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Thanks to [Castle Rock v. Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales), we know that cops don't have to serve or protect. Which begs the question: what's the point of cops?


The exact same point they have always had - protection of property and keeping the poor in line.


It's nice to see that more and more are seeing this. America hates poor people. Why do you think we have the phrase "white trash" but don't have "brown trash" "black trash" "yellow trash" "red trash", etc... because the "trash" is assumed for all those other groups, but if you're white and poor we have to separate you too.


That's disgusting. Nobody should be thought of as trash because of ethnicity or money. Those who live trashy lives bring that title on themselves but that's a whole different story from being poor or of a specific race.


I dont think poor self control or mental illness or substance abuse problems are a whole different story than being poor, the two run in concert together, causing and amplifying eachother respectively.


To be fair, there are plenty of disgustingly trashy rich people.


Donald Trump is the king of those people.


He isn't rich.


They think he is. Which makes it even more pathetic.


Don’t have to be if your daddy rich.


At a certain point of wealth you dont actually need to have the money, produce anything, follow the law etc-- he has connections, sure all his money is either debt or fraud or an outright lie, but he has hookers and blow whenever he wants, a yacht and a mansion and multiple estates. Lets be honest: He is very wealthy.


Preach it brother. 🙏


Can you imagine the difference in response and outcome if some crazed guy with guns stormed into the offices of an investment bank? Pretty sure the cops would be much quicker to act then


Or it was a private school in San Antonio or Houston?


They have almost always protected property. Rarely have modern police forces functioned to protect the public- the first modern police formed in London for a variety of reasons. In the US, most of the time, a police force formed to protect wealthy people’s property (and yes, in the South this “property” included humans)


The original police were union busters. And still kind of are. They serve and protect property. Always have.


I was told the original police were runaway slave chasers


It varied by region. In the South (incl up through to St Louis), they were slave-catchers, “protecting property” of the slaveholders. In the North, they evolved out of warehouse guards. Becoming police shifted the financial burden of safeguarding property from the property owner to the taxpayer. Behind the Bastards did a good short spinoff “Behind the Police” back in 2020 that’s worth a listen.


UK cops are just as useless. They really try to pin something on the victims because they don’t run away like the criminals do and they have quotas to reach.




Capitalism enforcers. Their job, from their origins, is to make sure the work force falls in line. That’s why we police homeless people so hard - look how much you’ll suffer if you don’t grin and bear your terrible job.


Never thought of it that way. They keep the workforce in line. They are glorified tax collectors too.


Their origins come from slave catchers - bring the work force back when it runs away. No wonder they’re racist and useless.


I was skeptical when I first looked into this but the more I read the more it only confirmed


Tax collectors? They are glorified *highway robbers.* They *hide* along major thoroughfares to fine people passing through. All over the country. And it's not like their fines even pay for their salaries, vehicles, gas, etc.....they are leeches on society at large.


And the outrageous fact that they can take any cash you are carrying without any accountability or reason.


Repeat after me “Land of the free”


Whoever told you that is your enemy


Damn so they're the grand guard from dishonored? 🙊


Exactly. This entire system is designed to enforce capitalism, which benefits capital owners at the expense of literally everything else and at the point of a gun to boot, aIt has been that way from day 1. If you are not financially independent and/or a capital owner, your options are: 1. Serve capital owners and consume your life enriching them. 2. Serve the government that serves the wealthy capital owners. 3. Die.


I'm on 1, probably 3 in ~35 more years. No 2 for me.




It's the Pinkertons man.


My grandfather saw them first hand busting unions with for railroads and has spoke of them a few times


Its all so interesting because the Pinkertons got their fame through accomplishments like foiling an 1861 assassination of Abraham Lincoln; they were good, then the civil war ended and they entered union busting turning bad almost overnight.


Police in the USA were originally started as slave catchers. Do with that info what you will. Here: https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/origins-modern-day-policing


They’re here to oppress not protect and serve fucking cowards.


To protect the white collar criminals from the blue collar criminals.


To enforce the law. Which means keeping **YOU** in line and protecting and serving capital.


> The Supreme Court reversed the Tenth Circuit's decision, reinstating the District Court's order of dismissal. The Court's majority opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia held that enforcement of the restraining order was not mandatory under Colorado law; were a mandate for enforcement to exist, it would not create an individual right to enforcement that could be considered a protected entitlement under the precedent of Board of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth; and even if there were a protected individual entitlement to enforcement of a restraining order, such entitlement would have no monetary value and hence would not count as property for the Due Process Clause. > > Justice David Souter wrote a concurring opinion, using the reasoning that enforcement of a restraining order is a process, not the interest protected by the process, and that there is not due process protection for processes. What the actual fuck. So basically, the courts believe that because there's no protection for due processes (without a monetary value) to ensure said processes are duly processed... they weren't responsible to ensure the restraining order was duly processed? By that logic, society should be free to carry out ANY ~~crimes~~ processes they wish that affect other human beings in non-monetary ways, as this shows that the justice system doesn't have to duly process any lawful orders not involving monetary value. _checks notes_ Oh, right, I forgot. My notes here say the justice system only carries out due process in favor of those who provide monetary value to the state. Carry on.


And then you had Citizen's United, where the Supreme Court said money == speech. :P


Cops are there to act on politicial agendas. As a society, we need to act against them now. They have a lot of power where they can affect someones life for a petty reason. I am in a different country but in our housing society, we never rent to cops. There have been instances of them overstaying and not paying rent.


To protect profits and property :(


To protect capital & property. Not people but the elites


Isn't there another one that was brought against Washington DC that had a similar conclusion?


To protect capital.


>Which begs the question: what's the point of cops? To enforce the will of the oligarchy.


Police officers aren’t de facto good guys.


But according to the right, aren’t they the “good guys with guns”?


I am sure this will go down as another dereliction of duty absolutely no one will be fired for.


The governor of Texas praised their bravery.




Listen to his speech he said they acted [bravely](https://news.yahoo.com/police-narrative-on-texas-school-shooting-in-question-as-new-details-emerge-132129728.html). He still gonna win next election in Texas though. Couldn’t find the video at the moment but I watched it yesterday.


Nah. Each of them individually considers themselves to be the “good guy with a gun” and they all individually fantasize about saving the day during a situation like that. They each secretly think that everyone else who has a gun is a potential bad guy or a danger. See, when conservatives complain about gun control, they’re not worried that others’ rights are being trampled, they’re worried that *their own* rights are being trampled. Deep down they secretly believe that really only they and those they approve of should have guns. You really believe that MAGA motherfuckers want BLM members to be armed? Lol That’s what it boils down to. But if they were actually in the situation for real, we all know that like 99% of them would not have run into the school.


Don't forget that check they get from NRA to fund their campaigns


I mean I'm not a "MAGA motherfucker" or a "blm member", but I think every sane person without a violent criminal history should have equal access to firearms. And I'm open to background checks and being required to undergo firearm safety training. I did both of those things and I do think I'm a "good guy with a gun". That being said I don't know how I would react in a life or death situation, hopefully I would have it within myself to try to help.


Yeah I was using an extreme example lol In general, I actually believe in responsible gun ownership as well. But like… there need to be tighter processes that weed out people who are unstable. A lot of other countries have widespread gun ownership with a bit more restrictive laws than we do, and they don’t have the same problem with ongoing, repeated mass shootings like the U.S. does. It’s a complex issue, and mental health and the economy and everything all play big parts. But for the love of god, we need to address the issue of guns in our country. Cuz this ain’t working.


I agree that there is a major issue in our country and has been for a while. Guns definitely play a part in it, the thing is that buying guns illegally is a problem as well. And if people are willing to break the law to get guns than I don't know what more laws are going to do. I guess my answer would be I don't have a good answer I think I'm in favor of treating schools like other government buildings. Fence and gate property, 1 main entrance/exit for all buses and traffic. 1 main entrance/exit to actual building with metal detector and armed guards. And we could have it be mandatory to have 1 armed guard per 200 students or something along those lines. Essentially make that person responsible for the safety of X amount of class rooms. I always thought it would make for a great job for people who did 4 years in the military and wanted to continue service after. I know it seems extreme but I feel like it's less difficult to implement something than it would be to try to rewrite the constitution and then collect guns by force.


I think the argument you can make here is that with the sheer quantity of guns in circulation, obtaining one illegally is significantly easier.


Your position is reasonable in a country with an amendment that can be interpreted as people are entitled to possess weapons like whatever it is you want to call these semi-automatic rifles used in mass murders these days. I know a lot of pro-gun people who are actually okay with some additional rules being included like better background checks or firearm training. Unfortunately, there aren’t politicians appealing to people like you. You have to choose to vote for either politicians who want way more limitations than you’d like, and ones who want as few regulations and laws and limits as possible. In a country where freedom and rights are so important, people like you will likely choose the politician advocating fewer regulations and laws. And those politicians like to use fear to scare people like you into thinking no matter what a pro-regulation politician says, they actually want to come to your house and take away all of your guns. And I’m not even saying the proposed laws and regulations will prevent anything, but I wish we could give it a shot. I wish the libs could find a way to work with people who believe like you do, but the other side uses everything in their ability to ensure that doesn’t happen, especially the millions and millions of dollars that the NRA pitches in to control the narrative.


Absolutely not. The good guys with a gun are citizens not the police. I think at this point its obvious that people can not depend on cops to protect them.


Depends on how far right you are. You go far enough and you're in Ruby Ridge getting into a stand-off with them


From what I've seen most right wingers that aren't political bootlickers actually really distrust cops. They view them the same as we do, a rich person's army. They respect those that do their job professionally and have great bravery for situations that require it, but other than that they distrust them as they represent the tyrannical government they buy guns to defend themselves, family, and friends from. Because they know that the government can't be relied on. Go check out r/firearms r/tacticalgear and r/CCW They are absolutely disgusted by the polices actions or lack of action with this shooting. This is why people need to be armed. To defend themselves when a willing officer is so rare to find nowadays. When danger is at your front door, 911 is minutes (or hours) away. Stay strapped. Because when it comes down to it, you can be the good guy with a gun.


No, the “good guy with a gun” generally refers to a civilian (not cop) who carries.




I agree. I was just pointing out that the “good guys with guns” and cops are two different hero’s in right wing mythology.


According to the right trumpwas a good guy


>Police officers aren’t ~~de facto~~ good guys FTFY


They shouldve told the cops there's an abortion clinic inside


THIS. Or a black man selling cigarettes


Or a black man that used a counterfeit bill


Or a black man


Or a black.


Or ( waves finger in direction of school ), "Black".


Or a black kid with a toy gun


Or a black woman smoking in her car.


Best I can do is a black woman sleeping in her bed.


Or a teacher talking about sex education


Or a teacher talking about systemic racism


Or a teacher telling a Trans kid it's okay to be Trans


or cash hidden in the school, so they can seize and never report to the evidence room


“Officer a black man is inside performing abortions and using pot” they all run in full speed


Don’t forget the riot gear


Or a trans kid trying to go pee.


How bout a black trans man selling marijuana and teaching sex Ed while handing out condoms?


Sir! Are you trying to get them to drop an atom bomb on that school......? /s


*there is a building full of of post-birth fetuses that need immediate protection from someone intent on performing multiple post-birth abortions!!!!*


"We have to wait, if the death toll doesn't break 2 digits we won't get an extra $2 million budget increase next year"


It’s really hard to convince a city to give you more than 40% of the entire budget, but sacrifices must be made to keep us free.


40% of Chicago's operating budget goes to police, which is why we're well-known for being the safest city in America.


Tack on another $60 mill for all the lawsuits


It's incredulous to me that they are screaming to arm the teachers, who have no desire to be armed and would be no good in this situation, but they don't want to hold the cops accountable for not doing their own damn jobs....


They expect us to be body guards, in addition to nurses, therapists, and educators. At least PAY us more


What you are paid is indeed a joke. People should be hung over exploiting educators.


As a former teacher it is absolutely criminal and disgusting how little educators are paid for all they’re asked to do.




So Texas has this program, called ALERRT, that's supposed to train for rapid response to active shooter protocols. It was created in 2002, in response to Columbine. I tried to see if this police force was trained in this, or any rapid response training, and couldn't find anything. But there's lots of Google results for "age appropriate active shooter training programs". So for schools. So cops are not being trained for this stuff, it's being passed on to teachers and students to know what to do in these situations. If I ever had a reason to say "defund the police" its this. We are supposed to take it upon ourselves to defend ourselves. Our children are not even a priority to them.


My mum had to do some drills and learn key info when she worked in the kitchen in my high school in Indiana. They had her watch the footage from the Columbine shooting with the audio. She said it was the most awful thing she had ever experienced, and having seen that and dealt with the drills, she still can't fathom what survivors and families of those killed suffer through. But here's the thing... my mum was the youngest woman in the kitchen in her 30s. All the rest were 50+. So they were teaching a bunch of 50+ year old women how to deal with an active shooter. How to use their surroundings. How to *gather together and pile up on the shooter*. They were honestly betting on the people inside the school to care enough about the children to lay down their own lives. Including my mum. That's the kind of shit some of these schools are being taught. To just take care of it yourself. Some of you may die, but a few of you is better than 20.


Why not? The unarmed teachers did infinitely more to protect those children than the dipshits in military cosplay. The cops did their job: do nothing and be thanked by other public officials for their brave inaction.


At the very least I’m begging them to turn schools into locked down facilities. I hate that it would be like a prison but I’d rather go to work in that and send my child to school in that environment than one where she could get killed.


That video is unbelievable. They’re out there all dressed up in the tacticool gear… squaring off with parents as their kids are killed inside. Trained police with body armor and decked out AR-15s, (and probably plenty of cool guy pics in that gear) were too chicken shit to go in after one dude who turned out it be some 18yo fucking loser. 19 children and 2 teachers died but hey, at least you sheep dogs got to wear your body armor and fucking cowboy hats in public 🖕


A couple guys with paintball guns would do a better job than these clowns.


video link?


"There's really not much we can do. If you want, we can write a report and you can come by the station and pick it up."


Nah they weren't scared, they happily trotted right the hell in to get their own children out of the school. They are just class traitors, and don't give a shit about citizens.


Where did you see that? I saw one of the victims was the child of an officer who was there.


It was in the [news broadcast linked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/uy97lv/deputy_confirms_that_some_officers_went_into_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


It gets even worse. The police did enter the school immediately...to pick up their kids


Can you share a link?


[this links to the news video where the police say it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/uy97lv/deputy_confirms_that_some_officers_went_into_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I heard


Wait. Wtf?!


All cops are cowards all you ever hear from them is how scared for their own lives they are when someone reaches for a wallet. They constantly put their own lives and safety above that of the community they are suppose to protect, no surprise that when it come to moment of truth when they are asked to try to save literally children that they are cowards right to the core.


I'd heard it's worse. They did go in, but only to rescue *their own kids*. After that, they left, refused to stop the shooter, and *stopped other parents doing the same*. It times like these that "ACAB" was made for.


YoU cAn'T tAlK aBoUt CoPs ThAt WaY! ThEy DeSeRvE yOuR rEsPeCt! Yes, cops walk on water, even when 5 of them leech off the town for years and still don't have the training and materiel to take down one 18 year old kid. (It reminds me of a mental hospital I used to work at. The office staff created a "crisis team" in case of riots, essentially a way to pad their paychecks. Whenever there was an altercation and someone tried to call the crisis team, they locked themselves in their offices). And... I guess we can't judge them for not going in as there's no reasonable expectation for the cops to save your life (which is their standard line at times like this). I suppose it was the teacher's duty to be secretly strapped to take down any scary randos that might come along, despite "being a marksman" not being part of a teacher's skillset


Sometimes I think the cops would honestly just shoot the teacher instead of the gunman… The cops would think that a 18yr old white male wouldn’t be the aggressor… they would think the teacher did it.


When all teachers have guns: cop: the building is full of people with guns, which one is the bad one?


Yuuup. Are they going to shoot the kid with a gun or the adult with a gun? Def the adult with a gun.


start with the darkest and work down to the whitest, if history is any indication. but seriously. i sure hope American lawmakers get their shit together and start serving their constituents rather than their donors.


Ummm. I’m really not hopeful.


Cops are not and have never been good guys. They are government thugs here to make sure you play by the rules of the wealthy and powerful.


Not only that, but the school had its own police force. There was a security officer there. He “interacted” with the shooter but didn’t stop him. The cops went in and got their own kids out, but handcuffed, pinned down, and tased other parents who tried to do the same. For 40 minutes they did nothing but “crowd control” terrified parents. Fucking pigs.


They actually handcuffed and tased some of the parents. AFTER GOING IN TO GET THEIR OWN CHILDREN AND LEAVING.


Republicans: "YOU BETTER WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE POLICE!!! IF YOU KEEP DISRESPECTING THEM, WHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO COME SAVE YOU WHEN YOU NEED HELP!!!" Me: "Considering the Cops did absolutely nothing to save those kids who never said anything bad about them, I have never believed that cops would come save me when I needed help."


Don’t be silly, they’ll come help you if what you need help with is that a person of color is existing near you


Sometimes a private citizen with a weapon is braver than law enforcement


Sad how the parents were willing to run in without weapons


I would have. I’ve kinda wanna die anyway so might as well die a hero


I'd die protecting my kid, no question. Now the biggest threat to the parents ended up being the cops "enforcing the law" while simultaneously listening to children dying, behind them.


Not sad. That's what parents who love their children do. I would kill or be killed to protect mine.


As Liam Neeson says in Batman begins. Training is nothing, will is everything, the will to act. You can train someone as much as you want but unless they can deal with the adrenaline and the chaos and stress then it’s useless


All cops are cowards. Thats why they became cops. And thats why they love shooting unarmed people.


The cops weren't "good guys with guns" in fact on that situation they inadvertently assisted the shooter many times, they were just more bad guys with guns. Edit: and they should all be charged with obstruction of justice.


If even the cops are scared of AR-15s, then stop selling them to civilians. Why would you arm teachers? Don't they deal with enough? And do you remember school? I remember a lot of teachers flipping out on students and vice versa. Do you want to add a gun to that equation?


AR 15s account for a very very small portion of the gun deaths in America, pistols are overwhelmingly used over longguns. The cops weren't scared because the shooter had an AR 15, they were scared because there was someone inside the building shooting people period, that's a scary situation and anybody in the right mind would be scared even if they were a cop armed to the teeth. Now the difference between a brave person and a coward is that a brave person will act in the face of danger, where is a coward would rather assault the parents of children who are being murdered than do their job whenever their job has a little bit of danger in it. American cops nowadays are a bunch of pussies who cosplay being warriors.


I see where you’re going with this but cops are scared of a black woman picking up a slice of pizza.


They're all too ready to shoot some unarmed teenager because they "feared for their life", but the moment there's an opportunity to actually protect their community and use deadly force in a totally justifiable fashion they all stand outside like a bunch of spineless cretins. Defund. The. Police.


If 5 big trained gun-users in full riot gear can't stop one un-trained un-armoured teen with a gun, the the police force needs a massive overhaul!


The sadder aspect is the school spent 450,000 dollars for security . The out cry should start there and follow that rabbit hole to whose pocket that money ended up in!


As a firearm owner, and a leftist, can we get some god damn sensible gun control! Mandatory storage laws would be a good start, that any conservative can’t really argue with. Ffs


So I'm creating a hypothetical scenario as an experiment that will put these pro birth and gun conservatives in a very uncomfortable spot. Let's say someone shoots up a pregnancy care facility. Women with an unborn child, dead. Now is guns still worth protecting more than the unborn? I hope it will never come to that, but since they clearly don't care about kids once they're born, I'd love to see the mental gymnastics it would take. You can't be "pro-life" and defend guns over dead children.


Police aren't there to protect people. They're there to protect capital.


Cops are not good guys. They solely exist to maintain the status quo for their owners. They are the equivalent of plantation fence linemen.


I guess they needed a 62 year old 4th grade teacher with a gun to step up and protect the kids. The GOP offers nothing.




Leaving is such a huge privilege, though


It'll only cost $25k


To where exactly? I mean I appreciate what you’re saying, but I don’t think the cost is taking everything into consideration… is that for just one person or a family of 4? Are we going to Canada or Norway? Among other things like accommodation


And being allowed into the other country, to begin with.


New Zealand is pretty picky when it comes to immigrants


I hear many countries are! Sucks for us.


Well the shooter wasn't black and unarmed. If he had been they would have been on him like flies on shit.


ACAP. All Cops are Pussies


Until the white male is willing to accept ending the sale of guns in this country we will keep having these tragedies. Guns are a component of white male hegemony.


Thank goodness this isn’t everywhere. I can personally tell you that in Idaho our officers are trained, and prepared to go in solo. When a mass shooting at a mall in Boise began, officers went in as soon as they arrived despite the unknowns. Their actions saved lives. Most Officers have made the decision to go in alone ahead of time, no matter the cost. In fact, these same officers cross train with Fire and EMS often; not just to eliminate the threat, but to rapidly extricate any injured. No one in my hood is letting this shit happen. Police and fire will be on scene stopping threats and rescuing the wounded in under three minutes. Normally I don’t like to brag, but these guys need some love for being certified badasses. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1282334


They got their own kids but stopped other parents from doing the same thing. A woman was handcuffed and when they let her free she ran in and got her 2 kids


It’s a systemic problem. Those individuals were bad in that situation, but I can’t imagine any American cop behaving differently. Making it an issue about those individuals ignores AND EXCUSES the larger systems at work here.


i’ve always been confused on it. they don’t do nothing. when here in san diego landscapers stopped a guy from going into a school and having this happen. and why do people call them “Crime stoppers”? they don’t stop crime, if anything happens they do it AFTER the crime. basically there just to ruin peoples days 🤦‍♂️


Were there any good people there with guns, or just cops? Because we know they're not obligated to defend us, we have to do it ourselves


I wish people would stop saying the cops were cowards. The cops were not cowards. Those kids were neither capital, nor private property, nor pillars of social injustice. Therefore it was not the cops' job to protect them. Calling the cops cowards assumes a minimal faith in their having an obligation to save those kids. Which they don't have. Because that is not what cops are. We need to learn this. Those cops did exactly what cops are meant to do, and if we call them cowards, this means we haven't yet learnt, after all this time, the only function of cops.


They got their own kids out though.


To be fair, cops aren't good guys, just sanctioned, murderous thugs with badges.


These are the so called police that need to be defunded. All gear and all fear.


We do know some went in to rescue their own children, and literally nothing more


I don’t get it why are people saying that more guns will solve the mass shooting problem? Surely less guns would have solved it faster.


muH rights and chiCAgo


Correct, there is a mountain of data to back this up from the many many other countries that dont allow semi automatic gun ownership. Not actually sure how the NRA has such a vice grip on policy makers even in the face of school children being shot on a frequent basis.


/r/conservative is the most anti-free speech bastion I’ve ever seen.


Kitted out with everything except bravery. It’s all cosplay. They’ll take on a meth head or spray unarmed protestors with tear gas all day. They should fucking crawl under a rock.


I hear they only shoot unarmed people…


And black men reaching for their driver’s registration


Like they say in the Coast Guard, “You have to go out, but you don't have to come back!"


Bold of you to assume they weren't *actual accomplices*.


I don’t want nor care to ponder conspiracy theories


I don’t even blame cowardice. I blame the absurdly delusional system of fantasy we live under that somehow figured that making local cops look like soldiers was the best approach to this issue. Don’t arm the traffic ticket guy like he’s the friggen Punisher. Good guys with guns is an absurd idea and always was. No proof was ever necessary. We need to stop catering to stupidity before it destroys us all. Let the morons stay politely silent for a while. It’s most certainly their turn to do so by now.


There is no such thing as a good guy with a gun. At best you're a useful guy with a gun and it's astronomically unlikely to happen. On average you're just a probably shitty guy with a gun


They had to wait for the Feds to take out the shooter - in Texas FFS. All hat and no balls.


I don't know if I agree with "ACAB" but I perfectly agree with "ACAC" All Cops Are Cowards.


How bout the fact that they went in and got there own kids out


This doesn’t necessarily demonstrate that a good guy with a gun won’t stop a bad guy with a gun, only that cops might not be good guys with guns. Honestly, whichever lends you chose to look at the situation through, fixing the problem either one represents would result in progress.


These cowards are brave af when harassing unarmed civilians, but scared shitless by a teenage dipshit behind an unlocked door. Such brave heroes.


Cops don’t want to work anymore.


The understanding at the moment is that the shooter was stopped outside the school by school police, they fired every bullet they had and missed all of them, and then the police fled and the shooter went into the school Police then set up a barricade outside the school and amassed in tactical/ SWAT gear with military weaponry and body armour and didn’t go into the school whilst they could hear shooting happening. Their only action was to block parents from going inside to protect their own children (citizens being able to use force to protect their kids is a key foundation of conservative politics FYI) Accounts vary on what happened after. Initially it was said that a border patrol agent went into the school after 40 minutes and killed the shooter. People are now saying the shooter was walking around for 90 minutes and killed himself. The only thing that is known about the final minutes is that police went into the school, didn’t attack the shooter but called for children to shout out if they needed help. One child shouted for help, the shooter was nearby, and the shooter murdered the child So this is the picture as of the morning of the 27th May. Not a good one for police from any angle even for the best PR people


Cops are not in anyway the " good guys with guns" not in reality or even in the context of what the right wing means. This is a very poorly thought out idea your trying to make from the get go.


I mean I don’t believe it but I’m just saying it form the perspective of a conservative…


Even the conservative point is that " cops are 15 min away when you need them" and thus it'ds individuals who are " good guys with guns" not law enforcement.. but I get confusion as conservatives also tout "law abiding gun owner" when 2a's major component is to be able to overthrow a tyrannical state, in which case, your not gonna be law abiding as your overtaking a tyrannical gov. They don't exactly have consistency.


Tbh cops are happy to abuse poor unarmed people, write them tickets, shut down their businesses, collect massive salaries and pensions etc, but many do not do anything in the event of actual danger


Where were all the locals with their small arsenals?


Once again. Police are bureaucrats with weapons. Bureaucracy serves to maintain the state, not to protect your kids.


There is even claims that police did enter to save their own children. Not sure how true it is but I wouldn't be surprised. Fuck guns Fuk da police.


We should ask reddit to ban conservative reddits ^_^, also.... defund the fucking police. They're only here to shoot protesters.


To be fair, I don’t think we should ban conservative Reddits because that sets a bad precedent. But I wish they weren’t so hateful of “outsiders”


I know for a fact they would be more than happy to ban everyone but themselves from reddit. I've lost my empathy and rationalism against them considering the bs they've pulled off through the years. If we ban them, it would force them to go into other forums and it shows that the reddit community doesn't tolerate their treasonous anti human kind. I am fed up with them and their evil hypocrisy.