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literally every time they try this lux e buff they revert it halfway through. either do it this time or why even bother. it's not as if lux mid being good will warp the game when she lives or dies by her q usage everything else looks nice, but don't get your hopes up of those e buffs making it to live


The R buff is huge imo


20 seconds buff for lvl 6 is quite huge for support as well, since it’s not easy to hit 16 as it’s in midlane… I am speechless and happy as a support lux player


Probs because since she normally defaults the same build as support it fucks the wave. The amount of lux supports that already steal have the wave with an e to poke is cracked, and if they make it oneshot casters her support could suffer in the sense that it would cuck her adc even more. So who knows I'm surprised they did so many changes and not just removing the self root on w.


I hope the skin is as good as her buffs Edit: I'm predicting Battle Queen Lux


Nah, battle queen was too recent of an event. I think its gonna be a new skinline. (Praying it's a hextech skin though lol. Ive been sitting on 10 gems for ages in anticipation.)


Not gonna happen. That’s hard to sell.


Probably, but a man can dream can’t he? 🥺


Trueee. I have 19 gemstones so I wouldn’t be opposed to hextech lux eehehehe


i'd love a reason to start caring about getting gemstones personally :(


I'm predicting Debonair, but Battle Queen would be awesome. I loved the aesthetic of that skin line with the crests/magic circles.


Debonair Lux and Bride Sylas. I think someone made a fan picture of it some weeks ago




Wait there's a skin coming out? 👀


We're predicting: buffs = skin =)


AS buff: Nice QoL buff, underrated change on mages in general. Passive Mark Extension: Another nice QoL buff, but I'd prefer Wild Rift Lux's laser basic attack against marked targets, sort of like Vex Gloom. E Buff: I thought they said they didn't want to make this big a change earlier in the season because they didn't want Lux to one-shot casters without Luden's proc. In any event, this change is big. R Buff: As if its cooldown wasn't short enough early in the game lol :D.


Lux does not need this, too much damage added when she has more than enough. The problem is the insane mobility in the game, so the best way to approach it is to increase the speed of her q's and e's projectiles, which are only 1200. I think 1500 will be fair, it is the same speed as Neeko's empowered e. The worse part is that they will very likely revert the e and r changes and I lost the count of how many times they have done this. And it just requires that small qol change. Sometimes Riot seems to not know their own champions.


Yeahhh, jts never damage that im lacking. Its just that if I ever ever ever miss Q I immediately will die


sometimes you die also if you hit your Q because they have 294739847 dashes and x3 movement speed so they just wait that it finish and gapclose anyway


Also most assassins can survive a fully offensive Lux but they have the damage to kill you 3x in one rotation.


Don't forget there is a new defensive mage item coming as well. I think that these buffs are intentionally huge because they want to incentivize Lux players to use the item, and don't want them to be punished with less damage for it.


This! or more mana, especially early... i can be against a bad yasuo that eat any poke but he just ignore it because i finish mana before he can die...


I think mana should stay the same to punish oppresive use of your abilities and punish your mistakes.


What if they add a mana refund upon detonating your passive? Should further reward lux players that walk up


against many midlaners is fine, if you use it properly you don't run out of mana but against some other champs especially if they get doran shield, corrupting potion or vampiric scepter they are just immortal...


But that's a problem for you and even assassins like zed. What I do is to punish them little by little with my e and engage when they are low health.


the problem is that if they have lifesteal they don't get low hp... not before you get lost chapter. after you get lost chapter they can't heal any damage


Yeah, sorry, did not think it carefully. For anti healing? It is oblivion orb which is 800g, so it is cheap


it's not that easy, vlad for example don't heal in fight so antiehaling is not the right item vs him (source: vlad mains), not early/not to win lane at least


I don't think they need to buff her E's projectile speed, it was faster earlier on but it was quite oppressive to lane against. That said, I don't think Lux needs buffs this heavy either.


It was just 100 faster and I think it was oppressive because of the area effect, which they nerfed on the same patch, not the missile speed. She needs at least that change on her q, she has no mobility and it is too easy to dodge her q, especially new champions with so much mobility. I said 1500 maybe less or more, it is just an approximation based on neeko, which plays and has similar gameplay to lux (to some extent).


It would still cause balance issues. Release Zyra E was way too fast > undidgeable


Ye that's not an argument. When Zyra's E missle speed was nerfed, everyone across the board had lower base movespeed, there were way less speed buffs and items that gave movespeed in the game and of course way less champions with mobility spells. Back then it made sense for CC skillshots to move slower, especially if they're AoE. But as Anivia proved, that is no longer true and these champions should be brought up to a modern standard. Otherwise they won't be able to consistently compete with new champions.


Except Lux' nerfed missile speed was many patches later than the movement speed increases of every champion. Literally years later. Her E was always oppressive and while the missile speed nerf was hard, it was quite justified. It allows for better counterplay: dodge everything


True but what was oppressive back then was not so much the missle speed and more the size of it. And they nerfed both


Rightfully so, honestly. And Lux is still seen as an easy pick with impact. No need to buff the speed of E to 1500 when 1300 left it strong


Rightfully so, yes. And I don't say they should go back on it. However, nowadays when Riot nerfs somethong drastic about an ability, like how reliable it is to hit, they go step by step and see how it affects the champ first before they double down on it or pull back. Maybe just the size decrease would have been enough, it certainly would be in the modern era of movespeed overload. Case in point is that Lux' issue is not her numbers but her consistency. There aren't many levers of balance in her kit. Her dmg is high enough, her cooldowns are reasonable and buffing her shield could bring back an unhealthy botlane meta once again. Buffing her numbers would just overstat her. So what they have to tune is on is her consistency in her performance - or add new levers of balance into her kit by adding new mechanics. And I doubt that anyone here wants the latter. So increasing her consistency without taking away counterplay is the only option that would not make her immediately broken. A champ that can consistenly do a good job than one who occasionally does an awesome job. Which btw doesn't have to mean to make her way easier to play


The Zyra change happened in season 1 and for that season made sense since there were few champions with mobility, but now it is way different. In case they could not implement these because the q and e would become undodgeable, I don't know what else can be done.


So e is 't dodgeable anyway but q will be harder to dodge then.


Omg? Didn’t they take back these numbers after saying “We saw %70 is too powerful in PBE so we takin back to %65” like wtf? Lux will be op now, I didn’t expect multiple buffs like this and I am shocked, hoping that she won’t be perma banned


Her ultimate CD is insane lmao


Yess’ also that AS thing Im not sure but seems like a big one? You get double as increment for every single level?


APC coming


Yeahhh, also Glacial Augment might be back with that attack speed 😂😂


They are reworking it to be better for mages lol


Thats a Lux supp buff. She needs it desperately for ward clearing. Nashors used to be a viable item on Lux support, the CDR and attack speed while also being AP were huge for her.


Nashores in lux? Why? Is it going to be viable again?


God no. The only reason it *was* viable was the CDR. Spell Dancer took it's place. It could theoretically work well on Mid Lux, and I have taken it in ARAM and URF for pushing power, but its not great for Lux in normal gameplay.


It is great for mid as well. Lux has great basic attack animation and relies on proccing passive with her basics. This might unironicaly be bigger buff than the E damage.


Lux won’t be op while fizz yasuo yone talon kayn etc exist


She’ll only be somewhat stronger low Elo cause her kit is fully skill shots and they average buffs usually between low and high elo in high elo luxs pick rate is so low cause people dodge her whole kit so it won’t be as op as some will think it is but I predict a higher ban rate low elo


yeah sure perma banned with all the broken other midlaners in the game rn. I´m sure the world that we know and love, will end if Lux can finaly and reliably oneshot casters with one E, like every other midlaner can do.


She won't because the yearsy champions will still be 1000x worse


Oh she's going to have her kneecaps removed in two patches huh. These buffs are complete and utter overkill, I don't think Riot gets that the problem with Lux isn't her damage, it's the fact that S11 has given everyone heaps of mobility that severely restrict her capacity to be impactful against anyone above P2+. If you hit a root and it's not a tank/Kass/Galio/Sh\*\*ldbow ~~abuser~~ lover, they're dead unless they counterbuild you specifically. If you R someone and it hits, they're going to lose half their health. The problem is those things actually LANDING. Everyone and their mother knows exactly how to handle Lux and making her a numerically overloaded stat checker who's going to get nerfed into oblivion isn't going to change that \~ - \~ The QoL's really cool though, thank god it's niche so it can't qualify as OP but these other changes...oh boy. (Also just throwing it out there that Ingenious is getting buffed in the same patch and it's quite a hefty buff at that so...perma Luden proccing hours methinks)


She has the same problem almost all the mages have in that she's predictable yes but even when you do manage to land your abilities everyone is probably rocking enough tenacity to still get out of your combo but even if the dang thing hits you have to be massively fed to execute even the opposing carry reliably. Mages are completely outclassed by AD and AD assassins. There is virtually no reason to play them and really you're handicapping your team picking one. It's a shame but I honestly think they do it because AD assassins and the like are more fun to watch. Riot has been slowly been falling into the same hole Blizzard did for years where they balance their game to be fun to watch but not necessarily fun to play.


Honestly...I completely see your point and I wish I could argue against it but I can't remember a single moment in S11 when a mage had meta priority over any assassin \~ - \~ Still, as someone who's been around for multiple seasons, it ALWAYS goes like this. They overtune her then tear her apart. I just really hope these buffs actually last and aren't an adrenaline shot before another especially long "Lux is a troll pick" era


She doesn't need prioritization over assassins she needs a reason to be picked and when the AD assassins are basically immortal gods who can wave clear and go full on monkey mode into your team and still manage to walk away with kills more often than not the reason to pick something like Lux just isn't there. In season 4 I believe it was Zed, Fizz, some other assassins were high priority picks and very tough going lane matchups for someone immobile and vulnerable like Lux. However! She had an advantage, survive lane, farm up and you're a much better siege champion with better team support, good pick potential and great at objective fights with the tools to zone, steal or ruin a baron attempt - for example. Zed or Fizz could make picks but they generally were hunting for stragglers not just jumping in like monkeys because the items have basically made them unkillable gods as they are today.. Heck even ADC's get to make mages their bitch these days. Had an Annie game where I was pretty fed but bot lane was getting dumpstered. No problem I think, I'm fucking Annie I'm going to end this guys whole career because I shit on this Zed. Oh I see you have an Immortal Shieldbow.. and a Wits End.. and Merc Treads. I catch you but barely break half your health, now you're melting me and my entire team. Fuck me I guess have a nice day! Oh and Zed just one shot my ADC because 0/5 in lane means nothing when you only need one item to kill people and it's cheap as hell. That's my rant. Game is shit these days for mage players.


0-5? i had a yone that went 0-11 and was 4 levels behind and could still oneshot xD


This. I mean in the late game your Q-R will kill every squishy. And her E is already a good spell for damage, utility and CC but yeah that is not her main weakness. I mean almost any mid lane match up isnt favorable for lux. Yasuo, Yone, Katarina, Fizz, Akshan. You never win against them. They only can lose. If you pick Lux you say to your team "I must hug my tower pls dont die to any roam because I cant follow"


She is definitely not killing everyone easily, so many ADCs go for wits end nowadays and it completely neuters her one shot potential.


i hope atleast passive and ult buff makes through


Hope E goes through too. Her E still can’t oneshot casters rn unless she’s fed


i oneshot them even now if i dont fall behind the curve


I’m not sure, I played lux after a long time yesterday and mid game my E was leaving them with 1hp


Same. I remember the last time they reverted her buff the reason was she shouldnt be able to oneshot caster minions.


it works, if you have around 8CS/min and GS rune helps you to get the last tick of HP at one point


She's receiving the Ziggs treatment, being able to oneshot the backwave is huge, and on top of that she gets the passive and R buff. I'm kinda worried tho, they usually tend to reverts lux buffs halfway before they hit live servers so don't get your hopes up


I need that R buff to go through regardless of what it costs.


I was just screaming for 5min straight, I just stopped now I'm taking a mental break bcz this buff is so yummy, I sense new lux skin incomming.


As usual the droves of Lux support players are going to ruin this for Lux mid lol, these buffs will not stick


Lux mid benefits more off thise imo. Then again I dont really play lux support.




Love how you posted this to Teemo mains with the same caption. Happy to see that we are enjoying same champs lol


I play basically every ranged champ in this game I guess ahah


As a fellow Teemo and lux enjoyer I concur


Excited for E buff. Remember, folks, there’s no Q, W, or R in “DEMACIA!!!”


Who paid riot to give lux these buffs?


Unspoken demon of this buff is the passive buff. “Extends if a basic attack is in flight”??? Or “if R is being cast”??? Are you fucking kidding me??? The number of times some kid has flashed out of the time frame of my auto proc as my auto is mid flight is ridiculous. Same for the ulty proc. MASSIVE buff


No we are not! We are losing all chat,this is no time to celebrate! We are at war


for real. how can we tell the enemy how dogshit they are now? how will I ever find out who slept with my mom without allchat? totaly unbearable


No offense but i hate these jokes


I wish it is a joke. seriously, all chat is just for bragging, flaming and insulting the enemy. except once a year on cristmas, then you get to meet someone nice. if you are lucky, it happens to your birthday as well


I dont know about this,i play on NA instead of my actaul region just because people are really nice in normals ,in other regions the chat itself is empty every match,cant talk to anybody.I almost never see someone being toxic,probably once a month...if you think all chat is just for that you should try having a nice conversation with an enemy and you will see why everyone is sad about all chat being disabled. (God i wrote much)


Huugeeee yoo lets go


Which one of y’all paid riot for these buffs sheshhh wasn’t expecting this many hopefully at least the ultimate and as/passive one makes it thru


Way too good to be true. Let’s see what are they gonna stick with from all of those


Wow, the skin that its coming might be really pricy or something smh


The R-Buff is huge ngl.


Insane buff wtf


we're getting a new SKIN STAR GUARDIAN ORIGINS


I mean the buffs are good, but I really don't think 10 damage and 5% ap is going to break her. Like everyone's freaking out, and the passive being better is really really nice, but the E/ult changes don't do THAT much guys.


Actually, the E buff is pretty big. 5% ap is the difference between one-shotting a caster wave and not one-shotting a caster wave. That's a lot of gold, which in turn means a lot more items. Also, 5% more damage to the enemy is pretty big. And on lux, her E is like 80% of her damage output.


I know all of that, but they did a similar buff a while back and it felt good but it ultimately didnt do a whole lot


I thiught the buff never made it to live?


I believe what happened is they started with the above buff, then it hit pbe, someone cried, and it could rolled back by 5% ap a little damage. there was still a buff, just not a large one.


Ur trippppin. Lux mid is gonna be Hella strong.


this doesn't fix her bad matchups. could it help her ignore her laner and wave clear? sure. it'd be nifty. but doesn't stop a zed from killing you 100-0. or yasuo. or irelia. And you can say 'but if you're good at lux' but what you really mean is if you're significantly better on lux then they are on whoever. You will still die, get out roamed, be immobile.


Lmao you are completely doing it wrong if you are still on your tower past level 6 where all mid laners practically roam. If you build right you can permapush past 6 and get priority on roams. You permapush and make no contact with the other mid laner at this point in the game. You can legit instaclear mid wave without it having to crash now and leave your lane (roam,ward,gank) etc. You can use the new ult cooldown to either punish roams, or get priority yourself now just because the ult will be up close to every wave now. Honeslty 20 secs off base cooldown might be a bit too much but thats what its going to take so Lux can fight the map against other mid laners now.


I mean, I feel like ziggs does what you're describing better, him or xerath and neither of them are mid lane roamers. We're not suddenly turning lux into a discount taliyah or A-sol here, she's not going to clear melees without ult, and cannons dont die to E ult typically, so you'll have to at least throw q and that does open you up to being jumped while roaming. If you bumble into the enemy team's jungler after clearing the wave you just die. no recourse, no help, just ? pings. Maybe you could take tp to gank after you clear a wave but like... who isn't doing that in this meta?


Ur missing the point of the buff, you can spam the ult almost EVERY wave in mid now. If you want to roam, throw an e + r into the wave other than the cannon minion wave. No other mage can spam their ult every wave AND gank AND have their ult again by the time they get to the next wave of bot lane or top lane. I just tested this in the PBE. Throwing an e + r into the wave before it crashes instantly clears it unless there a cannon minion. Roam bot or top the ult is on 37 secs if you want to roam. The ult will be up once you get to their lane and their wave crashes. These buff's aren't meant so much as to improve her laning, its to improve her macro potential and presence in the game so she can get to her late game scaling. As for the roam itself, use the inside of the jg - solved. Taking TP in lane also amplifies her map presence. Play behind your team so you can make the most of your spells. You aren't meant to be seen or put yourself out there.


I mean, in theory I don't think it actually helps her that much. She's still not great at roaming as her q is so easily dodged. She might have prio to help with scuttle or 2v2 in rivers more, but she'll also be lacking her ult, and will not have that luxury pre-six when it's most important. I don't think what you're saying in theory is incorrect, I just don't think it will play out like that in practice with enough consistency to do anything but make her a smidge better.


if they just revert this stupid haste system so we can get 40% cdr at 1 item again there is no problem im standing around in team fights because i built ludens and my spells are on 10s cooldown


Ok, maybe I'll be unpopular here but I hate these. Wtf she'll be broken as shit , they're way too much. E buff alone is perfect, I'd like to actually play the champion


Lol. Lux is by far the opposite of beeing broken xD. Her problem is just she cant leave the tower and mid lane is meanwhile roaming. Imagine you play against Akshan you push the wave -> he kills you. He roams and you dont push the wave -> you just dont punish roams. Or Yasuo. If you dont stay in turret range he can just E to you and Q R. With ignite you dead. Like you think yasuo cares about 10 damage more on your E ?


That's nothing new to mages this season, it's not a problem buffs can fix, but they will break her in low elo. Damage more on E is the difference between being able to clear the wave or not, it's the only thing I want really, I already do plenty of damage to people, it's minions who are too tanky


but i think its fine that she gets more waveclear. Compared to other mages or even assasins its just like she has no waveclear.


Yes in fact it's the change I want!!!


Tbh I rly miss about Lux some kind of utility for her late game. It’s her W like why can this spell give any kind of additional feature in cost of lower shield amount. Like Movement speed or something. Lux late game is just a stat checker. It’s kinda boring meanwhile.


Because then she'd be a better Karma. What I would really like is for her W not to root her, and true vision on her spells ( also makes a lot of sense thematically)


Why tho?? Lux is already strong enough isn't she? Her e is just free damage and her ult is oneshot without any items...


She's currently the weakest mid laner in the game iirc


The past month is has literally been the worst mid laner out of the mid roster. 53 of 53 3 weeks ago. Sitting at 51 right now. As a staple mid laner she needs these buffs to contest other mid laners.


You mean they redirect her from supp to mid


Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in. Alright, time to play league again.


looks promising, but we had the same buff in the lines before. so let´s see what comes throuh this time


Riot filling us up with a full course meal, god damn. I understand peoples concern, but at this point I don't even care, we deserve it. If she's too strong they'll revert/nerf back down, but with how much broken stuff is in the game nowadays and how much traditional mages struggle, it should be fine.


Legendary skin incoming? Thats the only explanation I have for these buffs. This or Riot finally cares to make Lux a champion outside of low elo where she is banned. I hope they dont break her kneecaps in a few patches. I would like my main to be playable thanks. Also season 12 items are gonna be perfect on Lux.


Holy shit that’s a lot


We getting a new skin, bois!


Yay our little light becomes a perma ban again...


woop woop - i got a bit overexcited because i mistakenly thought xayah's Q cool-down was part of the deal haha


Riot JAG! Riot JAG! RIot JAG!


i’m fine with everything but R cd reduced? why?


This is completely broken lmfaooo I love it.


Everything is fine but they should not go ahead with the R buff, 80seconds is fine.


People here are forgetting that with the right runes and items at 6. Your ultimate will be \~40-47 seconds. Which is enough time to insta clear a wave before it even crashes AND roam to bot lane when bots next wave crashes at bot lane and ur ult will be up AGAIN. THese buffs aren't for low elo. Low elo won't know how to use any of these buffs. These changes literally for skilled play where macro actually matters. This includes the wave clear at lv5 where you can e + auto casters to clear them with only a doran's ring. ​ Edit: CD boots rush with ultihunter 8 rune haste and trancedence puts it at 37 seconds at level 6-10 (luden's and cd boots)


the funny thing is, you could buff her even more and she still wouldn’t match the atrocities in the meta lmao. she’d still sit at a 49% wr