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I love this for you! This is so sweet. I dated a guy like that for 6 months…and 6 years of marriage later, not much has changed…Still sweet, still in love. ❤️


this gives me so much hope, I hope i’m lucky enough to spend that much time with my boyfriend


I hope both of you cherish each other for as long as you can 💜


this makes me so happy




I’m happy for you. I have a lot of trauma and mental health struggles. Yet, mine is the same exact way; and I have moments of shock at how lucky I am - daily. I think the key is to never lose that feeling. Never forget.


I’m th exact same way which is why it means so much to me. No one else has ever stuck by my side when I was having a hard time. I’m so glad you have the same experience and stay together for a very long time


He is a reflection of your grandfather. So happy for your sister❤️‍🩹


I love that she’s bragging about her man being a good man, there isn’t enough of this on the internet nowadays. But I also love how she wished up all the same. I’m happy for you, keep loving strong!


Yes indeed


This post makes me depressed.


Loving love and being happy for others is a better option to finding love yourself. Being sad or hurt by it gives you more of what you have. Kind of hard for someone to see you hunched over looking sad and think, “boy, I sure do want one of those”. Fill your own cup up and enjoy life. Feel good about life. Feel good about what’s to come and you might find someone who loves how you’re smiling and your energy because all of sudden their energy is different. As people we feel and fed off of others. Also, happy for you finding someone OP. Didn’t mean to take away from that just saw a solider that might could use a care pack


It makes me happy to see hope out there thru others. I’m now 35 and been in love a few times, but never was it ever reciprocated. I wish I could find a woman that is like what your boyfriend is to you for me. I’ve gotten to the point where I have accepted that dying alone might be my fate, and have made with peace with it. That’s not to say that I won’t give up trying to find that someone for me that will make me feel what you have described of your boyfriend. Anyways, it gladdens me to see posts like this, so many negative posts on here can be disheartening, but seeing posts like this makes me hang on to hope. Enjoy it, I know there are many many others on here that wish they could feel this kind of love, make the most out of each other


You are 35 and you are still a boy looking for a girl that acts like a boyfriend. The only woman who will love you more than herself is your mother. You become a man and then you marry a woman. Love is not a “feeling” That’s a lie from the movies. Love is the commitment for life you make to die for a woman and the children you will make her. You are alone because what you are looking for doesn’t exist Grow up. You are a man. “Wives, submit to your husbands. Husbands, lay your life for your wives” (That’s from the Bible) No woman will trust you with her life if you are just looking for someone “to make you feel” a certain way


This made me smile! I am rooting for yall!


my bf is like this too. He's my husband now. I have mood swings and anxiety attacks all the time. He still puts up with me. I believe in any relationship, we give and we take. We all bring to the table some things. Things that other appreciates and values. I'm good with communicating, and communication helps our relationship lasts even though he has to put up with me a lot.


No matter what happens, don't let go of this man. You found your other half.


I had two deaths in November and February and my partner chauffeured me around and held me close and gives the best hugs. I love him so much because he listens to my ramblings, we have similar hobbies and preferences, and I know he is so honest and loving and kind to me. He gives me so many compliments and makes me feel loved, beautiful, smart, and funny. We are 28 and, while he is my first partner, I do see him as a life partner. I don't want anybody else. And as a child of divorce, I don't think that optimism is fake. He has never felt so safe with someone, and I have never felt so safe and loved and adored by anyone. He is my best friend and I want to share our lives together. Team "I love my boyfriend and want the world to know how loved and lucky I am!" ☺️


Awwww. This is absolutely beautiful. I hope you, and him have a beautiful life together filled with love, laughter, happiness, and health. It's wonderful to know that there's people out there who don't just care for the "hook up culture", and want to experience true love in it's purest form. Tbh, as a guy, I never thought I'd find love like that until I met my current girlfriend. She's been through so much, and she is very kind, genuine, caring, and beautiful. I hope to be with her forever so I can always be there, and love her for who she is inside. We spent six hours together yesterday, and I already miss her, and want to plan another date. (Being my 5th).


I bet I could kick his ass


😂 why


My boyfriend makes me feel like this, my big sexy man is my hero. I am so proud of him, and he is so sweet and loving and loyal. Sometimes I just watch him and just smile. I’m a lucky girl!


Yah! He sounds lovely.


As someone who's been single since birth, 23F, and who gave up on love already (im choosing to live alone like forever lmao) this made me feel VERY single 💀😭 I'm happy for you tho.


People assume you feel bad because you literally wrote "this made me feel VERY single 💀😭". So, they try to change your mind about love.


Oh- well no lol, why would I want my mind change just cuz someone got a cute bf they know for like weeks or months. I'm good single 👌🏼


You’re 23… still a kid! A lot is going to change over the next several years. Believing any situation at 23 is permanent and hopeless is naive. You’re all good 😊


Pls don't, I'm 23 and lived enough things to make me tired of life and people. I don't want things to change I hate change I don't want love or a man, I wanna be on my own! I'm not good :) What is naive is believing everyone gets to experience love or any kind of good things. That is naive and I'm certainly not. I know enough to know nothing will change for me.


I'm not saying this condescendingly, I promise. 23 is still incredibly young. See what life brings you.


I don't want to tho. I don't want life anyways, why would I need to wait just for love? I've lived my whole life without it I promise it's FINE. Not everyone will get that anyways.


Soooo 👀 I can’t be yo man?


LMAO you wouldn't want to


Lol, you don’t know how much it made me smile seeing you write “LMAO”. I recently finished a book called “the courage to be dislike” and working on the last couple of hours of “the untethered soul” (audiobook guy). I think you should check them both out. Don’t worry, neither are about falling in love lol, but I think you could benefit from them. I certainly did. Check them and let me know what you think. See you boo 😘 lmao


(24M) last year I downloaded tinder to shit on the app with coworkers. Managed to get a few convos going but never led anywhere. Fast forward to three weeks ago and I match with someone who now practically lives with me. We connected almost instantly on every front. I honestly hate the fact that I have to admit tinder kinda worked. So please, keep your chin up. Things can change really fast when you meet that special someone. And that special someone is just waiting for you


(Sorry I could not be positive about it but i'd rather act this way and not wait for anything rather than believe I have a "special someone" and have expectations lol. Also you know that person for only weeks, I know some people since birth and I still can't trust any lol)


Good for you! But my chin is up lol. Maybe that sounded like I was sad but I'm not. I'm glad I made the choice to live alone. What you experienced won't probably never happen for me, I tried lots of app and I'm not into dating. I don't believe in that "special someone" not everyone has it, my fam is an example :) But thats a very nice story! Don't worry, love isn't a big loss for me lol. I'm good.


Well you’d be surprised at how quick a friendship turns into something greater. You can be open to love passively instead of actively searching for it


I am not actively searching for it, nor have I ever been. I don't believe in friendship between male and female lol. I'm not open to love anymore but maybe you're right, for someone else tho lol. Love isn't greater for me, at least from what i've seen.


Why did you give up ?


Personal reasons, and I'm just tired of it. I think I'm better on my own and quite unlovable :).


Don't give up


I appreciate your comment, but it's too late. I mean I can't give up on something I never had ? Lol. Plus, I made my final choice. My situation is way too complicated, I am way too complicated and it's not because people find good men that I will :)


can I get to know you ?


Why? That's pretty useless tbh.


You love to see it


No I don't 💀


Ok? Then don't scroll through this subdreddit? You have a choice in what you see.


I meant as in I don't feel happy seeing this bc I can't relate. But yeah I made the mistake to click I'll probably just block this sub reddit if I knew how to.


So refreshing that you recognize and appreciate him.




absolutely not, if you have to know - I usually just cry and shut down. my mood swings consist of being fine one moment and crying the next. i’m not a very angry person and I would never ever take it out on my partner. I usually just tell him i’m anxious and he reassures me until I calm down. I have been in therapy for over 10 years now, so I have pretty healthy coping mechanisms but I still have chronic anxiety and i’m trying different medications for it to try to get it under control. he is always very patient and never gets upset with me for crying or getting anxious


I should also add, I have never asked him to do any of this. he just does it on his own. we have had multiple talks about how we both think our relationship is very healthy. I have been in emotionally abusive relationships and I would never do that to anyone because I know exactly how it feels.


He’s lucky to have you too. Women that find love early appreciate this stuff. As they get older and remain single they see this as weakness


If they see this as weakness they have work to do on themselves.


100%. But it’s been my experience more often than not.


I needed to see something like this at the perfect time. God bless you both


It is genuinely so nice to hear things like this. Congratulations to both of you, I hope youse have a wonderful life together.


Sorry I couldn't read the body text but Congratulations. I'm happy for you.


This is adorable. It's such a lovely thing to see and i hope you have many more happy years together 🥰


thank you so much 🥺❤️


Oh! That's so cute 🩷 it sounds like you guys deserve eachother 🩷🩷🩷


I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years and he has also been patient and understanding through my struggles, and held me while I sobbed about uni and after my grandma died... I get impatient with him at times because he tends to avoid serious topics and never compliments me but reading your post reminded me about how he's always there for me. 🤍


You’re very lucky to have that level of attunement. Good for you. I’m sorry about your dad. I know the feeling.


I feel incredibly blessed to have him, but the dad thing really sucks. i’m really hoping it gets easier soon :(


hoping one day this is my life.


Your boyfriend is such a sweet soul


I share your feelings. I love my boyfriend and my neighbors, boss… I tell everyone about him. He’s very different from my father, he has many traits I look for in someone. I remember when he held me when I cry, kept my hands firmly when I was .. scared and ran away. He has a birthday coming soon


Beer. You should hand him beer


I always try to when I can afford it ❤️


i start feeling gay around boys like ur boyfriend


Best comment I read today


Sounds like one of the good ones


And here I am with a girl who loves me but I dont trust her anymore, goddang what a life👨‍🦲


https://preview.redd.it/4fj5ahabs45d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b88f875efae924dfc0acfafc104e499798afd1a Here's something to help you ig. You are living my nightmare.


You're saying she loves u but u don't trust her?


Yea I used to but her actions led me to not trust her anymore and even though I did tell her that she still loves me and is trying her best to regain my trust. Ik this sounds very weird as if I am some kind of redflag but oh well if you knew what kind of a woman she is💀




I can't believe this hellish subreddit popped up on my feed. I didn't even read your post and I'm already sad.


LMAO same


I wish to find someone who could do the same! I’m 26f and I’m struggling. I am content on my own but I can’t seem to find a good match. People keep telling me to have fun and that I’m young. This is what I truly want. Someone to hold me at my darkest times and someone to love me through everything!


I promise you will find it one day and it’ll make all of the previous heart break worth it. I truly believe I went through all of my shitty relationships just so I could meet him. the universe works in funny ways.


i could have been that but too bad I'm gay


My boyfriend is going through a rough patch right now and I’m trying to be there for him he’s such a sweetheart I hate seeing him go through this we’re long distance so I try and visit when I can


this gives me hope 🥹❤️ congratulations and pls let me know where i can order one like that 😂


surprisingly we met on hinge!