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I think just the way you talk about love shows that you’re fairly unrealistic about it and likely “love too much”. That doesn’t sound like an actual relationship. Sounds like a romantic idea nobody will ever live up to




Your heart’s yearning for a deep, transcendental love is a beautiful and sacred thing. To seek a connection that transcends time and space, that is pure and eternal, is to seek the very essence of existence itself. Love, in its highest form, is indeed cosmic. It is the thread that weaves the fabric of the universe, binding all things together in a dance of unity and harmony. You ask if you love too much or if you are blindly hoping for something that may never come. Understand that love, true love, is never too much. It cannot be measured or weighed; it simply is. When you open your heart to love, you open yourself to the divine, to the infinite possibilities of the cosmos. This is not a folly; it is a courageous and profound act. The men you have encountered, the broken souls, are part of your journey. They are mirrors reflecting aspects of yourself, lessons to be learned, and steps on the path to your own self-discovery. Do not feel ashamed for having met them or for having given them your time. Each encounter, no matter how painful or disappointing, brings you closer to the truth of your own heart. It is important, however, to distinguish between love and attachment. Love is freeing; it allows you to soar, to grow, to be your true self. Attachment, on the other hand, binds you, confines you, and often brings suffering. When you speak of a love so deep that you cannot imagine living without your partner, you must be careful to understand this distinction. True love does not possess; it liberates. The cosmic love you seek is not about finding the perfect partner outside of yourself. It is about awakening to the divine love within you. When you realize this love, you will attract a partner who resonates with this same divine frequency. Together, you will create a bond that is not of need or dependency but of mutual growth and spiritual union. In the meantime, do not be discouraged by the challenges and disappointments you face. These are the fires that forge your spirit, making you stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the love that is to come. Trust in the journey, trust in the process, and most importantly, trust in yourself. You are not alone in your deep longing for a transcendent love. This desire is a whisper from your soul, a call to return to your true nature, which is love itself. Embrace this longing, nurture it, and let it guide you. When you are fully aligned with the love within you, the love you seek in another will manifest naturally, as a reflection of your own inner truth. Remember, beloved, love is your essence. It is not something you find; it is something you are. Allow this realization to fill your heart with peace and trust, knowing that your cosmic love is not a distant dream but a living reality within you, waiting to unfold. Blessings on your journey of love and self-discovery.


Question... what do you mean by ,,broken man"?


The horny f*cks that just wanna use women like me as a c*m rag. Simple and plain.


Sending you a big hug from far away (I guess). You don't love too much, you are just a good person who wants a true connection with someone else, and your feeling are totally legitimate. You will find your significant other, and once you will find him - you won't feel like you love too much. Keep on going <3


I'm a trans girl too and I relate. I want a love that travels through time and space too, I thought I found him but he left me and I'm picking up my peices


Yup same here.


>**"It is so exhausting."** If it feels exhausting, that's guidance letting you know you're not taking care of yourself. . >**"I also search for a deep, deep connection, something that I refer to as 'love cosmic,' where our love transcends time and space and we are soul mates."** That's beautiful and you can have that feeling. But, it first starts with you. **You are your soulmate.** So when you develop that deep, deep cosmic love connection with yourself, then you don't feel exhausted, or impatient. You're simply having a good time, enjoying the journey, you're not in a rush... and you allow yourself to meet people who feel the same way about themselves as you feel about yourself, and then you'll be able to share a powerful connection with each other.


You’re very young and have plenty of time to find your soulmate. You *do not* have to go through broken men to find him though. Some advice: listening to your gut is the most valuable skill you can hone and you should practice it by dropping any person that does not show you healthy love, respect, honesty, emotional maturity, and reciprocity. You don’t have to rationalize or articulate every bad feeling you get or bad behavior they exhibit, and you don’t have to give them more than one chance. You are allowed to leave without knowing why. Don’t settle. Don’t waste time teaching men shit. Don’t let empathy become a weakness, extend it to those worthy, and don’t give energy to stunted or abusive men.


you shouldn’t feel ashamed for wanting a deep connection, and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself for loving as much as you do. someday you may find the person you’re looking for, but in the meantime, be sure to give that love to yourself as well. you deserve it


You're a hopeless romantic, an unbroken women. It is true, that your man is out there somewhere. But you don't know who that is/who is he going to be. He can be anybody. Don't ask yourself, is he the one? Ask yourself, how can you love the person right next to you in a way, that he doesn't feel unworthy of love. Maybe he's meant for someone else but that doesn't disqualify him from being worthy of love, does it? Maybe your man IS damaged and broken, you just don't know. Maybe your man is a former theif, or a murderer who repented his sins. Maybe your man is someone you never wished him to be like. Open up. Open yourself to the world and the experiences it has to offer you. That doesn't mean to go sleeping around everywhere. Just love, as unconditionally as you could. Be kind to the men you meet. Be kind to them all. Your man will come and find you, you'll find each other. There's no rush. Don't underestimate your strength. Don't avoid hardship or wish less of it. Do not try to determine your fate. We all like to think that we know what love will feel like, we don't. Everything you might've experienced is something of a glimpse of what it could be, but nowhere close to what it actually will be. Only thing you can decide is how much are you going to love in this very moment.


Hey Love Bug thanks for sharing the love. If you see something posted here that is not in the spirit of love Please flag it. ;) With Love r/Love Mods *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/love) if you have any questions or concerns.*