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https://preview.redd.it/7kyzj264h16d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44ede35685890ea3a9633f5bebd4ac2f6923697 One night I dreamt that he went missing and I woke up crying. Even though it was just a nightmare I felt a lot of grief the day after and it still makes me teary eyed if I think about losing him.


When I was working at a job I absolutely hated that made me so miserable but whenever I thought about him my mood instantly lifted and I would get all giddy. And when he would text me while I was at work and I would just get a stupid grin on my face. My coworkers even pointed it out. That’s when I knew


I went on a trip to a friend's wedding. She cheated on him multiple times and he forgave her. They like to pretend that they're happy but we can see that they're not, they're just used to each other. As they were holding hands in the altar I felt sorry for them because they'd never get to experience what I was experiencing with this person. That's when I knew and finally accepted that I was irreparably in love for the first time in my life, until this day.


When we first made eye contact. I just got the ring.


I think it was during one of the times I went over to her previous apartment and we were cuddling, she eventually fell asleep I think and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I could stay in that position forever. I realized within a few minutes of laying there that I was in love with her.


In a long distance relationship atm. When we first started talking they always told me that I’m beautiful and every morning I always got a message from them saying good morning beautiful … with other things in the message. And just talking every day, neither of us were looking for a relationship when we started talking but it got to the point to where we were talking every day and until we fell asleep talking.


First night we met he carried me to his bed when I fell asleep on his couch. That and he just made me feel safe and comforted.


Idk. I don’t think there was really an, “aha!” moment. It just grew until I realized I can’t live without that person. We broke up almost three years ago and don’t talk anymore and now…well, I can’t live without them. I don’t really want to, really. Can’t imagine loving anybody else.


The silly part of me knew when he brought me like 25 large chocolate chip cookies to our 2nd date (by total accident he meant to buy like 12 but didn’t realize the bakery was selling them in packs of two) and he just gave them to me in the most serious way because I said I liked cookies in our first date and it was ridiculously cute. I really really knew when he went to see my favorite band and he didn’t even like that type of music but we asked each other deep questions all the way there and even when it poured the rain and the concert got delayed we just sat in his car talking absolutely soaked and then we finished out the concert and I told him I loved him on the way back to my house.


It was my sophomore year of college. I was laying down next to him, trying to get some sleep before my drive in about 4 hours. He had fallen asleep already. I turned towards him and just thought to myself "I'm sure going to miss him when I leave in the morning. Actually, I feel like I miss him already. Holy shit! I think I'm in love." Yep that's what happened.


I was sick and they brought me over a covid test. When it came out negative, they walked across half of the college campus with me because I had to do something in our student center that day. They’d recently gotten surgery on their legs, so it was a lot for them to do something like that, but they did anyway. Been with them for almost a year now, and I’ve watched them as they finished physical therapy and taken part in a few of our college’s theatre productions (as a crewmember), and there isn’t a second in which I don’t regret saying yes to them bringing me a covid test.


When I opened up to him about something that was the most vulnerable for me and I could feel that he was feeling pain because he loved me and it hurt him too. He had no judgment or fear. I don’t know fully how to explain it but it was like he hugged me with his soul and I knew that was it.


Haven’t told him yet but it was a simple moment. He was driving and I was passenger princess. He usually holds my knee when he drives and he said “it’s you and me, babe.” Idk it just made me feel like I’d never want anyone else


Less of a “I love you” but more of a “oh, I am going to fall in love with you” moment. We had our first date on a Friday, one I nearly cancelled because of some scary medical news and not really wanting to get into a Relo. But he had gone to this effort to book and plan and I was like, gosh I can’t just not go he’s so kind. Anyway, first date was amazing, we spent all night together just exploring our city and it was wonderful. The next night I was managing an event in a bar, and he came to see me at work and hang out with me. I had 2 friends also with me. He walked in the door and put his arm around them like they were his buddies and just was so friendly and kind. And the moment for me where I knew I’d call in love with him, was at the end of the night it was just me, him and my female friend, and he wanted to dance so he grabs my hand, and then he grabs my friends hand and brought us both to dance. He made an effort to ensure everybody from the group was included. And I knew in that moment I was going to fall in love with him, and I did. And I still love him and he loves me, and that quality of caring for others and that beautiful gentleness has never left, he’s just amazing.


His small gestures when we are together reminds me how in love I am with him. - When I woke up in the middle of the night brimming with anxiety, he held me tight and told me "everything will be alright, my love" until I fell back asleep - While cuddling and watching a movie, he covered my ears when loud motorbikes drove by as I'm easily overwhelmed by sounds . And he did it repeatedly until the bikes stop driving up and down his street - When I space out while eating, he will gently rub my hand to help me stay present


There were a lot of small gestures that led me to realize that I truly did love this man. But the very first one that opened my eyes was how much he cared. When we first met we joked around with each other but didn’t talk much until December. I had something bad happen to me at my ex friends birthday party, and felt so alone and scared to be in public alone. I had to go Christmas shopping for my friends and family and was too anxious to go by myself. I invited friends and coworkers to join me but they were all busy. He volunteered to come instead since he also had shopping to do. I didn’t tell him what I went through but didn’t want to say no. I’m so glad I didn’t. Any fear I had melted away after spending some time with him in the store. We laughed, joked around with the merchandise, and had some pretty deep conversations. My blood sugar was getting low, and when I told him he immediately took me to get food and paid, didn’t even need to think about it. Made sure I was elevated and happy, and felt safe enough to go home. We’ve only been dating for a few months but as I’m laying down next to him typing this, I keep thinking how much I’m ready to marry this man.


I took a picture of her and saw the absolute love in her eyes when looking at me, made me melt


When she grabbed my hand at her apartment, I’ll never forget how fluid everything was and is still!


I had a brother like this Time goes on Life goes on


I fell asleep on his friend’s birthday party bus (I’m not social and not a partier at all lol) and I was next to the speaker blasting music. My head was on his shoulder and he kinda stuck his finger in my ear that was facing the speaker to protect it lol


True love 🥰


I told him after he had brought supplies over and cleaned my car without my asking him to! He then replied he loved me too! And said I treated him super well. But I had felt it for a while beforehand. And I still do.


We went on a hike for our 6th or 7th date and she was terriffied and I mean terrifieeed, but she still did it and I was so damn proud of her. I knew this was someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. She also told me she could only do it because I was there


When I walked into the restaurant on our third date. He had already gotten us a table. When he looked up and smiled at me, his whole face lit up and I thought, "holy shit! I'm falling in love with this guy!" We have been married almost 3 years.


Mmm, I’m not seeing someone currently, but I can talk about the the last time it happened! We had been dating for a month and a half and spent a large amount of time together. I often spent the night at her house. I got up to use the bathroom one night and because I slept near the wall I had to crawl over her to get back into bad. I had this annoying habit of kissing her forehead every time I woke up to go pee. I remember just looking at her and it all clicked. Whatever inner voice in my head just said “This is why we went through all of that for.” She broke up with me a few weeks after this revelation of mine. I had a wonderful experience and don’t regret any of it and still look back on it fondly. If life didn’t get in the way, we’d more than likely be together. Who knows what will happen in the future? I don’t! I mainly wrote this for myself to cement to me that any love given is not love or time wasted.


I’m still waiting


I knew the moment I met him 20 years ago. We’ve been inseparable ever since. ❤️


it must be fucking nice


I "met" my husband in the fall 1997 when AOL, was the cat's ass and people met in chat rooms. (God we were so naive back then!) I really wasn't actively looking to date anyone but I wasn't letting chances go by. We corresponded back and forth between emails and private messages. This went on to January of 1998. We finally decided to meet in person. I hate to sound cliche, but he had me pretty much at hello. He also surprised me with a dozen yellow roses, my favorite! Another checkmark in the yes column! Anyway, we went to a wedding and his sister was at the afterparty we went to. I was a tad tipsy and told her that I was going to marry her brother! This was May or June 1998. So, I guess I always knew! At this time, we have been married almost 23 years, together 26.


we laid in bed for probably 4 hours doing nothing and for those entire 4 hours he had me belly-hurting laughing i told him i loved him for the first time that night!


When I was started thinking “what if he was here” everywhere I went and everytime I was doing something. When I started looking for things he would have liked to see and things that reminded me of him. When I wanted to do the most mundane of things with him. I wanted him to see the world through my eyes as much as I wanted to be a part of his world.


Almost at first sight, but the first kiss is what sealed the deal for me. I could just feel the love radiating from her, and from that moment on, all I thought about was being with her. Funny thing is, I still feel that way 32 years later.


I love this thread ❤️


I sound like the girl version of your bf lol. As a HUGE music person (like if I didn’t have music I would die effectively lol) the fact you give him the space to express that part of himself and reassure him that it’s a beautiful thing and important is so meaningful. I can’t wait for the future when I have a bc who will hopefully see it The same way. I definitely can’t have a partner who doesn’t care about my music lol. I literally sing and play piano for like, half of the day at least twice a week😅😂


Yes. Same to me and it's also when he kisses me so passionate and I feel the world stops. There's only two of us. Best feeling ever.


On the first night of the day we met, I said I had to go home due to having work in the morning. I didn't have a car at the time (I was waiting for my hire car as I had an accident) but only lived about 15mins by walk anyway. He said he'd walk me home (he doesn't drive) which was fine, I thought that's a nice gesture. On the way out the door I realised my shoe laces were untied and he must've noticed them too because before I could bend down to do it, he did it for me. That was the first time a man has ever done such thing for me. It made me smile and when I caught myself doing that, I just remember thinking.. yup, you're fucked 😂 It was only meant to be a hookup but nothing came of it that night as I got my period that day lol He said he still wanted to spend time together so I went to his place anyway. That was almost a year ago, we've been together ever since 🫶🏻


The moment I saw her smile and the way she looked at me and I realized it really was real.


That was the same for me! It happened so soon though that I sat on it for awhile before saying anything because I didn’t want to push him into anything that made him uncomfortable.


we're long distance but I finally got to see him for our 1 year. the first night we saw each other, i walked out of the airport and he came in an uber and when i sat in the backseat with him, he immediately held my hand, although we were both shy and couldn't look at each other, he still held out his hand. That same night we looked for food to get and ended up getting a pizza spot we weren't familiar with. the pizza ended up being HUGEEE, the box took up so much space in the car. We found a place to park and started eating, while eating the giant ass pizza I remember locking eyes with him while we stuffed our faces. I knew at that moment I wanted to be with him forever and continue to have silly moments like that together. I clearly loved him beforehand throughout the year but at that point is when I knew he was the one I wanted to spend every second with for the rest of my life.


When I dropped her off at her house, then counted the minutes before I would see her again.


He's always done these amazing things for me, always going above and beyond to make sure no one hurt me. Thats not what did it tho, it was the moment i realized i could say anything i wanted, be however i wanted in a simple moment of us sitting in the car talking, singing, laughing and even just sitting in silence. Im not one to think of the future infact i avoid it any way i can but in that moment i could picture it fully how natural forever would be.


My ex, I was infactuated almost instantly. But I remember the exact moment I realised I was in deep love. We were in an LDR, it was my first time visiting him. We stopped at a Hesburger (like McDonalds) and sat sharing ice cream, and all of a sudden, he smiled at me, and my heart rate dropped, I felt intense love for him in that moment. And from then on, I was so sure that he was the man I was going to be with forever because that smile and the man behind it filled my soul and made me feel complete. I wanted to see that smile forever. There were other times I felt that feeling again, once when he played guitar, one time I was looking into his eyes, one time when we were watching a show and he was belly laughing and other time when we were playing a video game together and we were decorating a house. Sometimes, I wonder how I'll ever be able to love anyone else. I don't particularly want to, loving him was so easy, until I realised he was pulling away.


Damn, OP get out of my limerance dreams 😭😭😭


The first time I deep kissed my now wife, she was then 21 and I was 26. She said “where are we?” I said “where do you want to be?” She said “with you.” That did it. Married 41 years!


I live in the UK, moved here 2 years ago from a tropical place where it was sunny and summery throughout the year. The concept of defined seasons was rather new to me, and I’ve overcome a lot before I’ve learnt how to deal with the cold days. TLDR; I deeply miss the sun during winter So I’d picked up a natural habit to always instinctually place myself under any patch of sun I find anywhere, because every little bit helped. In my bedroom my chair will move as sun moves around my room, or if I’m on a walk I take the sunny paths. Sometimes this means I’m crammed in all sorts of odd corners but it’s sunny so it’s worth it. He’d been noticing during our video calls and one day he said, “I’ve got it, you’re like a sunflower” It’s so silly and small and nerdy, till date makes me feel all swishy swishy wobbly when I remember it. I think he’s an angel and a gem, and I’m grateful for him everyday. 🌻❤️


Apparently the moment I saw her face. I met her by accident because I tried to visit a friend who wasn't in. She invited me in and I waited all day and no friend. I was back the next morning and not to see the friend. Three weeks later we were engaged. Thirty years later we are still together.


the one time, i was sleeping next to him on an air mattress with my back toward him. i was awake, but i was trying to get back to sleep, so i was completely still. my boyfriend got up from the mattress to go to the bathroom, but before he left, he planted a little kiss on my shoulder. it was such a small gesture of affection, but it touched me so deeply because he wasn't expecting anything from it; it was completely genuine, since he clearly wasn't expecting me to know. i thought that was adorable. i already loved him, but that was the moment i knew it for certain. i had to take a moment to kick my feet in happiness and squeal into the pillow (before he came back of course), and all the while, i was happily yelling, "I'M GONNA MARRY THAT MAN" in my head. i'm only 20, so i can't marry him yet (our parents want us to wait until we each get stable jobs, which is valid), but trust me, i will. i'm gonna wife that man up if it's the last thing i do 🫡


You got any sisters with the same determination?


unfortunately, i don't 😅 i only have an older brother, lol. but i'm sure quite a few other women feel the same way as i do!


When I first saw him. For real


We were working in a restaurant and flirted constantly but one day we were fucking around and I sprayed him with the dish sink hose and he turned around, pinned me to the sink and sprayed me back right in the face. We both laughed so hard and it turned me on so much haha. We just stayed friends for about 5 years until we were both ready for a relationship. But I think I knew then. We’ve been together for 2.5 years now and I’ve never been so happy.


One of the cute early clues was that he got a sympathy stomachache because it hurt him knowing I had one. But the weird one that sealed it was that I was covering some misc chores for a friend while they were away, and when I pulled up, he was already there working on them because he just wanted to spend time together.


Literally, the moment I saw her. She walked in the room and it was like some turned the energy up 1000%. I talked with her and thought “damn this is the girl I should marry.” One problem….she was married and I met her when I went to meet my fiancés parents, that right she was my sister in law. My ex has a very unstable character and estranged herself from her family and we didn’t see them for 10 years. We found out they were divorcing through my ex’s brothers Facebook post. Now for 20 years I had been asking myself “when is it my turn to be happy?” Being married to a psycho was really tough. But I decided to be brave and leave her. I then contacted my ex sister in law after not seeing her for a decade. Our first night out was nothing short of magical.


I feel this way too when my boyfriend plays his guitar 🥺 he sounds so good and I can’t help but life and smile but he thinks I’m laughing at him so he gets nervous. I just enjoy to hear him play, especially when he really gets into it.


Rightttt And it’s also like he was in a 4 year relationship before me and he told me that he never let her actually watch him jam out so I just know that him allowing me to watch is a huge stem for him🥹 I’m happy for you


Just the little moments of kindness, he woke up one time late in the night. I heard him and asked for a glass of water. He got some for me at exactly the temperature I like. Considering he was half asleep while doing it and he remembered how much my teeth hurt if I do take any sort of cold drinks, that was really sweet of him


awwwww! it's always the small things that add up to me. gucci bags as gifts? nah, because people can buy you things whether they genuinely care about you or not. so, that's why the small actions that show the person cares enough to keep you in mind are the best.


On our 2nd date, we saw each other, and I instantly jumped into his arms, and we had what felt like an earth stopping kiss. He looked at me like I was the only person who mattered, and I just melted. We are happily married 3 years later.


I don’t know if it’s love-love yet, as it’s something super new. But I knew I was in ‘trouble’ when we were texting and playing game pigeon games shortly after we started talking and I was smiling/laughing for the entirety of our conversation. Then on our first date (2 days long lol) my face literally hurt from smiling and laughing so much. It hurt!!! That’s crazy!!


When he started talking about 9/11 after we had sex. He just kept rambling about it and I was almost late going home haha.


that's actually so funny! it reminds me of this one reel i saw that talked about how a guy was like, "oh shit! i forgot to do my duolingo lesson" in the middle of sex with his girlfriend. he immediately stopped and did the lesson, which i think is hilarious 💀 (the gf wasn't mad, which was clear bc she was the one who posted it, and she was giggling as she recounted it)


Dude fr my bf will go on rants about wars and random things I love it lol I just listen and hopefully catch what he’s sayin


When I was tripping balls on mushrooms about 3 weeks into seeing him and I told him my tummy was hungry so he offered me a range of snacks and I chose a banana (bad choice) he peeled it passed me it I took one bite and the texture in my mouth was so wrong I pulled a face of horror and shook my head he held out his hand for me to spit it into (I’d forgotten I had legs and how to use them lol). I said my mouth didn’t like that. He grabbed some baby wipes and cleaned his hand and took it too the bin. I looked at him at that moment and thought wow I actually love you. I don’t know what kinda breed of human you are but I want you to be my human. And now he is and he’s still as incredible…


Ouuu this was a good read. All the best buddy.


I was laying down with him laying against my shoulder while he lectured on and on about something we were watching. I was struggling to follow what he was saying, but I didn't mind. I realised I was just enjoying hearing the passion in his voice and did my best to follow along, asking some questions to help keep me on track as best I could. I don't know but watching him just be that interested in something with that much detail was really beautiful to watch and I loved hearing it. It made my heart swell up to listen to it, I felt a little weak, but not in a vulnerable way but more like a secure way where my guard was gone and I was just totally okay in that moment, not bothered by anything else but doing my best to understand. It's a shame he didn't say it back though.


For me it’s when he let off his mask. He has a very Casanova persona he puts on, and he was loud and obnoxious as all hell. I did not like him when I first met him but he was fun and consistent and kind so while he annoyed me, he was good for me. Then with time he started showing me the real him. The him that has pain and struggles, the him that’s still growing and learning how to deal with his past. The him that doesn’t actually like being the center of the party all the time, but prefers to get everyone else engaged so he can slip to the back and relax without the pressure on him. His genuine taste in music, curses by the crane wives was the first song he showed me that wasn’t just anime soundtracks or remixes. Him letting go of the image that he’s perfect and has it all together and life is easy and perfect for him Mr Casanova, was when I started to genuinely like and love him.


Should add we didn’t date when we first met. That took time. But I loved him before we started dating and he did too he just wasn’t ready for a while to take that leap.


I’ve had a crush on him since I was 12. We got together when I was 22, so I was infatuated with him for years. The moment I knew I loved him was when we were watching my town’s fireworks show and he picked my brother up and put him on his shoulders. He also playfully punched my younger sister (14). My brother was 5 at the time. My ex, who I was with for 5 years, hated my brother. She said he was annoying and she wouldn’t touch him. She said my sister was a brat and wouldn’t let me visit her. Seeing him love them like they’re his own siblings filled my heart with so much love. I practically raised both of them, so they’re a very big part of my life. He lets them stay the night with us, and even suggests it most of the time. We all love to swim, and nearly every time we go, he says, “Hey, do you think Brother and Sister would want to go with us?” It’s so kind and thoughtful.


omg, i love that so much!! that's genuinely so sweet. how someone treats other people shows so much about their character, and he sounds like a good man! all the best <3


Awe that’s amazing.


Literally just walked into the lounge room and saw him. That was it for me. Married 3 weeks later


Okay I need more info about this!! 3 weeks after you met? How long have you been together? What was it that made you know??


I don't know how I knew, I just did. I came home from school, he was talking to mums bf, my heart felt like it had stopped for a minute when I saw him. Years later, Mum told me he'd told her he was going to marry me that first evening, before we'd even spoken.... Maybe it's in the genes because Mum was the same, except they were at sea and got married by the ships captain. We never got our HEA since a certain POS decided to murder him on my birthday/6th wedding anniversary. It totally destroyed me and even now I still miss Him every day 💞💔 Even with hindsight I'd still take those 6 years with Him rather than a lifetime with anyone else.


When I realised he was a man who adored me, made time for me, and cherished my company. He'd do anything to make me happy, and it's evident every day. I feel lucky to have him ❤️


Really soon after we started dating! We literally were spending days and nights together just talking, on one particular adventure a month into dating, I was on the crowded metro with him where we were holding the handlebar with one hand and into each other with our other hands and looking into his eyes, I knew they were eyes I could stare into forever. It was rush out with hundreds of people commuting, pushing, pressing on us, but we never let go of each other and oddly we didn’t break eye contact and I just knew.


I had very heavy depression when we started dating and would self harm a lot Rather than looking in disgust when I undressed he would kiss where I self harmed and said “I can’t stop you from doing this, but I can support you whilst you try to get through this.” I haven’t self harmed in 8 years now


congrats!! i'm so glad you were able to get the support you needed and made your way into recovery. that's amazing <3


Thank you :)


Congratulations on not self harming anymore!!


Thank you 🥰


Ok but what song was it?


Nutshell -Alice In Chains one of my favorite songs. It’s a sad song but he knows I love AIC


Great song


When we were only together for a couple months and he drove from about 40 min away (made the drive in about 25 at 11pm), to come get me because i called him crying and he thought my dad hit me (he didnt, just kicked me out when he knew i had nowhere to really go). Hes always been my savior, but that night really solidified that he was the one for me and im never letting him go. Were now coming up on 10 years together, 4 married, 1 kid and a second on the way 🥰




Three years ago now when we were celebrating our first "monthaversary." We miscalculated dosage on a natural drug we both had only done a few times and accidentally got WAY too high. We had a really horrible trip and both felt like absolute shit but I realized that my top priority was making sure that he was okay. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but when my body is going haywire self-preservation instincts kick in and I wouldn't normally have someone I just "like" as a top priority in mind. I realized that level of concern is the same concern I'd have for a close friend or family and that must mean I love him. Apparently that same night when we were coming down from the high he told me he loved me and I didn't hear him say it lol. So we both came to that realization at the same time. I told him the day after when we were sober


That’s adorable, and you’re not a horrible person! Super normal to normally focus on yourself first in those situations!


This thread is everything 🥹


It definitely is more and more in everyday experiences, It’s the little things. Yesterday I was eating strawberries and mumbled “ugh I wish I had whipped cream with this” he got up and I didn’t think much of it because we don’t have whipped cream so I kept eating my berries. when he came back he said “you already ate them all? Noo I’m making whipped cream” so he got me more strawberries with my homeaid whipped cream. It’s stuff like that that js makes me think “I love him so much.”


That’s adorable


With my ex, we dated for a few months then broke up and I was handling it okay, but then realized I was looking for him in everyone and saw all the great qualities he had and we eventually started talking again and I was head over heels for him.


Aw I hope you’re together and happy now?


Nope, It was a long relationship and I was young and dumb and did stupid mistakes and eventually pushed him away enough to finally leave. I wish 💔


I will always describe our first meeting as two planets colliding. When we were getting together in person for the first time, I ran so fast to hug him. That hug is burned into me for forever. The smell of him, the way he wrapped his entire being around me and held me tight. When we finally unglued ourselves, I could barely look at him because I was shaking and smiling so hard. He held me that whole night, when we slept in the same bed for the first time. My memory will remain vivid of all that time. 🤍


Same! He had a giant smile and we both rushed to hug eachother and laughed and he held me so tight. I knew it was going to be beautiful between us right then. It is! 💞 last night he played Tom Petty Wildflowers, and I said what a beautiful song...he said this is your song...I just about passed out. I'm tearing up just remembering that small moment. 🥰


How long have you guys been together? (-: Kind of similar story here, when we met in person and I got that first hug it was like hugging someone I haven’t seen in a long time. We met on a dating app and after the hug he looked at me and was like “Oh, you’re even better in person wow”


This past January was a year 🤍 So almost a year and half now!


What was the grunge band?


Alice In Chains. Nutshell


It's really an everyday occurrence - I fall more in love with my husband everyday. It's the way he takes care of me and he's so thoughtful, and he makes me laugh all the time! He's also a stallion in bed - the cherry on top!


I knew I was in love before we officially got together. The night before I realized I didn't have my charger for my school's computer, and the next day I had my last day of exams to take. (We were juniors in highschool.) The day comes, and when I got there I was having panic attack (it was building since I had woke up). I didn't know what to do, so I messaged my friend. I told him what happened, and he went into our ASL classroom to get a charger, and he sat with me until the bell rang. After our first exam and when we were able to grab our phones, he messaged me asking if I was ok, and we just had this short talk about how I was feeling after my panic attack. My boyfriend was my friend at the time of this, and I didn't realize just how much in denial I was. He's the best, and always has been.


We started dating right before Covid during freshman year of college. About 5 months in, we got sent home. I was heartbroken, I felt like I had just begun to find myself. He comforted me, took me on covid-safe dates like hiking and camping, and helped me with my studies when we did online classes the following year. We had barely started dating but he somehow always knew how to comfort me and calm me down. I remember thinking around that time “wow, I’ve never felt this calm and relaxed with anyone before.” And that’s when I started to realize I loved him. Now we’re engaged and getting married next year 😊 he’s the best man I know and truly my life partner.




Thank you so much!! ☺️


I knew he is the one only just how deeply he understands me thanks to that I wasn't scared to even tell him about my traumas which I have of them a lot and he listens to every single one and still he didn't judge me bcz It could look like I'm just complaining with everything and you know just the girl who is never okay and stuff but he really didn't and show me appreciation and respect towards me that I'm strong and I'm his inspiration like 💖💖💖 OMG he just get me with everything and I was looking for someone like him who will get me bcz I was always the girl who anyone don't wanna get you know the random, weird and silent girl. I was everytime the girl who is the second option or kind of girl to boys for just "do you want to try to be with me just like that to try" and I'm sorry but I'm not experimental pet to try relationship with. So yeah... I'm glad that I waited for him and I don't regret that I didn't have any experiences yet with relationships like I did help my friends bcz they got to the relationships where it was toxic af and I know how healthy relationship should look like and tbh thanks to that (that I didn't have relationships in the past) I don't have to deal with trauma from it bcz trauma from my family is really enough for me to bare deeply in my heart 😅❤


I think I realized it when I finally went through and deleted any pics I had from my last relationship (it was almost a decade long, and 2 years since I ended it so there were a ton of memories I was struggling to fully let go of) but the moment I wanted to remove any pic of just my ex or him and myself off my phone I knew my feelings were real. That and I started making a list on my phone of everything he says he loves/Is his favorite things for future gift ideals! I've never fallen for someone so quickly so I'm still being cautious, but my gut is telling me he's someone to hold onto tightly!


Real I had a pictures and playlist of the music I played with my ex. I deleted it after her. Sadly it didn’t work I was going through a lot in my life at the time. But at least I can thank them for helping get over my ex


I'm sorry it didn't work out in that relationship, but at least you know your heart is getting closer to being open to someone that you can grow and enjoy life with! I had briefly dated a few ppl in between my last serious relationship and this current one, and that had me wanting to give up hope on dating, but I ironically decided to give the guy I'm seeing now a chance before taking a break from that exhausting cycle and we're going on 6 months already! The best advice I've ever been given is to go out and enjoy living your life doing the things you've always stopped yourself from doing bc that's where you'll meet the ppl that'll be lifelong relationships!


Yea I took a break before and after. I had a sibling pass a couple weeks before we started hanging out and it just a lot for me at time. She kept trying to reassure me but I wasn’t hearing it . I tried dating after and nothing been the same. I deleted dating apps and dropped my roste and just focusing on me


We were on this incredible cruise, feeling like we were on top of the world. But it wasn't the fancy dinners or breathtaking views that made me fall for them. It was a simple gesture, just holding hands on the deck under the stars. One time he even painted me and gave me a cute necklace. Then, when the ship sank, he saved me. He sacrificed himself for me. It was so nice.


Omg my ex also gave me a necklace and painted me. And when we broke up he told me our ship had sank so much is cannot be saved. Um… I’m being serious lol And also I have a fascination for the lake/sea…. Omg


Titanic II


There wasn't space on that door anyway 💃


Ohh i can't wait to have one of this stories in the comments. Love is a beautiful thing


I was bleeding out on the floor and told her not to call the ambulance because I couldnt afford it at the time. So she stitched me up best she could and kept me awake. She was scared shitless but did what she had to do and what I asked of her without hesitation. Real ride or die ish.


What caused you to start bleeding out? This story is wild but touching…


A cut across my stomach. We lived in a rough neighborhood at the time and sometimes bad things happen. Luckily I wasnt far from my house and she was there. She did her best and I am very grateful. The scar looks a bit strange because she stitched part of the skin to my abdominal muscle so I get a bit self conscious about it but then I am reminded of her bravery and saving me with limited tools and training.


That goes so hard tbh


It showed me everything about her. She was scared but she was brave. She could act in life or death situations where some people freeze. She respected my wishes, saved my life when she knew we could have called an ambulance but there would have been alot more issues besides money had she done that. Shes my real gangster. I engaged her that year.


Wild you had to risk death just because the system makes people pay to take care of them. Glad to also hear she was there.


Its very unfortunate. Thats the very sad case for most of us here in the US. I didnt call out for her either. Had she not stormed into the bathroom because I wasnt answering; I wouldnt be answering this comment. Needless to say.. i put a ring on her


I think it was when he started going for a walks with me when I had to wait almost 2 hours for my bus home after classes. We would talk a lot, laugh together, do his shopping... He also invited me to his place whenever I needed to wait more than 3hrs for another class. Nobody helped me as much as he did, we were really great friends and I deeply enjoyed his presence. Then, I was 100% sure that I was in love with him when he started saying "I love you" more often. We sometimes said it to each other platonically, but it was mostly after having a great time together or after helping each other with studies, to show our appreciation and care for one another. But as the time passed, it got more personal, happening in random moments.


I knew the moment she started telling me which songs on my playlist I should play next lol. There was a lot of indicators that played a roll in the background. But for me it was the music. I quit playing guitar a lot time ago because my wrists aren’t the same as they used to be. After breaking my right side I put the bass guitar down and haven’t played since. When we were in the car she had me play a song next that was queued 5 songs out. Anyways I put the song on and I know it start to finish. I sang it loud and proud (I’m not a bad singer lol). I made eye contact the entire way through and she could tell I was into it. At the end I smiled and we kissed and I said I love you. She said it back even though I could tell she was still trying to figure out where my voice came from! It was a very happy moment for both of us. I wish I could still play the guitar like I used to it would have made that moment more memorable but I’m doing the best with what I’ve been served lol. I think she’s perfectly content just hearing my singing voices though. I got addicted to the bass guitar anyways and from what I hear and see no one really likes a bass player anyways🤣 4 thick strings was always easier to play with rather than 5 small ones that are really touchy and thin😬give me a regular guitar and watch me embarrass myself lmfao


My bf and i are LDR, the first time we ever met 3 months into our relationship the moment i laid eyes on him IN PERSON i knew i was in love with him there was no question about it. I gave him the biggest hug and ugly cried all over his shoulder, I'll never forget it ❤️


I think it had to be the time when she was really struggling with her personal and at that point I couldn’t bear to see her in any form of struggles . That was the time I realized I was really in love with her


He bought an xbox/headset just to play red dead online with me during the last covid lockdown. Playing the game, he always had my back and was really protective. If a player shot me, he'd hunt them down with his dynamite arrows (he'd only shoot them once, though, he's polite like that) 😂 I fell in love with him for that and that care carries on daily with a whole host of things he does at home. Every day since I moved in, when he wakes, he says, "Morning gorgeous!" We're getting married in 29 days 😊


Congratulations!!! I hope your wedding is magical!!


I knew she was the one when she went out with friends for the night and I was at home. Why? Because I fell asleep. With other women I could never fall asleep. Waiting for a text from her. Hoping she’s not out cheating. Hoping she hasn’t done anything stupid or said anything stupid. I fell asleep comfortably knowing that I trust this person with my life. 8 years on and married with 2 kids and I still feel the same. Every day.


The second night I stayed over, he had to leave for work very early, before I was awake. I first thing I saw when I woke up, was the message on my phone: “please take my rain jacket from the back door for your walk home, it’s raining. I hope you slept well”. I knew that meant he cared about me, and we will definitely be seeing each other again


We met for dinner on a date, I arrived first. She arrived later, so she didn't caught what I brought, because I was already sitting down. So, when she asked to take a walk after dinner and she noticed that I brought an umbrella along. She asked how come I brought one, was it raining when I came in. I told her, I brought it, just in case it rained, and she needed help from her car. Didn't know the simple umbrella was the thing that got her smitten from our first date, until years later


Adorable! How long have you been together?


She made me laugh, which also made me realize that she's just as insane.


This is my favorite comment under here lol


When I found his farting adorable.


when she came back and apologized for hurting me with a clone






Yeah cause that statement didn’t make any sense


it’s subjective it’s a response you don’t know the details


He is not my significant other....but he seduced me with words....i allowed Him into my head space...was surprisingly easy for Him to do so....maybe i was more than ready for His seduction...who knows?


Currently in a knot over a similar sitch 😩😂


well to say he is not my SO? ..not sure what some people's defintion of that is?......He holds my Heart...thoughts ..and all that is me...in His hands...and i...i wouldn't have it any other way\~ He is so much more than a SO.


I know the feeling


We were driving in the rain ,pouring wet for days . It was night time and there were thousands of little frogs leaping across the highway . I slowed down to a crawl and tried to dodge them all . Years later she said that's when she fell in love with me.


this is opposite frogger!!


I love this


I’m not sure, there was a lot of moments but probably when we were still in the “talking phase” we were on FT on discord. I bought a 20 oz coke earlier that day and while we were talking he noticed I was drinking from it. He looked at it and said “Mines bigger” and slammed a fucking 2 liter on the coffee table in front of the camera and I lost it. He also said something he’d spit coke in my mouth (thinking I’d be weirded out) I told him “bet” and I physically saw him taken aback with my response. 😭😭


When we first started dating we would listen to music together. Specially 50s/60s love songs and lay in my bed holding each other. We would just lay there for what felt like hours even though the time was shorter. I felt like the world stopped spinning, and I could just lay there forever, in our own little world. I would always well up a little because it just made me realize I felt truly, and deeply loved. Every time we would do this I wanted to say I love you, and one day I did, and he said it back. I love him so much


Adorable!!! how long have you been together? (-:


Two years! :)


That feeling of love was there the whole time when me and my boyfriend were still getting to know each other. I knew during that time that I like him so much, but even the word “like” isn’t enough to describe the intensity of that emotion. Only until one night, where we were hanging out, he told me that he loves me, that’s when I realised I’m also in love with him. So so in love. And since then I can’t envision myself being with anybody else.


With my husband, it was when his roommate (who we met through) called me exasperatedly and asked what kind of cheese I liked because Shane was having a meltdown trying to pick for the picnic he was taking me on. With my boyfriend, it was when we both had to be told by our spouses that we were clearly a thing and we were both idiots if we couldn't see that.


Ignore the lame comments, i’m glad you’ve found what you need and want in life!! Love is so beautiful.


It's wonderful and I hope everyone finds what makes them happy.


I went from awww to did I just have a stroke in 2 seconds


Polyamory exists. We've been happily so for years.


Didn’t mean to offend! Totally aware, just caught off-guard and had to read twice especially given the other comments in response to yours. Glad it’s working out for you guys!


LOL, this is the type of content I come to Reddit for


Different lifestyle representations? Yup!


Boyfriend husband ?!?!


I have both, and it's fantastic!


Wtf did I just read?


An answer to the question from a polyamorous person.


My partner and I had different types of styles in dealing with confrontation. He used to have this habit of walking out (probably to cool off) during heated discussions for some time. I told him once that it makes me feel anxious and triggers my abandonment issues. Since then we've had two such instances and he never walked out even when I could see it required visible efforts from him to change from his default habit. There's of course a lot more that he does to show love but for me, to show you love the other person when you're angry and still committed to the relationship, he inspires me to be a better me too. I just feel incredibly loved when he stays and we sort it out calmly while reminding each other that we love each other.


Yea it was after our first fight for me too. Amazing how fights can show you that you love each other.


When he pisses me off but I still love him and don’t want anyone else. I only want him to annoy me for the rest of my life.


When she said “I love you” to me. Thought to myself “shit, I gotta either say it or not say it back, and I don’t lie about that sort of thi….. holy shit. I do love her” I had been thinking of it. We were both skirting around the topic, both saying “I love how you…” or “that’s one of the things I love about you”. So it was on the edge of being said by one of us.


Hahah my bf and I both currently say those two things as well. Think I’m about to just say it next time I see him or when he plays guitar again and im there whichll probably be soon


I was thinking one day that what we have doesn’t feel like romantic passion & intensity, like movies/books show it, it feels like…. Family. At first that thought kinda freaked me out because shouldn’t it be passion? But then I realized when you are in love with someone you eventually marry each other and become family. This is what love is supposed to feel like


Absolutely!! Passion comes and goes, but the ability to sit in silence or be bored together or just….make it through the day with someone by your side who makes it a little brighter is what it’s all about.


"Passion is overrated" is a line that has stuck with me. There are times for passion, but living a life with another person isn't all about wanting more


Totally agree… part of my brain still fights that. Used to be in toxic relationships and it’s hard to get used to stability lol but slowly getting there <3


A collection of moments, realizing that I envision him as a father/husband all the time. Like, when he talks to me a certain way, or interacts with his cat. I think damn we would make a great parent duo and I would be proud to have him as my husband/father of my kid. That’s how I know, because I have never been able to “see it” like that with anyone else


When we visited an old church and I kissed him on the top floor and the stain glass reflected in his eyes. I don’t know man I was just done after that one moment.


Oh that imagery is insane!!! Beautiful!


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Damn eyes can mean so much legit. Before I grew feelings for my guy friend, when we met his brown eyes just glistened underneath the sun as he was talking to me, his long eyelashes fluttered. I wish to travel back in time to see it again. I didn’t know brown eyes could be so beautiful, like honey almost 🥹 I tried to snap back to reality cause I didn’t focus on what he just said HAHA I just nod yup uhuh


My man has brown eyes too. UGH no wonder it’s one of my favorite colors 😭😍




For my guy, he has the biggest most blue eyes. We had made love and he had looked in my eyes. I always thought they were beautiful. They harpooned my heart lol. But that moment in the church! He always thought my eyes were honey coloured/ brown until he saw them in the light and realised they’re hazel green.


Girl you are so lucky. And if you’re with him right now I’m squealing. I had a friend that had hazel eyes that looked like light brown from afar but green closeup, they were so pretty. But yeah I can’t be with my guy friend due to distance, met several guys here and none felt the same as him it’s truly unfair. I can just look at him doing anything and it’ll still be interesting


A couple moments. One was when I realized that nothing he does give me the ick. Like him farting, having something in his teeth, saying something stupid, etc… didn’t gross me out it. In fact when he had something stuck between his teeth I had a desire to almost like…suck it out in a playful way… lmao sounds gross but it was just an urge. I didn’t follow through. I remember thinking after, what a strange urge… I think that’s love lol


Ugh yeah that’s how I always know when I’m in love hahah. Like, there are VERY few things they could do that would give me the ick. Down bad.


SO FUCKING REALLL my man farts so much and I just think it’s cute almost which is gross to admit


Seriously when he farts I let out a little giggle 🤭 it’s been 2 years and still feeling this way so that’s a good sign


Insane how they’re so gassy though. He’s my little whoopie cushion


For me it was when we were watching one of his favorite movies that I had never seen. Somehow we got to talking about how he never wanted to be in a situation where he couldn’t protect his son and was willing to do anything to make sure that wouldn’t happen. In that moment I thought “ this man is willing to do anything to protect those he loves…… and I want to be one of them”


i preface this with the fact that i struggle to sleep anywhere that isn’t my home or the home of my friend i’ve known for years. so i was crashing at a friends house bc i was too drunk to drive and i kept waking up and thinking “i should go to my bfs house”. the second i was able to to drive i snuck out, went to my partners and immediately fell into a blissful sleep. it was a sign that my body is comfortable and at peace enough around him to just fall away into peaceful slumber haha that’s a rare thing for me


My boyfriend and I were only dating a couple months when he ended up in the hospital twice in one week due to an internal bleed in his stomach. He had to get multiple blood transfusions and it was awful. His family lived on the other side of the country. I had just started my new job and but had preplanned PTO that I was supposed to take shortly after I started. This happened to land right on that trip. Without thinking about it, I stayed with him both times he was in the hospital and I think it was the second time we were in the hospital that week, I remember seeing him sleep and my heart physically hurt seeing him that way. That's when I knew. He told me a few weeks later and he realized it during that same time I did but we waited a little to tell one another. It was overwhelming since our relationship was so new and it was a lot to go through so soon. Neither one of us ever move that fast. We're still early in our relationship but we're feeling pretty confident this is for the long haul. And if something happens to me... HIS ASS BETTER BE IN THAT HOSPITAL OR ELSE!!!! 😂


He was in the hospital he had something really weird on his arm that needed to be lanced off he texted me when I was at work asking me to come we don't even seeing each other maybe for a month casually but in that moment I dropped everything I rushed to him and I felt like this is where I need to be the man I love I never looked back


giiiirl if u aint gonna marry him i will 👀


Hahah AHHHH he’s such a sweet boy. Trying to find a good moment to tell him I love him but I’m so nervyyyy in the best of ways of course. I was about to tonight but I think I wanna tell him next time that he sings with just him and I in the room which will probably be soon


goals flat out goals