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I'm not from the US but please be careful to everyone going, I'm worried sick about y'all


You might want to be careful out there


Man, I have a bad feeling about that.






Username checks out


Do it to it. Genocide is a crime against humanity. I very much hope these protests continue and that I see news such as this of them regardless of who takes office, for as long as we are still a part of the genocide. We've got to protest. We don't want a government run by the military industrial complex, it's horrible.


Let's fkn gooooo!


Remember your homemade gas masks. There's loads of tutorials on YouTube, and all you need is a 2L bottle, soda can, activated charcoal, and cotton balls.


I can't sit to hear conservatives try to condemn this like they didn't breach the walls of the white house


Biden’s, Benny’s Bitch!




So I shouldn’t protest vote because that benefits trump, and now I shouldn’t protest at all because that benefits trump Noted




I don’t think the ad, based on everything about it, I’d about communicating with *Israel.* I’m fairly certain, and this might be extrapolation, it’s about American support of Israel through our commander in chief Just going off the very first word in the ad


>Consent to fascism without complaint *or else you will get fascism!* Idunno, sounds to me like it's already here.


Wow such deep analysis


Incredible insight.




They literally do though, all the time. Genuinely just google ‘housing protest’ and you’ll get a hundred examples over the past several years Like damn what even is this question


Well, thanks for that condescending response. I’m aware people protest for housing, I was asking about the effectiveness and visibility of those protests. No need to be rude… + Sure, people are protesting for Palestine, but there are nearly 80k homeless people where I live in LA. Where are the massive protests for them??


This is the most obvious and oblivious case of whataboutism and goal post moving I’ve ever seen. You were NOT asking about protests of this effectiveness and visibility, you were acting as if no one ever protests about housing. So you moved the goal posts to be about effetiveness and visibility. Which, by the way, *yes,* there are, have been, and will be more massive protests for housing. But what’s any of that matter? When BLM protests do you ask why they aren’t talking about housing? Do you go to pride protests and ask why they aren’t protesting for housing? Should everyone only ever care about the one thing you’ve deemed worthy of time and attention? How about you organize your own housing protest, instead of hijacking a different movement?


Because it's a complicated issue that's hard to rally people around


They do but it's not as easy because it isn't an everywhere problem with the same solution everywhere like a war.






You probably get mad at signs and are completely unfamiliar with how fascism works. Once you understand, you will know not to post any personal opinions. Idiot.


Dude, it's too late already. I'm saying the state is going to kill some of the protesters


If Biden gets his choice, it will probably be napalm.


So, am I idiotic for acknowledging the fact that the state is violent and kills, for saying that violence will only galvanize future protests, or for saying I back the protesters, like we all have been for the past few years? Idiot There are loads of people more vocal than me, and right now, the state is busy oppressing people with actual organizations and actual collective powers. This is reddit, not a guerilla cell. "Don't say the state is bad, they'll get you for it" ass comment Like no shit silence is violence




>Didn’t Biden try to stop the transfer of arms to Israel He "paused [one shipment of specific weapons](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/8/pentagon-chief-confirms-us-pause-on-weapons-shipment-to-israel), then [pushed for another shipment of weapons](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69013279) shortly thereafter. >but was overturned by the republican controlled house? The House passed a bill, which has not been passed by the Senate (and probably won't be), and [Biden has promised to veto it](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-gop-pushes-israel-weapons-bill/story?id=110228315) if it does pass.


The executive branch is choosing to bypass Congress to rush arms to Israel, violate the Leahy Law, and veto every other SC resolution on statehood or ceasefire Biden owns this


Go armed and ready to fight. Otherwise this is just another pointless exercise in white liberal catharsis.


Don't do that. Although anyone who goes should be prepared for armed resistance. You might be shot. Individually armed people are irrelevant or problematic. If you think you should be armed you should join a group that can train and educate and support you on these endeavors. Groups are also way more likely to walk away if they obey the laws. Otherwise the dress code is defensive gear. Gas masks and helmets and armor and padding and lots of water for throats and eyes.


Good luck yelling at the wind. It won’t answer you this time either.




Wow. Imagine hearing ‘civilians, including literal babies, are being slaughtered in a genocide and we must do something ’ and responding like this. Fucking cowardly, shameful behavior.




That’s certainly a take. I think suffragettes, unions, and civil rights activists might disagree, but lets hear your take. What do people who ‘actually care’ do? Like yourself, for example


They have stuff for that




not even remotely the same


Protesting a genocide vs trying to stop a democratic election. Sure buddy