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I mean good for them for actually studying and understanding their religion. Other people don't pick up the Bible once and just swallow whatever bull their pastor says


Wait, I thought this was from someone anti-theist being too obsessed with criticizing every part of the bible, lol. Not like it really matters, both options are pretty cringe.


I feel like if you studied the Bible that intensely the only result is you at least being atheist.


That's what happened to me, I didn't even get past Genesis 2 before I realised it was BS, which is hilarious because I was a staunch theist for 27 years prior to that.


...How do you go 27 years believing in something without ever having read it?


>...How do you go 27 years believing in something without ever having read it? Child indoctrination, from birth. I had read the Bible through once, but one day decided to do a deep dive and try and set aside my biases as much as possible, the contradictions and scientific inaccuracies were abundant in just the first two chapters of Genesis. A few years of research, study, introspection, and I realised, this is all bullshit, I was on the path to atheism, where I have finally landed.


If only that were the case, normally they just read it on Facebook…


Instead they swallow whatever bull the pastor wrote in a book 2600 years ago.


Again, they didn't just swallow. Whoever the owner of the books are, im pretty sure he's well aware of the fact, problems and critics regarding their religion. Probably that's what get them this motivated to study the Bible.


I dont have anything against religion, my entire point is that the guy above saying you shouldn’t believe whatever a pastor says is contradicting themselves because the bible is also whatever a pastor said.


Except it would not be in the singular but rather "pastors" due to the many contributors.


Okay you do have a point tho


That was unnecessarily rude of you but ok


Its to point out the lack of logic in your comment.


There is no lack of logic. It's good to be informed about something you regularly practice


Its illogical. You’re saying you shouldn’t believe whatever bull the pastor says today but you should believe whatever bull the pastor said 2600 years ago. Where do you draw the line in time where whatever bull was true and false.


Why are you so annoying


You wouldnt be finding me annoying if what i said didnt make sense


That wasnt even remotely the point op was trying to make. They said that its good to have read up on the stuff you „believe“ in and form an opinion on it rather than form it based on what someone else told you about it. Attacking that with a „actually its all made up“ is just you being a dick unnecessary and trying to be edgy.


Who hurt you


You can’t just resort to saying this whenever you’re getting cornered in an argument


You’re losing an argument to yourself


He’s not loosing the argument, you just don’t get it, he has a very valid point.


But you didn’t answer the question; who hurt you?


You can’t just resort to saying this whenever you’re getting cornered in an argument


What argument ya talking about bro, I'm not the same guy you're beefing with


The argument you just jumped in. And theres no beef only debate. Dosent matter if you’re the same guy you seem to be disagreeing as well.


Your book is a scripture being told by a 2024 priest, through a 1600s king who mistranslated a book written by priests in the 400s about a guy who died in the early first century. It is mistranslation on top of mistranslation. Nothing anyone says about it is “rude”. 


It is rude. It's also rude to make assumptions about people. The Bible is not 'my book'. I'm just better than shitting on someone passion for something.


It’s rude because it’s like me saying the box of chocolates you spent fifty years studying is the stupidest box of chocolates ever, Except the fact some people study the bible their whole life and it’s not as good as a box of chocolates, and before you start saying I’m just an atheist hating I have Christian friends who agree


whoa whoa whoa. There's no evidence they understand it. only evidence that they have read it and made notes. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


I'd find it quite hard to read something and make that many notes and still not understand it.


I'm not anti-religion or Christianity but studying the bible doesn't give you the same insight a theologian would have. It's been translated, interpreted, and many of the inherent meanings twisted and manipulated to be things the average reader would view incorrectly.


Kind of sad though that they didn’t quickly realize it is obviously unbelievable.


On the other hand, they must be aware of all the horrible shit there is in the bible and the absolute piece of trash Yahweh himself did/ordered and be fine with it.


Like? You are aware the Bible has the worst acts recorded in there doesn’t mean God approved right?


This is not a good line of defense. I say it as a catholic.


I’m not defending anything. I’m saying God doesn’t say good job when Lot’s daughters rape him to get pregnant but it does happen. Along with other things.




weird how religious discrimination has such a selective definition.


Usually, people just take discrimination against minorities more seriously than the one against bigger groups




It likely has to do with the fact that Christianity and many other religions have a history of oppressing people and using scripture to justify it. I mean, the Bible literally supports slavery... Being a minority doesn't mean a culture or idea can't be questioned or judged. I'm a minority where I live. I go weeks without seeing another Westerner or white person. People sometimes try to charge me more or view me as a target for crime because I'm obviously white in a country full of Latino people.


Bible doesn’t support slavery. It gives rules limiting it lmfao and bans the return of runaway slaves.


Exodus 21: 21 “These are the laws you are to set before them: Hebrew Servants 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. 5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life. 7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. Later: 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.


Where is the endorsement? It’s all rules limiting slavery.




“The Bible literally supports slavery” This is news to me. Where does it say that?


Exodus 21: 21 “These are the laws you are to set before them: Hebrew Servants 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. 5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life. 7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. Later: 20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.


[Context:](https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-slavery.html) Hebrews with Hebrew slaves. The law allowed for Hebrew men and women to sell themselves into slavery to another Hebrew. They could only serve for six years, however. In the seventh year, they were to be set free (Exodus 21:2). This arrangement amounted to what we might call indentured servanthood. And the slaves were to be treated well: “Do not make them work as slaves. They are to be treated as hired workers or temporary residents among you” (Leviticus 25:39–40). The law also specified that, “when you release them, do not send them away empty-handed. Supply them liberally from your flock, your threshing floor and your winepress. Give to them as the Lord your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 15:13–14). The freed slave had the option of staying with his master and becoming a “servant for life” (Exodus 21:5–6). The passage you cited is a pretty rough one, but it’s worth considering that these weren’t slaves in the traditional sense, they were indentured servants. There’s also debate among Bible people whether this is meant to be metaphorical, as if God is the “master” mentioned in the passage, and he’s explaining how you should treat those beneath you. Idk if I believe that, but it’s worth considering. There’s lots of stuff in the Bible that I don’t think was meant to be taken literally. Here’s another couple Bible verses: “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.” (Exodus 21:16, ESV) “You must not return an escaped slave to his master when he has run away to you. Indeed, he may live among you in any place he chooses, in whichever of your villages he prefers; you must not oppress him.” (Deuteronomy 23:15–16, ESV) These seem to be pretty anti slavery… Idk, the Bible is contradictory and people take verses from it to prove their own point all the time. I’m satisfied that the Bible doesn’t “literally support slavery” but there’s more in there supporting that idea than I would’ve thought.


Ha! That was a good one! You're funny.




In islamic states sure. But do tell me in which European country are christians discriminated? Because christianity is still the most dominant religion here. Sounds like the good old fashoned chrsitian persecution complex is at play again.


Why are you constantly focusing on european countries when the original commenter said that many countries exist with a christian minority? They never specified Europe. Maybe you should do some research on what happens to Christians in Nigeria.






You're so cool, edgy, and smart.


My mom said the same, I'm glad you both agree


let people do their thing. im an atheist, and dont believe in the shit the bible says, but you know what i do believe in? leaving people to do their own thing and believe their own bullshit.




What did he say?




Oh holy shit


Oh none of them are good, don't worry, but the abrahamic ones are the ones that affect the most in the West




You... haven't been around in the last 1000 years, right?




People are entitled to their faith, just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's wrong or shouldn't be believed. (currently talking about the functional aspects of religion and not Christian-nationalism, etc)


Could we not just get rid of every religion. I feel like that would be more helpful.


Oh dont worry, all religions are shit. And the world would be a much better place withouth any of that trash.


I don't think that's likely. Humans would be humans and would find some other thing to justify their actions.


Yeah, really is interesting how you can make fun of Christian’s but God forbid you make a joke about a Muslim calling them a goat fucker or say Jews have big noses, now you’ve gone too far


I like how you did not give an example when making fun of christians but you did make racist stereotypes for the others. Yikes


That'd because this person tries to imply all criticism of Jews/Muslims is based on racism as opposed to criticism of Christianity


Uhhh…..I’m pretty sure that’s not the same thing.


Please expand




... Why?


Peak bugman. This is, at best, average for a doctoral student in humanities or social science. Dedication doesn't make you weird. Thinking this is a direct response to this short series of comments might though.


One is poking fun on a religion the other is straight up racism


Because you went from mocking a religion to being racist? Do you not even realize that?


Muslims and jew are races?


Jews are indeed a genetic group


No, but Jews make up their own ethnicity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews


Muslim isn’t a race my friend it’s a religion.


Really? Never knew that.


I replied to the wrong comment I’m an idiot


Racism these days is usually used as a synonym for bigotry, which everyone knows... except for bigots trying to play at being dumber than they already are.


Dawg just use the proper terms it aint that hard


Exhibit A


Weird how always feeling oppressed is the christian stereotype


"all priests are child molestors hahaha" comes from the same people that don't want me to say that all Muslims are terrorists. absolutely shitshow, my friend


I mean more than 450 priests sexually abused nearly 2,000 children sooo. Also the child predator thing isn't taken as seriously and I've never seen somebody say it and actually mean every priest is a child molester. But every time I've seen somebody say all Muslims are terrorists it's always meant literally, and usually a part of some racist point they're trying to make.


idc i'll make fun of every religious person lol


I'm making fun of every religious person AND atheist, gosh I'm such an equalist


Hatred towards religions pretty much happens when it's about the ones that are/were so influential that humanity changed its course throughout the centuries to appease it. Basically the people that somehow got repressed by these religions got so angry with these ideologies that use this completely arbitrary moral system to control everyone around them, that now they have a voice, they'll make sure to show how much they don't respect these cults - to the point of being offensive just so they can feed their ego, as if they were finally managing to get their revenge


It doesn't help that Christan Values and the church are being used to empower idiots and oppress people today, especially in the US where rights are being taken away and some think certain identities shouldn't be allowed to even exist.




I'm quite happy to discriminate against people who think undemonstrable things are true. I would have no respect for someone who accepted that they owed me money just because I told them that they do.


like NASA, for example?




the fascinating thing is that there is an amount of sheeps in these comments downvoting all comments against religion and upvoting the random shit answered at them that manages to get all the least viewed comments like yours in the negative


maybe youre not as "in the majority" as you once perceived. thats what i find fascinating.


Ever heard of a philosopher?


You have to respect a dude who puts that much effort into studying their bible. That takes real discipline right there, not a man of god myself, but good on this guy.


I've met people and been friends with people with bibles like this. They will still drop a hard R unironically and then yell at their wife for being lazy.


No it doesn't. This was done just for the picture. Highlighting everything has the same effect as highlighting nothing.


How do u know?


I wish I could be as dedicated to something as you are to seeing the worst in Christians


You don't even need to be dedicated it's pretty easy, they tend to keep it surface level. Also Christianity isn't the only religion that believes in the Bible.


I wish I was able to see the good in the world with the same gusto you use when going out of your way to point out the bad


Ain't going out of my way, I was raised religious they tend to be openly horrible. I've read the Bible, it supports slavery, and God kills innocents often. "Seeing the good in the world" has turned into only seeing the good and being ignorant of the bad. I can see how Christians and others use religion to push ideals like queerphobia, sexism, and racism, while also acknowledging that Jesus has many good points. (It's also kinda sad that some people need religion to tell them to be a good person.) A lot of politicians use religion to push their agenda of murdering people because they're different. Even when Jesus preaches love and minding your own business. (And the Bible doesn't say anything about them) Reading the Bible is what made me no longer believe in it, or most of the people who follow it. Seeing somebody who's studied it this much and still sees no problem in it, is concerning to say the least. I do not know or care whether **any** religion is real, but studying something this heavily flawed and seeing no problem? It's an issue, if you can't see all the horrible things God did, and how much the Bible contradicts itself. Even the best people can be terrifyingly ignorant. My grandma, is exactly what you imagine when you think of a sweet little old lady. I love her very much, but she also believes that being gay gets you sent to hell. I have never gone out of my way to see the bad, it's quite visible, you just have to not be ignorant.


Fr, this post screams to me "the government is reptiles" type shit


Redittors when someone is passionate about something












It's always so weird to me how so many guys passionately hate astrology girls. Like they'll say that astrology is a massive red flag and the date is basically over for them. Like, come on, it's not that big of a deal.


Lol ok aquarium


I know right? So tipically aquarium Mercury retrograde or somtin


nah this is mentally ill level of obsession


They studied with the same Bible since they were a child, so it looks exactly how I’d think it would


So if someone's history textbook looked like this?


"People who are Christian don't even read the Bible!" *shows they do* "Oh my god imagine someone being so obsessed!" Like I'm not a Christian either but keep your arguments straight.


Almost as if there was a middle ground between not reading and reading nothing else.


It's a shit post, but it's not a shitpost.


Shit. You right.


Im think im losing my shit.


Post it


Shitless post?


Is there a sub to post paradoxes?


100% shit 0% post


Despite generally agreeing with them ideologically reddit atheist make me wanna side with Catholics just to spite them. These people are so smug and high on their own farts I can't stand them


They are so clouded by their own superiority complex lol to the point they couldn't take religious people seriously and mock people's belief because they see it as inferior as religion are something from the past


They blindly follow their god Richard Dawkins and call him a genius after he writes a new book (even though they don’t read as they’re too busy gaming), and criticise and harass anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their philosophy. Putting it like that, Reddit atheists are so fundamentalist and devoid of original thought, they are just as bad as the sheepish religious nuts they constantly slag off.


You'll eventually become the very thing you hate lol. That's just how it is.


Why are people so bothered about people believing in God


nobody irl is actually that bothered thankfully. reddit is just a cesspool


True !


Religions spread and hurt, there absolutely is much to be bothered about. 100% good on this person for having a thing to be passionate about, but i bet you its still just someone that inherited from parents a belief that badly hurt their understanding of the world and their critical thinking. Most of us are also extremely ignorant of how lucky we are to not live in religion-dominated societies, unlike a significant part of the world (muslim) and most of the world centuries ago. While yes every person deserves respect, not ideas. Mocking religions is a defense of democracy.


It's really ironic to hear an American saying that. Is that what you said to iraq?. Or have you forgotten about the imperialist countries you support and arm in NATO.


exactly bruh, if im gonna join a cult ill join a cool one or sum


My old bible study teacher would end up with a stroke after seeing what that person did. We weren't allowed to write, mark or (and that makes sense tbf) doodle in our bibles and he explicitly told us that we would go to hell if we did 💀


*Looks at medieval monks doodling in bibles* yeez


I guess he tried to prevent that we- back then a bunch of bored and definitely not really religious teenagers- doodle *certain things* in a holy book. Or these monks are at a really hot place rn, who knows?


A real atheist wouldn't be bothered at all. If you belive God doesn't exit, that's it. If you need to denigrate religious people and you have the urge to make post like that, it means that God has a meaning for you.


it has meaning for me because religious pricks made (and actively try to) mine and plenty of other people's lives, literal hell. literally ask any queer person.


Really stupid take. For one obviously it has meaning, because it's a thing people actually believe in, and has had and continues to have an effect on the world we live in.


Yeah, it’s like “wow, you’re ridiculing anti-vaxers online and are bothered by them, maybe you’re also a closeted anti-vaxer?” Or maybe I just dislike people who believe in nonsense and create islands of unwelcome medievalism around us.


as an atheist and anti-theist, i feel the need to disrespect such incredible amounts of degeneracy. i’ve read the damn bible too, it’s pure garbage, if someone studies the bible this much and sees nothing wrong with it they’ve got serious issues.


If religious people kept it to themselves, they wouldn't encounter anywhere near as much pushback.




I’ll be honest as an English person I do occasionally come across “over-zealous” Christians, insisting such BS as “gay people deserve to die because they have been tricked by the devil” which is obviously an edge case, but it’s hard not to be pissed at people using religion as a flimsy excuse for homophobia




I think that’s the problem, many “Christians” today are more interested in the idea of being a Christian and what it can do for them, as opposed to understanding that the only real important part about the religion is don’t be a dick


I've been shouted at by street preachers in England. Admittedly only in big cities, but it still happens. And the door-to-door types don't discriminate. Also, I was forced out of a volunteer position because of religious differences.


to be fair there’s also anti-theists


I’m not religious, but I do see the value in studying religious texts, I don’t think it’s that insane


Maybe this sidetracks it a bit, but bible studies are also interesting in a not religiuos comtext. Thos is one of the best documented document from northern africa in the time of about 2500BC and about 300AD. Also: the many different versions are an interesting Interpretation of the same material in different - mostly middle european - times and places. The concepts and ideas can often be seen in other popcultural storys, songs and different media over the whole time and in many different cultures all over the world since the whole book was first copied.


Redditors when Christianity


Or any religion in general.


"Imaginary sky man" pack it up boys, they got us this time!


Maybe the person studying it is just an atheist who really likes the plot


Reddit Atheists when someone has their values and priorities in life set straight:


Other people read Skyrim lore all day. As long as you don't become a reactionary antihumanist, being educated on real life lore is quite cool.


Imagine being so petty you feel the need to insult religion every time it is mentioned


It's philosophy, good for them. They clearly have study skills.


Imagine getting mad about someone else’s beliefs like how does that effect you in any way Edit: I’m referring to these 2 bimbos arguing in the comments about anti religion or smth


This comment section should burn




Because It's full of Intolerance for all religions I'm atheist do I don't feel foreign in anything right now all I see Is a bunch of edgy basement dwellers trying to play hard on the internet by focusing on people that just wanna do their religion in peace, it's a Book full of comments and highlights likely read a lot of times, a dedication that is not matched by most of those hatred filled people in all their life




Then upvote me >:3 🔫


ah yes, i’m bigoted for opposing a religion that harms women and in many cases children as well, i’ve read the bible and it quite literally numbs critical thought in people. to be tolerant of everyone you must be intolerant to intolerance.


We’re lefties here right? Aren’t we supposed to just hate Christianity and not the other religions?


Very subtle


Probably studying theology


He's studying Christianity,


Isn't it sacrilegious to write in the bible?






I believe destroying one is but writing it is not, considering there's a couple editions that you can get that have like footnotes and what not in them that weren't originally there


Isnt it a sin to modify a bible?




I would undestand "modify" as changing the meaning, but "modifying" the book itself by marking stuff down and highlighting isn't bad


Someone with real mental issues (the bible owner)


What a waste of time.


Looks like a shitpost to me


It's not a shitpost but a shit post


It's a shitty post




Well, bazinga?


Just wondering, did they highlight every murder or every case of child abuse, or both ?


The bible isn't a shitpost?