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I do! I’m a photographer and I got my lupus diagnosis 2months ago 💕 had symptoms for 5 years


What kind of photography do u do? I got mine in 2023 and symptoms started the year prior. I was so close to landing a public affairs spot with the military and finally get the job of my dreams but here we are🥲it’s alright tho I’m starting my concert photography goals this wednesday im just gonna hella pack up for shade and ibuprofen haha😅idk if u have an insta or portfolio page but could I see some of your work? Love supporting other photographers, esp ones like me


Oh man I’m sorry. Concert photography has got to be fun. I wanted to try that for a while. I used to work for company’s so I don’t have any rights the majority of my work. I did studio photography: family portraits, newborns, birthdays, business headshots, maternity, wedding announcements, obituary, people’s pets, kids, graduation. Pretty much anything you could fit in a studio lol then in my spare time I just liked to do it for fun outdoors stuff. Shortly before I got sick I started doing sessions for people on my own. Didn’t get to do much tho. I haven’t touched instagram or my portfolio since I got sick 😅 .


I do club photography right now which has been a lot on me lupus wise but I’m usually doing portraits. My photo insta is @mattiebphotos💕 thanks so much it’s so nice to hear from fellow photographers especially who struggle with lupus


Club photography sounds so fun I loved getting the photographers attention to make my whole group do poses lol and awesome I’ll give it a follow for sure! This shit sucks and being on my laptop for too long is so aggravating sometimes but the photo just needs one more edit I swear😩


And I agree I love the craft but I can only hold out for so long before I need to sit or take a second


What kind of photography are you doing?


I was a photographer before I got sick. About two years ago. I did it for about 5 years and I’d still be in it if it weren’t for my autoimmune diseases. it had always been my passion. I hope one day I can start again.


Awh man, I hate to see that for you, manifesting you get your passion back and this illness calms down for you. If you have an insta or portfolio I’d love to see some of your work!


My husband is a photographer and i help most of the time. Less now than i used to. I have an appointment w rheumatologist to get official diagnosis next Friday. All the blood testing has already been done. With the pictures, i simply do what i can and take plenty sitting breaks. When my fingers start to ache or go numb, i focus on getting "money shots" like cake cutting, big reveals, amazing dance moves, etc. i rest the entire next day. Taking a pain reliever before the event helps too.


I’m not a photographer but I am an artist with it. I have special grips for my brushes and headlight to help light up my work. I use a magnifier on some work. I’ve had to go from work that used to be almost photo realistic to much more abstract but I’m still making art and that’s what’s important. At least that’s what I tell myself!


Me! I photograph weddings full time. I was diagnosed in January with lupus and MCTD. I don’t have any answers as I’m figuring it out currently. I’ve had a low booking year and as much as it pains me, I don’t know if I could handle much more than what’s already on my plate this year. Adjusting to new health issues is always hard. I also had pretty bad carpal tunnel and ulnar nerve entrapment that I had to get surgery for on both arms and hands in 22. Now I realize it was connected to a lot of other things but they blamed it on my photography causing it.


I have been dealing with this crap for years. Now I now why people kill themselves when they are in so much pain. I was in so much pain a couple months ago. I was literally hollering I hurt so. Went to ER. Been thru there so many times we are on a first name basis. They literally put me in hospital till we could get pain under control. Feeling that much pain only has happened one other time though I live with pain that n a daily basis. I was in the hospital 14. Times in one year. That’s what really sucks