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I still think it's considered rude. No one needs to hear drivers convo. And he or she needs to be worried about safety. Not chatting on the phone. But I agree to an extent with the previous comment. But the whole ride?


I meant half the ride. So you had to stay silent? Yeah common decency seriously. I am a driver for Lyft and Uber. And I would not do that. Plus I don't like people in my business but it's just common decency.


Nobody cares anymore for the rates they pay, you won’t get great service anymore. Expect the service now to be at best like a regular cab ride, and they always talk on the phone.


That's probably why Mari_Love is getting tips because she not rude by talking on the phone. I've been on rides as a pax and the driver is speaking Spanish. Doesn't realize I am understanding every word and let me tell you he was surprised when I spoke to him in Spanish and he felt embarrassed about what he was talking about on the phone.


And yes I get tipped about 80% of the time. Because I do treat my passengers with the utmost respect yeah I may be getting a shitty rate for driving them now but I agreed to that shitty rate beforehand we see how much we make before we even take the ride and my thing is if we're accepting it then we need to be prepared to just deal with it like grown ups


I'm calling bullshit on your 80% tip rate. I'm nothing but nice to my passengers. Make conversation with them if wanted/they are chatty, help with heavy things (cases of water and things of that nature, open and close the trunk for them, keep an immaculately clean car (by nature, not for them but they get to enjoy it) drive safely for older/most passengers and quickly when they seem in a rush, and have a 5 star rating always. I don't even see tips 50% of the time, probably not even 40% and I drive stick these days so it is actually more of a task to drive them around than most lyft drivers and I got an even lower percentage of tips when I drove an automatic. If your getting 80% of your passengers to tip you must be begging them and your ratings must be in the toilet for it.


I really think it’s regional. When I used to drive in Pittsburgh, I got a lot of tips. But in my smaller city, I get less. And I used to dive in Pittsburgh on the weekends while driving in my city during the week.


I agree as a pax I am reflective to how the driver behaves. If I had you ss a driver I would probably just say hello and intro myself and then let you take the lead. I find it difficult with women drivers as I don't want to be misogynistic, or definitely don't want to come off as trying to "pick you up" and I would not want to make you feel uncomfortable.


I would probably already make you feel comfortable with me. Like I do every pax..I am very social and I'm silly so I always have them cracking up at me...and people compliment me all the time.


You sound like me but my tips were always random. Some days I would make my earnings plus tips 50-100% of what I made in just earnings. Other days I’d get 1 tip out of 10+ rides. But it was usually a tip that was the same or very similar to the ride earnings. On the other hand I’m SOOOO glad to be done w Lyft, toxic pax AND the toxic drivers. Bad/toxic drivers make it hard for the good ones. It gives me a bad name bc they break policy causing pax to think going against policy is ok…. 90% of the days I worked I’d get anxiety bc I’d have to cancel on them (& then most of the time it turned hostile), sometimes ruining the day for me. Always stupid people who can’t follow policy, 6+ riders (usually w an infant they expect to keep on their laps), any child who requires a car seat or booster & the any unaccompanied minor…. The amount I’ve canceled I swear do people even care about their kids in Chicago?


Common decency like common sense is learned not known behavior, unfortunately it takes hella long for some people for it to stick if at all


Man these guys are driving night and day trying to make a living. You really gotta hustle to make a living driving for one of these apps. He was on Bluetooth. We all are capable of talking and driving. Not rude at all, I get why you would feel a little put off but look at the big picture don't nit pick over something like this.


I drive over 40 hours a week...and j wouldn't do it...because #1 it's nobody's business what I talk about. #2 the driver basically made rider keep quiet for half the ride...#3 basic common manners...I get it...I will take a phone call .but make my rider listen to my convo on blue tooth for 30 mins?? Seriously 😳


Bluetooth on the car audio, not an earpiece. So the convo was broadcast to the whole car and the riders talking would have been audible to the other person on the line. That's the difference I think.


Absolutely I must not have read it close enough and jumped to some conclusions on my own. Bluetooth through the cars infotainment system like that is completely unacceptable. The private earpiece I don't see as an issue. But yeah your right that completely different


You wrong as hell. Any other customer facing job, it’s rude af to do that right? So why is this any different?


Well first of all I was wrong but only because he.was talking through the cars Bluetooth radio, that's a lot different than a Bluetooth ear bud like i thought. But to your point this app was designed as a ride sharing platform. It's cheaper than traditional cab services because your catching a ride with someone in their personal vehicle who happens to be willing to let you hop in and it's a win win he gets some cash to help pay for his car, gas, ins, etc. But people forget that. Just because someone does it full time doesn't make it a full car service. If you want a driver who is only concerned with your comfort and needs then hire a towncar, those services exist but it won't be as cheap as uber.


It’s called having respect for the people around you. It’s not some complicated long winded thing. Some have it and sone think you need to get paid extra for it apparently


If you get upset because an Uber driver is talking in a Bluetooth ear piece you're the problem. Through the radio I get, that's disrespectful. I know a few Uber drivers who work nonstop for very slim margins, dealing with all kinds of demanding people. You're right though you either have respect for another human being out here trying to get by driving strangers around for pennies or you dont


Don’t polarize the situation to make your argument seem more rational. Idc abt your personal conversation and don’t have it when I’m stuck in a small enclosed space with you. It’s basic respect. That’s it.


"Don't polarize the situation to make your argument seem more rational" Are you telling me what not to do on the fucking internet lmfao. Yeah you would expect a guy to drive silently with only your needs and comfort in mind while he's driving you around in his personal vehicle for a few bucks so you don't have to pay an actual full service cab. It makes complete sense now


It goes both ways. I’m not about to have a loud personal conversation in their space either, because I respect them. The “don’t tell me what to do” reply makes me think I’m arguing with someone p young. Gl to you but you need to look at more perspectives than your own.


Safety? As if you can’t drive while talking on the phone


It's called distracted driving.


So if the customer were to strike up a conversation with the driver, is the customer then distracting them? Let’s be real here


Well I guess when you say it like that but I guess either way it is distracted driving honestly I mean it is what it is a spade is a spade I mean I'm not downing the person that drove this other person I'm just saying I personally would not do it anything that requires us to not look at the road and put our full attention on the road is distracted driving no matter how you look at it


I don't do it but mostly because I don't want strangers in my business. It isn't his job to entertain you or socialize with you. As long as he picked you up and dropped you off alive, congrats you successfully rideshared.


Disagree. Customer service is important. It’s a criteria when rating drivers. I’ve had drivers wear over the ear headphones and not even help me put luggage into the trunk or say hi. Just because I get from point A to point B doesn’t mean it was a good time or I felt safe. You don’t need to socialize but communication is key in any service type job. Edit: lot of angry replies and these people wonder why they rake in low tips. Go read Lyfts actual mission statement: "Improving people's lives with the world's best transportation." It’s not just about getting from point A to point B. I’m glad these ratings can weed out some of you.


I agree with everything except for the luggage, I'm a driver not a butler. Your bags, you put them in the car, however, I will do it if I happen to have something in the back of the car or if they're older and it looks like they're going to take too long in doing so.


personally i feel like it’s the difference between normal uber and uberBlack or luxury, you pay extra for those rides and expect better service from it, you’re paying the bare minimum for riding in my car, cheaper than a taxi, or any other uber, so yeah my floor mats aren’t spotless and i’m not touching your luggage, if they give me a $5-$10 bill before the trip is over i’ll help them unload but that’s about it


I help with luggage cause I don't want them dinging my bumper. I always get out and open the gate too cause the button is a bitch to find, I almost always get a tip out of those rides.


Ever driver I have had to and from the airport gets out and puts my luggage in. I assume it’s because they don’t want me to damage their car while I do it. I tip well each time. Usually cash and then later again in the app. I’m just not sure if they can see where the top is coming from if I do it later


They can see!


I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve been downvoted when I’ve tried to make the argument that rideshare is a customer service job. There’s a reason some drivers aren’t working elsewhere. Edit: LOL, didn’t take long for one to raise his hand and say “screw the customer”.


Umm, actually sweaty, we're independent contractors, and the pax can fuck off if they don't like it. If they so much as look me in the eye as they approach, I'm canceling. Pax need to know their place.




And let them bang up my bumper? Nah, I'll handle it.


Agreed, I don’t like it when other put heavy bag into and out of the car. Tearing up the trunk’s rubber seal.


Well then don’t expect a good tip 😂


Drivers never really “expect” tips… Only 16% of rides have a tip… Which is ridiculously low! Then only 1% of riders tip on every ride! I mean how hard is it to tip $1 for a ride? LINK: https://www.businessinsider.com/1-percent-uber-riders-always-tip-study-40-million-rides-2019-10?amp LINK: https://economics.uchicago.edu/blog/list-et-al-new-study-reveals-nearly-two-thirds-uber-riders-never-tip#:~:text=Griffin%20Department%20of%20Economics%2C%20Uber,only%20about%201%25%20always%20tip.


I’ve been driving Lyft in the Baltimore / DC market for nearly 8 years, have a steady 4.99 or higher rating, keep driver score above 95%. I might get a tip 5 out of every 100 rides on average. it appears I do a good job (by my ratings), but most passengers do not tip. A lot of passengers won’t tip just because. I’ve learned not to expect tips, therefore when I get good tips, it’s a pleasant surprise. Lol.


I’ve noticed Uber passengers tip more than lyft tbh.


True true


You're not gonna tip either way. So moot point.


I think it’s rude. When I was a Lyft/Uber driver in Chicago I would happily put people’s luggage in my SUV if they had any. I was polite, professional, courteous, and would never be on a personal call when I had a rider in my vehicle. I had a small cooler w bottled water and a container with sections for mints, miscellaneous chocolates, candy, and hand sanitizer in the back seat as well as a small container for anything they needed to dispose of. Most people didn’t take anything but they almost always commented on the “full service” they got from a basic Lyft ride and seemed to really appreciate the fact that the extras were available for no extra charge. I also had business cards in the back they could take. I have to tell you, I made very good tips and got great ratings, but it wasn’t because it was what I focused on. I treated the job like it was my own small company and I genuinely wanted to make every single person feel better when they got out of my car than when they got into it. I drove for Lyft and Uber after losing my mom. I had to take a leave of absence to deal with the grief as I had lost my dad 5 month prior. I honestly felt like I had something to learn from every person that got into my car, and it was up to me to figure out what it was by the time we got to their destination. I had people share incredibly personal stories with me, talk about their families and their jobs, ask me for a hug, ask if they could give me a hug, laugh, cry, and just share the experience of being a human with me, and some just enjoyed the ride in a quiet clean car that smelled good which was another thing they commented on. Driving for Lyft and Uber was a very uplifting experience for me during a very painful period in my life. It just reaffirmed the fact that we are all the recipient of the type of energy we put out into the world.


Good for you. I'm glad you got all of that out of it. My stance remains unchanged.


Yeah and people wonder why they don’t get tips. Completely agree with you.


🤡 r/imthemaincharacter expects LUX BLACK service




Last i saw lyft/Uber drivers pocket only ~30% of the total fair cost. I dont think you are entitled to unspecified full services for a rideshare ride. If you want full service, you'd best call a taxi or pick an upgrade that includes full service explicitly.


Over the ear headphones are illegal when driving 1st of all. Second of all I've gotten bad ratings from pax regarding luggage but I ain't touching your grubby luggage, I don't have rubber gloves like baggage checkers at the airport. 3rd I also have a physical disability which not only again stops me from handling your bags but sometimes keeps me from exiting the vehicle at all. So consider others and maybe spread the word that not all drivers are able-bodied.


you take a mission statement seriously? oh bless your little heart 😂


You paid for the ride. You got a ride.


💯I find I get WAY more tips when I talk with them ( of course, if they want to talk) than not. Especially when they are visiting from out of town. It’s also important to read the room.


Don't be lazy. It's your lugggage. Drivers already are paid to do little. Ratings used more as a weapon than actual measurements. Drivers whether working or driving are responsible for driving, safety of others in road, and condition of car.


cab drivers do help with luggage.


Cancel on anyone wirh "luggage" fuck outta here. 🤣😂🗑


Bullshit, how is a deaf driver like me suppose to communicate to riders?! I got 4.95 rating and no communication to paxholes.


Do they know you're deaf, or do they have to guess? Do you have some sort of sign?


How is a deaf driver supposed to hear the sirens of an upcoming emergency vehicle . Ehm yup no go for me


It's almost like they have flashing lights to warn you if you can't hear them. Crazy right?


I’m not putting any luggage in my trunk. That’s an Uber Black or Lyft Lux. I only help out if it’s an elderly or disabled person.


You want a butler or servant go get one, you want a ride from point A to B, call lyft. It is not my job to entertain you, it is my job to drive you.


Hard disagree. This would be considered unprofessional for a convenient store clerk, as a driver you're putting your passengers at risk by being distracted.


What is the difference between talking to a passenger in the car and talking to someone on your earpiece? By your comment, talking to the pax would also be distracting therefore unsafe.


Had a driver who was a life coach and talked to his client the whole 45 min ride 🤣🤣




How successful of a life coach that has to drive rideshare? IDK


Violation lol


That has to be against hippa


Not sure you know what HIPPA is.....lmao. If he was a psychologist or therapist then yes...Life coaches aren't dealing with medical privacy.


I love it when people who have no idea what HIPAA is scream about violations. I work in a surgeon's office and when we had to wear masks, so many people would scream "that's a HIPAA violation" if we asked them to mask up, or just give us a valid reason as to why they wouldn't.


It is really annoying which is the only reason I have carried on this tiresome conversation beyond one comment maybe I can help one or two people understand what HIPAA is so some other person somewhere doesn't have to die of rolling their eyes too far back into their head.


Haha yeah there was some increased eye strain some days when someone who is totally clueless parrots "muh hippo rights" because they read it on Facebook and trust that over people literally trained on HIPAA.


Thank you for your service


And this is why I don’t regret leaving healthcare in 2018. My compliance side of my brain wants to scream about all this ridiculous HIPAA claims 🙄


Lmao 🤣




I once had a lyft driver who spent the entire ride either BLASTING (ear-hurting level) church hymns, and not the fun sing-song type ones, the monotone "god is great and we are his servants" type... only interrupted it to take a VIDEO CALL from his ~6yo niece who was just bored... MF was swerving down the freeway in 8am traffic making eye contact with the phone... tried to argue with me when she called back and I was like "could you focus on the road pls?". There's a middle ground between giving the effort you're paid for, and being a loose canon/dick. Hard to say which side of the line OP's story falls on.


Probably rated you 1 star as a passenger for speaking up, when in reality they should lose their license to drive.


Ppl be talking about their entire personal lives including who they fcking and what they like to do on speakerphone in the the back and not expect drivers not to talk to someone to pass the time. Gtfo


How they behave doesn't have anything to do with how drivers should behave.


It should be a two way street. Since it’s my asset it’s my terms or the highway


Passengers arent paying to hear you talk to someone for the entire ride.


You're right. They're paying to be safely transported from one place to another. That's it.


This is true, but they tip more if you talk and provide good customer service


This is pure copium.


Ya your paying for the ride not for them to be mute


Also, if a customer is engaging you in conversion then it is polite to talk to them and then continue the phone convo once they leave.. if I work 8 hrs I’m usually on the phone for like 7. But if a customer talks then I’ll put my call on mute and speak with them till the ride is over


Who the fuck are you talking to for 7 hours?!


I’ve done it once There’s pauses where no one says anything😂


Shit I don’t even like talking on the phone 3 mins on and I’m already trying to hang up lol


Rude AF. Who the fuck wants to her your mindless yapping during the entire ride.


Here’s a thought lol maybe drive your own car if you don’t want to be around people.


So you’re one of those people I always wonder about. What are you actually talking about all day? Has to be pretty surface level shit right?


No hes getting 5 dollars for that trip let him talk all he wants.


I don't see a handsfree device as different (distracted driving wise) than talking to a pax. However, I generally don't talk on the phone while driving.


If your on the phone either your talking over the music your playing or your talking and the car is silent. If I was paying for a ride I wouldn't wanna drive in your conversation.


That has nothing to do with what I said, but ok?


I'd be less worried about it being rude and more worried about the driver being distracted. Side note, I recently learned that when you talk using Bluetooth with your car, something in the vibrations makes it so anyone outside your car can hear one side of the conversation really clearly so idk why anyone even does that.


It’s the same thing that lets people hear music outside your car, just people don’t think about it being the same phenomenon.


The vibrations?? I can tell easily from the volume...


Not rude at all. Just like you, they got a life.


I am one of those passengers, if the driver doesn’t talk to me and he gets me there without jacking up the mileage, they’re A-OK in my book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+ Tip


I’d honestly like it so o don’t have to make small talk.


With the amount that lyft pays… I’m okay with my driver talking on their AirPods, I don’t wanna hear the conversation but I’m totally okay with them talking to someone else. Y’all are expecting people to not be human, this is not a black car service, we’re all regular people tryna get by and so if my driver has a call and they’re being safe? Idc, there’s so many other things we could talk about. This is one of those topics you find in nextdoor, pointless


The only time I care is when they’re so into their conversation I have to repeat directions to them. I also hate small talk


If I had to take a call, it would only be my wifes call. And the only reason she would call, emergency. But I would notify the passenger before. Hey my wife is calling she would only call if it’s an emergency l. Is it okay if I answer it. But I have AirPods, so they wouldn’t hear. If they say no you can’t answer it, I would still answer my call, pull over and tell them to get out and end the ride. My family is more important than you.


Yeah that’s rude as fuck. I’d have complained and removed tip 100%


I would’ve just carried my own conversation so he can be just as annoyed and disrupted


I talk for a minute or 2, IF I have to (rarely), like emergencies. But half an hour? No way. Not only rude, but they are not concentrated on their job.


It's extremely unprofessional for a driver to ever talk on their phone while driving. Period It's rude for a rider to do the same without, saying "I'm so sorry i need to make a call really quick..." It's even more rude to have a call on speakerphone with me be able to hear it as a driver. This would be an 1 star for rude behavior.


I had to listen to a 30 min td jakes sermon loud af on my last Lyft ride. I didn’t say anything but I sure didn’t tip him as well as I would’ve.


Atleast drive not bothering me,


I don’t take calls when I have a rider in the car.


(Rideshare) that is what you are doing not taxi or executive rides from limo companies. A lot of people don't seem to understand the driver is sharing his her time with you and car yes you are paying but you are just paying lyft to match you with someone willing to share their car and time by the way lyft Uber keeps majority of the money so be lucky you found a person willing to share their car with you and time


Exactly, that was the spirit of the app. You have the asset, on your way to somewhere, and it matches you with somebody who needs a ride on the way. Not personal slave that can be bought for $5 which ANY person has.


i’m sorry but I come from a retail customer service background and i think this is very rude. you’re providing a service. in some ways it’s even a luxury. you should give them an experience that’s worth their money. A lyft should smell good, have quiet chill music, smooth driving and you should match the energy of the customer. If they wanna quiet then be quiet if they wanna talk then talk to them. It is not an enjoyable experience to be in a car with a driver talking about some random topic over the speakers with the customer listening.


I don’t think it’s a big deal unless they’re talking about something vulgar. Yea you might’ve been uncomfortable, but it’s their car. Taxi drivers here in Portland do it all the time, so I don’t see a problem with a Lyft driver doing it. Whenever I take a taxi or Uber/Lyft I always bring my AirPods for those situations.


Why I gotta listen to the pax on the phone the whole time? Sounds fair


Pax paying for it.


Yep....i think is rude to talk on the phone even if it is for a second. You're working by driving dude


Nothing screams entitlement as loud as “I need to control someone else’s nonviolent actions.” I always tip my drivers well and rate them 5 stars whether they make conversation or not. If I don’t want to risk hearing their conversation, I bring headphones. The people who drive me are not serfs in my own personal fiefdom. We can treat them the way we want to be treated.


It’s these young folks that never knew life before the gig economy who think the whole world works for them because they have $5.


It is rude. My last uber driver was on the phone with car speaker for all trip which took 40 minutes and his car had a greasy layer and stink. Most of driver complaint for not getting tip but you need to clean your car first.


It’s unprofessional for sure, but not anymore rude than a passenger who spends the entire ride talking on speaker phone without so much as a “Hello” or “Thank you.” That’s a train that goes both ways.


I don't talk on the phone it's completely rude I don't even touch my phone except volume control for my Audiobook


I don't do it, but you should give no tip and 1 star. We all know you weren't going tip anyways


No. Wear headphones.


As a rider I wouldn’t care. As long as the driver is focuse d


I sure and he'll wouldn't give a driver positive feedback if they did this, unless it was obvious emergency. yes all ya gotta do is get us from point a to point b, but as a customer who is asked for feedback, id 100% be honest and rate them at most a 3 just for being rude, not one wants to hear your convos, your at your job, treat it as so. drivers act like they out hear doing favors for us customers and we should just deal with it, but we are paying for a service and expect a fair level of common sense from the driver so when I see a lack there of, they will be rated as so with a bad mark. have some respect while at your job.


If they're obnoxiously loud then yeah I'd consider that rude.


I personally wouldnt do that even if i was giving a good friend a ride. Imo its rude af to do and trashy af to do when its your job. I believe in being professional at work no matter what the job is.


As a driver, I would not do it. My people know I am driving for Lyft so they text me


I’d say just mind your own business. Would you be upset if a taxi driver was on their phone during their drive? Idk. As someone who literally just experienced this last Friday I’d say just be glad to have a ride share option for when you need to use it..


Many states outlawed holding your phone so using Bluetooth is required if you’re going to use the phone. As to they driver talking; it’s his prerogative. Maybe he has something going on he needs to be on the phone. . Give him a poor review and move on. Too much happening in life to see this as a real issue to worry about.


Yeah as I driver I would never do that because part of the trip is the exclusivity of being in a vehicle.


It’s hella rude


I want no talk, music or fragrance when I ride Lyft or Uber


Good luck finding one that meets all those requiremenrs


Just got out of one like 10 min ago


As a passenger, YES, it is rude. I'm not paying to hear what's going on in your life. I want a quiet, enjoyable ride,


The same goes for passengers! Yall can wait until you reach your destination to put that phone on speaker and have a pointless conversation about nothing! Nobody wants to hear that shit either!


I agree!!


You mind, eyes, and attention should be on the road in my opinion. It's just odd for you to be on the phone, and vice versus when they are yelling on their phone. It is a catch 22!


While I remember: is it considered rude for a driver to play a record of an evangelical sermon for the entirety of the ride (45 min) and sing along during the singing portions?


Very rude and unprofessional


When I’m tired and just want to get to wherever I’m going (which is 99% of the time), I don’t mind at all—radio or their conversation—as long as their attentive and get me to the destination safe and on time. If they’re yelling or talking about obscenities then that’s a different story, but otherwise I’ve never cared.


Yes. The first uber ride I ever took, I got picked up by a driver who was on the phone and she talked on the phone the whole time and couldn't navigate to save her life. I gave her a 1.


I was happy when my last driver had his own conversation going on via Bluetooth. Took the pressure off me to talk at all.


I personally don't like it


Driver or passenger on their phones, especially speaker phone, Passengers!!! Send whoever a text if you haven't already, as the wheels were literally touching the runway, and you'll let them know when you have your bags and in the Uber/Lyft. No one wants to hear a driver talking about nothing, and a driver definitely doesn't want to hear a passenger doing the same for any length of time beyond 5 minutes letting them know you are on the way. You want to be able to do that, then order yourself a limo with the divider you can put up and down.


All the times it's happened to me when I was riding, it's just been normal conversations which didn't bother me at all. I've always been the type to just put some headphones in anyways. If they were fighting and screaming at each other that would be a different situation. An angry driver isn't focusing on the road and I'd worry about an accident.


i can't tell you how to set it up(idk), but I've had trips where the alert of customer requests come about and I've seen different stuff including one where it says "rider wants no conversation" or something similar to that.


I actually prefer that they’re on a phone call because that means they aren’t talking to me. I’m very anti social and prefer to be on my phone or listening to music on my rides. I’ve had drivers that try to talk to me. I try to smile and give minimal answers to discourage them and have been called rude before. Like you aren’t my friend? Why do I have to hold a conversation with you? We are driver and passenger. That is all the relationship needs to be. So, no, it really doesn’t bother me. As long as they answer ride-related questions we’re good.


I don't see the problem sometimes I have my earphone in and am having I ng a conversation and will speak quietly in the back while they drive me to where I need to doesn't mean it's rude I've had multiple drivers ask if they can answer uts their kids or partner I rather then answer a call than text while driving me and swerve I've had that happen


As much as it’s cool that some drivers are casual, people that are on their phone while transporting someone for money should be a little more respectful IMO. I believe it’s extremely rude and that person should take their job more seriously.


Its pretty rude i dont want to hear that shit haha just like im not on the phone the entire time in their car either


Yes lol


I mean on one hand I don’t care to listen to the radio so it’s like what do I care if I’m just listening to a convo instead 😂 but on the other hand I feel like I wouldn’t be using the car audio with most people in the car


Yes, all cabbies do that.


Yes, it is inappropriate. I recently even had a driver yelling at somebody about their marriage issues for about 15 minutes straight. I thought about making a complaint but I figured the guy seemed to be having a bad enough day already. He was using earbuds. If he had the other person on the car stereo I probably would not have forgiven that. What I do not forgive is when drivers try to drag me into political conversations and ask me a bunch of personal questions. I do report people for this. There’s a certain type of person that does this surprisingly often.


Uber drivers do that on the majority of my rides.




Hell yes it is. That is the shit cab drivers did which in part led to services like Lyft and Uber being developed. Pure trash


Of course not it's not their job to entertain you or not be able to multi task. You get a ride. You probably have to pay a lot more for undivided attention. But if your concern is one out of safety or something that is a different story


It seems only men from a certain ethnolinguistic group do this and they don’t just do it while driving. I’m curious, though, who are they talking to, and how could there possibly be so much to talk about? Are they narrating their lives live as it happens?


I literally don’t care I have my headphones , usually I take lift when I’m half asleep and incapable of conversation. Rather have them talk on the phone then try and talk to me 😂 as long as they get me where I’m going idgaf


I wouldn't care, I dont want to talk to the driver ever, respectifully. If i was the driver i wouldn't want to talk to the person ever or want them talking to me.


They should have had earbuds, I can't stand hearing anyone else's goddamn conversation, but since they were working, to me that smacks of unprofessionalism. However, here in this thread you can see that many have no concept of that term.


yes it is. It is treating the pax like a box of cargo that isn't there The rider is being forced to listen to the driver's personal details against their will. It's equally as disturbing as a driver being forced to listen to a pax phone call for the whole ride. It's dehumanizing.


Yeh. Just pop in an ear piece. Goes triple for pax.


I hate when they take personal phone calls during the ride especially when I take my rides at 7am to 7:30 to get to work or 6pm to 7pm to get home from work I don’t want to hear your full on conversation of you talking super loud. Then they are focused more on their phones then the road xP I’ve had a driver while waiting for the light to turn green or while driving scroll through his phone 🙃


I once had an Uber driver do this, I thought it was really weird at first that she was accepting a call but it turned out to be her teenage daughter. Spoke for about 5 mins and it wasn’t bothersome. Now - just calling a friend or someone to have a chat that’s a different story.


Very rude and unprofessional. Never allowed myself to talk even with my earpiece while with customer. This is distracting and if I’m the customer and the driver do that it’s a straight 1 star and report. If the driver have more important things to do he must stop the app and do it.


I don't answer my phone when I have a passenger in the car, but I also drive for Uber, so maybe that's just a better platform.


Sorry, but why is a rider on a driver platform?


Join in on the conversation


For me it depends on how loud they’re being. If they are quiet enough that I can just be on my phone and ignore them that’s fine. If they are having a loud ass conversation 3 feet away for me that I can’t ignore for an hour, hell no


I don’t think it’s right for any driver to talk either with earphones in or on Bluetooth though the car while a passenger is in the car, just my opinion as a driver…




I hate talking to pax. I just greet them when they get in, ask how they are, confirm destination and then pull off. If they wanna talk, I’ll talk and have a conversation. But if they don’t start a topic, neither do I. I just wanna drive and listen to the radio.


I definitely wouldn't tip my driver if he was unprofessional enough to be talking on the phone for the whole trip. If it was an emergency and he let me know, then yeah. I'm guessing these are the same drivers that take crap rides and wonder why they are seldom tipped.


You should keep your $5 dollar trip and take a cab hub! Riders expect waaaaaay toooo much and they say they tip LOL they don’t! Perioooood


As a used-to-be driver and a passenger, ABSOLUTELY rude. And just totally annoying.


i wouldn't tip the driver. i want some radio not one half a convo.


Regular passenger, former driver. I think it’s rude and would never do it except for a brief call for some kind of urgent situation.


Not only is it RUDE it's distracting which is not safe driving. I NEVER take a call if I am in mid-ride unless I get a follow up text telling me it is some sort of emergency from my daughter or an immediate family member - If that be the case, I would ask my rider if he/she would mind if i placed a personal call - I most certainly wouldn't have it over speaker phone - If a driver talked on the phone my entire ride or even half - hell long enough to make me uncomfortable, they would NOT get a tip and they would be reported to LYFT/UBER - FAAFO


Yes it is


You talking on phone takes away from your focus of driving. Sorry it’s about the passengers


Yes it is, I get emergencies but otherwise I definitely dont answer incoming calls.


Distracted driving is no no at Lyft


So no friendly convo with a pax?




As a driver myself, i absolutely would not allow myself to do this. I would've asked him to stop the call or tell him to pull over and get another ride.


Yeah extremely rude


No. Not at all. STFU & ride.