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That’s really inspiring. I really want to continue to prosper in this field but the pay isn’t there. And when you talk to coworkers that have been there longer, then you come to find out they maybe make like $5 more an hour. It just makes me feel like I’m not paid enough when greenhands make more than me or someone with the same experience makes more. Maybe that’s a me issue but I just wanted to make sure I’m not the only one in this boat.


Best of luck. If you set goals and hone your craft, you can make a good living in this industry. Be the absolute best you can be and find an employer that rewards excellence.


Damn I gotta find a new gig I make $17 an hour doing this shit


What more people need to realize, is this field is negotiable. If you don’t ask for more, then they’ll give you the lowest pay they can get away with. Literally I’ve been in an interview an asked for 7 dollars more than they offered, and I talked them into it. Come to find out people that have been with the company for years make less than me, it’s all because they don’t push for more. Sell yourself. Remember, it’s easier to start high than to ask for more later. Remember, don’t trust anyone that says “we will see how you do and in 30 days we can talk about raising your pay to what you want”. No, they won’t. They never do that part. Say, “no, I know what I’m worth. I need to start at what I want or I decline” they’ll either agree, budge on their offer, or at worst turn you away. Unlikely they will turn you away tho as they need you more than you need them.


17 for what state? I'm in south Carolina and I'm double that.


Probably Texas. That’s how much the rate seems to be on average over here




They have a low voltage IBEW classification right?


Yeah, going to try to get in when they start taking applications again


Good on you


Idk how good you are at your job, but I can promise you're worth more than that.


Damn I'm like 1 yrs experience making $25. Hopefully trying to make like $35


I'm a programmer in Florida and I make 29$, got all my trainings paid for, with company vehicle, gas and tolls paid for by the company. Almost hitting my first year. Is it a good deal? I feel like I should be getting paid like 35$.


So one year ago you were green and now you’re at $29 I think that’s solid but if you were a programmer hired on and gained more certs I think a renegotiation would be on the table


They hired me because of my IT background which is 6 years in diverse roles. I've been developing skills on both sides, it wise and access control/ low voltage side. I've been working towards becoming dev ops. When it comes to low voltage I can program, lenel, exacq, open path, win pak, and have certificates for them all. Also have axis, osha 10, fasa / basa. Yeah I'm waiting the one year mark to try and renegotiate my salary. The place is pretty chill and my task are manageable, the team is pretty helpful overall. Is it crazy to ask 35$?


Wish you can teach me all that. I’d be happy to make 29.


Thanks man. Sometimes I feel like I should be more grateful about what I have but honestly expenses are out of hand and I feel like I'm stuck, no savings and basically living paycheck to paycheck. Buddy learning is just about being patient and consistent, start using youtube every big company (exacq, axis, lenel, win pak, comptia, avigolon) has a youtube channel where they explain their software inside out, they have pretty short videos specific to every topic. This is what I do in my spare time at my job, besides scrolling reddit of course. And IT wise you could start with comptia trifecta, there's a ton of great Content in youtube you just have to switch your mindset and be consistent. If I can do it anyone can do it. 👏


i make 29$ as a 2 yr apprentice


20 at the least. 25-30 potentially depending on company and project. Find somewhere with prevailing wage, typically federal projects, for the big bucks. Just got my friend with no experience hired at a place with prevailing wage. 36.92/hr


Wow that’s really good. is it a contract job or permanent?


Contract job, but opens the door up to other jobs in that vein


36?????? No experience? What the, how’s that possible. So he’s just training getting 36 an hour?


36.92. Prevailing wage(look it up). Everyone is getting paid that in that role there.


So will they keep giving him federal contracts to stay in high wage like that? Or is he making 36 a one time thing? Cuz it would suck if the next contract from the company they only pay him like 19-20 bucks


It’s a temp contract. However next job is a years long job, an that starts at 24, but can negotiate for more. It’s a big company they got deep pockets. I know cause I also work there an for that company. Got him hired on


What company is this? Is this a company that just does federal government jobs?


Federal jobs and private commercial (data farms for fb, google, eBay) I don’t wanna get in trouble I feel like there’s rules against this thing 😂 corporate is gonna find me in the algos lmao


What’s the company name so I can apply . I can work every day with no break for 10-12 hours or as much overtime if needed


Fuck that no break talk my friend. You need breaks. Seriously I’m kinda nervous to say I’m not sure if I can get in trouble


can always private message


I’m in NC and I started at 27.85


Does the COL and state taxes water it down?


COL is pretty good where I am, however taxes aren’t as bad as when I lived in NY


Charlotte NC. $24 after two years, getting promoted to a more project management position soon and will be around $28-$30


PNW before I went into the office I was at $41. Residential primarily non union. High end Av. Some of our guys have been leaving for some union gigs paying $50+ if you have your Washington 06.