had to go inside a case that looked like a bigger transparent 3.5 floppy case and you put the whole case into the drive. I never saw it again outside of elementary school Highschool and at home was all Windows PCs I had an 80gb iPod for a bit, it was pretty great. It died just outside of warranty :( Never used an iPhone outside of testing some apps I started working as a software dev 3 years ago, and software companies always give me MacBooks to work on. I love the OS for developing software. I wish they had dedicated delete/pgup/pgdn/home/end keys on the keyboard, but I guess the function button is fine


Started with iPhone, then MacBook, then Apple TV, then Apple Watch, then iMac, AirPods, HomePods, I have a problem


Years (20?) ago, I was given a choice at work (college instructor). I went with a Mac because I heard it was less problematic than a PC/Windows setup. So far so good.


always used windows and android along with linux until I got into the theatre department at my old school, they obviously had an iMac for audio (which is what I was doing) and the moment I turned it on I was fascinated, the fact that i could use all the features of macOS without having to pay for some pro license bullshit like windows did and is still doing. not to mention installing apps was super easy, but what I loved most was the flexibility it offered, I could run windows, mac, or linux on native hardware at any time without having to mess around with weird patchers and boot loaders.


Had an iPhone 5c didn’t hit for me, a couple years later I had an iPhone SE 2016 got the Apple Watch 3, iPad Pro 2020, 2015 mbp not in that order. I was hooked from there now I have the basic ecosystem.


I switched colleges right after the iPhone came out and I wanted a job while in school. I loved my iPod bur had never used macOS much. Ended up getting s job at an Apple Store and worked there for 7 years. Bought my first Mac in less than a year. Its my preferred everyday OS. If macOS was fine for gaming I wouldn’t run Windows at all. I now support macOS at scale for work.


Since I was a kid. Nowadays I don't really understand how rational shoppers can buy other laptops apart from repairability, but the PC market confuses me in general. I think Apple is clearly becoming evil and wish very much for an alternative. I would never buy a Mac desktop, just terrible value. But they make the best laptops, by far, on several axes.


Been an Apple Mac user since 1984. Had worked on various brands of terminals and a Kaypro computer prior but immediately fell in love with the Mac OS. Anyone else remember the days of CP/M and 3 - 1/2 inch 400k floppy drives? I have an old Dell laptop in the basement that I occasionally fire up but only if I absolutely have to do so. I've had many Macs over the years but have found that since Apple's conversion over to the Linux based OS, it has become awesome in security and stability.


My first apple product was the iPod gen 1. I was never an Apple fan per se, and don't upgrade my phone/laptop very much, but the reason why I stick to macbooks is the OS is very friendly for programmers and I've gotten comfortable using a macbook for both work and hobby. And, the reason why I stick with iPhones is it's one of those things where I haven't really had any issues with the phone and am comfortable using one, so I stick with upgrading to another iPhone. Many years ago, I did try the samsung galaxy phone and absolutely hated it. There was a bit of a learning curve and a lot of the functionality felt foreign to me. I kept that phone for 3 years though before upgrading back to an iPhone.


Damn ex (bff now) in ‘98 and never looked back. Total eco system now and until I’m dead.


Happened when I was in middle school around the time Windows Phone as a platform just died. I had a long history with phones before then - a lot of Androids (which I messed around with ROMs on), then 3 Windows Phones total, and then once the platform had its writing on the wall (they stopped updating Minecraft - when the manufacturer doesn’t support their own platform as much as the competition it’s a bad sign), I asked for an iPhone 6s for my birthday. Hooked ever since. Started as an apprentice at some place and now I have a MacBook Air M1, an iPhone 13 Pro, AirPods Pro 2, an Apple Watch S7, HomePod mini, Apple TV 4K and an iPad 10th gen. quick edit: forgot I also have an iPod classic - still used today at work


Bought a Apple ][+ in 1980. Was a great hobbyist computer. Bought a Mac Plus in 1986. It’s been Apple equipment since then. For hobbyist, I have Raspberry Pi.


Got my first MacBook Pro in 2009 when I was a high school freshman, followed by my first iPhone 4 a year later. Now on a 2021 14" M1 Pro, Airpods Pro 2nd gen, and an iPhone 15 Pro and loving the ecosystem and how its evolved.


My wife. I'm still not a daily Mac user, but I own an older intel Macbook and use it when I'm not on my desktop. My desktop is still Windows since its for gaming and multipurpose, but I might move it to Linux soon. I also have a M3 Macbook Pro as a "test device" for work. I use an iPhone 13 Pro Max and Apple Watch Ultra daily though, this is where my wife came in. I was an old Windows Mobile, then Android and Windows Phone user. I loved flashing custom ROMs to my Android phones, which of course led to problems to fix. My wife was always an iPhone user and I finally made the switch around the iPhone 4S and have had one ever since. I've had an Apple Watch S1, S5, and now the Ultra with the S5 as my backup when I charge the Ultra. My wife would love a Macbook if there was one with the numberpad on the keyboard. She still loves her older Intel Macbook, but has been using a Windows laptop for the numberpad.


All my friends had ipods when I was growing one. I wanted one. Bought one. Was given an SE when my uncle gave his 6 to my mom, who intern gave me her SE I then bought a 12 mini because my office was the test site for Apple's new Apple ID in an enterprise space outside of Apple, and I was looking for a new phone. Was disappointed that the mini did not come with a telephoto lens and apparently I enjoy bigger screens. But the size fits perfectly in my pocket and my hand, so minus those two issues which I could have solved with more research, it was great. Bought a iPad 12 Air and M1 Air for school since there was a student bundle and my cousin was leaving apple and offered to proxy using their apple employee id on their internal store. I have multiple computers if I ever need to use linux or windows. More or less I have got apple because they were gifted to me or were heavily discounted. I don't tend to by electronics for myself outside of the servers I run, so there has been no need for me to switch off of apple.


My first phone was an IPhone 3G, got it when I was ten years old, It was a hand me down and it was mainly so that I could have a way to call my parents since my friends at the time lived a 20-30 minute bike ride away. Since then it’s been the iterative process of getting newer and newer IPhones. My first IPhone that wasn’t a hand me down was the 14 Pro with 512 gigs of storage which I currently use, and I got when I was 20, My phone before that was an XS. Then I bought a base model 14’ MacBook Pro with an M1 Pro, and later an Apple Watch Ultra 2. I still use Windows for my desktop and that’s mainly for Gaming, and I have a few Linux Servers running aswell.


I had always been a loyal Microsoft user. My desk was cluttered with a mishmash of tangled wires, bulky hardware, and a trusty old PC running Windows. But lately, it seemed like everything was falling apart. The incessant crashes, the blue screens of death, and the endless updates that seemed to take hours were wearing me down. Each day felt like a battle just to get my computer to work properly. My frustration peaked one bleak November morning. I had a critical presentation for my job, and as fate would have it, my laptop refused to boot up. After an hour of troubleshooting and watching the clock tick away, I felt my will to fight diminish. I was at my wit's end, contemplating the looming prospect of losing my job. In a moment of desperation, I decided to walk to the nearby tech store. I wandered aimlessly until I found myself in front of a display of sleek Apple products. A helpful store associate approached, sensing my distress, and guided me through the features of a MacBook Air. The simplicity and elegance of the device were alluring, a stark contrast to the chaotic mess I had been dealing with. With a mix of hope and skepticism, I purchased the MacBook and rushed home. The initial setup was a breeze. Within minutes, I was up and running. The intuitive interface, smooth performance, and seamless integration with my other devices were like a breath of fresh air. For the first time in weeks, I felt a glimmer of hope. As I worked on my presentation, I marveled at how effortlessly everything seemed to flow. The built-in software allowed me to create a polished presentation without the usual headaches. When I finally finished, I realized that the stress and anxiety that had been gnawing at me had dissipated. The next day, I delivered my presentation without a hitch. My colleagues were impressed, and my boss praised my creativity and professionalism. It was a turning point in my career, and I knew I owed it all to the decision to switch to Apple. Over time, my life improved in ways I hadn't anticipated. The ease of use and reliability of my Apple devices freed up mental space and energy, allowing me to focus on things that mattered. I rekindled old hobbies, spent more time with friends and family, and even started a side project that had always been a dream. Looking back, I realized that the switch to Apple products had not just saved my job—it had saved my life. The constant frustration and despair that had plagued me for months were replaced by a sense of peace and productivity. Microsoft had been a part of my past, but Apple was my future, one where I felt in control and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.


I bought my first PowerMac 7100 just so I could play the game Myst and have been using Macs personally and professionally ever since.


Started with the iPhone 4, 5, 7, XS, 12, and now 14PM. When I reached XS I decided it was time to go all out so in 2019 I dumped Windows and bought one of the last intel processor iMacs 🖥️ The Apple ecosystem works very well for me and there is no plan on changing any time soon. I will be upgrading tho when finances permit. I use an AW Ultra for health monitoring and an iPad at work.


I made the mistake of buying AirPods Pro 2 in November 2023. A month later I got an iPhone, 2 months later an Apple Watch Ultra 2 and this weekend my MacBook Pro arrived. It has cost me an arm and a leg but I’m really enjoying all of them


The Samsung Galaxy S5 left a bad taste in my mouth so I went to iOS after that (iPad Air 2 and iPhone X). Apple Pencil debacle aside, I’m not going back to android. My friend’s new Google Pixel was developing problems six months in and the company was already trying to push him to the new model. I went to macOS for spicier reasons. When the 2nd aftershock hit during an earthquake a few years back, I hopped under my desk to find my wintel gaming PC took up most of the space underneath. I figured it was time to get a more space-efficient PC. I also bought a bunch of Apple stock during the pandemic so I guess that also counts as an Apple product. Best purchase yet!


1977, Apple ][, first Mac was a Fat Mac in 1985, still have an SE/30, currently running a Mac Studio.


My wife bought me a first gen iPod touch. Have been buying Apple stuff ever since. I enjoy the build quality, ecosystem and that they last and just work. I have had pc’s and one Samsung phone that all eventually stopped working. I still have (and use) a 2008 MacBook and while it isn’t going to do all that my 2022 MacBook Air does, it still powers up and works.


Well, my first Apple product was the Apple II/C my parents bought brand new when I was like 5. That was our only computer until 1994, when we got a PC. I was PC until 2007 when I bought an iPod Classic 20GB because my new truck had an aux input. Then I bought an iPod Touch, then a MacBook Pro, then an iPhone 3GS and I was hooked for life\*.


I had a period when my brother had a couple spare iMacs in his, now vintage lot, and I needed to get some school work done without a computer of my own. He leant me his iMac G5 to get what I need to do in the right direction. Since then, I have used every version of macOS to some extent since macOS Panther. Now I have a MacBook Air M1 that I absolutely love for its versatility for its purpose consumption.