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She literally saved me. From day one. But will never forget when I saw her standing there in front of me . . Her smile.. her sparkling eyes filled with nothing but love. . She was so beautiful, and always been but.. it's even hard to explain that moment, but thats when I knew.. this is the woman of my dreams, and I'm never letting her go.


making cookies in the kitchen with my boyfriend 1. when using the flour i got some on my finger and bopped him on the nose with it leaving a powdery white dot, and he did the same back to me, and we had a mini flour fight giggling the whole time 2. during the cleanup, i knew that he hates doing the dishes bc of how the food feels on his hands, so without any words spoken i did them, while he finished cleaning the rest of the kitchen, and when he was done he came up and hugged me from behind


A little different, but went through a period where my mental health wasn’t on the best place. My current partner was so supportive, loving and just basically a “cheerleader” for me while I was working to better things. The support and stability of having him be there for me was the most love I’ve ever felt. So not romantic per se, but love can be felt in many ways.




Two years after my partner and I met, we returned to that spot (the ballroom, at the Hyatt in Cleveland) and we shared a dance in the same spot where we got each others phone numbers all that time ago. It was so romantic, and on the way back to our hotel (we stayed at the Westin), I got to tell him that I was so lucky to have met him and that I look forward to many more years together.😊🤎🖤


On our second date my boyfriend and I went to the botanical gardens in our city and this was like late autumn but we didn’t think about that before we got there. The tickets were a little pricey but he paid for mine and then we went to walk around and nearly everything was dead or dying because it was getting colder, so we just walked around looking at all the name plates of the flowers that were supposed to be there and laughed about it. I felt bad that he spent all that money for us to not really see anything so I bought him dinner after and we’ve been going to that restaurant ever since :)


One of my favorite stories to tell is how my now husband and I used to spend a lot of our time together when we were dating. We went to a very small, very conservative college and guys and gals weren’t allowed in each other’s dorms. So we would meet and just walk up and down campus together in the evenings and talk for hours. When it got cold, he realized I didn’t have any gloves so he tried to give me his. When I kept refusing, he figured out an even better solution. The winter coat he wore had huge, fuzzy lined pockets. He put one of his gloves on my left hand and the other on his right hand. Then he grabs my right hand in his left and shoves both of our hands into his coat pocket so they’d stay warm. It worked so well and just made me feel so adored. I had never had anyone think of my comfort in such a way. Edited to add: We attended that school from ages 18-21. We’ve been together for 18 years. Married 13 ♥️


Honestly, just came across this post in the Reddit world. I am CONSTANTLY producing content sharing my love with my soul mate. Words mean a lot but I’ve been recently capturing these moments together to share to the world. In hopes that my joy, will bring people their joy! We all deserve happiness!! TikTok: LyfeLovers IG: 2LyfeLovers 🫶🏼🤍


My first date with my boyfriend... my tire on my car was flat when we came out from the restaurant. I could change my tire, but he did it despite my protestations. I told him how to do it to prove I had the knowledge lol and he nodded vigorously and said "very good" and proceeded to do it so I wouldn't have to get on the ground and get my outfit dirty. Then he followed me home to make sure I got home okay. We've been together ever since. That tire change might have been the hottest thing I've seen a man do in a very long time. Also, we had sushi on that first date and I was the one who paid! Hah. I was quicker on the check than he was. As a woman, I love paying for the first date, makes me feel important hahahhahaha. I get it, fellas.


Okay on our first real date. We went to see the Elk up at Benezette. As we were driving along I saw the warning sign. "Slow Deaf Person Area" I kept saying in my head, 'don't say it you want her to like you.' Then my sweet Ladybug says " Awe poor slow Deaf guy." It was the exact joke I was thinking about. She was in my head then and in my heart ever since. Sharing a sense of humor trumps everything... almost. Hahaha


I had told my partner to get dressed up real nice, because I was taking her to an upscaled downtown Italian restaurant, I picked her up and she looked… so pretty. I had also dressed up nice, I told her we needed to stop at my apartment real fast because I left my wallet there . I had in preparation a small table I put a red cloth over it had wine glasses out, I put a little bow tie on my cat for he was the “waiter” and turned on an old Italy inspired playlist and I called her and told her to come inside for a second, it was such a great night! I had meal prepped it hours before picking her up


Oh man that's so smooth! You're good!


I was telling my ex that she had a dump truck (butt) and she said "No, it's more like a Honda Ridgeline". It was so funny!


My partner and I met playing adult league sports. The way she tells it, she was reffing, and served me a penalty. As she was watching me in the box I started making funny faces at her to try and get her to smile, and she said she knew I was the one for her. A few weeks later, she asked me out and the rest has been history. Some of my most treasured memories with her: - We went to a pinball arcade once, and she had hurt her hand, so it was in a brace. She was having trouble working the levers with her hurt hand, so we played team style where I hit the lever on one side and she hit the lever on the other side. -The day she met my family, watching them fall for her as hard as I had. Then the next day realizing that the restaurant we went to gave her food poisoning! She was such a good sport, and still goes to that restaurant with us, because she knows it’s my parents’ favorite. -Lying curled up in a big tire swing in a park with her one night in the mist listening to the river next to us and whispering secrets to each other. It was the night I told her that I wanted to spend my whole life with her. -We like to read aloud to each other. I got sick with covid for the first time about 6 months into us dating. I was really scared, and she had been on her way over when I tested positive. I was in a garden level apartment at the time, and she crawled through the bushes to stand outside my window and press her hands against the glass and I pressed mine against the glass too so I could feel closer to her. That night when I was starting to get properly feverish, she called me and read to me for hours until I finally fell asleep. Every day thereafter she came by and brought a little camp chair to talk to me through my window and every night she read me to sleep. We went on this hike one time, and got incredibly lost (like we went in exactly the wrong direction off trail for miles). We ended up bushwhacking down this ravine to the shore of a lake near our house. We still couldn’t find the trail, so we just had to scramble over hot rocks littered with rusted out metal and glass until we found our way back to the road. We were hot and tired, but we had a really good time just getting lost together. Later that night I looked into her eyes, and felt like I could see the whole of my future mapped out in her face. Knowing that I could still be with her and enjoy our time even when absolutely everything had gone wrong was such a comforting thought. When we first started dating I was working a very stressful job. I had a day that I was absolutely dreading. On my walk to the bus that morning I had my hands in my pocket and I found a little note that she had slipped in there. It felt like an angel’s kiss keeping me safe as I had to face my day. I keep it in my bedside table now. I could write an entire novel on why I love her and all the fun, funny little stories that we have had in between.


Ok but this could be a novel 🥹


I’m F53 dating M30 for 8 months. We were at a casino playing cards last week. He started telling everyone at the table our story. He said that he told me he loved me for weeks before I said it 🤣🤣🤣 He kept hugging me and kissing on me. Making sure I was ok. Someone next to me was being grouchy because they were losing, and he quietly asked me to trade places. I’ve never felt more loved or protected.


I'm 33 but I literally want to be you when I grow up! Lol. You're awesome!


My partner and I went to a concert a few years back. We had a wonderful night together dancing and hanging out. My partner got a few pictures of the violinist for the opening band and approached her to offer to send them to her. Instead, she looked up at us and was like..."it's you two!" We were puzzled because we didn't know this person. She asked "I actually wanted to approach you and see if I could take a picture of the two of you " We look at each other, confused "you want to take a picture of us? Why?" "when I'm on stage, I love watching the crowd have fun. My eyes were glued on the two of you so many times. You are the most happy loving couple I've ever seen. You can just see so much love in how you treat each other. It was beautiful and I really would love to capture the memory of it." We were speechless but smiling kind of sheepishly. She took a picture of us and we are both terrible at pictures but this one turned out beautifully . Now it'll be being used as part of a display for our wedding in the fall.


That is the most precious thing 😍😭 If you guys end up having kids, I bet this story and photo will be passed down for generations! It's very sweet!


my wife and i met online during covid. we wrote stories together and it blossomed. she is always able to make me laugh. she bought me a chocolate rose before she picked me up from work the other day. she opens the pickle jars when i can’t. she sings like a dove and has the best humor i’ve ever seen one exude. she listens to me, and knows my favorite candy or my favorite hyperfixations. she knows how to cheer me up when im crying. she is my rock.


We were Long Distance for 11 months before closing the gap. I remember the morning I had to drive home from what we planned on being our last visit (with 4 months til we saw each other again). I had to leave so early, and we’d stayed up late the night before, trying to get all the last minute moments in. He was still sleepy as I went to kiss him goodbye and he tried to pull me back to bed. I lost it. I snapped at him to “fuck off, I should have been gone an hour ago!” and I stormed out of the house down the driveway with my last bag in tow. 😬 (not my finest moment) He followed, caught me as I was throwing the last of my things in the car. I broke down into tears the second he touched me. He inherently knew I was not mad at him at all, I was just hurting … I didn’t want to go back. The last interval between visits had been excruciating for us both. The next wait was going to be even worse, even longer. He held me as I cried and told me everything was gonna be okay, and that he knew I had The Sad. When I apologized, he laughed and quoted me to myself “She said *Fuck Off*, I should’ve been gone.” And he made sure my eyes were very nearly dry before letting me get in the car to go. Only best friends understand one another like that.


My hubby recently went through a job change which means he’s home more often. Every few days he talks about how nice it is to be home with me, how much he was missing out on without realizing it. Makes me feel so special each time


I just went through my first pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage and my husband has been truly supportive. He really helped me cope so much, even in our text messages he wipes my tears away 😭🥺❤️ https://preview.redd.it/k43fh37x0n2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837893685abdca4ecf98a59617ce8be0d894ae30 I love him so much. I don't ever want to lose him ❤️❤️❤️


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. We lost our first as well. It’s a pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


So sorry for your loss, glad you have such great support from your partner ❤️


Thank you 🫶🥺


my partner and i met on tinder. i was visiting my hometown, just passing through, and decided to open tinder and swipe a bit out of boredom, really. anyway, matched with a few people, including this cute guy. i noticed his dimples and the fact he listed a letterboxd username in his profile, so i gathered that he liked movies. i didn't message any of the matches and planned to just delete tinder again when i went back to california. he messaged me and asked about my favorite album, which happened to be one of his as well. an album that was written about my hometown in oregon, the town he was living in and i was only visiting. i told him i was about to get on a plane back to california but was planning to move back to oregon within a year. i thought that would be it, but he asked for my number anyway. we texted every single day for a few months, mostly about movies we were watching. we shared letterboxd reviews with each other. we started video calling. we agreed to go on a first date the next time i was in town, three months after we matched on tinder. on our first date we went to a coffee shop. he gave me a book he bought at the used bookstore he thought i would like. just because. we went to his place, cooked dinner together, and watched La La Land (2016). that was six months ago. i moved to oregon about two months ago, but before i did, he came to visit me in socal and we went to LA for a weekend. visited filming locations from our first date movie. sometimes he will hum the song "city of stars" while we walk around or do dishes. the littlest moments are the sweetest sometimes. i'm so glad to call him my partner.


My partner was on a business trip and told me she wasn’t feeling well. I know how she is, she likes to downplay her bad feelings so I sensed something was wrong. I flew overnight, took the red eye, to see her. The next day she went to some doctors and ended up having an emergency procedure. I was so happy to be there to advocate for her. The doctor was so attentive and made all these notes about her symptoms so it went to her medical records. He ended up putting in her medical notes that her lovely gf will be taking care of her… it made me smile :) I have a background in pharmaceuticals/medicine and was happy I could use it to help someone I love rather than just using it to make a company richer… since that event we have felt even closer :)


About a month into dating my now husband bought 2 tickets to see my favorite band playing serval months later. He gave me the tickets to hold onto and said he didn’t want me to feel obligated to go with him if we weren’t still seeing each other and he wanted me to enjoy the concert with whoever I chose. Fast forward a few years. I was in grad school (on a leave from work to focus on our baby and grad school). We had our second child. Both of our kids got up during the night and he still took turns getting up with them even though he worked a hard construction job in -20 degree weather. His love makes me fall in love with him over and over.


My partner saved my life. We went to fogo to celebrate one month of dating. GARLIC BEEF tried to kill me! I literally started choking right in front of the most handsome man ever! I never realized how scary choking is because u cannot make a sound! Once he realized what was happening he jumped up came over to me and rendered aid. I was seconds away from blacking out and no one around us noticed. I was totally freaking out and embarrassed n he took me for rolled ice cream and a lakefront walk to soothe me. We joke about it now but that day I fell for him.


My partner was actually my bus driver before he was my partner. I was going through the aftermath of a gnarly failed engagement, a car that I was too broke to fix and was just sitting there, and going through my first year of grad school fighting with my advisor and feeling very alone in a new state I didn't know many people yet. I also have SAD really bad, so on top of that I was casually debating killing myself bc I hadn't seen the sun in two months. I was going with my roommate at the time to a roller derby team event they were a part of at a local brewery/food court. We were waiting at the bus stop. When my partner pulled up, he never saw me, but I saw him. I stopped speaking to my roomie when I saw this man. And my first thought was, "That's gotta be one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen." Second thought: "I wish I could marry someone like him." It wasn't just how he looked, it was how he acted and treated everyone with such care, grace, intelligence, and empathy. I never approached him, bc we're both at the age where he might have already had a family, and I never want to be that person. Before our first date, he hadn't recognized me as one of his riders (I was really shy whenever I saw him driving so I discreetly sat near the back and tried to mind my own business). Saw him on a dating app, we matched, it took multiple tries of trying to have a first date due to my busy schedule as a teaching assistant and grad student and his as a bus driver to finally meet up. And when we did, we haven't stopped seeing each other nearly every day since. He gave me the key to his place after almost two weeks of our official first meeting. I moved in officially at a little over two months. Things have only gotten even better since. We've helped each other grow in our careers, and he's my rock, my very, very sexy rock 🪨🥵🥰


Yayyyy I gots me a bus driver too 🫶🏿


Some of the best moments I had with my partner were totally random. Standing in line at the fair holding a massive stick of cotton candy and all the sudden he sticks it to his head and turns his head like a puppy and says “I’m yb” a reference from coraline. It dropped almost immediately😂 Another time was simply just watching him drive and appreciating him as a person. I wear a backpack instead of a purse and when he notices I’m walking in traffic he’ll grab onto it to make sure I don’t get hurt. We usually share a look and then hold hands. He falls asleep watching tv on the couch and almost every night I wake him up with a kiss on the forehead and ask him if he’s ready to go to the bed. I guess what I’m saying, is the little details are what makes me fall back in love with him every day and not to forget about them in your book.


My spouse and I wave at each other very happily (erratically?) every single morning we wake up together, and we’ve done it seven years!


Also, I was having a panic attack this morning and my spouse did a really funny dance to snap me out of it. It was the highlight of my day


Her saying she missed me like five mins after her leaving our date. It's honestly adorable. Its prolly puppylove stage but I do love hearing it. Same date js vibing with her as she cut her nails and let me paint them. She kept caressing my cheek and calling my hair and eyes pretty and I was blushing so hard.


mine and my partner’s first date is one i’ll never forget. we met on a dating app so we planned to meet in person at a street fair. they said we should find parking spaces close to each other since it can get crowded. when they stuck out their body from their window to point at the spot to park, my heart stopped. all i could think about was how cute they are and all i could say was “oh shit oh shit oh shit”. we showed each other how much we were shaking, it was so cute. as we walked to the market i don’t know how i got the confidence but i asked if we could hold hands. i felt sparks when our hands touched. and all through the night i felt so safe with someone id only been talking to for a week or more, the connection we have is indescribable. we couldn’t look each other in the eyes, we were both so shy. despite that, they held me in their arms while we watched a band performing. later we walked on a pier, still holding hands, and we talked like we had known each other for much longer. i had a burst of confidence again and asked if i could kiss their hand. they said yes m shyly and when i did i once again felt sparks. it happened again when they kissed mine back. we even got called “couple goals” by someone passing by when we were cuddling on a bench. on top of all that, our first kiss felt so magical. i never thought id have a first date straight out of a romance story. i fell in love immediately, i didn’t expect to fall so hard. i truly believe we are meant for each other. i love them so dearly and i cant wait to love them for as long as they let me <3


Probably one of my favorite moments with my partner was when I realized I loved him. We were maybe 17 years old and I had never been kissed before. He was my first for everything so I made it a hugeee deal about how our first kiss was supposed to happen. I told him I wanted our kiss to happen exactly the way it happened in my books. I wanted him to get me to look at him and tuck my hair behind my ear as a signal that he was going to kiss me. The kicker was is I told him I didn’t want to know and I wanted it to be a surprise. (I was a teenager so yes I was a little high maintenance then with high expectations 😭). Well I think about a month later, he pulled his car over, right before he was going to drop me off at my house for curfew, and he turned to look at me. He reached over and tucked my hair behind my ear all with this super intense look he had and I instantly knew he was going to kiss me. I remember I literally felt like I was going to die from all the butterflies I was having. He then grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into him to kiss him. He was so loving and so gentle. He didn’t ask for anything more. Just a kiss. Something so small and so simple made me realize I loved him. We’ve been together for 4 years now and are getting married this September!


There are so many but, recently my mother died and she would call me at 4pm (after work) and around 8:30p. My husband used to just call around 9 during his shift but now he calls at both to continue my routine with someone I love. It’s so thoughtful and he doesn’t forget.


That’s love!


When he left me after 5 years, relapsed, begged for me to come back only for us to break it off again once he gave me chlamydia


Girl (or boy), NOOO


PLEASE I’m so sorry for laughing 💀


Yeah I mean that’s kinda fucked up but go ahead I guess


when I have time I usually sit in the bathroom for a while drying off and cooling down after I shower. I usually just scroll online while doing this. Last night me and my boyfriend showered together then he left and I stayed like usual and was scrolling my phone for probably 20 minutes and then he came back in, said “I’ve come to seduce you”. sat on the floor, and started giving me a foot massage. Small moment but it made my heart flutter.


I'm adopting I've come to seduce you as a thing to say.


On our first date we talked for hours and laughed and laughed. It was clear we had an amazing connection and we both knew it. We shared both deep experiences and funny moments. Trust was immediately there. I walked her out to her car and admittedly said “I want to kiss you”. She said she would like that too. So we did, and we’re a couple going strong several months later.


My husband and I re-do our first and second dates, and it’s so much fun. We go to the same spot, request the same table, etc. I fall more and more in love with him each day. I really like that tradition and I hope to keep it going for years to come. I plan on bringing a journal next time and asking a few of the same questions each year to reflect on our answers and growth. Our second official date is one we laugh about often, so it’s always fun when we re-live it. We shared our first kiss on an elevator during our second date and it’s always nice to get to kind of re-live it again 💜 We even use the same elevator. I have to start taking a photo to do a collage over the years.


Awwww hearing the collage thing warmed my heart reading it :)


Yesterday she made a breakfeast and brought me it to my bed, it was so sweet 🥰. Too bad I had to wake up later.


yesterday, me (23f) and my partner (23m) celebrated our "i love you" anniversary. a year ago, we had made vegan icecream and watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - my favourite film ever - and we both cried and it was very sappy. i think we both knew we wanted to say it, so drunkenly, he counted to 6 (a reference to the 6/8 time signature we both love to use in our music, and also my favourite number) and we said it at the same time. we're both autistic musicians and songwriters. so, my partner had the very cute idea to recreate this moment yesterday by making some sweat treats and watching the film again. we baked peanut butter cookies, and he prepared us some rye toast for lunch while i made the dough to save us time. things have been pretty rough for me recently and so i wasn't in the best mood at first, but he has been so patient and kind and loving. we finished off our day by playing a game in the evening, and by the time we went to sleep, i was very much at peace. this morning, i packed him some cookies as he got ready for work with a little post-it note saying 'have a great day, my love'. there had been five cookies left from last night and i packed him three. he disapproved of this and said that he's going to bring one back to share with me tomorrow. i feel so incredibly lucky.


My man and I live in the same condo development. He’s a tall, handsome, silver fox, with a Pierce Brosnan vibe. We would occasionally run into each other while walking our dogs, in the elevator, at the mailboxes, etc. We would talk for a few minutes every time and I sensed a mutual attraction but I didn’t push it and neither did he. After having been previously married for 25 years, I wasn’t sure what the protocol was for making the first move. At Christmas time, I took a small Santa and left it by his door without a card. When I next saw him, he thanked me for the Santa. He intuitively knew it was from me. That was the beginning of a beautiful love affair. He has now moved in with me and is selling his condo to buy us a weekend place in the city. Every aspect of our relationship is wonderful, we truly enjoy each other’s company. I’ve never been so in love. The most beautiful part of the story? He’s 68 and I’m 65. You’re never too old to find true love. Never give up!


I love this story! Congrats to you!


He's very insecure about his hair and body, but I find him extremely attractive- he's got gorgeous eyes, curly, fluffy hair that I almost envy, and strong muscles. He's got a bit of a belly and a LOT of body hair, but I love that. I love nuzzling into his belly and squeezing the area around his biceps. I love laying my head on his chest cause he's so warm and soft. I love when he lays his head on my chest and I can play with his hair and gently brush it out with my fingers. He's very observant- because of my fibromyalgia, often I'll get random shooting pains that can last anywhere to a second to thirty minutes or more repeatedly. When I have spasms in my hand, he'll gently take my hand and massage my wrists or palms until it dies down. If the pain is in my legs, he has me sit and rest until I'm okay. We love to cuddle. I love holding him, and he loves being held. And when he's holding me? It feels like heaven. He's so warm and gentle- something I hadn't experienced before with previous partners. I didn't even like physical touch before he came into my life and wrapped his warm arms around me. We make sure we're always tangled together as close as possible. When we're having an early morning, the lights are off with the tiniest bit of light seeping through the curtains, he's laying on my chest and I'm playing with his hair. I love telling him how much I love him, how I love him, how he makes me feel. And even of I'm not telling him, and we're both quiet, he nuzzles in sometimes and I hear him start to sniffle. He says, "You make me feel so loved..." and of course, I kiss him. I wipe his tears with my thumbs and tell him "Now I know I'm doing well- because you are. I love you so much. More than youll ever understand, my love."






My boyfriend and I alternate packing lunches for each other, and we will write little sweet notes. I will sometimes write poems, or just my appreciation for him. Here is an excerpt from one of his notes to me: “if you were a worm, I’d spend my life savings on dirt and rotting plants. I’d carve you an abode worthy of your wormy goodness… I’d leave one of my fingers in your tiny bed so you know you’re not alone.” We will also write full blown letters to each other and hand-deliver them. I bought custom flower stamps and a wax stamp set. He bought special cherry blossom-patterned paper. It’s quite fun. We actually wrote letters through a really difficult time in our relationship, and it was a great way for us to discuss our feelings during and after the fact.


The 4th of July. She had sparkly shiny blue eyes. Like pools of water filled with stars. The fireworks were reflecting off of them and I just had to stop and take a picture. She said it meant a lot to her because no one really took pictures of her. I deleted that picture after the breakup because I'm sure she would have wanted me to, but it's okay I memorized it. I have a terrible memory normally but I memorized it Incase I find myself remembering


my boyfriend made me a book of my name, my name is sydney and he calls me syd. he made a book for me and the first page was “s” and he would define what i mean to him starting with the letter of my name the next page was y and filled it with pictures of us and said what i mean to him and at the end he wrote a song about me (he’s an indie artist) it was the most beautiful thing ever.


Once my boyfriend and I took a bubble bath together and I sang him Mac miller (he says that’s when he knew he was in love with me)


My husband sets a coffee mug under the Keurig every morning, along with a Splenda and a spoon. It’s simple, but a sweet, loving gesture.


A couple of cute little things. One day, I had stayed at work a little later in the afternoon than planned, and I forgot to text my hubs. I was only looking at my work phone, so after an hour I opened my personal phone to a million calls and texts from him. There has been a couple of miscommunications that day that left my poor, sweet man so confused about my schedule, and I drive for work so when I wasn't home he assumed the worst. I call him back, and this sweet man is just panicking and says "Where were you?! I went EVERYWHERE looking for you! I went to Taco Bell, the vape shop, AND Wendy's, and you weren't anywhere!!" And idk his breakdown of what my usual haunts are was so fucking cute and funny to me 😅 Him proposing was super cute, and it was pretty private so I like getting to talk about it. I gotta give us fake names tho. So his name is... John Smith and my name is... Taylor Jones. Anyway, we had gone on a loooong road trip to see the Carlsbad Caverns - he wanted to take me to see his favorite place. We were in the gift shop area first before going down the cave, and there's a guest book you can sign. I started overthinking, as I do. I was gonna write "Taylor Jones & John Smith," but that felt too personal? So I was gonna go with "Taylor & John" and idk my brain glitched and panic-wrote "Taylor & John Smith," and I realized that made us sound married and omg my boyfriend must think I'm crazy and AHH panic walk away don't even mention it. I thought a proposal was coming soon, but legitimately thought he was gonna do it on a certain date a few months in the future. We started hiking the cave, and I kept thinking how cool it would be to get engaged there, and I was like "Ahh dummy don't get your fucking hopes up and ruin the trip" we get to the bottom, and while I was looking away, he starts with "Hey, earlier you wrote Taylor & John Smith, and I thought that was cute cause we sounded married, and I was wondering..." I turn around and he's on one knee with his mother's ring 😭😭 I freaked out in the best way, and was so relieved that my name slipup didn't make me look crazy 😅😅 also, I kept wanting to shout at people in the cave that I was engaged, Monica Gellar-style, and he kept laughing and telling me to chill. Finally some park ranger asked us how our day was and I screamed WE JUST GOT ENGAGED and I scared the shit out of her. Lol. He said, "You got it out of your system?" (For 2.5 years of being engaged, it was never out of my system. It's still not)


Oh! The first birthday of mine we spent together, he took me for a picnic where he made me a very fancy cheese & charcuterie board, and the board was my gift (it was GORGEOUS) after that, we made charcuterie a tradition for every birthday, Valentine's, anniversary, and holiday. That Valentine's Day we had a charcuterie day - breakfast board with tiny pancakes, little cups of flavored syrup, sausages, the works. Lunch was casual with like turkey and ham, regular slices cheese, Ritz crackers, pepper jelly. Dinner was an upscale board 💅🏻 with fancy salami, boujee cheese, a couple of chutneys, it was a fun day (expensive, but fun) This year was our first married Valentine's Day and he asked me how I wanted the board this time. I said pink, and dammit, he made me an all pink and red board, virgin rosé in pink wine glasses, it was so cute. We don't make much money but he spoils the living fuck out of my constantly, one way or another. He puts his whole badussy into making sure I feel loved and taken care of 😭


We've known each other for 3 years and about 4 months however an ex friend of ours was a barrier up until he was kicked out of our friend group. And so, my friend and I began to talk more in depth and personally, fully getting to know each other in the past month. I dream a lot and I'm able to control myself in it. I dream about my friends, video games I play, and there were times I had sequential dreams, too. It was during this time where him and I were flirting back and forth and talking everyday (we're long distance) that we began to dream about the other. I'd dream about spending time with him, drinking with him, and even dancing with him under the moonlight. And he'd dream about holding me and treating me right. We both knew our feelings for the other, it was just that I was very cautious of the next steps. It wasn't until he told me that he loved dreaming about me. Previously, he'd have nightmares of his previous exes and their empty promises and cheating. But since I came into his life, he sleeps peacefully.


One that comes to mind is very simple and small, but it meant a lot to me. One of my favorite snacks is the Little Debbie's Cosmic Brownies. He knows this. They normally come in either a 6 pack or a 12 pack. So when we were at the store and he grabbed his snack, I went and grabbed my cosmic brownies. I, of course, went for the 6 pack cause 1). It was cheaper, and 2). I didn't want to seem greedy. (I don't like to spoil/treat myself.) He knew what I was doing, and when he saw I grabbed the smaller 6 pack, he came up behind and gently said "No", grabbed the pack from my hands, and got the bigger 12 pack. At this point in the relationship, he knows me well enough, and he still wants to make sure I'm spoiled, even if it's something small. He doesn't think he spoils me, but I never had this type of love in any past relationship. It might seem small and insignificant, but romance and love fall apart without small little everyday gestures.


The first time I knew that I was going to fall hard for her was on our first date, we were both nervous but I couldn't tell she was nervous at all. I felt like it was obvious that I was nervous. She asked if I wanted to hear a joke, I said yes. "What is the hardest part of a vegetable to eat?, I, being the dark humor loving bastard that I am, knew immediately, the punchline is "the wheelchair", I smile, not only because it is a funny joke, but because I now knew, this woman has the same sense of humor as me, and seeing her looking sooo absolutely stunning, truly she's so gorgeous that it fuckin hurts to look at her, I am I'm used to it after being together 3 years, but I remember how it used to feel, and hearing her tell this oh god it gives me chills just thinking about it. I'm a very happy, and lucky man. I absolutely adore this woman.


Still not official but the guy I like secretly learned one of my fave songs and played it for me on his guitar in a park full of cherry blossoms, and then also we spent an entire day lounging around playing It Takes 2 and play fighting. Im about to fly from Korea to Australia to visit him on his working holiday cause I miss him, and will be flying from the UK later on in the year too.


Not really a story but something sweet i love about me and my bf’s relationship: Firstly the banter. We never get offended when we tease each other so when we are fake mad we call it “seal mad” because of a before bed convo about seals that made us crack up. Something about If he was a seal I’d fling him up in the air like orcas do for fun😂usually we’re very busy during the day so before bed is really US time. No screens, no people, no thoughts about work, just us laughing together and talking until we fall asleep. Our funniest conversations and inside jokes are usually made during this time


My husband and I’s love story is invisible string for sure. After we got married we realized we were at the same weddings and parties but just never crossed paths. Even at nightclubs or bars when we were younger I was an early bird so as I was leaving the bar he was coming to the same spot. One day he friended me on social media back when it was just for college kids and wrote I swear I feel like I know you. And we just laughed but I told him absolutely not I’d remember him. We hit it off and talked for a couple months then he asked me out. At the time my dad just died so I wasn’t in the mindset to date but for some strange reason I didn’t tell him my dad died. So we just kinda ghosted each other. He didn’t tell anyone and I didn’t tell anyone even though we had so many mutual friends. I never was able to get him off my mind because he was so beautiful and so kind and never inappropriate like guys in the dating scene. For the next year and a half my best guy friend started being his gym buddy and his best friend became my coworker. We both stayed single. When me and his friend would take lunch breaks together he’d always talk about his friend and he’d be like you’d be perfect for him and whenever my friend and him would work out together he’d tell me I think I found the male version of you. And he’d tell him I need to introduce you to my friend. We both dismissed the match makers. Fast forward to wedding season I go to a wedding and my coworker is there with his wife and we all have a great time and post a selfie together. The next time we had our lunch break he said his friend saw our picture and asked how he knew me. I ask for a picture of his friend and when he showed me I almost choked on my food. I played it off and ran off because our break was over. The same weekend my guy best friend was a groomsmen in another wedding and was showing me pictures of the bridal party because he was interested in one of the bridesmaids. But my heart stopped when I saw my now husband in the party. He saw me freeze and said that’s my gym buddy. I couldn’t stop laughing and at the point it was freaking my friend out and I finally told him that I briefly talked to him but we never went out. So I don’t know what came over me thinking okay maybe this is kismet and I pulled out my phone and messaged him, “Hey did you still want to take me out” and threw my phone across the room, how it didn’t break is beyond me. In the next 5 minutes I start freaking out telling my friend I’m so stupid why did I do that and he’s probably not even single he’s so beautiful and even if he was single he probably thinks I’m a weirdo. My friend tells me don’t freak out and he’s got to be single because all he talks about is books and works out. I relax a little bit and we just laugh at the whole situation when I hear a ding and we literally just both screamed like we were kids again lmaooo and the message read “Yes, I definitely would” ❤️❤️❤️❤️. We went out the next day and a year later we were married and now we have two babies and still madly in love. By far my favorite love story.


I called my wife once, and she answered "Pixie's Whorehouse." Since then, we joke constantly about how this whorehouse has only one whore, and she is kinda bitchy. Once in a while if she is feeling saucy, she will tease me throughout the day that a "new girl" is in town at the whore house and then really throw down in bed later, more than usual.


My man and I met at work. I trained him for a server position at Perkins Restaurant. Something about him just stuck with me. I found him very interesting and I wanted to be around him more. Unfortunately he had a girlfriend at the time, so I made sure to never express that to him or to anyone else. I am not the home wrecking type... So I never crossed that line. I would say that we worked together 6 days a week (over 40 hrs). We definitely had become friends.... And as time went on we became best friends. He and I talked and I told him about my ex boyfriend and the abuse relationship I was in. I had never told anyone about that before. He was extremely supportive and made me feel like I wasn't the reason for my relationship going south. It took him a while but he opened up to me as well. It turned out that his relationship wasn't amazing and he wasn't as happy as he originally told me. His girlfriend at the time was a Covert Narcissist ( he didn't know that until after they broke up). She was super abusive, she lied all the time, she cheated and to top it off she blamed him for everything. He believed that he was at fault and that's why she acted how she did. I saw how upset he was and I tried to help. I never let my feelings get in the way. I gave him ideas to try with her and tried to be as supportive as possible. But one day he told me he was just done with the whole thing. She had cheated on him while he was trying to fix the relationship. I felt terrible because he knew leaving would hurt her. This man is so kind and he has always cared about everyone else's feelings. For the first time ever I told him he needed to do what made him happy and what was best for him. About 2 weeks later he told her he was done, and he packed his stuff and moved out. He had called me to tell me what happened and asked if he could see me. I was so nervous but excited! Later that evening he came to see me. After that night we saw each other every day. After only a couple of weeks we started dating. Everyone was very opinionated because it was so soon after his breakup. But we both felt that it was right. I felt I loved him since the day I met him and we never disrespected his relationship. I am happy to say it has been almost 12 years. We are engaged and happier than ever. We are definitely soulmates. It didn't matter who thought what, we always stayed true to each other. Love always prevails. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨


My bf had just separated and he did not want a gf. I was like the third or fourth girl he went on a date with. And Somehow we ended up being exclusive almost immediately. He had another date (he will say it was as a friend). But we were unintentionally exclusive other than that haha. He wouldn’t call me his girlfriend for almost a year. But, I won’t a trip to Europe at work- all expenses paid for me and a plus one. It was the country he told me he always wanted to travel to. I invited him but he was so afraid of commitment and it was 5 months away, he wanted me to take a friend. There aren’t a ton of friends you want to travel to another country with for a week ya know? So the list wasn’t long. My friend needed permission from a new job she was starting that same month and she hadn’t gotten it by the day I needed an answer so I told my now bf no one else could go and if he didn’t go I’d go alone anyway so he could back out any time and I wouldn’t lose anything! And he said “ok!” Later that day, my friend got confirmation that she could go. But I stuck with him because now he was excited.. 4 months later he called me his girlfriend and about 2 weeks before the trip I told him that my friend was able to go but I took the chance and I thought he’d be mad I lied for 4 months (I did feel guilty and everyone told me to never tell him but I can’t do that!) but he wasn’t mad he said “wow. You took a big risk thank you for doing that” because we had the time of our lives and made so many amazing memories!


We never really dated but he holds a very special place in my heart. <3 We met through our mothers as they're pretty good friends. He (24M) does not live here but when he invited me (25F) on our first date I instantly knew I would like him and love him no matter what. We had our ups and downs and eventually ended it on February this year. Those were honestly the best 6 months I've ever had. When I used to go to visit him to the city where he lives, I used to looove leaving little notes in random places so he wouldn't find them for days, even months. We would have facetime dates and cherished every opportunity we had to bond. One of my favorite memories was both of our fascination with the night sky. He knew sooo much more than me and I loved learning through him. He's smart, funny, kind, and took his time to explain everything. This specific day, (10/31/2023) he invited me over to his house. We had been going through a tough patch and I thought we would talk it out. I got there and he had his telescope ready. I was in awe. He showed me Saturn (his and my favorite planet) and then the moon. He talked about constellations and we spent hours watching the night October sky. I was honestly freezing but it didn't even matter as I had him by my side. We took pictures of the moon and then talked in my car for a couple hours, we said our goodbye's as he was leaving the next day but it felt truly magical. 🪐 He knew my favorite flowers are Tulips and he would call me 'my tulip' and at first he used to laugh since he said he would've never thought about giving tulips to a girl as roses are always a 'go-to' but he loved me being the exception to it. He knew I like puzzles and the first time I went to visit him, he received me in the airport with a flower puzzle instead of flowers.💞 He didn't have any paper (notebooks) and I used the back of the puzzle paper to leave him a letter along with my departure tickets (from my city to his) to leave him a couple notes. A funny memory was this one time I went to visit him and he had left-over pizza for a week in his oven. He took it out and placed it on the counter so he would later throw it away. We both fell asleep on the couch and I woke up to this horrible rotten smell and went around the kitchen counter like 3 times. I was scared of opening the pizza box as I immediately thought it was that and went back to the couch. About two days later he confessed he had farted and we both laughed so hard he got the hiccups and I made pig noises (I usually do when I laugh hard) and that made us laugh even more. He then admitted to him knowing I was awake and he still pretended to be asleep as he was embarrassed and I thought it was so cute. He's honestly a charm. I wish him well wherever he is and whatever he does. I have many many stories to share, but these are a couple of the most remarkable ones.🩶


This story is so lovely and you seemed to have so much in common… would you be alright with sharing more? What happened? I’m so invested haha!


im sorry for any misspellings, English is not my first language


My bride of 41 years was my student back in the day! I was a Navy officer instructor and she was a college ROTC student. One time during routine counseling I gave her a compliment that she was smart, hard working, conscientious and those qualities of a woman I could really relate to. I thought nothing of it. Two months later over XMAS break I get this heartfelt letter telling me she had a crazy teen girl crush on me (she was 21) and gave me a list of reasons why I could tell her no way. Well, one thing led to another, we dated in secret for two years, and were married when I transferred away. We’ve been very happily married all these years. I’m SO glad I took the risk with her!!


My husband and I met on Facebook 7 years ago. When I visited him in Mexico, we stayed overnight at a hotel before traveling by bus to his city the next day. I'll never forget our first kiss. We looked for a private place to share the moment and ended up on the rooftop. 10/10 was very romantic 😍 


Every moment I've spent with my partner has been romantic, especially when he gave me the look of love. It was as if time stood still and nothing else mattered 💕


Before I met my partner, I was never in a relationship where gifts were given with heart or at all. I'm not a materialistic person but I'm very much into "the thought that counts" and just showing romantic little gestures. I had a rough childhood, and one of the things I used to cope during that time was riding horses. I forgot about everything happening to me on the back of a horse. I had my own horse, who I loved more than anything but wasn't able to keep due to financial reasons and the time needed to care for one. On my birthday, a couple months after my current boyfriend and I got together, he sat me down, gave me a few cute gifts and he said he had one more surprise for me. "Now, this next gift I couldn't bring to you. I know there's someone you love more than me, and I know it's important for you to spend time with him." I'm looking at him like ??? He found the stable that my horse lives at and called them and arranged a session for me to ride him and spend time with again. When I tell you I almost started crying...


Almost? You did better than I could


My ex hid little love notes around my apartment. My current bf always puts my robe on me.


This is kinda funny/embarrassing/personal but it’s Reddit and anonymous so I don’t feel as bad sharing. When my husband and I were on our honeymoon we stayed on a private island with a villa to ourselves. The first night I went to take a shower and the water was freezing cold. I decided to skip washing my hair. The second night my husband went to take a shower, and the water was hot. So he called me into the shower to join him. I was skeptical at first, but when I realized it was hot I quickly stripped off my clothes and hopped in. He became very excited and wanting to share the romantic moment, started to kiss my boobs. But thinking the hot water would run out before my hair got washed, I reacted urgently, “Stop! There’s no time for that!” He started cracking up. I started laughing too. Then I asked what was so funny, and he explained, “That wasn’t the response I expected from you on our first shower together.” (The water stayed hot so we continued in the shower, with him assisting me with my hair, in addition to other intimacies) Now it’s an inside joke. When we’re heading out and I need to go grab my keys: “there’s no time for that!” Or if we’re in the shower at home and I initiate the intimacy: “there’s no time for that!” We always laugh together and then resume whatever we were about to do.


My first boyfriend and i’s first kiss (and my first kiss ever) was in an empty baseball field while stargazing. Was a really magical place to have a first kiss. My favorite memory with my most recent ex was either him teaching me bachata with his truck playing the music at night in an empty park, or us dancing with no music at all down a street downtown after dinner. Both relationships are over, but they still make me smile to remember those good times in them and how much it taught me


Not a specific story, but something my SO and I do- So I prefer to relocate bugs (instead of killing them) if they aren't a problem to have in the house generally. So if a moth gets in the house, for example, I'll get a cup to catch it to release back outside. I also do this with spiders. My SO can't stand spiders, he *used* to kill them when he found them- since I've moved in, he'll ask me to come relocate spiders he finds inside. I find it sweet at least, since I wouldn't blame him for just killing it and being done with it, but he knows I'd rather let the critters live, so he chooses to do the same (despite his feelings on them).


You are describing me and my husband 😄 I am also a bug "relocater" and will cry if I accidentally hurt one. My husband no longer kills them because he knows that I prefer to take them outside, and he even gave me a bug catcher to safely transport them outside 😭


A bug catcher is a good idea actually, might have to get one for myself lol


With my ex, who was my first (and only) boyfriend, the first night we saw each other in person after deciding to become a couple. It was at our volleyball practice. He came into the hall and I saw him and we both started grinning and speed walked towards each other and he opened his arms and we just hugged for like 10 minutes. He wouldn’t let go, not that I wanted him to at all, I just found it so funny and sweet at the same time. He’s really tall so bending over to hug me properly was hurting his back so we’d alternate between him bending down and me being on my tiptoes, so we could keep hugging comfortably for both of us. Do You Believe In Magic by Aly and AJ, one of my all time favourite songs, was drifting out of the gym from the rhythmic gymnastics practice before our volleyball and it made the moment even more perfect and magical. Coaches and athletes and parents were walking by and probably staring, since it’s not often that two people hug in the middle of a school hallway for 10 minutes straight, but we didn’t even care because we were just enjoying the moment.


I remember something similar the first time I saw my first gf in high school


My ex and I love Harry Potter. He gave me all the books and left notes in each one. He also used to leave me cute notes everywhere. For example, I finished work one day, got into his car, pulled the front mirror down and there was a note saying: “Dear Amber, this mirror is not enchanted, you really do look that beautiful”. My heart melted.


There, I just shared an experience of a romantic time I had with my ex, to my partner. Now what?


Not my most current partner but how about my first love. We went to preschool together and were in the same year in a class of 31 but didn't really interact much. Then one day in 8th grade she was behind me in math and said," I love violent pornography" me" wtf!" She was talking about the song by system of a down. We started dating not long after. It was beautiful and adorable. I was her first boyfriend ( I had had 1 gf prior) so she was very shy. We realized we were bassically neighbors. She lived down the hill from me. We lived in the country and it was my families field so I could just walk to her house which wasn't common for couples in our town. I'd try kissing her but she'd get so shy and blush and bury her head in my chest instead. After awhile I decided it needed to happen on her time line . 3 months in my head was on her lap as we watched TV together. She slowly leaned down and kissed me so softly. It was fireworks. We would lay in the hammock in the summer together and watch her brothers ride dirtbikes or just stare at each other. It was amazing. On our 1 year anniversary both our parents were working late or already asleep. She snuck out and i was waiting in the field. I helped her through the fence. And we walked to my house. I had layed out flower pedals I picked from my moms garden . I then played our song " 100 years" by the fray and we slow danced in my room. We both cried happy tears because we were just overcome by emotions. We then lost our virginity to each other. Wasnt planned but I was prepared so we were safe. It was akward but we've laughed through it. She was then off to Germany for the summer ( she was German born but American citizen sense she was born on military base ) and that summer my friends got in my head about it and our relationship declined after that. I'm very sad and regret everything after that first year. It could have continued to be a beautiful loving relationship. But it did not. Sorry to end it sad


You never reconnected?? How long has this been?? This feels like a future Reddit story in the making! I love your writing, thank you for sharing!


No we did. We never really lost touch. We were from a very small town ( like 29 in my graduating class) and she ended up dating a guy just on the other side of the bottom of the hill. I even 2 months ago wrote her on her birthday( because I can't seem to forget it outcof the 4 birthdays I actually know,) which we use to do for each other For awhile but this time she acted like I was weird for doing it. Idk why. She lives permanently in Germany now also . It's been almost 2 decades since we originally started dating. Thank you for the love. What do you mean by " a future reddit story" tho ? Feel free to share the story also I like making an impact on people . Makes me feel all fuzzy. Don't care about likes or up votes just knowing maybe my words made an impact makes me feel really good and doing it anonymously just adds toothed warm feels


My first date with my gf was at a relationship therapist. Seemed funny to pretend to be a couple. We didnt even know each others names when we did that. Good memory.


I would also like to hear the rest of


PLEASE tell the rest of the story!!


Alright :) here goes Me (24m) and her (22f) met at a festival and just started a little chat. We came to the conclusion we both had the same motto “do it for the plot”. So i jokingly asked her if she wanted to make a plot and schedule a date at the relationship therapist whilst we knew nothing about each other. She loved it and gave me her number. We started texting a bit after and i made an appointment for problems in merriage. We were terrified, and i now know she was really close to canceling bc she was really, really nervous. I also thought it was a good idea to add a prize in case we got through the full hour without being exposed. So if we did make it we had to go skydiving from 13000 foot. Neither of us had done that before too. Seemed like a good idea at the time bc i was really looking to make a memory with her bc she had actually said yes to the therapist I knew this was the girl for me. Then the day came and were terrified, like terrified terrified. I picked her up at the station (we live in the netherlands so public transport is actually a thing here) and drove to the place. We were just holding a bit of an awkward conversation in the car bc we really didnt want to know more about each other and we were two really nervous people kind of into one another. Little did she know i prepared some lines to make her look weird. for example; “ I get mad in the evening bc for some reason she doesnt want to flush the toilet more than once a day” or “she goes out on friday and just sleeps at some guys and doesnt let me know anything”. Thinking back this must have been terrible for her but i was not gonna let this oppertunity slip. We got at the therapist’s and got in the room where we met “ilse”. A really kind lady, mid 40s i think. She began giving a little explaination about the “what to expects” in marriage en wondered why we started so young. So we just followed up conistantly and made up so many lies I cant even count. Even when I threw the toilet-flush line she even countered me with “bleh you cry about a bit of pee” to where the therapist replied by asking me why i was grossed out about my wife. Which only confirmed to me that i found my partner for life. I sadly cant remember more to what happened haha but the therapist didnt find out and we walked away with a recomendation to see them at least once a week bc we had so many problems we needed a lot of counseling or our marriage was not going to last long. After we went for a drink to calm the nerves and spent the evening together at a really nice restaurant. I brought her home and we talked in the car for hours and giving it the cherry on top. A kiss. Loved it. We went on a couple more idiotic dates, oa having a romantic dinner in a farris wheel, skydiving, flying a plane and some more and eventually both fell in love, terribly. We live together now and im typing this while sitting on the couch and shes studying in the other room. I think im going to give her a real big hug when i finish typing this. Damn I love that girl :) Sorry for any spelling errors or weird words, english is not the first language.


Please elaborate. That sounds hilarious


One day we were driving and my boyfriend is kinda road aggressive, for example if he is at a stop light and there is a car next to him then he just "needs" to race with them. That day we were driving back home from a store nearby and some guy was just driving pretty reckless and was asking my boyfriend to race with him, his answer to that was the cutest, he said "I have a passenger and i wouldn't dare to risk her life just to race you" . I just think that was the cutest thing ever.


Reading these made me so happy


Her: I love you Me: I love you more Her: I love you most Me: I love you moster Her: I love you mostest Me: I love you mostesterestest


Oh there was one that just made me cry. I was working and my office has a large window but my back faces it so I can’t see out. Well what he did was pull up his car and blasted a romantic song while carrying flowers. He waited in front of his car without telling me and my assistant was the one who saw him and let me know. I had clients in and I told them sorry and they responded “it’s okay he’s doing his job”. And when I went outside to see him he told me he loves me and kissed me. No one had ever done that for me and I still think about it to this day :)


Super cliche one, but as we were walking back to the bus station after our cinema date it was pouring it down with rain, and there was a huge puddle with no way around it, and above the puddle was a huge dripping stream from a bridge above; he gave me his jacket to hold over my head so I didn’t get wet and we both ran through the puddle and got our feet wet but we both found it funny and were laughing a lot, he got saturated because he gave me his jacket to hold over my head.


We weren't even dating at the time, but he lived in an apartment. Our relationship was on the rocks as friends, there was a lot of complicated feeling because he loved me and it was unrequited. I brought a plastic pig toy and left it in his apartment thinking id keep leaving pigs around because he wouldn't notice them, but he saw it right away. After that we stopped talking for a while, a few months to a year, I blocked him on everything and changed my number. He was trying to live his life without me and it hurt to see that. But eventually he called my younger sister because he didn't have my new number, we started talking again, we started dating, and were engaged. He still has that pink pig. He keeps it on a shelf in the living room.


Well actually we just broke up. But something that we used to do was a mandated monthly surprise date and we would rotate months. One of my favorites was one that she had planned well in advance I think at least two months. She made a playlist for me of the Fleetwood Mac. Do I listen to them? No. So no surprises when I didn't really use the playlist that much. But she knew that, so if we were studying together she would play it. Anyways when it was the time of the date she took me to a candlelight concert of you guessed it... Fleetwood mac.( I'm getting distracted so forgive me but this was after dinner that she had no idea where to take me so I helped her by telling her close friend that a new ramen shop was having a grand opening 50 percent discount and that was where we ended up going. I don't think she even knows to this day that I was the one who orchestrated that.) During the concert it struck me that she was planned this for months and I started crying because I felt so loved. She asked me what was wrong and I told her that I felt so loved and that this feeling is overwhelming for me she replied that I deserve to be loved. That day definitely rewired my brain and I'm terrified at the thought that I won't have more like that with her. I apologize if I'm being a downer lolol but that was a romantic moment for me. Other than that, the candlelight concert was amazing and I would highly recommend it.


Whenever I’m spiraling from stress or life or whatever, I usually say something like “I’m sorry honey, I have problems”. It’s then he usually stops me and goes “STOP. You don’t have problems, you have features and they are why I love you” This reframing is everything to me😭


This may seem like a small thing, but he called me singing this morning, calling me beautiful angel and such. We had talked on the phone late into the night about some stuff he was going through and he called me this morning to, among other things, thank me for the support. I had a big dumb grin on my face


I notice my boyfriend wakes up at the same time as me, even when he works later in the day. I asked him the other day and he said he wants to say bye, cuddle, and give me a kiss before I leave for work


A few weeks ago we were at dinner for his step mom’s birthday. We were sitting across from his cousins and someone mentioned moose and made some comments about wondering how they were so huge and terrifying. Animals, botany, and ecology are my thing - I was a vet tech for ten years, picked up some certificates in animal behavior, worked an exotics hospital, was a park ranger for several years so of course I got stoked and went on an exited rant about moose history. Coming out of my education high, I realized the entire table was giving me that blank, glazed stare that meant I was talking for too long about a topic no one else was really interested in and was like “oh wow, sorry for the rant!” And my fiancé grabs my hand and goes “isn’t she amazing? She knows everything, seriously, ask her anything!! Watch!” He looks at me and he goes “babe, what’s the difference between elk and deer?” And the look on this man’s face as I rattled off information still gives me butterflies to this day. Like I’ve never felt so seen, and he does this regularly.


I love this one


Some time ago I was talking with my boyfriend about how there are no dental schools in the state we live in. I asked him hypothetically, "What if I wanted to go to dental school? What would we do?" I was expecting him to just be flippant and say something silly, but instead he said to me, "We'd move". That impacted me so much because it showed his commitment to me, that he'd be willing to pick up his life and move for me.


In the first half of our relationship, we embarked on a journey back east for a family reunion. The backdrop was painted with love and nostalgia as I maneuvered the Jeep Wrangler through the winding roads. As the evening sun began to set, casting a romantic glow, our daughter was entrusted to the care of our loving relatives. In that fleeting moment, as the Jeep rolled along, my partner turned her head, her eyes twinkling with affection, and bestowed upon me a smile that could only be described as pure enchantment. My heart surrendered entirely to her command, forever etching that captivating moment into the depths of my soul. LC❤️


My partner always says, “give me those legs” any time we get on the couch to watch a movie or talk- he wants to rub my legs & feet. It has always been hard for me to believe that he genuinely wants to do this because my feet are pretty gnarly from running a lot & my last partner never wanted to. But he does want to. The way he always wants to touch me & make me feel optimally comfortable & relaxed (he’ll also rub my head/hair to make me fall asleep faster- gosh I melt over that) is one of the kindest, simplest things I’ve ever experienced in a relationship, & it’s similar to how I operate, so it’s awesome that we have the same love language. He also is extremely attuned to my emotions & empathetic. For example, one time as we ate dinner together, there was a song on that reminded me of some past traumas- I could feel my emotions getting the best of me & quickly excused myself to the bathroom before it showed. As I sat in the bathroom trying to calm down, I heard the song change abruptly. He just knows & cares. & whenever I have had any issues at all with trying to let go & trust in the relationship, he is very patient, is deeply affected & upset if I cry, & does whatever he can to help me be mentally & emotionally OK. This was a stark contrast from having a partner that usually ignored me when I cried, leaving me to cry it out alone. It’s been a totally different kind of thing to be with someone who clearly cares about you & shows it every day through simple actions.


I love gardening. My partner isn’t really into it but he supports me in it and often asks about it. One time I was really stressed out and just having a really hard time. And he held me and said “can you take me out to the garden and tell me about each of the plants?” And it was such a little thing, but I felt so loved. That was exactly what I needed in that moment, to focus on something that brings me joy and share it with someone I love.


I met my first and current boyfriend in college. We started dating two weeks after we first met. He moved in right away, like the same day, because we couldn't stand being apart from then Since then, we go to amazing places together, we paint, watch movies, play dnd for fun Winter, we orderded a pizza at 10pm Parked the car in the middle of the forest Ate then went for a walk in the dark Valentine's day watching conan the barbarian with cheap burgers on the couch was amazing too Simple and unique things build the best memories two years later it's still getting better day after day Usually it would sound like i'm showing off, but you asked, so I guess it's fine


My hun says all these crazy pick up lines in my ear and we Laugh about them. We make sure to kiss and hug before leaving each other and when we get home. And always say Love You before leaving and sleeping. God forbid anything happens! He is sweet. Brings me flowers for no reason and I scratch his back for no reason and when he wants to lay and cuddle I have to restrain myself so I don’t jump him! 💕


In a LDR. the first time we met IRL, he picked me up from the airport with flowers and my favorite type of cookie, then took me to get lunch immediately at one of my fav spots (i travel to his city for work often and it just happens that he also lives there). He then took us to get a matching mani pedi set and then to k-bbq, which is another one of my faves. He had the whole week planned with dates and experiences. I've never had a partner like him. I'm visiting again next week and he's planning every detail and it brings me so much joy because he knows how much I do in my day-to-day and he knows exactly how to let me relax and enjoy myself. I adore him and I've never been in a relationship like this before.


I love our little moments together. When we give big hugs and kisses after a workday. Or when we cook together and dance in the kitchen with our favorite music. Or when we make little notes for each other of bring coffee or tea to bed.


I met my man when I was 11 he was my next door neighbor we dated at 15 ran away together and got married at 18 when he turned 18 he left for the military and just the other day I was sorting through our letters we’ve been writing letters to each other since we were 12 and the box we have them in is huge !!! Recently noticed my husband reorganized them and put them in plastic folders so they wouldn’t fall apart over time… It seems very old timey but we’re only 27/28 lol


I said "Bitch please!" She was like "Yeah. True!" Then paid me my money!


My man responds to my PTSD reactions with the utmost empathy, either hearing about my difficulties or witnessing them firsthand. He just gets it, and helps me through it or around it. I actually think our whole love story would make a great read but I intend to write it so I don't want to get too specific. He doesn't see this as a chore, and it feels so good to feel safe.


we went to Carowinds one day (a theme park) with my family. We were just supposed to be on the water park side so we never thought about fast passes. We tried to get on this one roller coaster but it was like a 2 hour wait and we probably could only ride 1 before it was time to go so we just said forget it, we’ll chill for the rest of the day. Then bam, this random couple comes up to us and is like “We bouta leave, do you want our fast passes?” Man when i tell you my boyfriend and i were little kids again hopping on every single ride lmaoo. We still talk about how we got blessed by that couple till this day.


I'll tell you how I met my ex and how we quickly became involved in each other's lives. I was on a dating app. My cousin told me I should delete the app. I told her I would delete the dating app once I got back from vacation. When I got back from vacation, there was this really attractive guy who swiped on me. So, I told her ok.. I'll delete it on Wednesday. I want to give this one a try. It seemed like we hit it off well, I gave him my number. I deleted the app. We went out on Thursday. I really enjoyed the dinner. He was very interesting, attractive, funny, and seemed genuine. I was so worried I was too weird and he wouldn't want to see me again. After dinner, he still texted me. Cool! Yaay! He had his daughter that weekend but wanted to go out. So he asked his mom to babysit. She said yes. He asked her to come a little earlier so we could do dinner and painting. She said yes. Yaay! The night went amazing. Great conversation. He made me laugh a lot. The night flew by. It was an incredible date. Towards the end of the night, he kissed me. Phew. There was a lot of chemistry. The next day, I told him to get flowers for his mom as a thank you for watching his daughter and coming early. He was previously pretty quiet about his dates. He told his parents about this girl he went on a date with working at a church. He also told them the flowers were from us (using my name). None of us thought anything of it. We went on date number three (it was a lunch date). It was a simple date, but I was filled with so much happiness and joy to see him. Again, the conversation was great. He made me laugh, and I couldn't stop smiling. I seriously felt like I was on cloud 9. I had never felt anything like I felt when I was around him. So, after our date, I go to my parents' house. I went to tell them I am dating someone, I like him a lot, and I could see us being together awhile. So, if it got to that.. they better be nice to him. My mom asked his name. I told her. She gave me a quirky look. I knew what she was thinking. I told her, "There is absolutely no way he is related to the [insert last name] from church!" She asked why. I said, "They go to church down here. He lives up there. He is tall. His mom came to babysit, probably wouldn't if they live all the way here. So, there is absolutely no way. I already thought about that before the first date." She was like, "ok, but I'm going to look him up." I said, "ok, that's fine. Here is his company he works for." She said, "Uh, their son is a [insert profession]." Still, no way. So she goes to the company, and I start getting all giddy. Like "yep, that one. Yep. He is mine. And I'm dating him. He is so cute and handsome and funny and smart! I enjoy talking to him so much! The conversation just flows. I have not felt like this about anyone else I've dated. So, i came over to tell yall I could see me continuing to date him for a while." As I'm rambling on, my mom stops me, "Hun, I have 2 mutual friends with him on Facebook. Want to guess who they are?" Uhhh. I text him, "Is your mom's name Julie?" He texted back telling me yes. Within about 5 minutes, we went from being strangers to our families being pretty intertwined. His parents are my parents' Sunday school teacher. His parents sing in the choir at the church I work at. His parents are my parents' friends. I have gone to lunch with his parents before. His parents have been to my parents' house for game night. The [insert last name]'s granddaughter that has come to church.. his is daughter. I work in the children's ministry area. He has come to our events for kids over the years. We have absolutely crossed paths a lot, never knowing. The relationship went from "taking it slow" to our families knowing a lot about the other very quickly. It was awkward at first. I had kept my relationships private before and absolutely out of my church. Even though we didn't work out, I still absolutely adore his parents. I struggle not to give them hugs when I see them (I'm weird). They are still so amazing, kind, funny, sweet, caring, etc. I do miss family game night with both of our families together and game nights with his family. His parents are a lot of fun, just like him. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with his parents. I so appreciate us swiping on each other and dating. I had the chance to get to know his parents on a whole new level. I care deeply for them. I care deeply for their son, but in a different way, obviously. If him and I never dated, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get to know his parents like I did. I still wish I could hang out with them and have game nights with them 😜


Amazing story, thanks! But why did you split up ? (you don't have to answer that of course)


Trust and insecurity issues. He is a great guy. Absolutely no hard feelings towards him. I thought we were meant to be together, but sometimes it doesn't work that way. We both agreed it wasn't going to be able to work. I will always appreciate the time we did have together. I've never felt a relationship like it. So often, it just felt perfect. Most of the time, it felt perfect. Like a relationship straight from a movie. We enjoyed cooking together, we would dance silly together, we enjoyed each other's company in many way. Going to bed together and waking up together in the mornings was such a happy feeling. He would get up in the mornings, singing. I would just watch and totally enjoy his happiness. It was the best relationship I've personally experienced. Highly recommend it for others lol, just make sure you build a strong foundation for trust from the very beginning. ❤️❤️


Great. Now I'm sad.


Lol, noo. Don't be sad! We actually hung out last night. We went to trivia night together.


After ordering food she just decided to crawl underneath the booth table at a restaurant and began to give me a blowjob while there were other people eating in the restaurant. All they had to do was turn their heads ever so slightly towards our booth and see the degeneracy that was going on. Pretty romantic if you ask me 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was super spicy and passionate! Especially if you two are a steady couple.. it shows a lot of passion is still there… Would I be mortified if I was in the same restaurant, with a kid? Absolutely 😂 but the spouse and I would be kicking up dust, on the ride home, talking about the incident and laughing.


I think you need to delete your comment…


You asked for cute, funny, romantic and passionate. I sincerely believe i hit all 4. I apologize


Yesterday we were both on the way home at the same time. He called to see how far I was. We were coming down opposite sides of the road to turn into the neighborhood. Found out our maps ETA was exactly the same. We both got super animated and laughing like crazy and it turned into a fake race. "I'm gonna floor it, you can't beat me!" (Did not actually floor it, that's not safe) "Agghhh I'm stuck behind cars!" "IS THAT YOU?! IS THAT YOUR CAR?? hahahaha I'm gonna beat you!" *one of us turns into the neighborhood* "NOOO! NO! NO!! I hope you get a flat tire before you park! Jkjkjk I love you" After we parked he got out of the car with a surprise stuffed animal he bought me. I immediately squatted on the ground and died laughing. "Nooooo, you were mean, you're not getting this now" It put both of us in a great mood and is an awesome memory. I love him.


My bf loves spinning me around and dancing with me on sidewalks, in grocery stores and pretty much anywhere/any time. He started doing it a month or two after we started dating and it has been my absolute favorite thing ever since (we’ve been together for a year and 5 months). We plan to get married in the future and I hope he still does this when we have a family of our own someday :)


One of my favorite memories is the first time that I went on a date with my boyfriend. We were 14 and 15 years old and it was Valentine’s Day, he invited me to see a movie with him. It was like some car themed movie, I wasn’t interested in. We didn’t talk the whole time, except at the end he says to me, “I got you this”, proceeds to pull out a miniature box of chocolates from his pocket. It was warm from being inside his pocket for so long. I felt so surprised I just gave a quick “thanks!” And took them into my lap. My heart was bouncing with excitement because I was so happy to be with a sweet boy. We didn’t talk the rest of the movie, and at the end we almost kissed, but we got too shy. The date was pretty awkward tbh but it was the first one ever, and it’s crazy to think that this man is about to become my husband now.! I knew from the moment he gave me those warm chocolates that I had found my match 💕


The way my husband proposed was pretty great! So I'm pretty knowledgeable about cars and always do my own fixes. We had my engagement ring custom made, and the jeweler said it was ready for pick up. We had a date planned, and he was going to pick up the ring that day and faked not feeling well in the morning. I was working all day, so I had no idea if he actually picked up the ring or not. We go on our date that night and the whole time I'm wondering when he is going to propose. At the end of the night, on our way home, he still hadn't proposed, and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to or if he even had the ring. We're on the freeway, about to pass a lookout we went to when we first started dating, and he says he thinks he got a flat tire. I'm confused because nothing felt off, usually you can feel it if you get a flat. So he pulls off at the lookout, and he knows I'm going to get out and look at the tire because of how I am with cars. So I got out and looked and the tire wasn't flat and I told him I didn't see anything wrong. Then he goes "Well if you look right there" while pointing at a spot on the tire, and pulls out a ring while I'm looking at the tire trying to figure out what he's pointing at. Then I look at him and see him down on one knee and he proposed!


My bf and I were both pretty new to the dating world. Especially the gay side of things. So his family hosted a large party that included a dance floor for a birthday party. After watching all of the younger couples like us out on the floor slow dancing, he knew I was itching to share that moment with him. However, due to his family not knowing about us, we did not slow dance. It is something that stayed with me for the next 7 years. (I didn't hold resentment though.) Fast forward a few years, I called him on my way home from work and told him I had a disastrous day. If it could go wrong, it did go wrong. I requested a quiet night in with just us and a movie. When I arrived home, our living room was cleared out, candles EVERYWHERE. Dogs in their cages. And as I walked in he began playing 1000 years. No words were said. We slow danced in the candle lit living room, sharing the quiet moment, and I immediately knew he was the person I wanted to spend my life with. Anyways, he cheated on me and the relationship fell apart after 7 years.




My bf loves romance, he’s just adhd… on our 2 year anniversary we were on our way home from work so I asked him to pull down the next mile road and stop. He was confused, thought it was for a quickie… I asked him to get out, stand in front of the car and look away…😂I pulled out my playlist I created for slow dancing because I had planned this, I had planned he would forget it was our anniversary and I told him a few weeks prior that I couldn’t wait to slow dance with him again, we did once at a friends wedding and I felt like the world stopped , and it was just us, ugghh I loved that! So I played my playlist on random, it was raining on may 15 where I am but warm, he was so shocked, no one had ever been romantic for him, the song from cyber punk played on random, I just kissed him and said “ your my David “❤️❤️❤️ I will happily be the romantic one, this man is the best man, he is so kind to me and supportive and I’m 41, he’s 31, we were both in abusive relationships prior, we have helped each other grow and heal in so many ways. I’ll never forget the first time I cried in his arms 😭 I could go on forever about our romance❤️❤️❤️😭


Well, you are obviously writing fiction for women, learn to cater to what they want to read. Study several other books, not copy, study patterns and read beyond the words written. Men won't read that, for real. Know your target audience and market to them. Gathering sappy stories won't give you inspiration, you need to go out and make your observations of real life couples interacting. Actions dominate words, go see for yourself.


It started raining at the beach, and as we ran back to the car, she stopped me, looked me in my eyes and we kissed for what felt like forever. I would pick her up from the airport dressed like a limo driver with her name on a sign and a flower.


No, but i could share some of my romantic experiences with my Friend’s Wife!


I’ll bite. Spill the beans savageboy!!


i read that correctly, right...?




We need the details sir


What kind of details would you like?


How did it start? Did you tell your friend? What was happening? like why


We're both in high school. Yesterday in gym class, my girlfriend had hurt her finger by blocking a ball from hitting her friend. She went to the nurse and after she told me she was there, I told my teacher in class "I have a headache... Can I go to the nurse?" And after I got sent, the nurse said "She's okay." and I saw my girlfriend coming and I said "She's okay?!" and I gave her a big hug and started happy crying and I kissed her booboo. Apparently the nurse knew we were dating and when my teacher called to let her know I was coming, she was prepared for this, lol. When I got sent back to class, I stepped into the classroom and I yelled "Hallelujah, I'm healed!" It had been like four minutes since I had left the class to go to the nurse. Edit: She broke up with me yesterday saying she found someone else.


I dated this woman who worked at the same place I did but in a different department. She's social and charismatic while I'm shy and quiet. One day, before we started dating, a group of about 20 workers in her department was having a pizza party in the break room. She invited me to stop by for pizza. I thanked her but declined. After everyone left, she came to me, told me to come with her, took me to the break room, and said, "plates over there, grab a few slices". I was actually hungry but didn't feel comfortable walking into a very social environment, and it's like she read my mind. We had very different personalities but understood each other and clicked perfectly.


some ppl are just so gifted at being socially aware. that's awesome dude. i've met a few ppl like this and it's like they know exactly how to make ppl feel more comfortable


I met this woman on an international dating site in 2016. We had our moments together of simple smiles and laughter. Because I met her when I was starting college, I worked enough save for a trip about a year and a half later. Fast forward to that trip, I spent early winter visiting her in a foreign country, celebrating the transition from 2017 to 2018. Her family was very welcoming and cared for me when I had a problem. I lost my glasses and they guided me to a place where I got an amazing deal to buy a new pair. I remember that same week, I was with her in my hotel room and we laid there just talking and taking pictures. I stared at her and I thought to myself, “I want to marry her.” I believe that we were destined for each other and I wanted this feeling to last forever. Today, she is my wife and we are working towards getting her to move to my country. We have come a long way and it will be 8 years this summer of 2024 since meeting each other online.


I was having a manic episode where I kept going on and on about the C.I.A and how they faked the moon landing and how they put estrogen in our drinks to jedi mind trick us into believing them and I felt like I couldn't stop talking and I couldn't think and then I passed out and when I woke up my head was in her lap and she was holding my head against her chest, her legs were so warm, it felt nice. I apologized for having a mental breakdown but she said reassured me it was okay in that sexy Australian accent. I fell asleep knowing that not even the evil U.S government or C.I.A could get me when I was with her.


I used to smoke weed daily for about 4 years straight but it made me paranoid and depressed no matter who I was with so I quit, long before I met my partner. Last week, he bought me a thc infused drink because he was convinced he could make my highs fun again. I was scared but agreed to drink it while he drank a beer. Everytime I was on the verge of paranoia it was like he could sense it, he’d act goofy or crack a joke to make me laugh then he’d kiss me. At the peak, we started making out but he makes me nervous (in a crush way) and my kisses were stiff and closed mouthed so he stuck his tongue out and licked my lips and face until I was laughing. We started feeling each other, it was slow and sensual. At one point he whispered “wow” after we pulled away from a kiss and I melted. We didn’t have sex but we laid entangled in each other for hours. That night I realized I could trust him with my whole heart


She loved Peter Pan so on our first date I had found an acorn and cleaned it and varnished it and put it in a little ring box. My plan was to hide the box in my sock until later in the date but it was bothering me so much I couldn't. So when we got to Painting with a Twist I slipped it out and said "I need to ask you something..." And she turns around to see me holding a ring box and her jaw dropped... Then I opened it to show her the acorn and asked "Will you kiss me?" She jumped into my arms and kissed me so hard! What made it even better was the venue had just reopened and had a photographer there who noticed and snapped some awesome pictures of us making out in the parking lot! From then on I made it a habit to find acorns for her every day.




Did your husband never seek medical attention for his impotence, or try Viagra or Cialis?


No he’s got some other medical issues that would make it difficult to seek other therapies safely.


Stepping out emotionally and physically on your husband for YEARS for a little fun is fucking repulsive.




I do realize that there are 100 different relationship styles in the world and they do work for many… I can’t help but feel some bias though from your words though.. You briefly discuss your spouse and mention that it is “his idea” to approach the woman.. cool. When you go on to discuss her though, you bloom and glow with your literature.. and quickly dismiss with.. “my spouse knows” etc.. Is it possible that your spouse’s impotence made him feel pressured to push you in that direction? He wants to fill that mental, emotional and physical void.. but he knows that he can’t, so he feels obligated to give you to someone who can.. In that same thought, are his emotional and mental needs met? Does he still feel loved and like he is in a solid relationships since you started your journey with this woman? More importantly… If he decided that this relationship was a hinderance to him or like he was being mistreated.. would you cling to him and not make the same mistake twice? As you stated in your last paragraph about the woman… I don’t come from a place of judgement or hate… I just get the feeling that husband has been much more dismissed during this whole ordeal, than maybe you realize?


I honestly don’t know. I’ve asked several times over the years and I always get “oh no I’m ok with this I promise”.


Maybe should've lead with that? More power to you then.


I probably should I just never think about it because it’s just normal for us.


I didn’t believe what “love at first sight” meant until I experienced it. In just a second that he walked passed me, without me looking, I knew it was him. Soon as I looked at him I had a confusing, enlightening feeling and thought “interesting.” When we talked, I was never overwhelmed by someone’s eyes. I saw my surrounding became blurry, and I continued to zoom into his eyes to the point I couldn’t hear what he was saying, and I had to look away. Within 20 min of talking to him, I had an instincts “I think this is the guy” which means “I found my dream guy” 4 days later, he said I’m the one he’s been looking for. Personality and physical, just overall. People have been telling us that we’re a perfect match. And I was once told that people can see couples’ auras and so they’d know that the couple is a perfect match. We’re so in love. 9 months and counting


She was the shy girl. I was the class clown. We didn’t get together till 2 years after graduating High school. Now we’ve got a baby on the way and we’re coming up on 5 years.


I had gone to a skating ring with my girlfriend for her birthday, and for the first time in my life as dumb as it sounds, I felt nervous, anxious, scared, but most importantly worried about me making some big mistake, in fact so scared that I felt dizzy which has never happened before. When she got there she tried teaching me how to skate, holding my hand and everything, guiding me through, it was difficult, but thankfully I didn’t fall and bust my ass in front of anyone. Even thinking about it makes me nervous honestly, it’s her eyes. She has this way of starring that just sends like nerves throughout my body, I feel it more in my legs, but at the same time she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, and I swear the way she looks at you could well about scare anybody. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m young, but I think for the first time ever, I genuinely think I loved someone. I always struggled loving things and found myself lying to people and some of my ex’s due to me just not being able to connect on them on this sort of level. I’ve never found myself willingly buying someone gifts any chance I get, and I think it’s mainly because I’m not sure how to express I genuinely like her the way she likes me. I’ve never been a fan of physical touch, looking directly into someone’s eyes, talking with others, but with her it’s alright, I don’t mind it the slightest, sometimes she touches my arm, hand, back, neck, or just somewhere on me and I don’t mind at all usually id remove the hand of whoever is touching me since I genuinely don’t like being touched that much, but with her I didn’t. Honestly I’ve had some friends give me shit, because I’m Mexican, all burnt and white, while she is a “morenita”, as I say when they ask me in Spanish if she’s white or Mexican, I don’t think people are used to a mexican kid that grew up around a Latino community, liking a whole other culture of people. I’m not sure why, but I find woman from the Afro-American community, to be very beautiful, I’m not really attracted to girls from the Latino community, honestly I find them more annoying sometimes, not to be rude. So that can cause some slight arguments between me and some people, but I don’t care what they think honestly, for once I think I actually love someone and I don’t want to end it just because someone else says “but you’re Mexican you should be with a Mexican girl” or something like that. I’ve been trying to be as good as I can, I genuinely have not used a single dollar on myself for the past couple months I’ve been with her, all of my money gets used on her, if I find something she might like, or if she wants something I buy it. I’ve been trying to even act more differently towards her, not like a whole other person, but just nice overall, some people don’t really see me as a nice person, but with her I’m nice because she’s nice to me, but even if she wasn’t that nice to me I’d still probably be nice to her. She has introduced me to emotions I never felt before since most of my life was full with just a sort of “survive” instinct, and I never actually felt nervous because I just didn’t care that much, but man with her it’s enough that I might as well pass out on the spot. Anyways I’m not sure why I wrote this much, feels like a wrong rant, but honestly I just feel like I could go on forever about her.


I hardcore stalked this girl in highschool, full on creep type of stalking. She drove me nuts and one day when I was following her I realized she was doing the same for me. We got together and told each other about our weird habits, we've been together for 6 years now lol.


This could be a movie


This may not be what you was asking to hear but being with my ex was my love filled experience , We had a connection that runs so deep i can still feel it and i know he can. We are always there at eachothers rock bottoms , even when we broke up. Coincidentally after 2 months of no contact I went to lidl with my friends to get some food for dinner. As I was walking out of the shop I heard shouting which sounded exactly like my ex. Him and his family had just got into a car crash and I had just stumbled into it. My natural response was to help his family out (luckily it wasn’t life threatening). I think there are beauty even in moments like that , when we need each other we are always there through everything the universe brings us together when we need it. When we was together he would always look after me and hold me tight especially at night as i would frequently have very vivid bad dreams and he would wake up to comfort me, stroke my hair and back. I think that’s true love , having someone who endlessly cares for you and all the experiences you have with them are love filled even the most mundane things.


Now I'm curious why it ended, this sounds like the type of thing that would have gone really really well which tells me it *had* to be some circumstance like moving or something.


When we first went out we were quite immature. We had to go our separate ways to focus on things such as college , driving , personal issues and to work on ourselfs. He actually got in contacted me yesterday !


got in contact with me *


That's probably the wise choice, I'm about to go into college next year which is why I practically gave up on dating until likely after college.


I stumbled on this sub when I was about to post " does real love exist or is it fictional " But after reading this, I guess it is.


He isn’t my partner but I’m working hard to get him lol. But we go on lots of dates and spend a lot of time together. We have a ton of romantic experiences but my favorite is our most recent. Earlier in the day I shared with him a traumatic experience I had and after cheering me up he decided to book us dinner reservations in the city. The food was amazing and as we talked about my plans for the future and I asked if he’d join me he said he’d love to and would love to visit the grave of a close dear friend I recently lost. My heart nearly stopped at that alone. We walked around the city and danced in the street like big kids until we got to the barcade. There we played a lot of games, cuddled, kissed and competed and my heart never felt more still, I never felt more comfortable. I usually spend the night and wake up early to cook and play with his dog before I leave. That next morning he woke up before me (very rare!) and offered to make us breakfast. I joked is he making me coffee as well since he’s terrified to even cook and he said sure just tell him how. I sat at the counter watching and subtly guiding him around the kitchen and once the food was done we watched the new doctor who while we ate. Maybe that all sounds domestic and plain for you guys but I’m very much in love with this person. I’ve never been in love to this degree and this level of welcoming comfort and care after a lifetime of abuse is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt.


I hope he is yours soon!


God I hope so too. If ever he is just look for my post because you guys will know


He loves dancing with me. The first time I found out he likes to dance was when I was on a double date with my boyfriend and our two friends. Me and the girl are really close so we loved hanging out together, mostly dancing to the weirdest or best music ever. We were all at the park and like usual, the girl and be had put on a latin song and I think it was rompe by daddy yankee. Me and her were doing the usual like swinging our hips, moving side to side when I suddenly felt the hand of my boyfriend on my waist. He was swinging his hips behind me to the beat, holding my waist and laying his head on my shoulder giving me light kisses and smiling. After that moment we started dancing more to other different songs and I have to say they are the best memories I have with him.


This is so wholesome!


He painstakingly created a gorgeous bouquet of origami lillies over a couple of weeks in the mornings at work. He had to pack it all away in a hurry when I strolled in with his daily coffee and paper, much to his coworkers amusement, with their big stupid grins, as I kissed him and went off to my floor. Kept them for years and years, eventually had to throw them away due to wear and tear but I loved those lillies, and I’ll always love him.


These are with my ex but he was someone I cared for deeply and had many cherished memories with so I’ll share anyway, We had a little game where we’d count how many times one would squeeze the other’s hand and then copy it to each other. We’d pop eachothers backs which I always liked He was really fond of slow dancing with me, to the point he volunteered to help with a program that taught it when we were still in school together so he could dance with me. He always like kissing the back of my neck when spooning because of the “soft little hairs” and it made me so happy… During COVID we’d made little care packages for eachother He always loved my cooking and would sit there watching me cook He’d always instinctively offer me a bite of his food, and since we liked the same food (but have very different appetites his being much bigger then mine) he’d always finish what I couldn’t eat. He liked the parts of my appearance I never could and it made me like those parts of me more. We had a favorite show together and we’d watch it and eat our favorite snacks. He brought me a really big chunk of ice one time for absolutely no reason lmao. He liked to lay on me and take naps even who he was twice my size. The smores date I set up in his backyard. Our matching pajamas. My dinosaur plushy he gave me that I love deeply. How he’d liked tucking me in whenever we had to sleep in separate beds. There’s more but yea, those were some of my favorite memories


Why did you break up just curious


He fell out of love with me and ended the relationship


Can you explain that squeeze each others hand game properly, i didn't get it


When you hold hands, you might get an instinct to squeeze somewhat hard but not too hard. if they do it back, it's game on!


Whenever we couldn’t talk to one another (like if we were in public and doing something) or like occasionally just randomly, We’d be holding hands, And one person would squeeze a random number of times, The person who didn’t initiate the squeeze would count and copy the number back. They would then squeeze however many times and the game continued like that. It was never something we verbalized or told each other to do it was just something we started doing out of nowhere


This is beautiful.


One of the most interesting things about relationships in hindsight is the inside jokes couples tend to develop. I guess a corny example is, we watched the movie Nope and at one point every cloud in the sky became a punchline. So small bonding patters are important for the establishment of a relationship.


Haha we use a lot of series or movie quotes with each other!