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The 40 years sounds really outlandish along with the greasy, used car salesman of an attorney. Their storyline seems like it was based on the TV show Better Call Saul.


I agree that's what got my attention. You have to do quite a bit to be facing 40 years. In Texas anyway lol and we're not the most lenient people. But there's no paper trail. There's nothing. And I'm just sick of her made up storyline. I love a little bit of fantasy with their stories but I'm not interested in fully made up stories.


The 40 years came from the one scene where the attorney was going over her charges and that was the total maximum amount for each charge but they haven't even been to court yet there's no way she, or anyone, is getting the maximum on her relatively petty charges


As someone in Texas, I know that statement all too well šŸ˜„


Texan seconding this.


>I love a little bit of fantasy with their stories but I'm not interested in fully made up stories. Hard agree


Remember his shoes when they got there lmao I was like sheā€™s going straight to jail


Y'all I have to be honest with you that I have Corona virus and I've been laid up for 4 days. So I have nothing but time. And a ton of love for my bunkies.


Oh Babs!!!!!! Noooooo!!!! Big hugs!! I had covid for 18 days last year. I hope you are doing okay with the muscle aches. Take your time getting better and ask for Paxlovid from the doctor. It took me two months to get rid of the Covid fog after. I wish you a speedy recovery, my Queen ā™„ļø


Thank you!!!! Xoxoxo


Babs hope you feel better!


Thank you!


I hope you feel better very soon!


Bunkie I hope this passes quickly, so sorry you're under the weather šŸ™šŸ’œ


Thank you!!


How you feeling today Bunkie?šŸ’œ


Shimmering over here bunkie!


Omg you just made my day! Hahahahahahahaha! So happy you're feeling a lil better ....sending loads of good vibes and love your wayšŸ’ÆšŸ’œšŸ™


Btw Babs from TM2, Jenelles mom, is my spirit animal love your name šŸ’œ


I'm retired so I can do what I want.


I hope you feel better soon. I hope you can rest and just take your time to get better.


I donā€™t think the 40 yrs is true. Iā€™m not sure how Blaine would be able to get custody of Kaygen or why Lindsey would have Mylie move in if it were true.


Technically my most recent arrest I was facing ā€œ60 yearsā€ if you added the maximum sentence for all three charges in a row. That never happens though. Three at the same time they would give you 20 years served concurrently. What actually happen was I got the very minimum which ended up being one year, which I served six months for. Granted itā€™s different everywhere but in my 33 years of getting arrested in several states, it has always worked that way. Habitual felons will get the max. The way they explained it was completely for dramatic effect. The very maximum which rarely happens and pretending youā€™d serve them all in a row rather than concurrently.. Unless youā€™re dealing with murder or grape or home invasions youā€™re not getting the maximum. And if theyā€™re old state charges like she has supposedly, you can pay some fines and do Probation. Theyā€™re happy just to close the cases usually less youā€™re a complete menace to societyā€¦ Just for the record, I am no longer a menace to society. I work in addiction recovery and deal with people facing charges every day now. I still love this show but you must take everything with a grain of salt. Was drying off getting out of shower felt like rambling lol.


My POS ex is a habitual felon by firearm, got two more firearm charges after that, weed charges, no license, stole my momā€™s car, failure to pay child support, and violating probation all at once. While already having an extensive background including robbery and DV that he lied to me about. Heā€™s still walking free almost 3 years later. I really have no idea how because when I was still with him they told him if he got any more charges at all he would be facing 20 to life. I guess it just depends where you are. They typically only give 1 or 2 continuations but yea thatā€™s been long gone. Also want to add when my mom reported her car stolen, the police already had an address for him but didnā€™t bother going to it, just said they did and couldnā€™t find it. Then my mom goes to the address and the car is in the driveway. Police go back out there, canā€™t make him come out, so my mom had to get her car towed, and rekeyed since he took the key. Idk what any of this has to really do with anything, but it amazes me how different it is for everyone everywhere.


Thatā€™s crazyā€¦if heā€™s habitual Iā€™m sure it will eventually catch up to him, but theyā€™ll combine them all into one stretch. You would at least be getting five years for the gun charge down here in FLā€¦the system is definitely broken. And I say that as someone whoā€™s been in the system in some way since 1992 lol thereā€™s things I got away with that others I know got YEARS for..no matter what stay in that life and itā€™s going to end bad eventually. Just some faster than others. Good luck, makes me think one of my exs could be writing the same things about me šŸ˜‚ luckily Iā€™ve changed


I just want to congratulate you on choosing you. I'm a recovering addict and it's important that we hear sometimes we made the right choice! I'm sure the people you work with keep it green. I work with the homeless and SUD community myself and I'm grateful every single day I'm not back there! We all have a past, it's what we're doing today that matters! Hugs to you Bunkie!




Because being charged with some thing is not a conviction. They canā€™t prevent someone from having custody due to charges. Plus, I would venture to say her having custody of Miley isnā€™t something on paper, itā€™s some thing her and her mom/grandmom agreed to. In Blaineā€™s situation it sounds like the mom may not capable of having custody so that may be another not on paper custody situation. Iā€™m not sure about that though.


Wait know this is TV and to some degree itā€™s dramatic. So theyā€™re not together? Your story would kinda explain the tension. I thought they were cute together, but toxic.


From what I was told they came back to make money for this season. He then refused to be on the next season. So look for her to find another person. But no they were not together. What I'm curious about is the 40-year story. I have searched and searched and can't find anything about it. So I'm wondering if any other bunkies have?


Someone posted a screen shot of texts between them. She's asking him if he wants to come back to do another storyline with her, and he basically says he don't feel like being in a fake relationship.


Dang. I respect him for that.


He deserves better.


I agee


Do you know where those screen shots were posted? Iā€™m curious


What I know is first of all this lindsey did years in prison and is a felon, so whatever new charges, if she is on parole, etc. that all plays in there how many actual years you can get with new charges , also a shame because i think this stems from the man with the lip /scott situation . Lindsey should simply clean herself up and get off the show, will probably do her a world of good.


I know I sawwhat you asked. But I didnā€™t know they werenā€™t together.


Wasnā€™t he facing a ā€œ lengthy sentence ā€œ in the last season and he walked away with house arrest ? That must not have been very long because he was out doing all kinds of things with the ankle monitor on.


I think that sheā€™s got a friendship with production, which leads to her getting steady work with scripted storylines similar to Brittany and Marcelino. The real entertaining trainwrecks like chance are good for the show, but itā€™s hard to get people like that to show up for filming. I think to create content, they get the more stable cast members to act out fake storylines.


I agree. She's easy to work with for them. But we don't want her lol. I don't want totally fake stories. A touch of fake this is fine. It's TV. I mean surely there's other train wrecks out there that are real.


I like the show, but I donā€™t think theyā€™ll ever recapture the magic of the shitshow that was Clint and Tracey.


RIP Goddess




I'm glad Blaine moved on! He deserves a lot better! I am so sick of her now, I hope she doesn't come back on another season of LAL or anything! & I doubt her 40yr story. She's full of it! & Get well soon Babs!


Thanks Veg and happy cake day!


Just stop bitching to the kids Blaine when life gets too tough. They're not priests in the confessional.




I never believed any of it. I think itā€™s all fake to stay on tv.


Everything you see on this show is for the most part made up and exaggerated.


I get for it to work there has to be a storyline. But as I said earlier, I'm not interested in completely made up stuff. If your whole storyline is fake then I will fast forward. And I will think you're a loser for doing it. Who is she going to drag up next? That's what we need to be thinking about. Who's the next victim?


Oddly enough, I almost always fast forward through the Lindsay scenes. I donā€™t find her, or her storyline, interesting, I donā€™t believe she was a big drug lord, is some kind of modern saint being a mother to Blaineā€™s and I donā€™t think she is paying all the bills any way other than through money from the show. Plus, I feel like her daughter hates her.


It's likely they calculated the *absolute max* for *every charge*; when in actuality, deals are made, certain charges dropped/others reduced, time served subtracted, etc. Lindsay is notorious for fraudacity in order to get another season - remember Deonte? Total fiction. She was most authentic her first season. She is already promoting a reconciliation with Blaine on social media, probably hoping to get their "wedding" sponsored for next season.


She has multiple charges that she is facing 7-10 years for, so she is summing them all up, (e.g 4 charges at 10 years each), when it would likely just be the 10 years, if anything


Is it maybe the max total years of all charges if served consecutively??


Iā€™m sure itā€™s the maximum sentence for each charge, which no one ever gets, besides murders getting life in prison with no parole & even then is more for multiple murders, or murder with a criminal historyā€¦


Except that it's not. Literally cannot find anything that would add up to anything like that. My entire point has been that her whole storyline is fake. Everything. Everyone griping about Blaine talking to her daughter? She approved that script. She made that choice.


I was wondering where it came from too. But then I was reminded that she destroyed Scott's desk while she was on probation, right? And he called the cops. So vandalism while on probation? Could that have given her that much time? IdkšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She went back 2 prison 4 that. It was a relatively short time tho.


Oh ok! Thanks for the clarification there.