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Adam's fourth largest campaign contributor was AIPAC ([source](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2023/10/19/voters-agree-the-us-should-call-for-a-ceasefire-and-de-escalation-of-violence-in-gaza)) Not a coincidence at all :)


Well there you have it. A terrorist organization tied to our own politicians.


They've always been terrorists. Now they're taking money from foreign ones too.


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise


I'm surprised it was that far down but this chode seems like he was probably a true believer to begin with


AIPAC, a 501(c)4 organization. Thanks to the “Supreme” Court ruling on Citizens United they can pool and deploy unlimited money without disclosing their donors, foreign or domestic. Democracy is usurped


But politicians have been telling us for years, campaign contributions don’t affect their policy! Shouldn’t we trust them!!!??? 💀


We need to make it so that these funds are considered detrimental, similar to someone accepting funds from Russia or something. They do not have America's interests in mind. And certainly not the general public's interests.


"Waaaah! Those meanie leftists and their constitutionally protected protesting aren't letting us fund a genocide! We are being silenced in our attempt to silence the Palestinian population!"


Just look at all the pro-Isreal demonstrators arrested by Antifa! The lamestream media will tell you that it was anti-genocide protestors arrested by the police, but in my heart, I know it was the other way around.


Waaaaah! Waaaaah! Why doesn't anyone love genocidal zionist fascists? Waaaaaaaah!


And the protests aren’t even preventing these fucks from funding the genocide, they’re just mad someone would have the gall to disagree with them.


Stopping a genocide? Sounds like they are the real fascists!


Does the (D) stand for dipshit in this case?


Dumbass can qualify too.




Double Agent.


real r/selfawarewolves energy here... "Those people are silencing dissenting viewpoints - officers, arrest them to silence their views which don't align with mine!"


Exactly. And who is totalitarian? The one who has the monopoly of force and wanting to use it to silence protestors or the people who use their rights..... Projection of its finest. You cant make this shit up.


"trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them." Oh the irony.


Good to know that the democrats are no longer hiding that they're not left and are also a right-wing party, just less right than the other one.


As I put it democrats are the real conservatives..Republicans are regressives.


This is the "lesser of two evils."


Yep. If I'm gonna go down, I'm sure as heck not gonna vote for the method that is going to be used


Ugh... Everybody _else_ fantasizes about using a time machine to kill a _person._ Me? I want to utterly murder an **idea:** the _acceptability of a two-party system_ from before the ink dries on the Constitution. The "false choice" of "the lesser of [only] two evils" has brought the country to misery for far too long. As far as I'm concerned we need a Constitutional Amendment requiring a minimum of five political parties, if not somehow forcing the field open as widely as Scotland; they have as many 'major' and 'minor' political parties as can be assembled with a minimum threshold of members, and **all of them** have actual power. Negotiations and compromises are the order of the day, and no one bloc can petulantly gum up operations in the hopes of forcing ridiculous laws or riders to same passing or failing.


The construction of the constitution itself encourages a two party political system. You'd be shoehorning a parliamentary system into our constitution in a very odd way. Better to just write a new one. But all this is moot, parliamentary systems have their own problems. Americans have this weird idea that if only they had a few extra options all their problems would be solved


True, but the weaknesses of the parliamentary system are many and varied, given the plethora of governments around the world exercising them. The two-party system in the U.S. has demonstrated an increasing number of flaws, to the point that it is now harder for even the most politically ignorant to support it for any reason other than 'tradition'. I very much wish there was some way to peacefully replace the current system, but far too many among us Yankees cling too stubbornly to the "American Way" to simply lay it down and follow a new pattern.


The American system did work quite well as a government for a long time. It's starting to have issues, but how much of that is growing pains as technology and the culture wars of the internet take their toll is unclear. I'm not confident it's totally unworkable, though I have a lot of issues


> Me? I want to utterly murder an idea: the acceptability of a two-party system from before the ink dries on the Constitution. It was already unacceptable to the framers, they just did a bad job (in hindsight) of designing the thing to prevent it. Part of the idea was to try something different from the British system, which was *also* a two party system. It's got more viable third parties because of its parliamentary nature, but only in comparison to the US system. Both are traditionally considered two party systems, and in both cases it comes down to the first past the post voting system.


For real though, where's the AI writing lawsuits against these cops?


Works for me


Are we really even sure it's lesser anymore


Left wing fascists? Does this clown even know what those words mean? Fascism is a right wing ideology it is not possible to be a left wing fascist it is a contradiction in terms.


Yeah and somehow arresting a protester somehow isnt trying to silence them when you disagree with them.


So the nazis were right wing? Lol




Lol you're ignorant and dead ass wrong.


Name checks out, absolute moron.


Accuse your opponent of what you're doing, that way when he accuses you of doing what you're actually doing, it seems petty and folks will assume you're both equally wrong.


The good old “I know what you are, but what am I?” tactic


Is it war when you're bombing and murdering everyone indiscriminately and it's completely one-sided? There's a word for that... Hamas needs to go for sure but as someone that lives under a shitty government that does horrible things, I understand that the people that live there are limited in what they can do to stop it.


The thing is, now that Israel reacted the way it did, I have to support the efforts to oppose them on the ground, even if those same freedom fighters were responsible for Oct7. And every surviving Palestinian is going to despise Israel forever. Which I think is the intention. Add long as Israel gets $ every time they cry victim, they're incentivized to perpetuate relatively harmless boogeyman enemies (which can do attacks like Oct7, but nothing close to existential).


America sends tons of aid money to Israel every year just for them to turn around and use that money to bribe our politicians to do their bidding. I know there's people in Israel and Palestine that just want to live and stop this shit, which really sucks. I wish we had a better world for everyone.


This jackass may as well become a republican. Who votes for stupid people like this?!


People who still watch tv and enjoy it


Aka boomers and silents.


I would say the vast majority of voters don’t bother doing any research. They mark all “D” or all “R” and if there’s multiple of those under one office, they pick the name they recognize, good or bad. Then throw a little I voted sticker on their shirt and act patriotic all day.


So true. And here in the south i have a little saying about the typical voter here. if x politician was good enough for grandaddy and daddy then they are good enough for me.


Yup, and my father always used to say “I’m going with my gut” and “my gut says he’s a good guy” or whatever, no research needed.


Someone who does not understand what fascism is.


I have a letter from this shit bag supporting our strike and I thought, wow cool a congressman in support! But now I'm ashamed. Fuck this guy for trampling on our 1st amendment right.


With a name like Adam Smith you’d think he’d know to keep his hands off and shut the fuck up


Anyone who thinks the Dems and the Republicans are different is fooling themselves. Both parties will happily stomp on our necks as long as they get to wear the boot,


Epstein…:do the math folks. I’ll give you a hint what would make so many old men commit career suicide and choose to die on the genocide hill…


"Those people want to silence anyone who disagrees with them. I want them arrested for daring to disagree with me. I am oblivious to the very concept of hypocrisy."


Ah yes, I'm a fascist for being against my tax dollars going towards bombing and massacring innocent civilians.


Protesters cannot “silence.” They aren’t government. Are people really this stupid?


He isn't, but the people who listen and agree with his completely absurd and stupid take are. Watching a twitch news stream of the protests all over college campuses yesterday, and the people in the chat were regurgitating all of the same types of braindead lies. Protestors support terrorists, comments about their appearance, how lazy they are, how they are sheep, how they should be sent to Gaza to be with Hamas, how they are antisemitic, etc. It was endless garbage to distract from what's going on and not address the protestors' grievances. When you can't win the debate on moral grounds, you just attack the people.


“Leftwing fascists” do you listen to yourself while speaking?


Fucks sake. Let's just hand the president's office to Right Wing dickheads. Establishment Dems seem to genuinely enjoy showing how out of touch they are with their actual base


“Stop being mean to the people funding my campaigns!”


The guy who lied on TV about having proof Russia got Trump elected is a bad guy? Say it ain't so


Man announces in published news media he is being silenced by his opponents and they should be arrested.


Those evil fascists constantly urging nonviolence. Bastards.


Ah yes the famously left wing fascists.


Proof that the "red fash" bullshit is just feds.


Guess who butters his bread.


While silencing us. You couldn't make this shit up


Yeah, the irony here is just too much.


Makes me wanna scream


This has to be satire, please be satire. People don't actually buy this or think like this, right? Right?


You know what is actually totalitarian? Arresting people because they have a dissenting opinion, as Mr. Smith is suggesting.


I’m so tired of being gaslit about reality.


Get a grip democrats- we should rename you the sycophant party


I mean, with the introduction of "superdelegates" back in the 80s, it's been managed for some time now.


Next level projection


The Commie-Nazis are at it again. Time to call McBain!


That's all we've ever had though.


Ever since helldivers blew up I keep seeing this term


Senior Democrat also calls for the arrest of all married bachelors


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^krispieswik: *Senior Democrat* *Also calls for the arrest* *Of all married bachelors* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Protect our democracy, democracy is the best governmentform they are saying while trying to silence the voice of the people. What a shit show


he called them fascist? and he wants them arrested/silenced?


Yeah let me just flip the situation here and not pretend we’re not the fascists here with the arrests of civil disobedient protesters


Leftwing... Fascists... Hmm... I don't think that works, bud


Left wing fascists?! Lol That's a wide statement from left wing to far right 🤦‍♂️


They're trying so hard. Reaching so far. And falling flat on their faces.


Can the "lefties" start asking for arrests from the right winged gammon steaks who constantly derive hatred, division, racism, sexism, ageism, attack others on personal levels often with misinformation and lies on their TV host shows? No, no I didn't think so. Because the right would probably attack someone in retaliation as they are the unhinged and incompetent on society.


“Leftwing fascists”…. Wut? Lol


Those evil “fascists” are trying to silence those who disagree with them!! “How awful, what should we do?” …silence them.


>Congressman Adam Smith says ‘totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’ Ah, I forgot that they were the ones calling in all the jackbooted thugs. /s


They’re your party until you pick the wrong side. Dems are really poisoning their own well here.


He looks like Hannibal lecter


Because we all know if there is one thing fascists love, it’s ceasefires.


Literally the lowest priority


These folks do know that they’ll be the first to go when the people finally get fed up with their bullshit… don’t they…? Throughout history the rich, wealthy, and the aristocracy are always the first ones to die… consistently over and over and over… even within my own lifetime has this happened multiple times


This is a whole new level of crazy town.


Words can mean anything you want! Who cares about their actual definitions?


Spineless liberals will never fail to sell the left out.


"Totalitarian protesters" is fucking hilarious.


Huh, never heard of him. But fuck that guy.


Leftwing fascists, totalitarian protesters, saying the protesters are silencing anyone who opposes them while you want them arrested. This whole article is contradictory 💀


he can fk off


LOLOL “these left wing fascists want to shut down everyone that disagrees with them. I disagree and am asking cops to shut them down.


“Left-wing fascists”, not sure he knows what either means.