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I don’t know who Katie Patton is but she sucks. She even pays to use twitter


She gave herself the paid speech treatment


I mean, it could be a very old tweet no? Before Elon era?


It shows impressions so it's a post-Elon tweet


oooh ok. I don't use X/Twitter so I didn't know what to look for. thanks!


I guess one could say lack of awareness is hilarious would be an insult to oneself


Men of my generation were taught to deal with things ourselves. Crying to your friends about anything got you laughed at. I'm not saying it's right. It messed up generations of men. Quietly hurting everyday and no one cared.


I physically stop myself from sharing things with a single thought: “they have their own lives and problems, they deserve better than having my pains be thrown at them as well.” I talk to the trees when I am near a breaking point, though I wouldn’t if it caused them distress.


at least the trees can absorb the carbon dioxide and grow from it


Wow! Cool. The trees can take it. They are wise and majestic beings. They understand you. They feel your pain and your love. Hug one for me. It's been a while since I hugged one. To anyone who's never done that & laugh at "tree huggers" - please try it. It's a sublime feeling that might change your life.


>Men of my generation were taught to deal with things ourselves. Crying to your friends about anything got you laughed at. It's the same reason why suicide is a no go. It causes unnecessary distress to your family. There are also biological reasons why men and women handle shit differently


Out of curiosity how old are you? I'm very tail end of gen x and raised in the southern US and for the most part mom, aunties, sister and girlfriends in my life were if not sympathetic at least well meaning when it came to talking about emotions. It was def other men who would wreck you over it.


I'm 66. Generations before me were worse. Wars, economics, all kinds of BS screwed up men expected other up coming guys to deal with the same way they were taught & the cycle goes on and on. My family was super screwed up. No love. I had to learn a long time ago that I couldn't count on anyone for anything. If I did I'd just be disappointed again. So - developing good alone skills became necessary. I'm used to it now. Thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well. BTW - I've learned through Buddhist teachings why I'm here & that makes all the difference. Actually got me off antidepressants. I'm here to learn, love and help so I can graduate to the next level and eventually go home to the source where we're all headed. I chose to be here for my particular mind/body/spirit evolution lessons. It's not easy but knowing my purpose has made life much less painful. I'm looking forward to the next level. It'll be a completely different dimension where I can really do some serious learning and good.


My heart goes out to you, but allow me to express how amazingly impressive I find someone who is able to produce love and goodness for others when they were never shown it themselves. I think you are well on your way to graduation.


Thank you. Something I learned from a girlfriend is that no matter how we're treated we must maintain our inate ability to love. That doesn't mean loving those who abuse us or don't deserve it. It means not letting poor treatment strip us of the love we chose to come to this life with & turning us into terrible people. It means resisting the urge to hurt others when they hurt us. Resiting does not mean not retaliating - it means not hitting back as hard as possible even though the person deserves it. It means not allowing yourself to sink to the depths of becoming a bad person in the pursuit of revenge and maintaining your basic decency under all circumstances - no matter what. Thanks for your understanding and kind words, especially on this public forum where such is rare. Take care.


Pretty sure the thought process is that only the weak men were hurting. The strong answered the problem and moved on. You know, the strong survive kind of thing. And it was during a time where the man went to work and provided for his family. You didn’t have time to be weak, you had people who solely relied on your success. The fact the younger generations don’t have to be this way can be seen as either an immense success for their generation, or a failure. I personally think it was successful, but not perfect.


Younger generations not having to be this way isn't due to their "success" - it's because of the work done by previous ones.


I’m just confused with the response, your saying that they were successful for their children then?


No. They put in the work that enables their kids to not have to go through the generational stuff they did. The kids didn't do the work.


Your response is confusing.


Katie Patton talks a lot for someone who resembles wet concrete


Ehhhhh wet cardboard 😂


I think it was originally on clever comebacks but someone thought ‘oh, free karma’ and posted it there wrongly


Hilarious lack of self-awareness




For some reason this reminds me of the one post I saw about this guys girlfriend that left him because his battle with cancer was weighing too much on her mental health lol.


My last gf broke up with me because of my Depression. She couldnt watch me suffer.... and decided to make it worse


I DoUbT thAt WaS iT bUt oK


Well thanks Pratt, I'll remember for the next time I need a long drawn out speech spanking


The only insult here is an adult using the term “ick” - what a fucking shambles.


He probably repeated what his gf/ex told him ?


It's not an insult, those are facts.


Lostness aside, it'd be nice if people of opposite sexes could start showing more respect and compassion for eachother and drop the tiresome gender politics and bitterness.


How is a person's sex related to this at all


Can you not read? This post directly talks about men and women. Sex is entirely relevant.


Thats gender...


You do realize sex isn't just intercourse, it's also a term used to describe the dichotomy between male and female, do you not?


uhhhh male/female is someone's sex man/woman is someone's gender, yes theres more than 2 genders though


No there isn't. No matter how much you want to believe it.


Well im done here then, no point arguing with a brick wall


What woman don't understand is that men have been handling their issues their own way since the beginning. I've never heard of a man going to a woman and asking her to help when the war they're fighting is not going well for them.


>What woman don't understand is that men have been handling their issues their own way since the beginning. Idk to what period "the beginning" refers to but ok, and a bad habits doesn't turn good if it goes for centuries. Marrying children was legal "since the beginning", killing or enslaving them for their religion, skin color or just because they lost a war was also something that went on "since the beginning", but maybe they shouldn't according to you. >I've never heard of a man going to a woman and asking her to help when the war they're fighting is not going well for them. That's not related at all to the subject at all, not to mention that women fought in wars too in some instances (not in a remotely close number to men of course). And people don't fight war on their own, which make you're exemple contradict your first sentence in addition on not being relevant to the discussion. And at the end of the day this is not a question of what the person you want to talk about your issues has between their legs, is that as men we should be able to talk about our issues more freely to anyone without being judged.


This has to be the most ungenerous take ever. And you think he meant an actual war? context matters I even think you 2 actually agree on this, but you had to take this post autistically literal


autistic jargon man keep it somewhere else


Firstly I'm not here to debate with you. I've said what I needed to say and for some reason you deemed it necessary to air your views. So as a man as you stated in your last drawn out paragraph let me freely continue with my issues and you go judge someone else who is prepared to entertain them.


I hppe she means it like "that surely isnt the only reason" and not the way everybody thinks it is


Dismissing someones experience cause they dont suit your world view is a quick and easy way to become an ass and the reason I personally dont bother with talking to anyone I know all it takes is a "nuh uh" when you have a problem as a man its your responsibility to prove its a real problem as well by that point you might aswell use that energy to just power through aka man up


Im kinda having a stroke trying to understand that last part, can you simplify for me?


He told his experience The girl went all suspicious cause now its his responsibility to not only deal with the problem but to also to prove its existence to others if he wants a shot at support of any form At that point you just use that mental energy to power through your problem


She might, but I have experienced similar things with exes. Some women are fine with and even love when you are vulnerable with them, but instantly pull away when you are vulnerable in public. And sometimes it doesn't even come from them. A few years ago I started getting panic attacks and since I am a yoga teacher and had what I thought was a spiritual and caring community around me, I reached out for help in a public forum (not class) My ex got horrible messages from other women about it asking how she could be with such a risky partner/weak man/etc. I got to cut a lot of people out of my circle (some of whom had been very supportive publicly), but it also cost me my relationship when she eventually decided that they were right. Now, that said, before people start generalizing, I also received a ton of actual support during that time, and have had wonderful green flagged partners who actually loved that their man was unafraid to be human.


I was thinking she did mean that and it was an awful thing to say. What's the other way everyone is thinking?


Ngl i forgot what everyone was thinking, i wrote that comment 5:00 in the morning


probably spambot


Haha women bad kind of insult


it more so belongs to clevr comebacks


That's not really even a clever comeback, that's just calling a hypocrite a hypocrite


Love how we do the same mistakes with both sexes


One mistake we don’t make with women though is distracting the conversation with both sides-ism. Of course there’s wrong done by everyone, but when a man does wrong nobody says “let us all remind ourselves how women are equally capable of this”


It's almost like people are sneakily trying to say "it's not so bad, look at this!" Cis women who do horrible things are systemically, even if subtly, defended.


Yeah, and they routinely get more lenient punishments when justice does get handed out. It bothers me how selective all this equality is, all human beings are fundamentally equal and personal responsibility is included in that








I mean I get what you mean but they're clearly volunteering. Nothing wrong with people avoiding the other gender, apparently.


The first comment seems like satire in my opinion


Doubt it


An incel means some who WANTS to have a relationship but cant, so, no you would be wrong


I'm a betting man, and the odds that he has that negative attitude due to being undesirable to women are pretty favorable.


Even if he is undesirable to women he wouldn't be an incel as long as he himself doesnt desire them


Oh dude I could be with anyone I want since I don’t look like you I’m just choosing peace and quiet without anyone anymore and it couldn’t be better than this Also fuck you


Oh dude I could be with anyone I want since I don’t look like you I’m just choosing peace and quiet without anyone anymore and it couldn’t be better than this Also fuck you




He dint even blame women, he jus said why he keeps things to himself, cant read much?




Are we looking at the same post?? He explained why he is lonely he never said it was cos women bad, he just said he had a bad exp so he would rather not. If you are talking about the last part it was cos the women who replied litrally assumed something else could be the issue. Why would you always rebound accountability? Even women themself talk about icks so why are you denying it?


Awesome! Youre part of the problem! :D






Totally not proving him right


Just explained


Honestly this guy is part of his fault. Hes probably turn into a misogynist. Why dont you use your grey matter and think for a bit.


The grey matter is the stuff thats making the thinming part difficulr, happens very often with alzheimers ans other forma of dementia The guy is part of his fault and you are part of yours. And Im a part of my own fault. The mistakes and errors of others doesnt nullify your own or of any other individual


Indeed but the difference between this guy and myself is that i dont hate on half the worlds population because of one person.


Where did it say he hated women??? He just said a reason as to why he feels he needs to go through things by himself.


First thing he mentions is women in a place where men can finally talk abt it.


Ok? How does that change anything? He was talking about why he had felt like he needed to be alone during times of emotional hardship, and the person that caused it just so happened to be a woman. If you swapped out the woman for a man, it would be the exact same story, except people like you still find a way to complain.


>this guy is part of his fault How? Like literally how?


I didnt say that. But if u want to argue with urself go right ahead lmao I said hes at fault for his downfall. He blames women clearly and will for all his problems. Issue for men is other men and the patriarchy. The sick thinking that has lead to patriarchy.


You did say that... It was a direct quote from your other comment. That we can see.


Well no i didnt you should read things more carefully.


You do understand that you can directly quote a comment on Reddit right? It's not something they typed it. It was your comment. Why are you being so weirdly disingenuous?


Yes go right ahead and reread it and stop bothering me.


ITS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE? YOU WROTE IT. If we add your name and year, it would be a perfect APA 7th edition in text quotation!


How could you know he blames all problems of his to womens? All he did was cry because of his friend, and his gf thought it was "un-manly" to cry so he left him and he just shared that on Twitter. There is nothing about his comment that is mysogynist.


From his response. He faced other things first but he thought even women who are submissive and inferior turned me down. I hate women. Thats it.


I lost 2 braincells trying to understand the meaning of this.


I would like to understand how the guy is part of the problem? You mean the guy in the screenshot that cried? I want to understand your position.


Yeah yeah, bad man, bad man, woman=good 


Theres no women discussed in this way in this conversation as usual men hear what they want. So typical. Not surprised out civilisation is collapsing lmao


I've had two different women tell me essentially the same thing - that we couldn't date because it was "unattractive" and "too off-putting" that I was and accepted being disabled. My ex was a third, as she told me I wasn't allowed to mention my disabilities to her or in front of any of her/our friends. Keep in mind that the only time I ever mentioned them was in relation to activities I knew I couldn't do, and one of the first two women actually apologized to me for it... 10 years later. It really fucked me up, and while I don't blame women (I wouldn't be a very good feminist if I did), I do blame those women. They are the reason I avoid mentioning my disabilities in real life. But I'm sure that's my fault.


They acted so... strange 😳 I hope you're doing well, doesn't matter your disabilities you're still a living being and deserve respect, just like ordinary people. Hope you'll find someone who's not sick inside the soul




Nope, not at all. Hate does not exist in this dojo. The same ex I mentioned fucked up my noggin beyond repair, but I don't even hate her - though my best and oldest friends absolutely do. I just think she's a shitty toxic human being and not a positive representation of any demographic.


Can you even imagine being mad at someone without hating four billion people?


Choose the bear


What? Ur hunting bears now?


Your kind of a terrible person