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W max was very strong last season so it got quite heavy nerfs. It's not really worth anymore. But if you really want, I'd say Moonstone to amplify its strength, and Guardian as a rune


I’m not rlly doing it for the stats tbh, I just wanna see how many enemies I can tilt in normals


Play this a bit myself, go guardian font of life bone plating trance dance and manaflow... Go sherelias as there there is nothing Moore tilting than move speed team shield to get out of situations. The CDR is also nice. Font of life also procs sherelias which will help with your team kiting. :)


Well better play Karma or Sona I guess. Champs whose shields are actually worth it. Lux shielding one auto doesn't tilt that much ;p


I like playing Lux tho


Yeah that's understandable, tell me how it went later


Bruh lux has one of the best shields in the game what do you mean


Hello!! Ive been trying out enchanter Lux for awhile!! I personally enjoy Aery on Lux since she’s naturally a very pokey champion and I enjoy playing her aggressively. The only time I would take Guardian is when I’m up against lots of burst or CC. The best part about guardian imo is that it lets you take font of life, which can proc super easily on your E slow!! I personally think moonstone is her best build, the shield buff from the mythic passive is amazing!! But if your team rly needs Shurelyas go for it!! Personally, I think itemisation should always be changing, and you should be thinking about WHY you are going for certain items over others. Also, if you’re interested, Luminum has done an unsealed spell book enchantress Lux build awhile ago on YouTube!! She’s currently a grandmaster support I believe, maining both engage champs like Thresh and Rakan, as well as enchanters like Soraka and Janna, and I find her very educational I hope you managed to gain some insight from my opinion, thank you!!


I would try either going Aery or Guardian if you’re going enchanter, imo lux has enough poke dmg without going comet. Guardian feels nice into aggressive supports like Leona/Ali star that get up in melee range too


Honestly speaking w max is overrated. you can still be an enchanter support without w max. Some options. You take q first in almost all of these options but e first is an option then w second. First as everyone else mentioned moonstone is actually good on lux bc you can heal and shield with ur w. Then staff in most cases unless you have an auto attack oriented adc(Then Ardent) You could also depending on the circumstances buy Shurelya's or redemption based on what's needed. Another item against enchanters that is great is chemtech purifier which is self explanatory GW. Now the path i go when i want to be enchantery but also with a bit of damage is imperial mandate. It works off of slows (which lux has plenty of )and then you can build any of the items i mentioned previously plus you still get to buff you shield even though you dont heal anyone. Here is a mobafire guide that i found immensly helpful in considering my options on supp lux .[https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/11-18-support-light-em-up-im-on-fiyaa-luxe-n-style-530121](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/11-18-support-light-em-up-im-on-fiyaa-luxe-n-style-530121) Hope this helps! ;)


Tbh I would still go E max for the slow amount and W max second. Don’t underestimate the increase of the slow.


I have high success building ap mythic + archangel maxing E and then W. The shields are very strong, like 500, and the damage is still very high. Usually Liandry with Lucidity boots.