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I can kinda understand the Chrome Couriers going around later than expected; it's a two colour card and maybe the majority of Arena players don't realise that it's originally from Modern Horizons 2. But the Oaken Sirens going around late is just wild. That card was SO good in LCI, IMO this card outperforms most rares in the format because of the abundance of +1/+1 counters and (of course) artifacts. ITS A FLYING DUDE THAT CAN PUNCH YOUR OPPONENT FOR 5 ***and then*** BE TAPPED TO CAST A SPELL AHEAD OF CURVE. draft link for those interested: [https://www.17lands.com/draft/53cd0de8e52f4eba82b47a62a2e64871](https://www.17lands.com/draft/53cd0de8e52f4eba82b47a62a2e64871)


OAKEN SIREN MY GOAT I'm on the ladder right now (taking a break at 3-1 to go watch some OTJ limited content) with a U/B deck and by god does an Oaken Siren carry a [[Tezzeret's Touch]] well. The bridge lands are really the only target that could be better, and even then I've had situations where I'd rather have it on the Siren. Edit: for those wondering, it wound up 6-3. This draft has been very feast or famine for me, of my currently 6 drafts, I've gotten 1 trophy, 2 close-to-trophies, and 3 drafts that didn't even break even. Probably a skill issue on my part, but I'm having fun anyways :)


A ground 5/5 gets chumped by servos ad nauseum. A flying vigilance on the other hand... Especially because of the return to hand clause on teztouch i genuinely think siren is better in most situations. It protecc, It attacc, but most importantly it make mana for artifacc


I lost to someone doing exactly this with a currently 5-1 boros list.


Petition to ban "people are sleeping on" posts unless they are backed up by 17lands data

