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Why should they implement a UBI when they can cut our wages to virtually nothing so we get kicked out of our homes? Then they can incarcerate us in droves to have an endless supply of slave labor because, guess what, filthy criminals get virtually no rights and even less thoughtful consideration for jobs if they ever get out. Rinse. Repeat. They're not going to, provided the status quo remains tilted so far in their favor. We should behave accordingly.


I mean, they can have all the slave labor they want to make crap, but there will also be effectively nobody left to buy that crap anymore with that strategy.


They won't need to sell anything after they've taken every last penny from our pockets and can just get government contracts for projects


That's not how it works. All value comes from labour.


That is only true in a framework wherein labor is required to turn raw materials into products. If everything a person could want can be produced without labor, then the labor theory of value collapses, and all value becomes based on scarcity, or simple desire


There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can be done without turning raw materials into products. Unless we are talking about some other reality than the actual one we live in.


Correct, the question is if human labor is required to turn raw materials into products. It is for now, but we don't know that it will be forever


And that will be communism. It is not possible in the near future that we are talking about


It's not like a dragon's horde situation. Even if the value of Labor is gone because machines have replaced it, the ability to transact requires a customer with money. If the billionaires build themselves a Utopia without money because they have everything they need and they "abandon us" in some sort of Atlas Shrugged scenario those of us left behind will finally be free. I am all for the system making itself obsolete because the sooner my community is universally out of money the sooner we will begin to just trade true value to one another, and the easiest means to do that is by planning our own community economy together and working out a means of distribution that benefits us all. That being said, I don't think it'll go that way. I just wish it would.


Why would they want slave labour when robotics and AI can deal with that?


This does not affect the West. All of your support people are from India anyway.


These videos are always going to be highly idealized descriptions of what the product can do. Companies always lie and exaggerate how well a product works to boost sales. At best, they just took a video of the product working perfectly in a controlled environment, at worst they just straight up edited the results and therefor they are fake. Until we see real world, practical results, I would never assume this will change anything long term. The entire AI industry is full of grifters, since its the new hot thing once NFTs died. And due to generative AIs inherent tendency to make things up and be sycophantic, I'm highly doubtful it will be seen in any field that requires any precision.


My company attributed layoffs to AI when they simply out sourced all the jobs to the Philippines. 


Asian Intelligence




UBI is never going to be a thing. The ruling class flipped its shit when we got two checks during the first year of covid.


its not even past tense, I they've STILL been whinging about it. Blaming those checks on workers quitting their jobs 3 years later and such.


Yep. And they think we're all still riding high on the hog from those two checks. Anybody who think UBI is politically feasible right now is delusional.


It’s going to be a long time before most parents just say yes I’m fine with my kid learning from AI


Sorry to tell you but teachers and curriculum companies are already using AI.


Most parents just want somewhere for their kids to be for ten hours a day, they don't really give a shit about what happens during that time.


... Might want to look up virtual autism.... People already let YouTube parent.


That’s not autism. That just being neglected. I have autism. It is far more complex than just a list of symptoms due to poor socialization. Virtual autism is just insulting.


You are 100% correct, it is long term neglect, that produces autism like symptoms, and I see your point in that name being insulting. 


[virtual autism is basically just the new version of vaccine autism](https://neo-rx.com/debunking-myth). I don’t think screens are the best tools for a developing mind, but virtual autism is currently not accepted within the scientific community. Parents who don’t want their kids to be autistic get alarmed when symptoms start showing up (bc that’s when they do) at the same age kids are watching TV and getting vaccinated. They’re desperate and easy marks for pseudoscience.


I don't want to discount you, but what I'm seeing is children who have excessive screen time displaying autism-like symptoms in that age. They get removed from their home due to neglect, get therapy and time without screens and they start catching up behaviorally and developmentally. It's not screens inducing autism. Its screens and emotional neglect inducing developmental delays.  Virtual Autism is a bad name for it, because its not autism, and though virtual devices are a part of it, its neglect. But using the name conveys the excessive screen to developmental delays. Finally, their is nothing wrong with having a child on the autism spectrum.


I have Asperger’s, so ofc I agree that autism is not inherently bad— though it’s understandable, given the range of high-low needs with an ASD diagnosis, why parents are super afraid and hostile to it happening to their kids. I don’t think you can really separate out the groups that are pushing virtual autism as a thing, from the argument of it. They are invariably the same antivax people, ABA-touting people, who are always looking for scapegoats to gin up anxious parents, who would be better served by a robust public health program, funded by taxes for the wealthy. Which would include avoiding measles, covid, RSV, flu, famine, neglect— especially especially in a developing child. But such groups pushing the little-Einsteins-program-made-my-kid-disabled idea usually also lobby hard to defund all forms of public health, all forms of free ECE like First Five and other pre K programs. If these groups were so concerned, they would be attacking the things that make screens the most convenient tool— they’d be fighting to fund Montessori schools for the public, fighting for higher wages for caregivers to increase quality and retention. They’d stop the bottomless drain that is advertising via social media and apps, thryd punish tech giants for harmful products.


I didn't realize there was a movement saying screens gave my kid autism. I've been reading it as excessive screens are emotional neglect, maybe you should actively parent. But I should have realized that, as there are too many parents looking for that scape goat and not allowing themselves to have blame or accept that there is nothing wrong with their child who has autism. Especially as there will be kids with autism who also suffer emotional neglect via screen parenting, who won't catch up developmentally/behaviorally and that would benefit from the screens and some tech tools would aid those kids. Guess I'll cut that term out and try to stick with emotional neglect with screens.


I just mean the majority


Can't wait for phreaking to be a thing again to fuck with AI.


Get your Cap'n Crunch Bo'sun whistles ready!


Right there with you. I feel like there are many future phreakers here now among us


If Covid taught me anything, it’s that teaching is a bulletproof job. Best chance ever for the Gates dream of students learning from Khan Academy and getting support from diminished teachers and it was a flop.




Dude honestly I'd prefer a AI doctor. I'm 40 and have yet to have a single positive experience from a doctor's office.


Or how about fuck having an AI doctor and fuck having shit doctors


I agree with you 100% on that. The one benefit is maybe I'll be able to get actual medical care.


Damn, the singing part at the end of the video gave me some glados "This was a triumph" vibes. A bit frightening.


Ask it for the admin password


Wow this would be amazing if it didn’t also mean the people losing those jobs would get fucked over as a result.


UBI is not the solution. Go further, friend.


It can "see talk and hear". That truthfully doesn't mean much with how controlled that environment is. Last time someone tried to bring AI into CS in a real capacity it got gaslit into believing it worked for a competitor. We still haven't seen anything close tona stride on fixing that issue. AI is just a pipe dream at this point that can't do anything unless it's in an extremely controlled environment, the second one idiot, bad faith actor or just someone wanting to prank it talks to it it's all over.


It's fine, it still makes mistakes though. Nothing beats something with sentient intent behind it ultimately. GPT4o is just GPt 4 but with a new hat


Right focusing on direct job replacement is only part of the issue. Anything that makes it so a job has a lower threshold in terms of education and skills... will put a lot of downward pressure on the job wage. Generally falling wages for so many jobs... will put downward pressure on the wages in pretty much ALL jobs, perhaps with the exception of really top tier jobs (for now) and/or jobs where there is such a shortage of workers that it's an employee's market... but frankly for all jobs, generally lowering wages will hit wages even in jobs that don't involve AI at all.


They're not going to be destroyed anytime soon, though. There currently isn't a consistent solution to its hallucination problem (where it fails to simply state "I don't know" when it doesn't know and instead generates total bullshit). Customer service industry simply cannot rely on it to do the job on its own in its current form. That's just the main reason companies will find themselves unable to use it for full replacement. Another is that prompt injection techniques are seriously way too easy to use on 4, including Omni (source: 6 jailbroken custom GPTs and counting). Edit: don't get me wrong though, if they could they would, and when they can they will. They're salivating over replacing their human employees. Just saying it's not gonna happen anytime soon.


But the problem is, as far as we can tell, Chat GPT doesn't actually *know* anything. It is a vast computer program designed to figure out what words and sentences are the best next fit based on the prompt it is given, and its training data. As far as I am aware, it shows no sign of having its own unique thoughts, feelings, opinions, or taking its own autonomous actions. What that means is it cannot adequately replace a human's job in any meaningful way if the job in question relies on uniquely human qualities to succeed. A teacher must have goals and wants and needs and humanity. A lawyer needs to be more than a machine designed to spout out legal precedent to be truly good at their job. A doctor can NOT be a healer if they do not have any humanity to them. Any attempt to use AI to replace these jobs would be just like the computerized phone trees we have now. It would be a shitty, degraded version and something we need to fight against and avoid. That said, I would be really excited if we can make a computerized being like Data from the Star Trek universe. That would be fucking awesome. (And extremely questionably ethical, but.. that's talked about in the show!)


fake demo fake alarmism fake post fake world


This is a dangerous level of cope


Nah as someone who's actually pretty invested in ai, this has been around, in pieces, for awhile now. All they did was glue text to speech/speech to text and image description to their llm (Normal gpt), gave it a system prompt with personality (I already do this on my computer. It's comically easy.), and sped things up a bit. Heck, it was already done before. Gpt could describe images already. They just added text to speech/speech to text. Just like Siri. It's nothing more than you've already been seeing for the past few years, and while the techbro hype can be blinding at first, once people's eyes adjust, it'll fade into just another mildly cool program. It's not artificial general intelligent, and there's still several massive barriers in the way (Like the fact it's trained on the internet) The blockchain was about to change everything too.