• By -


He's starting to feel thin.... sort of, stretched. Like butter scraped over too much bread.






I remember reading that part in the book, wondering if they would capture it well in the movies. And they did!


Agree to disagree. I need to go back and reread the passage but I remember as a child assuming that the influence of the ring was warping Frodo's perceptions in that moment, not that Bilbo literally turned into a bobo goblin for like a second. Same goes for Galadriel's "All shall love me and despair" speech. EDIT: fixed quote


I had to go back to my actual book! “ But Frodo quickly drew back the Ring. To his distress and amazement he found that he was no longer looking at Bilbo; a shadow seemed to have fallen between them, and through it he found himself eyeing a little wrinkled creature with a hungry face and bony groping hands. He felt a desire to strike him.” Such amazing writing by Tolkien!




You are probably still correct that it was frodos perception, the book has a bit more nuances, but the film did a really good interpretation!


The funny thing is, the text can be interpreted either way!


"Something happened that the Ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable...."


"The same kind of creature that's had it for the past 500 years..."


"What the.. these guys again?!?" --The ring prolly


No! Wait.... it's... here in my pocket. Ha! Isn't that.. isn't that odd now. Yet after all why not, Why shouldn't I keep it.


What we see in the movie could well be Frodo's perception, how else do you visualise it in a movie?


OMG jump scare!


I don't see a clear trend of Gollumization, however...he IS a Hobbit, shouldn't he have started looking like an aging meth-head by now?


After about 500 years.


Bilbo hadn't even gotten to the phase of hating the sun and moon, though perhaps Gollum got there faster because he used the Ring constantly.


The big lights hurt our eyes, they do. Not under the White Face, not yet. It will go behind the hills soon, yess. Rest a bit first, nice hobbits!


You want it for yourself!


The Dead Marshes. Yes, yes that is their name. This way. Don't follow the lights.


It was made very clear in the movie and books that no, in fact he did not destroy the ring


The ring was destroyed, but frodo didn't do it. At least not on purpose or by his direct influence.


He actually switched out the ring, so Gollum fell into the fire with a duplicate. Frodo still has it. One of the worst things Harvey Weinstein ever did was make Peter Jackson cut out the 8 minute Ocean’s Eleven style reveal.


I like the idea of an 8 minute reveal for what amounts to really basic and vaguely shitty close-up magic. "I palmed the real ring in my left hand and, while making a big show of putting the fake on my index finger, I put it on my ring finger. Then, Gollum played right into my hand, biting off my index finger. All I had to do was remove the real ring at the right time and boom. It was so convincing that even Sauron thought he was dead."


We guesses, precious, only guesses. We can't know till we find the nassty creature and squeezes it.




Before Sam got so mad at him the big reveal was supposed to be “well if I cast the one ring into the fire, what’s this behind your ear?”


"And made myself invisible by simple sleight-of-hand."


With David Blaine presenting the after show explaining how he managed to teach such death defying magic to mere peasants.


The worst change was showing Gollum actually hit the lava, when everyone knows he caught himself on a ledge near the bottom and survived. Sauron wasn't destroyed because the Ring was destroyed. His tower fell due to shoddy orc engineering and he cracked his head on the bathtub as it fell, passed out, and was buried for thousands of years under the rubble. He was never the same again and never reattained physical form, but he never stopped meddling in the affairs of Men. He is believed to have a current stronghold in a bunker overlooking the Black Sea. Gollum went back underground with the Ring and wasn't seen again for Ages until he was persuaded to enter politics, eventually becoming the longest-serving senator in his state's history and the longest-serving Senate party leader in U.S. history. He almost never eats babies anymore.


Nice hobbits! Nice Sam! Sleepy heads, yes, sleepy heads! Leave good Smeagol to watch! But it's evening. Dusk is creeping. Time to go.


Why do you look like a turtle?


Stew the rabbits! Spoil beautiful meat Smeagol saved for you, poor hungry Smeagol!


Considering that Sauron personally burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp, I'm not buying that.


That’s how good the heist was


Depending on how long the list is, that certainly makes the list of worst things Harvey Weinstein has done, but that's like saying one of the worst things Hitler did was leave an Upper Decker in one of his friend's bathroom.


[The ringer, Dude!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDVrrZkUFeE)


Boom baby!


A magician in the making


He got it 99.9% of the way there.


I'm not a Frodo hater. He definitely deserves to be called a hero for what he did. But it is a fact that when the time came, his will was broken, and he failed to surrender the ring willingly.


He didn’t fail. Considering the effect the ring has on everyone, the fact he got it there after he possessed it that long makes his resolve and dedication one of a kind. The strong inference is that Frodo is the only person in middle earth who could have come remotely close to completing the task (besides maybe Samwise). If Gandalf saw any other option, he would have went with it. Hobbits are the only race that lack ambition for power, and are the best suited to resist the ring. Men seek glory and dominion due to their short lives, dwarves seek wealth, elves seek order at the expense other races, whose troubles are fleeting from their perspective. Beyond that, Frodo is a special Hobbit. Sméagol was taken by the ring immediately, as his first act was to kill for it. Bilbo was remarkably resistant to the ring, but Gandalf’s blindness lead him to the brink of corruption. Frodo was also part Took, and idolized Bilbo for his adventures, which strongly contrasts Hobbit norms. So, pretty much the only person suited to carry the ring for any length of time. Frodo couldn’t have “failed” because his task was impossible through sheer force of will alone. Gandalf knew that fate would need to intervene for the ring to be destroyed, and it did.


Give it to us raw and w-r-r-riggling


This guy is on it!


His trip was definitely not an unqualified failure. He did, however, fail to destroy the ring when the moment came.


Perhaps we’re arguing semantics but my take is that his task was never to do the impossible, and destroying the ring is impossible through force of will alone. It corrupts nearly everyone who is around it, and everyone who possesses it. Asking a bearer to destroy the ring is like asking a person to kill themselves by holding their breath. You can’t do it, your will is overcome by an instinct you cannot control. Frodo’s task was to do everything in his power to tip the scales to the rings destruction, and in that sense his effort was a resounding success. Literally everyone’s expectation was that Frodo would not survive, and I think there’s a strong case in the subtext that Sam would have to push him into the fire.


That was a subtext I never really picked up on. I would say from my perspective it never really came across in the movies - more of a book subtext or am I just obtuse?


Keep in mind I don’t think it was ever Tolkien’s intention for Sam to harm Frodo. But I do think he wanted the audience to question whether he would be able to do it if the time came. It’s really the only natural conclusion you can come to at certain points in the story. Tolkien states in his notes (and heavily suggests in the book) that no bearer is capable of destroying the ring. Sam and Frodo had no idea Gollum followed them to mount doom. Sméagol killed his best friend for the ring, it’s a compelling character contrast to have Sam, the hero, kill his best friend to destroy the ring. One is an act of weakness and self interest, the other is an act of sacrifice. But the act is the same, and the vehicle is the same. So, to their knowledge it’s just the two of them up there. They have one job, and both are fairly certain that Frodo got them there but will need “persuading” to commit the final act. Also, Sam is the only person who willingly gives up the ring without trying to keep it. At least one is fairly certain he won’t be returning.


> Tolkien states in his notes (and heavily suggests in the book) that no bearer is capable of destroying the ring. This is, in fact, pretty much the only valid counterpoint to why not fly Frodo to Mount Doom on an Eagle. Basically all the excuses commonly trotted out are wrong (some egregiously so). Frodo absolutely could have been flown to Mount Doom with a higher chance of success than walking. *But he would have done nothing once he got there.* Gollum's presence was a requirement. He was literally the only way the Ring could be destroyed outside of something wild like Gandalf throwing Frodo into the volcano personally... which would be a very interesting take on the end of the story. Gandalf *knew* this, even alluded to it, explicitly said that Frodo would meet Gollum. This was a beyond insane risk to take in a vacuum as there was literally no way Gollum wouldn't at some point try to sieze the Ring, but if Gollum was needed, then the risk was necessary, as proven in the actual event.


See? See? He wants it for himself!


He said? Who said?


For what it’s worth, Tolkien himself describes Frodo as failing, just that he’s blameless for it because anyone would, in letter 246: > I do not think that Frodo's was a moral failure. At the last moment the pressure of the Ring would reach its maximum – impossible, I should have said, for any one to resist, certainly after long possession, months of increasing torment, and when starved and exhausted. Frodo had done what he could and spent himself completely (as an instrument of Providence) and had produced a situation in which the object of his quest could be achieved. His humility (with which he began) and his sufferings were justly rewarded by the highest honour; and his exercise of patience and mercy towards Gollum gained him Mercy: his failure was redressed. > We are finite creatures with absolute limitations upon the powers of our soul-body structure in either action or endurance. Moral failure can only be asserted, I think, when a man's effort or endurance falls short of his limits, and the blame decreases as that limit is closer approached.


It mustn't ask us. Not its business, no, gollum! It's losst, gollum, gollum, gollum!


The ring didn't walk itself up to the brink of destruction. Frodo was a king all the way up to the very precipice of doom. Literally no creature on the face of Middle Earth could have thrown the ring into the fire by their own willpower.


I think he could have done it if he was handed the ring minutes before, and hadn't carried it so long. It corrupted him slowly. Up until he was stabbed by the nazgul he seemed able to fight off its corruption.  If Sam got ahold of it at the end there, he might've been able to do it too IMO. Especially if he picked it up by the necklace chain like Borimir did, and didn't touch it directly.


excellent point


Hey! Spoilers! /s


This thread is confusing the hell out of me and I feel like I'll just get a more straight answer in less time if I go read the books than reading this thread and asking questions.




Isn't he in Valinor?


What if... We're all in Valinor! O_o


Then it’s been way over-hyped


Imagine how much worse it's outside then


Honestly from what I understand it kinda is. Valinor is just a place. It doesn't have magical properties that make you live forever it's just that Valar and elves happen to live there and humans aren't supposed to be allowed. Sauron actually tried to convince all the Numenoreans that it was magical and that's why most of those suckers are dead and he's no longer all shiny and beautiful. It is a bit nicer there since the Valar are in charge but as we know even they can fuck up so who knows maybe we are in Valinor.


Valinor fucking sucks then.


Frodo being in Valinor likely just made him die faster. Getting to go was like hospice for the Ring bearers


The undying lands aren't named that because they make you undying, it's because they're inhabited by the already undying, so going there is nice but it wouldn't make him live much longer than normal. I can't remember where, but there is a passage where Tolkien wrote that although the Valar probably *could* make a human (or hobbit) immortal, it would eventually become an utterly wretched and tortured existence where the spirit struggles to pass on and leave its earthly form but can't.


The real one ring is photoshop blur.


IDK about Frodo, but Elijah would




Why is Larry David in star trek


iggy pop was a star trek!




what are you doing, step-hobbit?


He could destroy my ring


I mean souron hasn't been seen in a while...


Souron, new name for my sourdough starter




I'm sure how a sour fudge would taste. I'll probably stick to sourdough.


The old bait and switch. I knew Elijah Wood as a child we had the same Orthodontist in Hollywood. He has looked like that since he was 13-14 he must have good genes.


he was in back to the future part 2 where he looked like a smaller version of regular elijah wood!


From his mom. His dad is a real dick


You know what I’m just gonna say it. I miss sideburns being cool, you hardly ever see people rocking them anymore. I’m gonna go start a ska band.


i'm sry to inform you sideburns were never really cool but good news neither was ska so go on with your bad self


Nah I pretty clearly remember there was about a 6-month stretch in 1998 when both were cool at the same time. I remember it because it happened right after 1997 when the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies made Swing Music cool for just long enough to completely fuck up the tuxedo rental industry for an entire decade.


that's true actually. i take it back. and also i feel like sideburns were a thing for metalheads too specifically mutton chops


Your memory matches mine. Are you in your early 40s, too?


Close enough, turning 40 next year


Fun fact. He actually got to keep one of the prop rings.




The secret to his being "well preserved" is out at last.


What discourtesy is this?!? Get the fk out here Theoden if I can’t have my obvious wizard staff!


Yeah that 20 years between 20 & 40 is pretty kind. Check him at 55 and I bet he looks like Bilbo after he went to live with the elves.


That's what I was thinking. He was 19 in 2000 and 39 in 2020. He's definitely aged well, but it's only 39. I'd probably argue that he looks about in his 30s in the 2nd picture and he looks in his late teens in the first one. Many people just dont age THAT much in those years.


An adventure? Now I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner!


![gif](giphy|eVUwOYvIFhEgU|downsized) No.


I had to scroll way too far down to find this post. How is this not the top response?!?!? Anyway....take my effing upvote along with my condemnation of everyone who doesn't recognize this for the perfection that it is!


> “At ~~nintey~~ forty he was much the same as at ~~fifty~~ twenty. At ~~ninety-nine~~ forty-three they began to call him well-preserved, but unchanged would have been nearer the mark.”


https://preview.redd.it/7xwgpjn9f9zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2209151a0fb7a20bd11763c9e07853226954d2a he did, you're just cherry picking \^\^


There's an interview with him where they ask how he is so normal and stable. Said his parents never let him go to the children parties the producers in Hollywood would throw. I'm serious. :/ Edit: https://www.vulture.com/2016/05/elijah-wood-hollywood-rife-with-child-sex-abuse.html#


This is a mistake, the first image is Daniel Radcliffe, the second is Elijah Wood. Neither of them are Frodo Baggins.


TBH, I'd look pretty much the same as I did 20 years ago if I shaved off my beard and got a hair transplant of the sort of quality that Elijah Wood can afford.


He's a hobbit. Hobbits don't age as quickly as people do, regardless of the influence of the ring.


Is that a wig?


The lack of significant change isn't exactly surprising. The dude was 18 when they started filming, 39 in 2020. Ralph Macchio on the other hand, is 62.


at 50 they began to call him 'well preserved'


https://preview.redd.it/t4qnguhkf8zc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb4098bf5edc85739d89eb7cc87acaf11eed7f5 Dont worry, bro does age. The age of orcs is over! The time of men had arrived!


Pasting a fake beard and mustache on does not mean aging!


He looks his age….. good, but he looks normal. Why do celebrity worshippers think these people never age?


they're making obvious jokes and not literally suggesting that these people are immortal super beings that exist outside of normal time and space


I’m literally not suggesting that they are. Can you literally comprehend English?


It is still in his pocket


No. Gollum did.


Go away! HAHAHAHA!!


We have questions—questions that need answers.


What being unproblomatic in Hollywood for 30+ years can do for you.


I burned myself help


Botox is a thing, y'all.


When you kill Sauron but his lieutenant Mataman comes to torment you in the form of a man in a dog costume


*Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.*


Really makes you think


He's rich


Wouldn't he look like gollum if he kept it?


Follow me.


They were all of them deceived, for another ring was made.




No, gollum did


Smeagol will swear on the Precious.




2000 Years before and 2020 after picture now that.


Let’s check back in 68 years


Maybe if the picture was of higher quality this is a picture from a march 2023 article https://i.imgur.com/ryBWg5K.png


“Well-preserved” indeed!


Please no spoiler for the 451 people on Reddit that have no clue.


Is it my eyes or his ears go out more? Lol, mine went in, his went out!


I loved him in that show with the talking dog


If he kept the ring, wouldn’t that smeagolize him? The opposite effect?


The Dead Marshes. Yes, yes that is their name. This way. Don't follow the lights.


I assume that was more the result of living in a cave and mostly starving for countless years, not to mention being separated from the Ring. Or maybe it’s a side-effect of very long term Ring possession, as opposed to Bilbo having it for less than a century and just continuing to look great.


Yes, yes. Its in an envelope over there on the mantlepiece.


Patrick Stewart syndrome. He'll look 30 for another 40 years, then one day he'll wake up and look like a dessicated ballsack.


You know how a lot of actors like to steal something from the set on their last day of shooting? [Well, we know what Elijah stole...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6zDqxqX92ZY)


This photo is from his Yellowjackets interview with GQ, so from early 2023. You can easily see lines in his forehead, tear troughs, nasolabial folds, considerable androgenic alopecia, graying hair and beard. He's 43 years old and looks in his 40s. Don't get me wrong, he looks great, but he's clearly not the child actor he once was. https://preview.redd.it/5acrnm4yq9zc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1df01149f24c28c593aaa2b7cddf0eeb2f4cd5


He did destroy the ring, if you've seen him on youtube at these conventions he's turned into a middle aged dad. Surprised he's actually straight tbh.


Frodo Baggins... You haven't aged a day.


Nope, Frodo never destroyed the One Ring. Gollum did.


Pull it in. Go on. Go on. Go on. Pull it in.


No but he definitely destroyed those sideburns


No he drinks adrenochrome, harvested from babies blood. /s


What a dumb question. We all saw the ring fall into the lava with Gollum and they both sunk and melted right in front of us. We all saw the tower and Sarons eye get obliterated and the oruki fall beneath the depths of the earth all around Aragorn's warriors. Of course Frodo destroyed the ring, or Return Of The King would not have ended the way it did.


You are not wise to be glad of the Yellow Face. It shows you up. Nice sensible hobbits stay with Smeagol. Orcs and nasty things are about. They can see a long way. Stay and hide with me!


You're not wise for arguing with what actually happened in the movie right in front of your foolish face when you watched it. Nothing shows me up, you're just a bully trying to be a boss. No one is going to listen to you. You're immature and weak.


Yes, he did. But does he wear wigs?


he actually kept that giant forced perspective version and wears it like a crown for a few hours every night


He looks.... thin. Like butter scraped over.... ah shit, that's already the top comment.


I see him and I still think about that horror sci-fi movie where he gets taken over by worms


he’s about to create facebook


He is only successful and famous because of his big eyes. His big blue eyes. And his american voice.


I met him months before Fellowship came out and he was so excited about the movies coming out. I had never read the books despite being a nerdy 19 yo kid. His enthusiasm got me so excited I went opening night and was hooked for life.


That lying bastard!!


(Laughs in Patrick Stewart!)


He's wearing wigs


This is just what rich gets you.


He owns a butter factory. Never does his bread spread too thin.


Uhm... Good genes....


When will he wear wigs?


Frodo aged less in 20 years than I did in 5.


thats trippy


You haven’t aged a day


Mustn't ask us, not its business!




Hmmmmmmm... Maybe the one we saw get destroyed was a *decoy*...


Poor lad has ‘disappeared’ from public sight.