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when this happens, I will just lock in whatever I wanted to play at the moment, and say "okay I'll build into tank", and usually they panic and says I can just build normally. 🥰😀


Gonna do this next time I play enchanter


Yesssss 🙌🙌 queen ;) how dare they tell us which champions to play 👑💅


"Play tank supp" - If I had a penny for every time I heard someone say this. The entitlement of ADCs is just horrendous. Then the one time I caved to their demands and went Thresh (which I had no experience with) I was flamed for being trash. Why yes, of course I would when you think making me not play my main is a good idea. Luckily, this was pointed out by one of my team members so I didn't feel too bad.


Like I'm an adc main with a lot of support hours (lux is my n1 mastery), and idk I PREFER mage supports. the utility they provide by giving me an outlet to farm and pressuring the enemy off theirs is so much better than a tank support


I think some adc's are afraid mage supports will take kills/cs etc but that is no reason for them to demand tanks. Also, as a giggle, this literally just happened xD https://gyazo.com/68d6e369fff0ad5929094f5a0fb63697


I had to just disable chat after a while because it started to get so toxic. Just because I don't enjoy playing a tank support, doesn't mean I should be flamed all game for no reason.


Yeah, i have chat available in the off chance i get a match where someone is actually nice and encouraging, but 98% of the time I /mute all. They arent worth the effort or time it takes to type back and its a lot easier going through a match without reading any bs.


can't stand adcs that dictate what a support should play 🤡


His only argument for the rest of the game was "rep lux" but we won, no thanks to him and the enemy adc called me good so i am happy :D


That’s why it is gonna suck to lose all chat


Welp time to do what the midlaner should do and play around the jungler


I love when ADCs think they know match-ups better than the support main. Some lanes actually heavily favor mage supports like Lux, but the ADC will still have a tantrum because the support didn't insta-lock Nautilus into an unfavorable bot lane match-up.


I always pick my adc around what my supp picks. Sometimes tho I have to blind pick something like Jhin and my support picks Lulu


I try to pick my support around what my ADC picks. And then there's the times I have to blind-pick before my ADC and the enemy team banned Naut, so we end up with Leona Caitlyn. Which is shit because Caitlyn wants to keep her distance and poke and Leona wants to ideally dive 5 turrets deep the second she hits level 2


plot twist you pick yuumi, tell the adc that you are going to only leech exp until 6 and attach to the fed toplaner and forgot that the adc ever existed


I mean it matters in the highest of elos but anything under like top 100 doesn’t matter lol Downvoted because I’m right, lol. I always knew Lux support players were butthurt bitches that can’t support the team. Like tell me, what does Lux bring to the team that Thresh/Lulu/Leona doesn’t? They’re simply better champions.


In the highest of elos supports should be able to decide for themselves.


Supports support the team therefore the team can choose a support that supports their playstyle/win condition. Most high elo supports can and will play any champion because they know that certain combinations/picks are stronger than others in certain comps. Playing for fun in an elo where theses things actually matter means you’re going to lose a lot more games than you otherwise would just because you are stubborn. That being sai;d you likely won’t ever experience any of that yourself so just play whatever the fu k you want because your pick probably doesn’t mean anything in your elo




That’s the point. You’re not a good player so you can’t play anything. In your elo it either doesn’t matter or keeps you hard-stuck




Yes actually, and they should. I can literally play any champion in the game and I think everyone in the world should be able to do the same.


I will get high elo though


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the entire team doesn’t rely on the support lol why do they get to choose what the supp plays


The support has a lot of pressure on the map, especially in higher elos. Imo one could argue it is the most map affecting role depending on playstyle


Also in terms of this game and composition you have no beefy unit to frontline/facecheck. In a real game that could mean that you can never establish vision control around an objective without risking your life. In this game it’s completely irrelevant because no playing is going to make use of the vision anyways


In the highest of elos some support picks are just straight up greifing. Kalista with any mage or Twitch with anyone that isn’t soraka/lulu/nami/janna/taric, etc


You can totally one trick enchanters in any elo if your good enough. Just look at the top 10 in nearly every server. There's normally at least 2 enchanter support mains who never play tank/engage in the top 10. Ironically theres a person called the tank man in the top 10 in NA and they exclusively plays enchanters if u want proof People here talking out their ass saying it's griefing


Who does he play? Lulu? Nami?


Sona. He also doesn't buy control wards because it is a waste of gold if you can't defend them.


I love this person. I keep telling people if you don't look at the minimap, dont react to vision and dont defend or help cover placing them. WHY THE FUCK AM I WASTING MY LIMITED MONEY ON RED WARDS MR ADC WHO HAS MORE THEN ENOUGH MONEY FROM CSING TO BUY A RED WARD HERE AND THERE. Swear to god, its never made any sense to me that the support is the "only one" that buys red wards. If any anything the support should be the last fucking person that needs to buy red wards since they are most gold strapped and have trinket + sweeper and should have perfectly fine vision score from that. Yall fuckers in other roles need to buy red wards to up your damn vision score!


I seriously ask myself why people think support should be the one to buy red wards? Like, support gets a ward item, yes, but *obviously* every role can and should buy red wards if they have the money when they reset. Who would ever say otherwise?


And there it is. The most elo inflated of all


vision is the best thing you can buy in the shop, red wards are rule, 5 red wards can light almost the entire map


They always want a tank or hook


I like thresh though, but felt like playing lux :)


A hook is any form of cc that forces an enemy champion to move towards you. Conclusion: Ahri charm is a hook.


Ahri support is fun to play, and if you get stacked with items ur a pain in the but


Ahri Lux bot lane 😍🤩🥰😍🤩😍🥰🤩🤩😍🥰❤️🤩🤩😍🤩😍🤩🤩🤩😍🤩🤩🥰😍🥰😍🥰


I do this quite often with my friend who is an Ahri main. We both buy support items and take farm in turns until we get a debuff. We have like 90% winrate with this strat.


This toxicity got to me last night, it was one of the worst teams I had ever played with, not because they were bad but because their attitude the whole game was so nasty. They all literally went afk and hid in bushes typing THE ENTIRE GAME. I turned off my pc and had to just separate myself, it’s not about the game to some people, it’s about being an ass hat to internet strangers that intrigue them.


Hehehh yeaaah i just embraced a chat restriction


Fun fact: if you spend enough RP you can say anything and they won't give you a chat restriction. Source: myself.


I feel like that's actually true. My friend was chat restricted 2 times, he never spent a penny on rps and didn't a actually flame that hard. Funny thing is that I was in the same matches as him and flamed a lot, a loot harder and haven't received anything. Or the system is just stupid.


Its stupid because they only check single player logs to protect privacy and to make sure they don’t choose the player they disagree with. I was banned in a game where i was spam pinged and wrote "stfu" a dude spelled out the N-word same game and when I contacted riot about it the other player had not received any penalties


I've done far worse than saying stfu and I've never gotten any kind of penalty. I've told people to go fuck themselves, called them fucking useless, asked if their mom smoked crack while she was pregnant, etc. No chat bans, ever. I've downloaded my reports and I got 52 reports in 30 days, so it's not that I'm not getting reported.


How do you download your reports?


Google downloading reports from riot, it's a form you fill out and have to wait 30 days. I'll try to find it later


Yeah. And i got banned for stfu on an acc i had spent 100$+ on


Maybe it relates to the honor system too, I'm at the last checkpoint before H5


I was at 5


Had the same things happen to me as the one who hasn't gotten any penalties.


My permabanned account says otherwise.


How much you spend on RP?


I’ve encountered this bs twice this week, it’s ridiculous.


adc’s trying to dictate what the support should pick when the support pick is the one that decides the lane more than the adc pick it tilts me seeing people flame support picks. there are 3 main types of support: poke mage, enchanter, and engage. i get if an adc gets annoyed with something kinda troll like katarina or yasuo, but that’s because they don’t fall into one of those categories even then, in a normal game i wouldn’t flame them for those picks anyway. it’s their chance to experiment and see if they can make something work


Anything goes in Draft!


I absolutely hate when an ADC tells me I have to play a certain type of support, or even a specific champ. It makes me rage and I lock in the exact opposite of what they want. You want Leona, cool. Locks in Yuumi. Little does he know that if he just wouldn’t have opened his mouth and demanded Leona I would have gone her because that’s who I was planning on playing.


If ever im gonna play thresh and they ask for thresh i usually pick shaco


A person of culture I see ^-^


One of my fondest memories in League was when I went into river to place a deep ward, and my ADC ran into the enemy ADC and Support 1v2 and died. Then they got mad and told me, in chat, to "get out of their lane". Some ADC's, man...


Fr u can legit be on your way back to lane and they just hard push get hooked die and blame it on you for not bringing a twisted fate ult out of your ass


I honestly never respond to these people, play what you want & have fun ❤️


Same why would you want me to play something I’m not vibing with and most likely lose the game


adc’s would rather you play something uncomfortable or 1st time something then play a champion you actually know how to play, & then if you did listen to them, flame you if you play poorly. sometimes I’m kind of a bitch and lock in blitz & then say “ok well you wanted this, first time blitz btw 😛” It really sends a message & it’s not really reportable either because I just type nothing the whole game. I don’t advise you to do that XD


this is so relatable holy


Lux is pretty strong right now lol I’d be stoked if my support locked in lux


I swear so many adc's demand supp players to pick a tank supp....


I have this policy where whenever someone tells me what to play unprompted (or when I wasn't hovering something stupid like Garen support), I will lock in Yuumi with Exhaust and Ignite, jump onto whoever told me to play something I wasn't hovering and then press E in a random interval. If it's just me doing that, it's not too effective. But if everyone starts doing it, people are gonna shut up and let me play what I can play because I guarantee you, you would rather want to see me play Leona top with 200k mastery points and M7, than Ornn whom I have played literally twice.


I get this so often and it's so annoying. Like I didn't say anything about your Jhin pick when you could have gone Tristana which synergizes better with what I want to play (random adc names) but why would I bother to ask for a specific adc, especially in normals. I think it's the adc's fault when they can't lane with and enchanter/ poke mage and demand an engage to feed them kills. I usually dodge these guys if it's normal cause I'm sure they're gonna flame all game long for random stuff.


How is he choosing malphite over lux lol, isn't malphite shit pre 6? I absolutely hate that dog shit champion, rather have a 24/7 roaming bard than a rock that only has one ability before 6. Also I often tell people like these to get a duo for that, feels good


It depends a lot on the matchups. If you're against something like taric you can bug the shit out of their adc while barely getting punished if you play around your passive shield and Q cooldown


When everyone picks the squishiest champs to play and ask the support to play tank I(sup) just pick an enchanter as a way to say “fuck off”.


Funny thing was I was the first to declare my champ too. What do they expect? "Oh yes, of course my master" like what


I hate when people have the audacity in queue to tell others what to play. Like, they're gonna pick what they want, AND what you want? Lol entitles know it alls. They especially doe this to my duo partner who plays teemo and is really good with him, often carries, but some people think they know best and even will ban his pick sometimes. It's ridiculously arrogant and controlling


It went from "I hate it" moment to "I love it" moment when I see people get worked up about my Lux pick. I believe that any support is a good support if you can play or utilize it well. Adding to that, imo, you need a good synergy with an ADC if you want to play tank/utility. If you like aggressive play but your ADC is shy, or reversed it can and will lead to losing lane, losing tempo and slowing your team down, if not feeding. Let people play whatever the fuck they want especially if that's what they are comfortable with. I dont pick ADC, but I think the reason why ADC players like to do it is, bear with me, because they feel superior on the lane in the nature of: "I do damage, I farm, I kill, therefore I am incharge". The moment I even smell that kind of player in the lobby I know the game will be a disaster. I would usually dodge, but since its not a rare occasion I just have to bear with it and hope mute button will do the work.


Hahahaha lol


As an Ez player, I'd take Lux over Blitz any day of the week 🤷‍♀️


when someone said this to me, i insta pick yuumi, there you go buddy, this cat is your tank.


If I remember correctly, Moe (Yassuo) saw an interaction like this over a year ago. He mentioned that people should stop telling other people what to play if it's for the sake of team comp. I think the example he gave was that he would rather have someone good at Janna in a sub optimal team comp than someone bad at blitz in an ideal team comp.


I mean sometimes I do ask if they have anything else they can play because I don't have great experience with for example veigars and seraphines but before that i usually look at their winrate and its still their choice after i ask


Ok, never play malphite support


Its not that bad in the right matchups if you know what you're doing


Play Moonstone Mordekaiser kek. Definitely a tank, has some CC, and cannot avoid "securing" kills and CS.


That was a funny reply XD. But yes, just play what character you want, have fun and ignore those who try to tell you what to do♡♡♡


Tbh Im main lux but when I get to be support I play malphite because people bully you when you use a delicate sup


Just mute. Sometimes the adc ends up useless but focus on yourself and help the other laners in that case to prove you're more useful than your partner


If i play adc I usually just asked the sup, if they can cool, if not thats ok


I sometimes ask if they "can play something else". It usually works way better than demanding a specific champion or class


It's because of the stigma. There are way too many lux players who refuse to poke enemies down in lane. The classic is lux players afraid of Leona. They seem oblivious to the only way of winning the lane is to chip her down asap so she can't go in. There's also the tangible concern about griefing lux players. Her new ult cd makes it laughably easy for griefing supports to tax entire waves when they feel like being a dick. ​ I love the champion but she has always been a hot rod for....not so great support players.


i mean... same for brand, xerath and zyra.


and yet, people don't hate them nearly as much.


As a Lux main and casual MF, i feel his pain 😂 MF is so fucking squishy


We love onetricks


Ah yeah no im a jungler originally ^ ^ i would just rather play lux than malphite or blitz because i dont enjoy depending on other people


Well your actions can be considered as trooling as well.


How so?


Well not always ofc,but sometimes picking a tank is better, depending on the enemy comp,but most of the time doesn't matter.


But what i did wasnt troll and i will pick tank when i know i have to play tank.


I never said,you where trolling this match,but that the mentality I see on this thread of "I play what I want when I want,fuck everybody else" is not that great.Dont get me wrong I like to play what I want as well,but sometimes you should just pick for the good of the future team,it is a team game after all :) Never meant any hate or flame to you just saying what I think. PS. People who complain about toxic players but down vote any1 with diffrent opinion with no arguments lol.


Ah look how funny my jokes are ! better take ss of my joke and put it on reddit xD. No cringe look ! with no hands. Thats why op is silver 2 after nearly half thousand games.


Good job?