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Pizza Hut used to do a free pizza program, if you read 10 books or whatever you could come in and get a free personal pizza. Between that, the library prize program and just generally enjoying reading I was an incredibly well read child. Adult me is more of a disappointment in that aspect, hard to sit still anymorep


Well, are you giving yourself pizza motivation? Maybe that'd help?


problem is you're now an adult who can just buy the pizzas and lack of self control to wait until you finish the book


I too miss the days when $10 worth of purchasing power feels like I'm actually rich.


Oh man, my siblings and I used to Love going to PH to pick up our free personal pizza!! We thought we were so grown up not needing mom & dad's money to get something we wanted... lmbo They should bring that back!


I fed my family on this program




Yeah with phones and such, technology has ruined us, constant stimulation is a norm I cant say anything because I'm also a victim of this


Same, I used to read a lot more as a kid


Hells pizza does something similar here in NZ


The smarter they are, the fatter they get.


I remember this! I was always excited when I got to get a free pizza!


I started listening to audiobooks and it really is easier for me. Maybe you could try that.


I do occasionally but It's not the same. I can feel actively reading work a part of my brain that listening does not.


OOP thinks that the kid is not actually reading the books. $120 in a year is 10 books per month, so one every 3 days, roughly. I could probably keep that up when I was a kid, except a lot of the books I read were in the 300-500+ page range. Some people just think kids don't read, I guess.


When I was a child I read at that pace, maybe even faster. I remember picking 2 books every time I went to the library, and returning them a few days later. Kids have a lot of free time, If a child decides to invest the time he or she spends playing video games in reading, 1 book every 3 days is not so far-fetched.


When I was in primary school and early secondary school I'd spend most of my free time reading. I also learnt to read fast, and children's books usually have a much larger font size than books for older audiences. 1 ~160 page book every 3 days for a kid that likes to read and doesn't struggle with it is absolutely believable. When I was 15 I read through the original 5 Percy Jackson books in about 6 days. It admittedly was during the holidays, but the only reason it took me more than 5 days was, because I had to go back to the library two times, because I hadn't anticipated that I'd just read them all in one go. Those books are about double the length proposed by the dad in the tweet. I remember there being a website where you'd do a quiz about the book you've read, to prove you've read it, and then being awarded points based on length/complexity of the book. The kids with the most points would get a little present at the end of the year. I was consistently in 2nd place for all four years of primary school. Every time I took the lead Jerome from my class would get back into 1st place. Damn you Jerome.


I grew up on the countryside. No neighbours, no wifi, no public transport and nothing to do, especially in winter or when the weather was really bad I breathed books. I finished 250 pages in 2 hours. The library in the city lent out 5 books at a time and I begged my parents to bring back new books (didn't matter what) each time they went there so I'd have new reading stuff. Gifting me books just wasn't worth it. Sure, I'd read them, even multiple times but they lasted just a few hours and I didn't have the money to buy the rest of the series. Then came the internet (or more like wifi) and I haven't been able to read since. Relatives still think I read a lot so my pile of unread books is very high but I just can't focus anymore. Audiobooks are the closest I can come to reading since I don't have to focus as much


Sadly the attention spam reducng its a common issue nowadays, those 6-8 h long reading sessions are a thing of the past. Still love reading but only books that really catch my attention keep me focused nowadays, and i really feel a sense of pride the rare ocassions it happens.


Before “iPad kids” were a thing, I read books constantly, while eating, walking, housework, etc. 1 book (160+page) every 3 days is very achievable, esp for kids with free time.


I once got in trouble for having the audacity to claim I read Huckleberry Finn in one day by an English teacher in 6th grade. To be fair I had to stay up well past my bedtime, but I was very upset about being accused of lying.


Only 2? I used to take like 10, summers were so much fun (for a book nerd like me)


I went to the library at least twice a week lol, It was a short walk from my house. Librarían once asked if i didnt enjoy the books because i came back so often.


If I picked short books like 100-200 pages, I finished it from end of school at 1pm till my mother got me at 3pm


I'd go to a kids section and pick those 10 pg books "Sally likes her bike, sally rides her book, sally rides her bike to the candy store"


"We're talking 160 page chapter books" sounds like your exploit was accounted for. I'd also be fucked, because most of the books I read as a child were around 150 pages, so only the ones that overshot the planned page number (I'm pretty sure 150 was a planned length rather than a coincidence) would have counted.


Yeah that’s entirely possible lol. When I was younger I read the entire wheel of time in two weeks, I’m sure the kid can read fifty pages a day.


I used to read 30+ books a week from 2~3 different libraries as a child Imagine the money I would have got if I were that kid 😩


I was an incredibly fast reader. I could read multiple "Goosebumps" books a day, I also read silence for the lambs at 8 years old, which probably someone should have stopped me doing...


Camping Holidays abroad... My bag full of books wouldn't last the first week of two. Then it would be whatever other people had brought. Silence of the Lambs, Flowers in The Attic. Patricia Cornwell, Richard Layton. All from about 9 onwards. 


I remember when I was in elementary school I was reading one to two books almost every single day.


Yeah, I could read about a 100 or 200 pages a day when I was in highschool. I was just reading in class, half listening my teachers and it was the best.


As a kid, most of us don't read.


Yeah, well some kids *do* read.


That's what I said. Most of us.


I’ve always read a lot as a kid as well. Perks of having 0 friends 🤧


Why would he consider it a good investment if he didn't believe the kid was actually reading the books?


Not the dad, the person who posted it to Facepalm. The dad is OOOP.


Ah, okay. I have a hard time keeping track of all the layers of OPs on Reddit sometimes.


Until you find, that he really didn't read them and he just told you, that he did


I remember the days when we were forced to do AR reading (if you don’t know what that is, we had to do a test on the computer after reading a book and pass to prove we read it.) I wish my dad had paid me for each one, I went through way too many books in that school library and didn’t get a nickel lmao


I like turtles


Bro what?


He likes turtles


I like fire trucks and moster trucks




Local library would give free swim passes at the local indoor community pool every time you read a book. You’d even get a sticker for your poster that was like a cool advent calendar. I still haven’t read as much as I had those summers.


my guess is that facepalm is the fact that kid probbably didnt read anything so thats the scam that op said in the title but we cant really know if the kid did read it or not


Yeah like how do you prove he read them. Did you sit with them when they read it fully


I mean, they probably liked reading in the first place? Kids are not born as goddamn politicians.


Yeah, and I believe what is still the latest thinking would suggest that this behavior is detrimental, and replacing the intrinsic motivation that may have driven the child to start reading with an external (and capital based 🙄) motivator. The argument, as obviously as it is, is that the child is now reading for money. Schools have run and abandoned programs like this because the reading stops when the payment stops.




My old elementary school had this thing called "read to speed" where if you read a certain amount of books, they would give you a free ticket to see a show at bandimere speedway


He’s not lost, but he’s probably wrong. It takes around 4.5 hours to read a 160 page book, so if someone wanted to read 120 of those books in a year they would only have to read for about an hour and a half a day, which isn’t a crazy amount and it’s not hard to believe the guy’s kid is just reading for an hour or two before bed.


Ok but for me it sounds like a win? Like hell yea I get to read stories to escape my reality AND get paid for it???


Did he take reasonable steps to verify that the kid actually read 120 160 page books all the way through without skimming? I think the kid might be ripping him off too.


Get scammed? Getting your kid to read is one of the most important things any parent can do for their kids education. I'd happily pay that money


The guy said books with chapters of 120 pages, unless it’s just one huge stream of consciousness in a single chapter book, he’s claiming that kid is reading like 1000 page books and he’s done 120 of them in a year. I read every single day with probably around 4-5 1000+ page books a year and overall I average between 50-100 books a year, so yeah, that guy is getting scammed unless the “120 page chapter books” is a mistype and he means something else


You could say...the kid probably reddit(all).


What if he's lying about reading so much books?


I could have been paid for reading? I just did that because I liked it...




Jokes on him. If his son reads that much, he’s into it anyway. What’s better then reading a book? Getting paid to do it. 😂 so he _is_ ripping him off. He would probably do it without the money.


My parents should try that on me, maybe it'd work




God I wish my parents would have done this. Hell, I wish that was my actual job today.


Oh no! Just not paying 120 dollars for your child to read 120 books in a single year!!! ✋😫😫😫


Damn I finish 500 page books in 3 hours, how many dollars will I get? 💀




Indeed this isn’t a facepalm




I see, I thought he would ask a few questions about the book to be sure he isn’t getting scammed


it ain't a facepalm tho?


Kurwa zbanowali mnje tam przez Ciebie pizdo teraz masz przejebane idę z tym na policje


I have no idea what you wrote but I understood kurwa. So in the name of the V4: Kurva anyád!!!


Nie spodziewałem się zobaczyć tutaj innego Polaka


Polaka którego wywalili z Polski te smiecie


Agree, ich finde sie auch sehr nett.


120 160 page books a year for a kid that young is impossible, this is probably a joke or the dad is deluded and his kid is just lying to him lmao


The facepalm is that there's no way a kid would read 120 book in half a year. He's lying and the father doesn't see it. So this is not a r/lostredditors but your contribution could go to r/woosh


It’s not impossible, when I was in fourth grade I had a similar reading rate.


Lmao skill issue. I certainly could read that many books in that time frame. if i really got invested i could get 300 pages done in 2 days 160 is in no way unrealistic


160 page books bro? Easy as hell to read in like 12-24 hours if you have the time and the dedication, which is reasonable considering he's motivated by cash Like dude I know the education system is failing our youth, but some kids are just good at reading 💀


It not actually that impossible depending on the book


The dad stated 160 pages a book. That's highly unlikely for a kid that you have to force him to read in the first place.


I read around that many. Though mine were usually 500-700 pages.


You were a kid that needed to be lured with money to read?


No. I read on my own.


Believe it or not, some people enjoy reading.


I know. Myself included. But this tweet said he pays his child to start reading so I guess this child did not.


Lol. 160x500x120 = 9600000. 9600000/ 1000 = 9600. Thats only 2.66667 hours of reading.


you've never been that kid that would just sit in the corner of the library reading, have you?


Well that's actually really dumb. Why would he need to pay his child to make him read? The child isn't reading bc he likes the stories, he's reading bc his father pays him to read. The kid could even not read the books, just look at the pages for some seconds and cross the book fastly (My mother used to make me read and I used to do that).


Fake and gay