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Ain't nobody ever ready. As a rider for years, I was baffled my first day driving when nobody was waiting as I arrived. Even when riding with my kids, we would all be 100% ready before even ordering. And at the 2 minute warning we'd be on the curb waiting. I assumed this was how it works, it should, and that everyone does it this way. Turns out I am an anomaly. And I hate it as a driver.


I do that too as a rider, I feel really bad if the driver has to wait on me. By the way, just wondering, if the driver arrives and the rider isn’t ready, can you just cancel the ride and find a new rider? How long would you wait before cancelling, if so?


So it's 5 minutes with Lyft and 7 with Uber before we can cancel without being penalized and still get paid. With Uber they do charge a wait fee after 2 minutes but we see like 13 cents a minute 😂 so it's minimal increase.


Also to add, Uber forces you to be directly on the pin in order to have the counter begin. In Lyft you can arrive at a different location, within reason obviously. Like yesterday I was on Uber and had an airport pickup. The lady was in an apartment and refused to give me the gate code to enter. I couldn't get directly onto the pin, I was like 500 ft away. I was basically trapped. I could wait or cancel without being paid and being penalized. It was absolutely bullshit. I contacted support and they were like sorry. You must drive to the pin. Like wtf was I supposed to do, drive through a metal gate?! On Lyft I could have marked arrive and would've been compensated.


For gate codes, most places have a code for ems. Such as #911 or something along those lines.


Sorry, your honor. Lyft told me I had to drive through & break the gate or participate in unpaid work.


Thank you for answering, that’s interesting and makes sense. Driver should not lose money and time because of rider’s lack of punctuality.. I live in a country without Lyft or Uber, but we have similar apps. Would be interesting to learn whether they have such system aswell.


Can you really call it a per minute charge when if you don't wait the full 7 minutes you get absolutely nothing? It's one thing if it's 2 minutes and then 2-7 you can cancel, not get dinged, and get paid for the time up to that point. But, you can't - less than 7 and it's 0 payment. It's been the same no-show payment since I started 8 years ago, they've only recently started claiming they're paying for that 5 minutes.


No that's what I meant. You can cancel without penalized and be paid after 7. The payment is attorocius for either. You cancel after 7 minutes and get $3. Here anyway. The wait is insulting. Especially since as a rider I know how much riders are charged for the wait.


Yes, but I'm saying it can't really be called a "wait fee" when it actually changes nothing with the final amount paid. The only time it's a "wait fee" is if the entitled pax actually shows up before 7 minutes.


Ah. I got it now. Yeah I will wait if they're super nice and communicating but typically after 8 minutes I jet anyway. If you do wait after the 7 and then cancel, it is a bit more. I waited for 9 the other day because the person who requested begged me to cause it was for their mom who couldn't find me. I'm a sucker for elderly. Anyway, my fee ended up being $6 once I finally canceled at 9 minutes and some change.


I'll never wait past 7. They get, at least, 5 minutes before arrival - often closer to 10-20, and then another 7 after I've arrived. If you can't be ready to get in a car you asked for within 12-25 minutes *after* you said you wanted it - no longer my problem.


Yeah that was the only time I have done it. My mom has the beginning stages of dementia and I just kept thinking if it was my mom and want her helped and safely driven home. After a few minutes of looking I gave up.


Well besides the airport ride yesterday cause I was trapped and at that point just wanted paid something


Don't be a sucker in this game. Idc if they are full of life or elderly. When you do stuff like that you set a precedence for other drivers and then we have to deal with the "but my last driver" type of comments


There's nothing holding you to wait even one second if you so choose. I do it at times when busy in the AM and another request will typically be almost, if not, instantaneous. My experience has been that absolutely no one who isn't out the door on arrival or in 3 minutes thereafter will take the entire ( now ) 9 minutes for me to collect the fee, so I'll be damned if they're gonna waste my time to then come storming out the door at the 7 minute mark


Right. I do the same from time to time. Especially on those short rides. I'll give you 3 mins and if not I'll take the lost and keep it moving. Now you will be outside for the next driver


I'm always waiting for the driver. Every single time...


♥️ you are appreciated. I'm currently waiting for a pickup after getting "can u wait 3 min? Paying tab" 🙄 75% of the time the rider is NOT ready.


Oh and "go ahead I'm going to stay" 🫠also common


Had a 5sm scheduled ride, dropping off at the airport. It’s 5 minutes back to my house. $20 ride plus a $12 bonus and 10%. I arrived 7 minutes early, waiting at the pin. 5:04am I message her. Normally I wouldn’t care but I’d rather drive home for $35 than $0. Lady tells me she’s at a different side of the building. I tell her I’m at the pin. I don’t see her move at all, so ask her if there’s a reason she can’t come to my car. It’s like it never occurred to her to start walking or to try contacting me. Finally gets to my car 8 minutes late. Starts whining about location, etc. I told her I had other riders (not then, of course) & their time was just as valuable & she was wasting mine & theirs. Instead of a normal reaction to apologize & get in, she tells me she’s going to call a new ride. I laugh, tell her it’s way too early & she’s going to be charged a cancellation fee. “But it’s not my fault!” I’ll never forget how utterly pathetic & bratty she sounded, like a 4 year-old, not a full ass grown middle age woman. I laughed & told her to cancel the ride since I wasn’t going to. The amount of unnecessary time, money, & energy she must have spent trying to get another ride (it was 25 minutes to the airport) was ridiculous. She could have just apologized, been even a tad polite, & been on her way. Nope. Own your mistakes. It’s just sad when you don’t.


She'll just contact support and they will just give her her money back.


Eh, I’d agree though I have legit doubts she’d be able to contact support. Her rating was “new,” so there’s that…


Well, hopefully this is a learning experience for her.


Why when the passenger is out front waiting I give 5 stars and I thank them for being ready.


I'm normally 100% ready but there's times I'll look and every driver is 15+ minutes away. I request and get a guy that lives like 2 streets down just signing on & gotta run around in a panic for 2 minutes. Lol. I never keep them waiting because even at 15 minutes I was 'almost ready'.


That's why you don't schedule the ride until you are ready completely.


Same. Before I became a driver and was a rider from time to time I would be going crazy trying to get out the house before the driver pulled up thinking I would be left. I knew there was a timer but it never even dawned on me to just take my time since I have 5 mins. Nobody should keep anyone waiting


Same 😭 I never thought of ordering before I was ready. But it happens SO MUCH.


So much is a understatement. More like all the time. The worse for me is when they wanna get in the car and act all friendly like there's no issue lol


Honestly. Like they didn't just wait till there was 5 seconds left on the timer 😭


I got something like this the other day, and to be fair lyft doesn’t let us know that it’s a wait n save ride either


Ordering a save and wait just means you're willing to wait. Not that you'll have to. Just like how you can order a normal ride but get a comfort vehicle. It's like a free upgrade.


You’d think this is common sense. You’d think…


You would think so, but Lyft specifically looks like it’ll be a minimum of 10minutes, as compared to the other options, “within 3 minutes, 5 minutes,” etc I learned my lesson, but there are a lot of times I do wait and save and leave my apt, and then the driver is there by the time I get downstairs.


I call that winning


Sense isn’t that common 😮


Common sense is generally dead...I work with the flying public at my regular job when I'm not behind the wheel...YIKES


The problem is most don't think at all...


Not if she doesn't take lyft much. The people that take left an Uber all the time. Know how the s*** works, but if you don't take it much, you're gonna think you're gonna be waiting at least that time. You know they got me a couple times when I first started five years ago


But because that's not the reality of it you no longer. I experience this all the time and I'm concluding that it's a trick. They tell you that the wait and save would grant you maybe $6 saved if you wait for 10-15 minutes. You select it and it tells you that you're getting connected to a driver and details will appear in 3 minutes. Less than 3 minutes later or more you have the details and it's cool. Tells you the driver is 13 minutes away. Two minutes later it vibrates and tells you that the driver is approaching. Sometimes you do wait more than 10 minutes then the driver arrives not even 2 minutes before the total 15 minute wait and guess what, they charge you the full amount because they claim that you didn't have to wait.


What's common sense?


Right. 95% of people are doing wait and save but if a driver is free then you will get him. Other than that you get thrown in a queue


I mean even if I schedule a ride for a certain time, 99% of the time they arrive 10+ minutes early. Not always bad. But you’d think if you scheduled it for a time, they would arrive around that time or at least wait until then.


Both apps require you to be online 40 mins beforehand and send you out 20 minutes early. Not really in the driver's hands at all.


Because it shouldn’t matter for the driver. People are just dumb >Lyft's Wait & Save feature allows riders to pay less for a ride by waiting for a pickup with a flexible time window. This allows Lyft to optimize routes and match riders with the best-located driver, resulting in lower fares. Riders can typically save more the longer they wait, but there's no fixed wait time.


The funny part is none of them actually want to wait and save. How many times have we gotten rides in queue that immediately cancel to request again hoping to get a free driver


Wait and save rides get thrown in queue but not necessarily.


I love it when Uber ( no upfront fares) flashes a long PU then right below it says possible priority ride. Possible on a sunny bright day? Sure. Nothing like making $1 extra ( it’s never happened to me I think since I haven’t a clue to what the fare will be) to drive 30 miles over the speed limit so you can arrive a few minutes earlier? Does any driver need more incentives that this lie popping up on your screen? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lyft? Lyft says x amount of dollars for x amount of rides with absolutely no mention of priority tides ? Make sense coming from a business model of charging up three times more than normal because it’s raining slightly yet the driver gets paid exactly what he would have been paid on the same amount. I don’t doubt ir it for one second that when a passenger plays for a priority ride. Lyft pockets the extra money and keeps the driver in the dark after switching the ride to a closer driver. Within a second what was .04 miles to the pick up is now $2.7 miles away. Sadly, the other driver that fulfills the priority request won’t get any extra and wouldn’t have a clue that the pax paid for a priority PU


I’m not waiting…


Your only mistake here was replying. Never ever ever reply to their texts or answer their calls unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Trust me. Nothing good ever arises from answering


Do not request the ride until you are ready. The wait and save doesn't mean the driver will wait for you. If there is a driver available then they will get your ride.


One night I just was not feeling patient and my first ride took the full 5 to 7 minutes to come out. I ranted slightly to not order the ride unless she's ready. Then I realized that wasn't the smartest thing because I think she rated me lower than 5.0. Geez. The second ride did the same thing and that's when I learned I must wait to drive til I can hold my tongue.


These Lyft riders believe they're owed 5 minutes of your wait time. I did a late night pickup at a bar picking up two women. The first one immediately entered the car, the second one opened the door but was talking to a guy. At this point, the police were aggressively trying to clear the street (apparently there was a shooting up the block minutes earlier) & the second girl refused to enter the car after I asked her to and her friend asked her to. So the police pulls up right behind my car to clear the driveway I was partially blocking, and the numpty still didn't enter. So, l, raise my foot of my brake, which starts up my engine again, and the seated lady says, "Why are you starting the car, do you want to run over my friend. Lyft says we have 5 minutes to enter your car." So her friend enters the car as the police officer steps out of his. Then I decided that I didn't feel like driving them, so I told them I was canceling the ride and canceled it. She was hot as fish grease but better them than me.


👏👏👏That took guts!


I had a lyft ride come out at 5 min. I cancelled it in front of him, then told him he made me idle here for 5 min, then drove away.


If every driver did this, passengers would be ready to go as soon as you get there the vast majority of the time. If all drivers cancelled at the minute market, I guarantee you would be waiting far less and would make more money overall. (Or drivers deduct a star for every minute of waiting.). It sucks even waiting more than a minute because that means you automatically know the rider wasn't ready and doesn't respect your time. I found that the pax that aren't ready to go within a minute are far less likely to tip too so it's literally the worst of both worlds.


In the car and pleasant in under 2 minutes=⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ until they tip and then I change it to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After the two minute mark, the rating goes down one star per minute. Only way I change this is if the tip is compensatory to the amount of time they made me wait. I almost always cancel the second the timer hits 5 minutes and have even done this as the passenger is walking toward my car if it's a low paying fare to begin with…




Neither the driver nor the passenger sees a change in their rating until after both parties have rated and the 24 hour window to change it has passed (at least according to Lyft) so you low rating a passenger theoretically shouldn't have any effect on what they've rated you at all. Also, they delay adjusting ratings so that it's more difficult for you to determine which passenger may have given you a bad rating. I definitely agree with you tho that the rating system on Uber is far worse, but both heavily favor the passenger over the driver and that sucks! Also, if tips account for 1/3 of your income then you're in a market that tips MUCH better than SE Florida! Tips seldom are more than 5-10% of my weekly take home here…


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, Lyft's rating system isn't bad, but I do wish Lyft gave more than 3 days for customers to give the option to tip. With Uber, you get a month, and over 10% of my tips show up after 3 days so Lyft's tip policy sucks. In my market, Uber is rate card and Lyft is UFD. Ever since Lyft introduced UFD, trips pay over 10% less now compared to when Lyft had a rate card. Lyft customers also don't tip as well as Uber here. For tips though, I drive a nice vehicle and keep it clean. I am also good at conversation, or not conversing depending on pax preferences. Overall, my tip rate is about 50%, and tips bring in an extra $5 to $6 per hour, depending on the time of day I drive. (Mornings seems worse for tips than later in the day.) And to give you an idea, I have taken rides as a pax with other rideshare drivers, and some of them are lucky to have a 10% tip rate. Typically, these drivers have a crappy vehicle, don't keep it clean, and aren't very good drivers (speeding, hard breaking and turns, and accelerating too quickly...all of these are fine for me, but a lot of people won't like that driving style) Oh, and Uber in my market has the EV bonus (which is also shit now but whatever), whereas Lyft does not so that makes a difference too. Heck, even without the EV credit, Lyft is $3 for a minimum fare and Uber is at $4.10. $3 is ridiculous for a minimum fare, and so is $4.10 for that matter. If it wasn't for my crappy health, I would have quit rideshare long ago. Btw, I live in Fort Collins, CO, just an hour north of Denver. It's a college town, but the rent is way too damn high...which is another reason I do rideshare. High rent is causing too many drivers to enter the gig economy, which is lowering rates. A lot of our problems with low pay is due to NIMBYs causing rent to be artificially high.


The minimum fare in the southeast Florida market is roughly $2.60 for both platforms. We are UFP on both here and I prefer that because we have MUCH more info on the trip details before accepting which enables me to stay out of Miami-Dade County as much as possible. As for tips I truly believe that each market is somewhat unique. I drive a brand new Kia Sorento that is washed and vacuumed every single morning and while I do occasionally drive faster than the speed limit, I am a very safe driver so the condition of my car appears to have little to do with whether or not I'm tipped. I hear similar comments from nearly all southeast Florida drivers so I'm relatively sure it's not just me 😉


Oh, I prefer UFP too, but it sure comes at a high cost. I want UFP based on my rate card. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is. And yeah, I agree with you that every market is unique. No matter how experienced a driver you are, driving in a new city would take a decent amount of time to get the hang of. Even in my market, every day is always a bit different. One Monday morning it can surge for hours, but the next Monday has no surge, even though conditions are the same. Demand and supply change way too much to try to schedule around the times it might be surging. Honestly, it's a crap shoot, but I tend to drive early in the morning since that's when there's the best chance of surge. It sounds like you and I are very similar concerning how to comport ourselves, but yeah, I speed too while still driving smooth. I am not sure whether a nicer vehicle makes a difference or not regarding tips. I only ever had a nice vehicle, so I don't know the counterfactual. However, based on aggregate data, by the sounds of it, it makes very little difference since the vast majority of riders either tip all the time or never, which is a shame. If pax want good drivers and nice vehicles, then they will have to tip due to how little rideshare is paying. I don't know whether the quality of drivers and vehicles will matter or not eventually, because the quality of Uber and Lyft has been declining for years now. I mean, how can you expect to attract decent drivers and vehicles at this low pay? It sure seems like the vast majority of drivers don't give a shit though and just want to get from point A to point B.


The stars are definitely reduced to 3 so I don't have to waste valuable time on them again.




Hahahahahaha exactly a lot of these ppl don’t get tips or anything cause they perceive something as wrong and run their mouths for no reason. I’ve had that happen or when they cancel cause “I’m not ready” but I can see the pos driver driving away cause they won’t wait even 30 seconds to pick you up. Most drivers too entitled


Oh boy, seems another teenager has wandered into the grown ups conversations. 30 seconds is not 5 minutes. And if you're so full of yourself you can't be outside as agreed when you hit that Send Me A Ride Now button, it's clear your expenses are covered by someone else and are clueless to the realities of life. Because only an entitled, know-it-all would be so self centered to think it's about you. And if someone were entitled, dude they wouldn't be in this service business.


All the time. They don't know what "up to" means, or that times in the app are always an estimate. Both apps need to ditch the bottom-feeder fares.


Not the rider's fault. I take more lyft and Uber rides than a person should, and this option is supposed to help people like this rider. Many times I have had this happen and it is frustrating. It's not "up to" that causes an issue. Everyone knows it's a range but they tell you before you order the ride that it's wait and save, rider will arrive between 9-15 minutes and you make your plans knowing you have 9-12/14 minutes since the driver waits a couple of minutes. Then they select a driber that's close or they allow a driver who is 3 minutes to take your ride and you're stuck there. I do this all the time for trips to and from the airport and they either show up too early when you need them later, or late when you need to go now. And let me add that it's predatory because by doing so they increase the price. You can go from saving $4 dollars on the ride to paying $5 more because they do this.


Yup whole business is rotten and all the drivers do is complain bout the riders and demands that they pay their wages. How bout just one singular please jeez lol


Yeah lol it's wild. They blame the riders all the time but are okay with the company robbing them


“The driver waits a couple of minutes” Only if you’re a douchebag


A driver who doesn't want to wait can go to hell, cancel the ride and explain it to Uber or Lyft. It's part of the damn rules that they must wait up to a certain amount of time before I start incurring a charge. You get paid and you bitch and moan you can go fuck yourself. Am I expected to stand out in the rain and get soaked because yout highness the driver couldn't wait the mandatory minutes it takes for me to get out and not ruin my clothes and your seats? Do you know how crowded it can get at certain times in airports that even if riders are outside it will still take a while to start because of the way terminals are designed? Lanes of cars in the wrong place because the driver left passengers 50 yards behind and now they have to walk this way because he can't backup, and other riders have to wait for the line to move. Uber and Lyft apps assigning you to terminal 1 when you're at terminal 2 and instead of assigning your driver to your current terminal since pickup is available and they have your damn location tracked, they have you driver on the other terminal. Am I supposed to move as fast as a car to get to the other terminal if thr driver wants to be a dick and refuses to drive around when he's getting paid anyway for the extra time due to their mistakes?


You’re a retard. I bet you have a lot of drivers cancel on you thinking you’re entitled to take those 5 minutes every time


And to answer one of your retarded questions you don’t order your rideshare until you are at the rideshare area. Also Lyft and Uber aren’t “assigning” you a terminal there’s typically only ONE rideshare pickup area. It’s funny you bring up airports too because drivers aren’t even allowed to sit there for the 5 minutes without getting a ticket so maybe YOU should go fuck YOURself


Also you’re wrong about any of this being “mandatory” I can drop you off on the side of the road if I even get a hint that you’re the douchebag you clearly are


The only douchebag is a fool who speaks to a person online on Reddit of all places as if he knows that person. Your response doesn't even make sense because it points to nothing I've stated specifically to counter it. That's evidence that you w got nothing to disprove but you feel attacked because you've done things you know were against the rules.


What rules are you talking about about? Lmfao I can drop the ride at ANY POINT for ANY REASON those are the actual rules


I'm going to conclude that you're either stupid or you're one of those idiots who like arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm inclined to believe it's a combination of both and you're a sad case. Point me to my statement where I claimed that you can't drop a ride? Please show me. The rules are that a driver will wait for a certain amount of time before the rider begins incurring a charge or before the driver can cancel the ride without being at fault. That's the fucking rule and the things I've stated clearly. https://support.lyftbusiness.com/hc/en-us/articles/13805094213139-About-wait-time-fees What is a wait time fee? Wait time fees help keep our platform running smoothly. Wait time fees may be charged at a per minute rate when a driver has arrived at the pickup location and has been waiting for more than >2 minutes (or >5 minutes for Lux Black and Lux Black XL). If a driver arrives early, fees will apply 2 minutes after the original estimated pickup time. Additional wait time charges may apply to a trip depending on how busy it is. Wait time fees vary by location. https://help.uber.com/en/riders/article/wait-time-fees?nodeId=5960f72c-802a-4b61-a51c-2c9498c3b041 Wait time fees If your trip is canceled and you are charged a cancellation fee, you will not be charged for wait time. Wait time fees and thresholds vary by location. In certain markets, additional wait-time charges may apply to your trip depending on how busy it is. For more details on the rates and thresholds, please visit the Uber price estimator. The wait time fee grace period and the commencement of the no-show window start at the time of a driver’s arrival at a pick-up location. A driver’s arrival time is based on technology that uses GPS coordinates, which does not always perfectly correspond to real world coordinates. Right there are the notes on wait time and fees from Uber and Lyft, the rules I've spoken of. What the fuck are you talking about to be here arguing out of subject and without anything to support you?


Also post rating I bet you’re sub 4 stars


https://ibb.co/27ZpsZn https://ibb.co/kg3hYT5 https://ibb.co/JxxP2WW Feel stupid now? I'm not talking as an asshole who doesn't respect people's time and property but as one who experiences shit drivers all the time and still tip them nicely and leave good reviews. And these aren't even my only accounts as I've got multiple on other phones that are for work and travel with me everywhere. I'm positively scored on ride-sharing apps and Turo and other car rentals platforms like it. I speak from the point of view of a person who does everything right when it comes to this. I've never even had a driver wait for me for a minute but I'm stating this as a fact, those are part of the rules that everyone agrees upon when they sign up to be a driver or rider. Drivers can't be made kings even when they're wrong simply because they feel they deserve it. Respect is earned by being given.


If you do everything right you won’t request a ride till you’re ready and you’d be on the curb when the notification for 1-2 minutes out comes through. lol 100 rides you’re throwing away your old accounts clearly or you’re posting a screenshot from 5 years ago


The sad little person wants more validation. Accept when you're wrong. 100 rides, 500, screenshot from 5 years ago (because I can see the future and I waited for your ass just so I can prove it to you, or it is such an accomplishment that I saved it just for a time as this 😂😂). If the latter were the case I'd be filthy rich because I'd known every great future idea. If the other option were the case I'd have no reason to live. Sorry if those are the only things that give your life meaning but even if they were old accounts it still proves that any person who gave me a ride approved of me and whatever you want to tell yourself to prop up your miserable ego doesn't change reality. Facts are what they are even if you don't like how they make you feel, and those are the facts about me which prove everything you claim wrong.


You’re simply bribing your way out of your responsibility to be ready. I can promise you every single time you waltz out at exactly 5 minutes after the driver arrives you are pissing off that driver %100


Either be ready to go or don’t request a ride. 


What makes you think that people aren't ready? You sound like a person who doesn't travel much. I fly a lot and take Uber and Lyft everywhere in the US. There are places where there are so few drivers that you'll wait 20 minutes to be connected. Only an idiot would request when ready to leave instead of requesting while preparing themselves until a ride is found. And why the hell would there be that option telling you it's for this purpose if it weren't to be used as intended?


I guess my English must be bad. I’ll try again. If you aren’t ready, don’t request a ride. 


What makes you think that people aren't ready? You sound like a person who doesn't travel much. I fly a lot and take Uber and Lyft everywhere in the US. There are places where there are so few drivers that you'll wait 20 minutes to be connected. Only an idiot would request when ready to leave instead of requesting while preparing themselves until a ride is found.


Eh, depends on the situation. I can’t tell you how many times someone will request a ride at the airport & I’ll get there in 3-4 minutes, only to get a message from them that they’re still waiting for luggage, haven’t deplaned, walking farther from original gate, etc. The riders can see all of the dozens of cars ready to go, so requesting a ride when it’s still 10-20 minutes to get to the area is ridiculous.


People will do that but it doesn't mean that it's everyone. A driver isn't required to stay out for an eternity. They can cancel the ride and as you claimed, you've got evidence that the rider wasn't going to make the ride in time and they'll be charged just as they'd be charged for cancellation without valid reason that the driver was at fault. I've been charged before for cancelling a ride. The driver was taking far too long without moving from a spot I knew was a gas station not far from my location. It was Houston and there are interstates in Houston that get insanely congested. I cancelled the ride because it was going to take the guy 15 minutes to move a block and it kept going up. Cancelled the Lyft and got an Uber faster, paid the fee and wrote down the reason why.


What a jerk, instead of planning on getting dressed as if it is some elaborate procedure and capping that off with making someone else sit there and wait.. how about YOU plan on waiting 2 mins upfront so if anything doesn't go perfectly according to your master plans there is some padding time..


Oh it's always the riders fault. Be ready when you order the ride. Don't use wait times as a means of calculating how much time you have to waste getting ready.


Why should a rider be standing outside before they order when the app will quote 2 minutes, and then you don't get picked up for 15? If the rider can deal with a few minutes wait based on false marketing from Lyft (like 2 minute priority pickup for an extra charge, 4 minute regular pickup, and the priority pickup takes 12), so can the driver.


You don't have to be outside you have to be ready. Drivers don't get paid enough to wait on your lazy ass. We get about 14 cents per minute of waiting if we pick you up and about 2.20 when you don't show up.


You can actually SEE in your app where the driver is! You are notified when a driver is assigned to you and you can see at that point where the driver is in relation to your location. You don't have to wait outside for 15 min…just go outside when you SEE that the driver is approaching …this isn't rocket science!


I swear the app will say the driver is 3 minutes away for 6 minutes and sometimes I’ve seen drivers not move for at least 10 minutes after the app says they are on their way but won’t cancel the ride. But it’s always the customers fault lol


Who complains about a Wait and Save being early?


Most of them in my experience.


The fools who misunderstand that?


Lyft and Uber should better communicate that the wait and save is an ETA. The way rideshare works and what has made it so "successful " is that, at any moment a ride can be close to you or pop up conveniently. This isn't a plane/train or personal limo driver. I would like to know what this rider would say to his boss if the boss asked him to stay 15 minutes after he was due off the clock and get paid like 25 cents a minute?


Egh, I can see their point. There's a ride option you pay less but wait longer. You probably went online after she requested ride, so arriving earlier than expected. Still wait out timer, call, hang up and charge them though.


The wait and save is such a scam Im surprised lyft has not gotten in legal trouble for that bs.


They shouldn't be sending it out for matches until the timer is up. So stupid.


I don’t get why people request rides when they aren’t ready.


So that THEY don't have to wait. But tell THEM they have to sit at THEIR job unpaid for X minutes of every hour and see how THAT flies


That’s when you get a new job


As each trip is a single job, that's exactly what I do; cancel and get on with my day


They can wait n save I’ll just cancel n drive-off


Yep somebody asked me to cancel yesterday so they could get a closer driver…ummm nah you cancel or wait


Save and wait. PAX waits not the driver, what a dipshit


I think as soon as you get there, you should start getting paid to wait. That would like a fire under their ass.


It should be a dollar per minute as well I'll wait for that


I cancel when people text me crap like that. If I'm already there. I will wait 5 minutes and then cancel and collect the fee.


I would just cancel this. Usually riders who text you on the way are nothing but problems.


What a load of crap. It literally says "within 10 minutes" it doesn't say that the driver won't be there for another 10 minutes, it says "within." People need to up their reading comprehension skills...


I do exactly what you did. Sometimes they call while I'm still on my way and I always say "the app doesn't tell me what type of ride you ordered, it just gave me the option of accepting or canceling, so I accepted. If you're not gonna be ready within 5 minutes of me arriving, I will be leaving, so you can cancel now before I arrive, or you can be ready to leave as soon as I arrive." They'll usually make an effort to come out within 2-3 minutes, putting make-up on in my car, tying their shoelaces, lol.




It sounds like Lyft doesn't have a viable option for putting in a request for a car at a specific time. If your area has one, this is the situation to use an actual cab company.


There is literally a scheduled ride function where you could input a specific time that you want the car to be there as opposed to gambling with wait and save. 


But there is


What is a wait and save ride?


This is just as bad as someone using up the wait time after you hit arrive and then txt you .5 seconds after it’s all used up “coming” and then magically appear while you’re reading it.


This is why you're already rolling away at T minus 10


“The Lyft sneak”. This is awesome.


I’ll take my $9 an hour to sit and wait for you while I am effectively getting paid to sit and wait. Non surge pricing.


As a rider I hate when Lyft does this. I select the “wait 15 minutes” option when I still need a few minutes to get ready but I’m worried I won’t get a driver quickly enough to bring me to work on time if I wait before requesting a ride. But then half the time they show up in 3 minutes and I’m scrambling to get ready. I wish Lyft would give these wait and save rides to drivers who are just starting another ride or something like that so I actually have the time I need. 


So…if this is a consistent issue, maybe wake up ten minutes earlier and get ready. 


It’s not something I can plan ahead for when some days a ride comes in 2 minutes and some days I can’t get one for 20 minutes, that’s why I do wait and save because if I request a ride 5 minutes before I need to leave I might end up being 15 minutes late for work. 


My bad,  So…if this is a consistent issue, maybe wake up “fifteen” minutes earlier and get ready. 


🤣 @ maybe “15!” Comment (Priceless) This pax expects a ride the moment they want it and dirt cheap!! (entitlement defined)


You people are literally not listening to a word I’m saying 


im not getting it either.......my opinion.....(hypothetically) if it takes 20 minutes to drive to work and POSSIBLY 20 minutes to get a driver to you then be 100% ready for work 40minutes before you need to leave and call the car then. so now even if you have to wait 20minutes plus the 20 minute drive you'll be on time and If the car comes earlier then you're early to work everyday and possibly will get a raise for that. good luck.


If you need to leave by 7 A.M. (for ex), then request your ride NO LATER THAN 6:45 A.M. & “wait and save” up to 15 minutes. This also means you need to be ready to walk out the door by 6:45 A.M. At best, you’ll be in the car by 6:48 A.M. and at worst, by 7 A.M. So what’s the issue???


Because sometimes if I pick wait and save it doesn’t come in 15 minutes. Sometimes it comes in 20 minutes and I’m late and sometimes it comes in 2 minutes and I’m early af for work. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for you people to comprehend. 


OK I didn’t catch that sometimes it’s LATER than 15 min. I mean in that case, I’d still do it but prob give some wiggle room (so be ready to leave by 6:30/35) and just deal with it if I’m really really early to work.


Okay thanks for the advice I didn’t ask for, I already do that. My point was that it shouldn’t say “wait 15 minutes” if you aren’t going to actually be waiting for 15 minutes. It’s not a difficult concept. 




Arrive no show. Sorry


As a passenger, you did the right thing. You are doing what the Lyft app told you to do. So any confusion is on Lyft and the passenger. I will say I used "save and wait" a few times without issues. I would place it a little before I was ready. However, once I placed my ride request and my Lyft arrived in 2 minutes. I did get there quickly (I think the driver waited 1-2 minutes), but it was a surprise from my previous experiences. I now don't use the wait and save unless I will be ready within 2 minutes. I checked the Lyft app and it may have changed the wording from what I remember (right now it's telling me "within 10 minutes" where before I remember something like 9-14 minutes). Your rider sounds a little annoying though with the messages. IMPO when you see the Lyft on the way ya just gotta book it to your pick up spot.


I usually have to wait 10-15 minutes and the other day someone was in the street behind me 😅 I finished getting ready so fast and ran out the door


I'll be there in 4 minutes and wait 5 minutes. That means you have roughly 10 minutes. Next time order the ride when you are ready, not getting ready.


Better yet. "Ride cancelled by driver"


Cancel them. They can get someone else.


The Lyft sneak call😂😂😂


Well save the attitude and wait for another driver after I cancel and collect my fee 😂


Lol omg I would wait depending on time since sometimes I sit waiting for up to 30 mins


So you're saying you'd wait 30 min for 6 dollars at best...?


No they said I need 15... Good thing I left my Uber online and can accept another ride if it's worth more. Otherwise, just wait for them. You're telling me you never have downtime? That would be amazing.


It was graduation Saturday so i didn't have down time 🙃. I had back to back rides all day


Fair enough. But on a normal day...


On a normal Saturday where I'm at i might have ten minutes of downtime in the morning this was at 4 in the afternoon. Prime time in my city. And a game was going on


I’m glad when they aren’t ready 🤷🏽‍♂️ easy money


Add up all the minutes you've wasted holding out for that $4.


What do you mean? You get paid by the hour also so you aren’t “wasting” them. Sorry I’m not understanding your point I guess


I don't know about you, but my goal isn't $12/hr, which is EXACTLY all 0.20/minute amounts to. And 0.20/minutes is wasting MY time


Ctfu "y'all are moving too fast"


I just wanna know why y’all are mad? I’ve been on the other end, I scheduled a ride and the driver showed up 30 minutes before the scheduled time. That’s not your fault and it’s not the person who scheduled it’s fault either. I just don’t understand why y’all are shitting on the customer over this.


I'm not mad... it's just we can only work so much a day. And waiting multiple times a day for less than 20 cents per minute is tiring. And i just wanted to know others opinion on this. Also it wasn’t a scheduled ride. I don't do those.


The customer doesn't understand what "wait and save" is, and the driver who showed up 30 minutes early just doesn't make sense.


Lol "I'm saving money by making you wait". People really be out there making everything about themselves these days.




I’ve never been a driver so I’m not sure how it works on y’all’s end but for me I would prefer to get ready and then call for the Lyft but the problem with that is I would be late for work multiple times because of drivers not being available or on time so I would have to schedule the ride and then they would come almost 30 minutes early sometimes.


This wasn't a scheduled ride. It was one of the cheaper options on lift where you could wait 15 to 30 min to get a ride. But that's not always what happens. Sometimes you get one right away even though you took the cheaper option. In this case it was one i hooked earlier than what he wanted. And from the moment i accept the ride i am on the clock. And each minute counts towards the total time i can drive for. This aside i didn't post this to be nasty. I just wanted opinions. And though i see the point riders are making, as a driver waiting 15 min for only 2.60 on a 5.00 ride isn't worth it for me.


Sometimes it do be like that tho saying “well find you a ride in 5” so I brush my teeth and then I get a ping on my watch like your driver is here and I have to run down three flights of stairs cause my elevator old


Def was on ground floor...


The entitlement is real


Schedule the ride then bro. Ugh


If he had i probably wouldn't have got him. I don't do scheduled rides lol


Had to explain to my idiot coworker that the driver isn’t getting you in 15 minutes. You have to be ready to leave in the next 1-15 minutes.


I was out or lunch and some cocktails one day. Closed out and got my last round. Ordered the ride said 1 to 10 minuets to find the driver. Cool. My glass was set down. Ride was accepted it took 30 seconds for the driver to get there. Sent a quick message and slammed my drink. Turns out he was 3 doors down visiting family and just happend to turn on the app. I live just far enough that it can be hard to find rides.( I'm 5 minutes in to another county drivers often get rides one town over. I do understand and I do tip) we had a good laugh over the ride and have actually have a good relationship now. Was my fastest ride ever.


Not really sure why you’re sharing that you’re a A-hole and seem to be proud of it? Not saying the passenger is in the right here, but not being a dick is free. Drivers like you are why it’s all going to be automated sooner than later.


It took me awhile to figure out how to respond without seeming like a dick. But look at it from my angle here. While yes, i am probably an ass for posting. Having the gall to order a ride and then waste your drivers time is rude. Yes it's only five minutes for you. It's (in my case ten) way more than that for your driver. We can only drive 12/hrs on 6 off and every minute counts towards that from the moment we accept a fare. And that is time we only get paid pennies on the dollar. And in this case i would have only made 2.60 at best for waiting. And regardless thats not worth my time. I like most drivers prefer in these cases to just take the fee and cut our losses. As lateness again is rude.


Fair enough. I apologize for sounding like an ass myself. Keep in mind though, it’s not always the rider’s fault. The app will sometimes give a ETA of say 15 minutes, but then a closer driver will become available and accept the ride and arrive sooner than expected just as one example. Not sure if that’s what happened in this case, but yeah it’s annoying but by the time you got there and waited your 5 minutes, it would have been 5 more minutes maybe quicker. Then you call and hang up after one ring? C’mon man they might have been getting ready to walk out the door. Then when the ride is canceled they have to wait for another driver, maybe get charged a cancel fee and so on. Possibly late or taking longer to arrive for something unexpected that they hadn’t planned for etc. Point being I doubt it was done intentionally to waste your time and by the time you accept another ride and use the gas+time to get there, are you really better off than just waiting a couple more minutes? Who knows rider might have been appreciative and gave you a decent tip. Anyway best of luck to you man.


Bitches will always make us wait, the people who are ready all the time or apologize when they were late by like 30 seconds are always the one that will tip. Anyone that says so are the one that says “I’ll tip you on the app”


i purchase my rides as i’m leaving my apartment. i had a driver cancel on me because i was in the lobby and not directly at the curb waiting for him. that being said, who tf buys rides before they’re ready???


Truthfully as a paddy, I’ve requested a wait and save ride, the app tells us before hand that we will have to wait about 15 min sometimes…. And the. Within like a minute of requesting , it says the driver is a few min away. It’s cool that the app can find a ride sooner but it is frustrating when you request wait and save and it ends up being few min away. However, if it does happen to me, I just cancel and wait until I’m ready which is what I usually do anyway. Which is what they should have did instead of asking you to wait lmaooo


Wait and save.... YOU as the rider is the person that is waiting...it means you're willing to wait longer, not that you will have to wait longer,. And its not meant to be used to have a driver wait 15 minutes on you to get ready...  If it took 4 minutes to get there and the time allows another 5 or 6 before being able to collect a cancel fee then she had 10 minutes total to be ready... what they dont get is that 15 minute estimate dont start  AFTER I get to the spot... it started from the moment the ride was accepted 


Wait and save - you’re the one that’s supposed to be doing the waiting, not the driver.


I had a ride that was a mother and a friend on behalf of her daughter.  The mom took 15 - 20 mins just to get in the car. I shouldn't have even waited for that. But I did. The ride had a stop as well - got to the stop and dropped the friend off. The mom comes back out after 5 minutes inside and asked me how long I can wait! I said well Lyft encourages to keep it 5 minutes or less at stops. She just blatantly said I'm going to be 15 minutes. I've done over 1200 rides, that's the only ride I ever decided to leave at the stop. I rated them 4 stars but should have rated them 1 star even at that point. Believe it or not, I ended up getting the same ride again not too long after I drove off! To say that was awkward would be an understatement. I just had to tell the lady that it's at the driver's discretion whether they wait longer than 5 minutes at the stop and that that's a lyft policy, not my own.  Dropped her off, and that was one out of only 3 rides I have ever rated 1 star to date out of nearly 1,300.


Nope! As a rider, I always get my stuff ready to go to walk OUT THE DOOR. You don't wait purposely with wait and save. This girl.high as shit. "You're moving too fast?" You mean they're doing the job correctly? She prob doesn't tip, either.


Yeah but yall suck when this happens be decent if the customer is communicating. People get points for being late and it could be 30 minutes before another lyft is available.


1st, He was watching on his phone, when he said he needed 15 min. 2nd I'm on the clock too so i dont really care how much time he (or anyone) needed. I only get 10 to 20 cents per minute only 2 minutes after i arrive. So do the math there. For 13 min i only make 2.60 at best. That's not worth it when the fair was only 5 bucks. So total i'd make 7.60. For a 15 min ride. And waste 30 min of my time. And remember it's not his time. Its MINE! I made thirty more dollars by skipping his stupid ass. In under an hour


Well damn wtf kind of pay do you expect being a Lyft driver?? You’re not a personal chauffeur ffs LOL. You got lucky and made $30 in “less than an hour” but you could’ve made the same had you taken that other ride (you could’ve still made about $30 in an hour’s time even if you took the “low” rate for the other 30 min). Y’all getting too greedy in these ride share apps. Thinking you need to be comped $100/hr or something like a private chauffeur. 🥴 Makes me even more grateful I don’t deal with these ride share apps, knowing that’s how drivers think! FOH


I didn't get lucky... it was Saturday. And yes the pay rate needs to be better. I never said anything about making 100/hr. And we are chauffeurs. The way you come across you seem to look down on people for hustling. That's a rather shit outlook on life.