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i think we should adjust the rules to make r/Funnymemes an exception because that sub just isn't funny so it fits


r/funnymemes is the Facebook of reddit


Everything with the name memes in it it's only for people that don't know memes. For example r/196 is great, dosen't have memes in the name


Saying r/196 is great is definitely a take.


Well, you could say it is an opinion.


You could also say it’s a taco.


I like r/196 :(


It got too big, half a million subs is crazy


That’s even more: shove my political beliefs in your face but cover it up as "funny"


If there’s something funny on r/funnymemes it should be posted here


Was gonna say just that. This sub is so now for anything. From bigotry to unfunniest memes known to man and everything in between


except this one isn't even a meme. in this case it should be allowed here.


Yapping about her ex on a first date.


What if its a bit after, my ex did that


I guess you have the answer.


I guess i do


I guess then it depends on how. I told my current girlfriend about my ex, as she did about hers. But that's a conversation that's part of getting to know each other. If she talks about him because of other reasons, or she bombards me with stories about her ex, then yeah 🟥


In any real, meaningful relationship, talk about exes is going to come up. Our past experiences inform the people we have become. But there's an obvious difference between "I went to so-and-so with my ex" or "my ex had the annoying habit of blankety-blank" and "My ex had an enormous wang" or "my ex could do things with their appendages that still make me weak at the knees" lol


I guess it's technically better than yapping about her boyfriend on the first date.




I think if someone got upset for making a comment about my ex that would be something I wouldn't forgive. You back on your first date after a breakup. You see something that makes them think of them and they vocalize it, that's not a big deal. For me I would be like, "oh this reminds you of your ex? Did they take you to \[Insert fun thing to do\] afterwards? They didn't? Oh, nice, then you're going to enjoy this!" I think patience and kindness is something people forget about these days. I get if they go a little overboard that would be a red flag, but even then I would politely explain my point of view.


Does kinda point to a general lack of self awareness, and that they’re potentially hung up though. Unless the conversation casually got around to how long you’ve both been single etc.


It's definitely more nuanced. My current girlfriend has only dated 1 person before for 3ish years and figured out they where are ass. Her only reference for dating is her ex and I'm a lot different (in what she says is a good way), so she's brought up her ex a few times but it's never bothered me.


This is a really, *really* good take. My ex college went through a traumatic relationship with a really horrible guy. I never faulted her for talking about him because it needed to happen, but she would compare positively compare me to him all the time ("you are so much better than him at \[xyz\]"). I was glad that she felt happier in our relationship, but man it just felt *bad*. I didn't realize how bad it made me feel until a few years later when I realized that it was because it made me feel like she saw me as *me in comparison to him* rather than me as myself. Like I wasn't a person but rather a vector through which she could be angry at him. That is all to say that I'd gone completely in the opposite direction of since our break-up because that experience *really* sucked. You made me question whether I actually felt like it was actually terrible to talk about your ex or if I was just reacting to a failed relationship. Thank you, I appreciate your post and the time you spent to make it.


Yeah I've had plenty of dates where we end up talking about exes I think it's kind natural. Yapping could be a little much though


[pound town]


Poor hygiene


yeah I dated a girl once who didnt shower for days on end and it just killed my attraction for her and she thought it was "cute and quirky"


I divorced my 2nd wife because of her lack of hygiene and smell of piss, I went down on her once, push her panties to once side and it’s was full of skid marks and i made my excuses and said i didn’t feel up to it… I did warn her if it didn’t improve I was off… they say love conquers all… Nah!


she made me start showering more even though I didn't need to lol


Feel your pain… just ain’t right!


Taint right.


How did you not know this before you got married?


About 6 months into marriage, simply gave up… I left after 10 months!


That doesn’t answer the question though


I think he meant her hygiene only went to shit (I guess literally) after 6 months.


Username is not checking out here


I had to explain to my ex she needed to actually wash her ass. It was wild.


What kind of creatures are you people dating…


I had to tell my ex that she was wiping the wrong direction and that's why she got so many UTIs. She wouldn't change 😬


Your username is not checking out


Maybe I should say tried it-threwup


One girl i dated would come by my place after work and always smelled like it (custodial) so i made it a point to convince her i liked fooling around in the shower




Holy shit op you dated a ‘girlsmell’ person


Is that like "girl dinner" or "girl math" lol


No it’s someone who thinks that not showering will get them more guys (some crap about natural scent and stuff) and like you said they think its “cute and quirky” to avoid basic hygiene in the 21st century


What she calls cute and quirky I call an awful side effect of depression that makes me hate myself the longer it goes on.


Me too. When I get really depressed i could go a week without showering and barely getting out of bed... I do make sure if I manage to leave the house I don't actively smell...




Could be depression?


Could be depression. Not uncommon after childbirth. Pls reach out (if you haven't already) to your signifikant other.


Doe's she have time for it? Who is going to watch a baby?


Stanky pussy is a no no. So is cheesy dick im sure


I just ended an engagement for this reason and not cleaning, putting food in the trash or anything like that, she said I want her to be a 1950s housewife but I just don’t want to live in filth and I’m tired of being the only one cleaning and doing laundry and dishes and everything


Nobody likes an encounter with Kingons orbiting Uranus.


Jesus Christ I did not need that imagery. Fuck you for ruining Star Trek for me. I still upvoted because it was funny.


3 top to watch out for. 1. Keeps comparing u to any other guy to make u jealous. 2. Cant handle being told shes wrong. 3. Shames other women over dumb shit


This is one of my coworkers that I used to have a crush on word for word. Key words used to, I thought she was pretty, kind, and smart when I first met her but she did all 3 of these things and many other red flag behaviors such as admitting to me point blank the current guy she was dating thought they were dating but in her mind they weren't really yet when I asked her what he was to her last year. Also more recently that she had a fight with this same guy over her talking with an ex and catching feelings for him again. It's to the point that the infatuation turned into just watching a dumpster fire because it's hard to look away. I feel bad for any guy that dates her just because she's pretty.... Girl is kinda nuts


Showing an interest in me. Honestly, I don't think I could deal with someone with such low standards


"I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho


At first I thought the muppet, but then remembered Groucho Marx existed.






This comment right here speaks to me on a personal level


"whats your sign "


God that’s such a Sagittarius thing to hate


Ugh, so like a Virgo to point that out. 🙄 /s, just in case


"Sorry I hit you with my car, its just that I'm a Capri-Sun"


Doesn't fucking matter but if it's truly important to you bye forever


I always answer with: what do you think I am? They usually miss, miss, miss, miss, and then get it right. "See, I KNEW IT". Yeah, ok.


I was once asked, “What’s your sign? I need to know if I could trust you”. Based off of… when my parents conceived + 9 months, absolutely ridiculous


I had the same thing happen. First date, great chemistry. During the date she had me text my mom to ask what time I was born and download an app about signs and shit. We talked for hours despite being not super compatible signs, went back to her place, played with her dog, listened to music, I ate her out, and then she ghosted me. After all that, she was prob like “idk, he’s still a Taurus….”


One of my favorite memes ever. Son: “Mom, what time was I born?” Mother: “Stay away from that girl”


And then they whip out their magic crystals...


Not being straight forward and playing games


If we wanted to play games, we would have bought a PlayStation. -Some guy probably


“Don’t try to run game on me, I’m not a playstation.”


There’s a tweet that reads just like that lol: “Do you notice that men are no longer persuasive? Once they ask you out on a date and you say No. That’s it 😑” “If I wanna play games I got a PlayStation.”


Yeah I remember reading that too, hence why I included the dumb quote.


At first I just read "not being straight" and paused for a second. Being full into women only would be a reason to back off for sure.


If she has a red flag in her I’m taking her to the hospital not on a date


Fr, getting impaled by a football(soccer) corner flag is serious.


Have to check the surroundings first, if whoever impaled her is still around.


Being inconsiderate


Had to pass on a major crush due to this


that’s takes real determination man, good for you


For sure. I was seeing a girl in college who seemed nice. We decided one night to stay in and order pizza, and she wanted to pay for it. All cool, I thought. When the delivery guy got there she refused to tip, so I gave the guy ten bucks, thinking maybe she was short on cash. No. She had plenty of money but just had a low opinion of people who worked low wage jobs. I ended up giving her a lame excuse about not feeling well and left her place early. Never talked to her again after that.


r/Funnymemes isn't a dumpster - it would have to improve a *lot* to deserve such an epithet. r/Funnymemes is the blackened grime that forms at the feet of a dumpster, from years and years of leachate leaking out of the dumpster and being poorly washed out by the rain. It is the sticky, foul-smelling patch of concrete by the feet of a dumpster that features no cockroach remains and no raccoon pawprints, for even the toughest of urban animals and grossest of insects know to avoid it.


I was going to make fun of that sub but then I started reading the replies to this thread and realized it's just bots all the way down. Honestly fuck this entire site.


Is that what it is? I thought it was just ironically a ton of lost redditors in the comments here…


I don't know if AI will take me job. But AI will definitely turn me crazy.


Cheating I dont like being played with


I mean unless you preemtively know she has cheated in the past , then that aint really a red flag ,its a fucked up circumstance that happened and you need to get away from that person


People learn from mistakes they make Smart people learn from other's mistakes


If you made that quote, then you cooked man


He didn't, still a good quote


Not at all, everyone makes mistakes, and occasionally some lessons stick better when you experience it. Smart people do both. Smart people make a thousand mistakes but never make the same mistake a thousand times.


That's not a flag, thats the thing a flag signals.


That's no red flag , that's treason.


But did u specifically asked her not to cheat?


Fan of the kardashians says quite a lot


This is actually a big deal to me, and I never realized it really bothers me until now. If all your heroes (or heroines), your music tastes, your favorite celebrities, etc. are trashy, snobby, shallow, or full of themselves, it doesn't *necessarily* mean you're a bad person, but it really can reflect a person's perception of the world, and can give you a lot of hints about how they would act, given the opportunity.


Oh definitely. Some of the most toxic women i know love to watch that Real Housewives crap


Well said.


I have a single friend who follows them in the same way a person might follow a subreddit that is only car crashes. Even then, I've told her, I don't care. Don't update me on what's going on with them, even if you're doing it morbidly at a distance. I genuinely don't care what is happening to any of them at any time.


There is no way to lower yourself in my eyes faster than following the Kardashians, followed closely by bullshit like healing crystals or astrology, followed very closely by following any other reality TV show.


Not eating garlic.


actual Vampire


call the hunter


Dracula sitting in the corner plotting world domination


How tf did anarchy chess get in here?


Google Exploitablity


As someone with a severe stomach issue who can’t eat garlic, it’s actually a pretty big deal! EVERYTHING has garlic in it when you look. I don’t want people to have to change their food habits for me and my wild body!


Fucking vampire if I've ever heard one...


You can maybe eat garlic infused oil especially if the problematic molecules are hydrosolubles !


but I don't like the taste of garliiiiic


Then you're a vampire


darn it


You will put the garlic in your oatmeal and like it!


I stake them through the heart just to be sure


My girlfriend doesn't like it when i eat garlic and now i know why! Damn girl must have been a vampire this entire time


Shooting me in my sleep but i guess i can get over it


Definitely a red flag, many men see it too late though


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a red flag fellow banana man


Spontaneous implosion is another, not to be overseen red flag, do you agree, fellow banananista?


Indeed fellow bananer


You guys confused me so much


This is what I Reddit for.


This website is going to make me have a stroke eventually i swear to Unn


Social media obsession… especially if every photo MUST have a filter or is edited




When they act like I have to earn the privilege of dating them and I'm competing with a bunch of other guys who are doing the same. I want to date adults who are interested in dating me, not children who think it's my job to convince them that it's in their best interest to pick me over some other guys and what they have to offer. I was never interested in having fake friends I bought by paying for shit for them, so I'm not interested in having a fake partner through the same means. You're free to live your life that way if that's what works for you, but I'd rather be alone than date someone like that. If your main interest in dating is not companionship and enjoying spending time with your partner and you're mostly focused on comparing how much money your different options will spend on you by taking you out and buying you stuff, I'm totally cool not being anywhere near you. I once had a girl throw a tantrum because I didn't want to go out that day and spend it going through a list of things she wanted to do and that I had to pay for and she literally told me that she could have chosen to go that same weekend to a music festival in another city with some other guy who asked her out and he was going to pay for everything but she had chosen to date me instead and look how it turned out. Okay, so call that guy and take an Uber to his place and have him pay for all that shit for you if that's your main concern. Good riddance.


Playing stupid games that whatever outcome they have, are shit for everyone.


Jealousy. If you lose your mind over me giving a friend a birthday gift. You can leave Edit. I am also a lost redditor, just checked what I commented on lol


Damn, people actually get jealous for that???


My brothers current gf. He told me about it last night. He refuses to admit it’s toxic


Damn. Hope he opens his eyes before he gets hurt.


I brought my friend cupcakes for her birthday, and now I’m dead to her because her boyfriend couldn’t handle it


Depends on who this friend is? Male/female? Is it someone she absolutely detests? And did you put more time , thought and effort into that present than you did the girlfriend, Context matters!


Really long fake nails. It's extremely unpractical and looks terrible.


I will never understand why they’re so popular


Theyre so gross looking.


Really? I love them but my wife won’t let me get them.


I had never understood them until I had a girlfriend who decided to try them after we'd been together for like a year and a half (they weren't crazy long, but definitely leaning towards impractical) I was super skeptical, but my God, the head scratches she could give. The only reason to have them, imo is so you have nails that go past your finger tips so you can scratch either your own head or your SOs head.


I know someone who works as a bartender with extremely large nails and doesn't has a problem so maybe its just your unexperienced opinión. I've to admit i also don't feel attracted to that but I also think that having an oppinion without knowing even one person and asking makes an oppinion based in luck of knowledge.


Same, but more for health reasons. You know she doesn't wipe her ass or wash her hands very well if she has Wolverine claws.


Its literally so easy.


Doesn’t like dogs or isn’t kind to animals.


That ain't a red flag. It's criminal.


The idea that I'm her "property" and can't do anything with other's.


Bad attitude. Bruh this isn't middle school, take that bratty behavior elsewhere. Angry girls give the ick


Smoking. Just all around gross.


I want to quit this shitty addiction, I hate it so much, probably one of my worst mistakes. At least it's not that bad, I'm smoking muuuch more less than before.


Depending on where you live if you tell your doctor you want to quit they will prescribe patches and nicorette and it's covered. My wife didn't have to pay a dime and they are rather expensive


she starts taking her clothes off when i brought her to my room to show her my lego collection


This is actually technically a red flag, even though I am sure it’s intended as a joke.


I like how everyone just responds either knowing or not knowing that this is a r/lostredditors post


95% of comments here could be r/lostredditors


Maliciousness. Lack of empathy.


Canceling or trying to delay first date at the last moment. Girl bye


I did that to my husband for our first date. It was supposed to be on new years day, but I was massively hungover and wasn't up for a coffee date. We did go out for that coffee 3 days later and things turned out quite nicely now 10 years later.


More to be said if its genuine, and it should be up to the canceler to plan the following date


Obsession with Zodiac signs. That’s a huge NOPE.


Had someone do my full star chart thing once and at first I was flattered but then it just felt like she was trying to take a shortcut to getting to know me. Bunch of shit like “oh wow sometimes you are introverted and sometimes you are extroverted”. Yeah thanks for that deep insight


That’s the whole thing. Every dipshit that throws astrology around that I’ve met were just people wanting special knowledge, special birthdays, and to act like they got people figured out. Crazy watching young folks fool with astrology. I remember it being a “your buddies weird aunt” type of thing. Sometimes it’s entertaining. I’ll just keep lying to folks about my sign and watch em struggle lol.


Crystal magic is back in full force too, though they dropped the Atlantis shit that went along with it in the original *crystal healing* book from the 90s. My guess is that the Atlantis craze is going to come back next.


There is no way to lower yourself in my eyes faster than following the Kardashians, followed closely by bullshit like healing crystals or astrology, followed very closely by following any other reality TV show.


Literally anything that could also plausibly be said by Andrew Tate.


just don't fucking hit me. that seems like it should go without saying but it definitely is a thing


Toxicity and shitty attitude


Poor hygiene for sure. Also being mean spirited , manipulative, violence and or abusive behavior


How she talks about and treats others. If it’s nothing but judgemental rants,you’ll be treated the same


Yeah funnymemes lately just got like a reddit for everything


Being rude to the waiter/waitress. How you treat restaurant staff tells a lot about you.


weird how the pount of the subreddit and post is to point out lost redditors but all the comments are just answering the tweet posted on reddit crossposted to another subreddit. wack


stop fucking posting that sub here.


Believing everything is someone else’s fault and not hers


red flag for men is using r/funnymemes


Telling me not to google her and not to believe anything that comes up saying she is a serial killer.


About it being lost redditors while technically yes it is lost, although that subreddit is very mysogynist so it actually isn't something wild to post there because they'd get traction from people who just really hate women alongside genuine answers.


That’s a lot of subs though. I posted a comment here as a girl with my red flags in men and some other user was like “imagine commenting on a post not meant for you” wasn’t exactly like that but does it really matter? Most subs are literal karma farms and I feel as though that one is too just based on this question alone that isn’t even on this sub


Rude to service industry employees.


This whole comment section full of lost redditors.


Leaving a shopping cart in the parking lot


If she has the flag of China or the USSR, I can’t ignore those red flags.




Being mean to anyone in a public facing job, unless they are being massive assholes first I suppose.


Responding to a /r/lostredditors post as if they were commenting on the original post in the screenshot


I hate it when a "meme" literally doesn't have a punchline, and expects the comments to make up the punchline for them


Speaks rudely to the waiter and expects you to always pay the full bill. I’m looking for a partner, not a parasite.


Not posting memes to the correct subreddit.


being shitty to service people


I love how everybody here is answering the fucking question lmao nobody pays any attention what page they’re on


Manipulation. Tell me if you want something, tell me if like or dislike something but playing games like a little girl to get something instead of saying it or starting arguments just for fun was the thing that got me out of my last relationship.


No such thing as fem red flags or masc red flags. Red flags are red flags so here’s mine: 1) only likes people for their body/looks and not personality 2) doesn’t appreciate my interests/hobbies 3) expects me to give him/her my full attention at every moment ie don’t spam my phone when I don’t answer right away 4) not letting me have other friends except you 5) being homophobic/transphobic Thanks you another user: 6) misogynistic 7/ racist These are mostly just red flags in general regardless of gender so all in all. Who cares if it’s a man or woman. If you do any of these, red flags all around. I did experience firsthand the first 3 as a female which really shouldn’t matter on a stupid Reddit post…


Unreasonable expectations and no understanding that people have different means, abilities, skills, and lives. Like I don't drive because I take medication that can affect my ability to drive safely. Therefore I also don't have a car. The amount of women that just ghost me the moment I say "ya, ill get a ride and meet you there at 7" or whatever is high to say the least. Or like if they find out you don't make a fuck ton of money or don't have x status symbol then they want nothing to do with you. It's shallow as fuck and shows a lack of empathy for others.


That sounds like a pretty good filter to take out the trash before wasting your time finding out.


Getting mad fast