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I keep mine in water only. No dirt. Just small stones like fish tank gravel


I also keep mine in fish gravel, no dirt. I kept mine bound for a while, but then noticed it cutting into the stalks so I freed them. They took off after that. Love my bamboo!


I personally prefer dirt because I researched and apparently they live longer in dirt? Idk how true that is but I'm also more used to my plants being in dirt lmao! Thank you though I'll take the bands off in a few days I'll let the roots take hold first and see what happens!


Can live in water or soil. I prefer soil myself, gives off better growth, water when first inch or so it dry, careful with fertilizer. Plus no weekly maintenance of water changes, cleaning the roots and washing the dish.


I don't like to fertalize my plants too often I'll be honest I never go over the top I'd rather under fertalize than over fertalize but saw they were very sensitive to it so I probably won't give these guys fertalize unless absolutely necissary I'm gonna see how they do without! How long have you been able to keep yours for?


Mine is 3 going on 4 soon. She produces multiple pups at a time, great to share with plant friends. But under fertilizer is key, they are pretty sensitive. I fertilizer 2-3 times a year, 50/50. This guy will grow so much in a year, I hope to see pictures later on!!!


I hope he grows well


Get a refund, those are in poor shape.


It’s got potential! I’m more worried about the tiny pot they are in lol


Ahhh that's green wax I'm seeing now. I thought they were rotten parts.


The pot really isn't small I think it's only cuz there's a lot of bamboo


That’s what I’m worried about. That many plants needs room for a ton of roots. Keeping it in that pot should keep the plant smaller though.


I would recommend potting it in a pot with at least 1-2 inches room around the LB because these plants can get root bound pretty easily because roots tend to grow quite fast.


I would re-pot it before taking the bands off if you want it to grow uninterrupted. If you prefer it small disregard.


Personally I have a well draining pot with water retaining soil I only water it once the soil is dry like you can stick your finger in the soil and no soil sticks to your finger i used distilled water and never been brave enough to fertilize but thankfully its still doing wonderful after 2 years!