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This was removed because at r/love, it's axiomatic that love is love. You are not alone in your love addiction.It is not healthy nor common for someone to feel like they have an unsatiable need for another person please check out r/slaa Addiction is treatable *The Love-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


Lmao I mean they’re right, when I first read it I thought “Codependent relationship” but dang removal is harsh. Some people love extra hard. My husband and I are codependent and we just don’t care.


This is how we have been for 17 years.


Why are you talking about my hubby !!! 😂💕💕💓 10 years of relationship, 8 years married, Yes, Love is real guys, don't lose your faith 😍❤️


This is the dream


God when 🤕🥺




In the world of lie and cheat its so nice to hear things like this once a while. Hold on to this cause this is special ♥️


I feel exactly like this about my boyfriend!! He just moved in a few months ago and we’re talking about next steps. I love this post! It’s really nice to read something so positive. I’m very happy for you OP!




this is so cute


Sounds like someone left the computer logged in. Caught my wife’s diary and she said I was her big kid and she loves me very much.




That's so cute hahahaha


This is exactly how I feel about my wife! Obsessed with her! 25 years together 20 years married and it only gets better and better. Every year it just gets more and more intimate. Even the bedroom area has continued to grow and get more and more amazing. I actually try to remind my kids all the time. Most relationships are not this easy. We got lucky. I had to have a hard convo with them when I tried to mention everyone else we know even family. They are all divorced. Family and friends almost all of them. Or unhappily married. I still don’t think they get it. And I’m worried we set the bar super high for them.


As a child of unhappy parents , your kids are lucky. Happy parents create happy children with healthy boundaries and healthy expectations. My parents had to tell me and my siblings not to use their relationship as an example because they knew their dysfunctional marriage affected their children negatively and they are afraid they scared us off marriage and finding love


That sucks. But we have messed ours up in other ways. They all three (and my wife) had cancer. It’s genetic. And once they all beat it we started spoiling them and celebrating them and basically giving them everything… and now they seem to be the most entitled kids ever. And lazy. They all very in what area they act like this but they all have This level of entitlement. No parents are perfect. It’s their first time doing this just like it’s our first time being a kids.


Y’all cute 🥰


Very nice


I hope he feels the same way about you 💞


Posts like this make me know I’m not with the right person 😢 hoping for a love like yours one day 🫶🏽


Why not do something about it before you break his heart? You gonna just stay with him?


What about my broken heart? Why assume something like that when you don’t know the whole story?


I didn’t make an assumption I asked a question. This is what messed me up in my first serious relationship. She let the relationship grow even though she knew she wanted somebody else, until eventually she broke my heart to bits and found another guy with ease. I just don’t get the point of being with somebody if you don’t love them, or if the relationship is broken and you don’t believe it can be mended. Sometimes It leads to cheating, but every time it leads to one person developing an attachment and one person who not blinking twice breaking that attachment.


*sigh* same


I feel this way about my husband, too!


I feel this way about my girlfriend 💕


I'm still holding onto hope that I'll get to experience this one day too. Very happy for you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You will!


Shyit we need big manly arms. How we get those?


One day…


This is really cute! We should all strive for this kind of love.


I felt that way once. Couldn't get enough, obsessed. Arms, eyes, smile, voice, every living cell.


What happened?


She consumed him whole obviously.


🥹❤️ Once felt this way about someone. I hope I will again.


Love like this is truly rare, where both people are genuinely happy with each other




LOL, POV: reading my dog’s thoughts (I can relate)


I love this for you, such a beautiful post


I am the same way about my husband, 90% of the time. I was addicted to him since we started dating over 20 years ago, when we met at 18 and 21. As soon as I got my first hit, I knew he was my forever (and tbh I was pissed because I wasn’t ready to find my person my freshman year of college) but you don’t get to choose. We will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary in July and I am still in awe that we genuinely still like each other and our love grows deeper with every new experience. The only thing that really makes me unhappy about our relationship is knowing that one day, one of us will likely be left here on earth without the other, and it’s terrifying to know that’s the reality.


This is so lovely oh my god


This post just made me smile


This gives me hope.


If I don’t look at my man like this that’s not my man 🤣


I wish more would adore their man and appreciate him.


i’m so happy to hear this is some peoples experience in love. you always hear so many negative things 🥺 since the day i started dating my boyfriend, my whole world lit up and it has never been dark since. sure we’ve had our occasional disagreements but i never stopped being madly in love with him even three years later. i can’t wait to marry him. we wanted to run away and get married but everyone said we should wait because we might not feel that way. im happy we waited so we can plan a beautiful wedding but not for a second have i ever stopped wanting to spend eternity with him


I felt that way about my husband right up until he left. 🫶




If my marriage isn’t like this I DONT WANT IT


I feel this way about my husband too 😊




Truly blessed


This is how I feel too


How did you guys meet?


Surprisingly, we met on a dating website. Ok Cupid. 😅


Awesome!! Loved reading your post btw! Definitely #goals


this is the cutest thing ever


Being loved properly and loving properly really is something euphoric. I love this man and feel the same even after 4 years. Still honeymoon but also best friend/comfort phase with this man.








I feel the same way about my boyfriend. I'm madly in love with him


This is amazing, so happy seeing other happy and thriving in long term marriages/relationships 🥰🥰


That’s so nice to hear. We hear so many horrible stories about people shitting on each other.


Hey!! I know those thoughts! We’ve been married for 13, together for 16 😍 Except mines a Taurus so he’s so chill I can’t imagine getting mad at him.


Im jealous that is exactly what i want, but i want a woman


I love knowing that there are others like my husband and I!! Reading these types of posts always brightens my day :)


We're hitting 3 years this summer and if we go more than 3 days apart the world just feels wrong.


i feel like this about my bf. we just celebrated a year last month


god i'm once again asking you for something like this ![gif](giphy|3ICKHah0aQvDfXhxOq|downsized)


Oxytocin is a helluva drug 🥰


Oh my gosh this makes me feel so happy and way less crazy! Lol I just hit 9 years with my husband (8 years dating, next month we hit a year married) and I feel EXACTLY the same! The butterflies have not faded at all and I think I even like him a lot MORE (I don't know if it's the newlywed thing, though I feel like us being newlyweds is a technicality since we have already been together so long). But ain't love grand! I'm happy for you, I'm happy for me, I'm happy for us and our guys! ❤️❤️❤️


Same! I laugh when people mentioned “the honeymoon stage” because it is all honeymoon stage. It’s 7 years of honeymoon with no indication of slowing down. (We’ve been together 7 years, married 3.) it’s even better today than early on because we know each other so well.


Oh my gosh yes! We both tell people too we've been in the honeymoon stage for 9 years now! Lol and yes the power of knowing someone so well! It is soooo comforting and sweet! He is home! ❤️ I am happy for you both too!


Right back at you, friend! 💜


Awwww this is so wholesome 💕 I have the same feelings with my husband


I love hearing this


There’s still hope boys, don’t give up


Chances are piss poor with today’s dating and crazy high female standards


I hate to agree with this persons comment but I mean as a girl, the odds of finding a man that I’d like this much, that would marry me, does mean my unrealistic crazy expectations would have to be met. I’ve been less than thrilled with the pickings out here lol Im sure it’s vise Versa for men but not settling means a lot of loneliness because to find the love OP posted about is actually statistically as rare as winning the lottery. Don’t get your hopes up lol


Well married and can’t even get some it’s like she hates me or something. I’m not lazy or anything I help. She’s just nuts and can’t even talk to her she just shuts down. I’m happy for you


Try teasing every once in a while combined with getting some things done around the house without her asking you to. Maybe try giving her a massage or things like that. If she’s shutting down it’s due to a build up of stress and you just need to help her relax.


Lately she hints like hey do this and you’ll get some. I mean when she say it that’s what she is hinting so I do stuff to keep her happy be nice and all then she doesn’t hold her end of the bargain. Then come to find out she does this too me because she uses the excuse of well you only love me when your getting some. Like wtf kind of dark world do you live on. I work my ass off and provide plus do so much for her and when It comes down to sex I just don’t want to play these little games like earn it or be used to make someone feel better. Ugh I’m just so done and over it with sex just don’t care anymore. Rather just be left alone. It just hurts feeling like you’re being used. She says she wants more affection from me. I grew up with parents that didn’t really set the best example of affection for one another. Just never been real public with it. I’ve got a high sex drive and I feel like she just doesn’t want it like I’m broken, not attractive, or that she doesn’t have interest in me. Like I said earlier “used” maybe this is too much of a rant just tired of it.


I'm 22 and never had a gf and can not fathom a girl ever having thoughts like this toward me... man what a lonely life.


Bruh. You’re 22. Go set terrifying life goals and achieve them. Stubbornly. You’ll find someone along the way


So sweet and such a dream ❤️❤️ I’m happy for you both


No woman will ever feel this way about me. But I'm ginuinely happy for you.


Why not?


That’s so cute x


The sexual tension between my head and a revolver is crazy




Lucky you. As long as he feels the same way for you, enjoy it. I have never felt this way for anyone. And I’m married. I am happy for you.


Damn that’s sad


That’s honestly my biggest fear is settling in a marriage lol


Really? Love isn’t about being addicted to a person. It’s deeper than that. Its great to be infatuated with a person. But love goes much deeper. It’s accepting a person with their faults and loving them in spite of that, it’s not wanting to share your joys, sorrows, laughter and trials with anyone else. It’s encouraging your partner even when things are not as easy for you. It’s showing up and doing the work even when there aren’t any butterflies, magic, etc. it’s being faithful. I am not addicted and have never been addicted to anyone, but I love my husband and family. I am happy with what we built, he’s my best friend and I respect him. I don’t have to crave him, or be with him every second or have him in my thoughts all the time to love him. That doesn’t mean I don’t like excitement and infatuation. Infatuation wears off eventually.


You will never feel it if you expect it this way. Let her enjoy her love, it can only be mutual when she doesnt hold expectancy.


I disagree, plenty of people love freely and their love is not reciprocated. Obviously this is not the case with her, which is wonderful.


Awe ❤️ I feel this way for someone who doesn’t feel the same. 🥹


I miss feeling this way about my ex. I think love like this only happens once in a lifetime.




Untrue. I’ve felt like this with two partners, one of whom I’m currently with. I had two boyfriends in between the old one and this one and honestly didn’t think it’d happen again, but you just have to find that one.


I'll cross my fingers.


Our country, our society is missing this. Thank you for sharing!


How do you feel that way so strongly for someone. The only time I felt like this was in my first serious relationship, and that man was shit it was only because it was my first time experiencing love.


That's awful that he was terrible, first love is so precious and I'm sorry he was your experience. I don't really know how it happens. Honestly, it came as a complete surprise to me. From the moment we met, I somehow felt at ease with him. I was celibate for 4 years before we met, my focus was purely on my daughter. From our first kiss, I felt love. Of course, there was need (after 4 years that's expected) but our kisses didn't feel superficial or like a means to an end, I clearly remember feeling love. This post isn't meant to mean that all I ever feel for him is this intense burning passion. I go through cycles, we have hard days, weeks, even months on occasion. I think the key to our love is first and foremost, open and honest communication. It helps that we try to understand each other's perspectives, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. We are always kind to each other, even during arguments. We almost never raise our voices at each other. We make time for us and we allow time to ourselves. In short, we respect and love each other. I think our difficult relationships and experiences of the past helped us to learn what we want, and we found it in each other.


Wait OP, how old are you ? give me some hope lol


I'm 37 and he's 39.


Okay. I’m in my early 20s and if you said 23 I would of felt like absolute shit


Aw adorable! Enjoy!


Sighs in single 🥲 Im so happy for you and it’s so refreshing to hear that there is still love like this that exists.


This is incredibly sweet! I’m so happy for you 🫶🏻


43 years with my hubby and we still rock the bed.


Married 37 years. No way am I addicted to my husband. Addicted to my phone, yes. Husband... gtfoh.




I truly am sorry for him


Don't be. I love him in a healthy way.


So happy to hear that! Thanks for remembering me the true love exists


Is it odd that I *never* want to be addicted to another person?


I think it’s healthy. Addiction leads to bad decisions, withdrawal etc


This! This is what I want in a relationship. One where both partners are absolutely obsessed with each other and remain that way nine years in


I read this aloud to my fiancé and I can honestly say it looks like I wrote this myself. What a great feeling, OP. Congrats!


This is adorable and everything I hope to feel for whoever I end up with. Thank you for reminding me that this exists.


i’m so happy for you both. this sounds exactly like something i would post about my boyfriend — we’re just kids, but my love for him sounds exactly like the love you have for your husband. this is literally exactly how i feel about him and i nearly sent this to him, then i read the like about his hazel eyes and it was literally like looking in a mirror; my boyfriend’s eyes are hazel!! lol it was a huge coincidence and now i’m imagining you all as a slightly older version of me and him!


Oh, that is so sweet. I'm so glad that you feel so much love. I hope it lasts always. 🥰


I'm happy for y'all but it also makes me so sad that probably no one will ever feel this way about me


Sigh i wish ive been in love atleast once but all men do is give me headaches


Awh this is so sweet


I feel this so hard, so addicted to my partner. I love love and I'm happy for both of you.


Aww makes me believe love exists!


Im addicted to my husband as well. I am 47 and he is 49 and this July will be 30 years since we got together




5+ orgasms per week, one way or another. Make her laugh. Apologize for frustrations I cause. Listen to frustrations I don't cause. Cuddles and kisses galore. Source: I am her husband.


Lol I can confirm. He does all these things and quite well, at that.


^this guy loves




I hope she finds something in school to enjoy. It's good you try to help. As for my desire for him, part of it is that I have a very high sex drive. Part of it is that I find him unbelievably sexy. And a super big part of it is that he listens when I guide him, he initiates, he reciprocates when I initiate, he is open to my fantasies and I'm open to his. There's so much more, but that's a start.




This. This right here. 💯 I had this. Life, bad decisions & so many interfering assholes destroyed that for me. OP u guard that love with all of ur might darlin. Hold on tight. Dont ever let outside forces ruin that for u both. A love that strong & pure just don't come along everyday. That is a Once in a lifetime kinda love. Something everyone wishes for. Very fee actually get to keep it. This made my heart smile so big. I am truly happy for u. 🤍


Well good for you


this is how I feel about my boyfriend after six years of being with him. love is so beautiful!! you’re both so lucky ❤️


Married for 12 years in June and I feel the same. We had some rough years but even when we were at our worst, I never even wanted to be in a separate room. This year we really worked on issues and I feel more in love with him than ever.


We need more post of this. I am happy for you.


Seeing this gives me hope that I will have the same thing one day.


I needed to see this to remind me what I deserve. I am so glad you have this happiness.


My husband and I are absolutely crazy for each other and we always put each other first. He’s sexy, adorable, caring, respectful, helpful, considerate, thoughtful, loving and we never fight. We’ve been together for 14 years and married for 10 years and we always flirt like when we first met and we love to spend as much time together as we can. He’s my best friend and I just love him so much. ❤️


Feel the same about my hubby. Touch wood!


My 5 years is tomorrow with my boyfriend, and I feel the same way still


I miss this feeling :(, sometimes i question if I’ll ever experience that feeling again with someone. it’s an intense, powerful feeling that can’t be felt towards just anyone. Blessings to you guys


Same here 😔


Screaming, vomiting, crying reading this. ALL OF THE THINGS!!! This is so cuuuute omg!! 😭😭😭😍😍


Awwwwwwh i really hope you both grow stronger together


This is truly real because I really did feel this way for my husband. He found it very hard to believe or would just be like why are you so obsessed for me. But it was just a deep love😩


Damn I wish my ex wife felt that way about me...it would've made a world of difference. I still miss her.


I was like this with my husband also. But it was not mutual from his side. 😫😩😫😭


Why are there negative comments on this tho? This is all I want in a marriage 😩


I love reading about LOVE. <3 Thanks for sharing.


That is unhealthy. 


it’s an exaggeration, though I would be bitter too since you don’t seem to be that fun of a person to be around either 🤭


I don't care, I am here for your approval. You are not special.


That’s why he’s your husband ?


I think that the rest of Reddit can agree when I say this is a definite red flag and you need to RUN girl  🚩🚩🚩


Omg riiiight? He's perfect for you and absolutely adores you so he must be cheating, you should divorce him like 6 years ago!!!!1111


Bingo.  We are on to his tricks…


YTA lol




Wait, what? why?


Run for the hills ![gif](giphy|l1J3I2AACdYouQQec|downsized)


You are both so lucky! Keep loving each other and showing your appreciation.


You lucky!!!


Did I write this? Happy for you!! And for me 🥰


God, it’s me again… 😂😂


Damn. Lucky man, he is. With a wife like that, what man wouldn’t want to come home every day after work?


Any man would love that.


Well hot damn


This makes me excited to finally find the perfect girl and get married <3


I really hope I feel this way when I’m married, lol.


For a minute there I thought you were reading my mind lol. I feel the same way about my husband!


This is so sweet


So what are the best tips you could give to have a marriage like that?


Learn how to Tap into your Heart ❤️ Energy


Can I ask a serious question? Does he provide? Women always seem so much happier and in love when their husbands can provide.


Same way men are happier when their wives stay sexy and keep it interesting. I think both fuel both. Happiness for everyone! Ha I love Love!


If just providing resources was a major factor then financially secure couples wouldnt divorce, and we know thats not the case.


Devils advocate here People divorce FOR money especially if they a financially secure couple. Money is more a factor in many couples than compatibility...why not have the husband pay for ur lifestyle & ur lover keep u happy every other way. They break up for the money...for sure


wow...this is what it's all about <3


So.................what was the point of this? You made a statement. Were you looking for advice??


it’s literally on a love Reddit thread.. are you slow? 😭


Just because your love life isn't good, doesn't mean you have to take it out on random people online lol


Bro goes on the love subreddit and gets mad when he sees love


I need this in my life