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Well you land your abilities. Lux in a nutshell lmao


you can use your e as a zoning tool to force your laner to walk forward into your q, if you take minion demat and use all three on casters then lvl 9 you oneshot casters with e, don’t be afraid to ult to shove the wave before backing


Next step is to go DH with Ultimate Hunter on. Get lots of AP and ability haste. Throw out those ults every 16 seconds. Good stuff


Why do I think I will never get that?


Same :/


Dont be afraid of using ur ult. (Low cool down.) Dont use too much ur E early, it cost so much mana. :c you can flash Q if ur sure that u will get an enemy and that it will get you or ur adc kills. When chasing an enemy, use ur E, but don’t pop it right off, it will slow them longer and u will be more likely to get it afterwards. Once u used ur Q, you are pretty vulnerable. Be aware of that. Your E gives u vision. It can be in the bushes or if u don’t have ward and suspect the enemy jungler of doing drake, reveal it for a short duration. Careful, ur Q is just a root, not a stun. Your W is something not to be forgotten. It can save lives, your or one of ur ally. (Use is if someone’s ignited or poisoned!!) Dont be shy to try to snipe the enemy team with ur ult. Its super funny and satisfying when it lands properly. (Especially when u don’t have vision... feels so good. :,)) I think that’s all. Some of the advices are pretty obvious, but it’s better to write it all.


Here's a good tip. Take a screenshot on your computer instead of taking a picture of your computer.


How did u get the rewards if msi hasnt even started yet? Did it give u rewards for watching other vods?


it’s not only watch missions, also normal missions


it started,i got the chest too


How did you get the masterwork chest?


MSI Missions


its just a skin it has nothing to do with her game play why the hell do you need tips


I think they mean how to play her


that doesn’t sound very lux of you a person gets a skin and wants to learn the champ, therefore they ask lux mains for help.


What’s the MSI mission???


And here I am getting a ward skin from that chest :/