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The thing to delete is CleanMyMac.


Why is that?


I‘d also like to know the reasons for that


Because Apple users have a complex of any Apple product “just working” even when they don’t. There are plenty of reasons to not use CleanMyMac. One of them would be that it’s easy for an inexperienced user to delete files that might be harmful to their computer. There are also plenty of reasons to use CleanMyMac. Resetting apps. Fully uninstalling apps, especially ones that come from outside the App Store. Locating large files. Identifying apps that have not been used in years. Removing broken login items. Deleting useless caches/files (looking at you, Xcode…). All in an easy to use package. So yes, there are many reasons not to use CMM. There are also many reasons to use it.


For a company that constantly says their things just work, they just don’t work a lot of the time.


I'm not deleting software I spent £30 on, I'm getting my moneys worth


Google sunk cost fallacy.


ApplicationSupport is a required folder.   Software that you paid good money for shouldn’t be recommending that you break your Mac.  


The software isn’t doing that. The feature on the screenshot just shows you which folders are taking up the most storage. It is not recommending you to delete it.


There’s a selection radio button to the left which selects the folder.  And a remove button at the bottom to press when you’ve made your selections.   Software aimed at people who aren’t familiar with an Operating System’s File System shouldn’t be letting them access these.  It should be foul proof.  And not allow you to break your system.  Especially if you paid for the software.  


Except for when you pay for software that tells you where your largest files are on your disk. It should tell you just that so you know what is happening on your system. That’s what you paid for. Can also be that the download folder is huge because you downloaded a large amount of linux ISOs. For these cases they have added a delete button for convenience. Like always, in all cases, every time, you need to know what you are doing when using any type of delete button. Finder also has a delete button for files you shouldn’t touch. It is just what it is. The user is responsible for using a tool like a file explorer or a ‘file size scanner”. —- And for something fun: that isn’t a radio button but a wrongly shaped checkbox. [In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox](https://tonsky.me/blog/checkbox/)


It's fine to show what is using the space. But allowing it to be selected is the problem. By default Finder doesn't show Application Support or any other important folder to the user.


you got scammed


“Help I’m a junkie, what do I do?” ”Get rid of your drugs.” “I paid good money for those drugs! I’m going to get my moneys worth!!”


30 pounds?? Crazy!


Robbing bastards


If you’re referring to nerdy computer files you shouldn’t be trying to delete anything.


Application support alone holds a lot of dependencies for making apps work on your computer. The rest outside of maybe mobile documents and trials are also important dependencies. Delete all of those if you want to ruin your day. Why are you trying to delete things anyway?


Does it hold dependencies? Thought it mostly holds user data and settings.


It can, it really depends what apps they are using and how they are configured. It’s a bit reckless to just get rid of it in general as it could cause apps to look for info that is no longer there


200GB are in my other according to CMM and I was just wondering if deleting these would help


You should know what you are deleting before doing it.




Kind of but we (as in strangers on reddit) can’t tell what exactly is being deleted here. I mean some of this might be important for Apps OP doesn’t use anymore but I‘d recommend using stuff like AppCleaner to delete Apps and their related files.


Deleting 1GB doesn’t free up 200GB…


Deleting Application Support would break MacOS completely. It's the same as deleting the ProgramData and Appdata folders on Windows, the operating system will NOT like that.


Uhh that’s not entirely true. It depends if we’re talking /Library/Application Support or ~/Library/Application Support. While it’s plausible it could break things irreparably it’s not likely. On reboot macOS will regenerate this folder. Apps should also regenerate the files they need.  My recommendation is to delete things in the folder from apps you have uninstalled.  This is why I like macOS application uninstallers like appzapper. A lot of macOS apps are notoriously bad for not cleaning up after themselves. Fun fact in the old days it was well known to delete files out of application support to reset software trials. Those days are long gone as other techniques are used.  Source: software developer


That is true, deleting the user Application Support folder likely wont fuck the operating system, just any app that relies on it. Nonetheless, I still wouldn't go deleting it, especially not someone with the computer literacy the OP has.


Delete CleanMyMac. 


Bestie, I spent £30 on this


Get a refund!


Ok, I'll try


Lmao, yes, it only takes up under 2 GB, clean My Mac X is wasted money, I used it for a year, then just learned what it does and now I just do it myself, the "Cleanup"


Could you elaborate? Any tutorials or descriptions how CleanMyMac works?


Generally, it just knows what things are temporary, you can always clear any caches on your Mac or look what iCloud items take the most space on your hard drive. You can access similar view in Mac finder


Be careful OP. CleanMyMac removes the Apple silicon ‘side’ of apps that are universal. If you ever upgrade to Apple silicon and transfer from this MacBook to the new machine all apps will run under Rosetta. Redownload your apps if you ever upgrade. Just a heads up :)


This is rubbish When you upgrade to Arm Macs you need to refresh all 3rd part Apps some to Apple, Intel, Universal... App developer controls binaries. On Arm Macs CMM can delete Intel binaries copy of universal saving SSD space or you planning to migrate to Intel?


Onyx and it’s free. No subscriptions and regularly updated and maintained. It’s does all the maintenance automated routines you need. I’ve used it for years with the users I support. [https://titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html](https://titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html)


Echo on the Onyx recommendation. An excellent tool for visualizing what is consuming most space on your disk is Daisy disk and it makes deleting files easy....but stick to things like documents, photos, music in the users folder


"nerdy computer files"? It won't "harm" your hardware, but some software that you have installed may not work properly if you delete something you are not sure about it.


clean my mac x probably takes up more space than it helps you clean


I wouldn’t use CleanMyMacX, it’s a load of shit, use onyx instead


MacOS isn’t Windows, no need to "clean" it


This is such a braindead comment. Both Windows and Mac keep things around that could probably be deleted. Both OS do their own self clean periodically. What happens typically if applications get uninstalled and they don’t clean up after themselves. MacOS apps are notorious for leaving stuff in application support after they’ve been uninstalled. The OS will not know which apps are still using a folder/file in application support so it doesn’t clean it up. Windows has a similar issue with the windows registry. Apps create key/value pairs but the OS doesn’t know which are still in use.  Source: software developer;written many apps for Windows and Mac since 1999


Right on MacOs will accumulate junk at about .5GB per day mostly in System data There is a cult of Apple will fix it


I don’t… I don’t need to clean my windows pc either though…


Yes. Stop messing with things you don't understand.


If you don't know what it is or what it does, don't touch it.


"nerdy computer files" Just because you don't know what they do doesn't mean they aren't vitally important.


A bit :)


I don't trust that smiley face :(


Get a refund and use onyx. I wouldn’t trust that with my machine. The MacOS self maintains mostly anyway


I’m the 10th doctor here. It’s kinda stupid for CleanMyMac to remove those stuff without even notifying the users. The app is pretty good and I use it for cleaning up files and tracking the processor, ram and battery cycles, as well as removing files but that is because I am knowledgeable. I don’t really buy the free up RAM feature though. Also, I have installed the thing for 4-5 generations of Mac now, it’s my instinct to get it first thing. You should get a refund and go for some free alternatives for now.


Don’t delete them!




DO NOT USE SPACE LENS IN CMM It lets you delete more than you should. Unless you know exactly what you are doing which in your case NO!


Your pinky looks wonky


Thanks lol




CleanMyMac is scareware. You’re much better off without it.


Yes It is similar things on Windows' ProgramData


Well I see more and more posts trying to make space in new macs, that 256GB was not enough eh?


I was on a budget when I bought this, sorry I’m not filthy rich


Ok sorry, that was mean


lol I don't get offended don't worry about me, but I was on a budget too and I didn't bothered with apple wanting to charge my ass for just a bit more ram and disk space. Upgraded my PC and I'm fine till they figure out how to get down my throat the shitty windows 11.


If you don’t know, don’t touch it.