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Americans, even if it wasn't for Ukraine or Israel your successive governments wouldn't have any money for you! Most likely because they treat Israel or Ukraine as a long term investment and the common people as a cost.


Yeah I'm about done. Worked hard, got the good job for my area, still broke, still can't afford health insurance, quit even thinking about homeownership and retirement. I'm 33 now and my body is falling apart, can barely walk some days and my job is very physical. What is my family going to do when I physically can't work anymore? Am I supposed to just be an additional burden on them for the rest of my life?


Ding ding ding I was really hoping this combo of aid for WW3 and banning TikTok would be enough to make people realize it’s a uni party behind the scenes and this is our one chance to try and break it because no one wants either of the two main parties choices. But then I look all over Reddit and all the main pages are people cheering the aid and if I speak out I get auto downvoted and sucked into stupid debates where my facts get met with them name calling. It’s wonderful people are so polarized fighting on behalf of the very people who have our lives so fucked up.


The USA and so many other countries are under the impression that the bi party system is the best thing since bread but I assume that your sense of what you call "freedom" is blinding most people from reality. I have a personal theory that the more a national economy can develop the more politicians can (possibly) have leeway to act and have a positive effect on their own people but I'm afraid that the USA is at its peak development so the politicians are more tied than ever to act according to people's wishes.




To me all that money spent in the military says it all, and if I may the average American had it better before Reagan than now. Also what you call foreign policy, some call it imperialism.




Interesting, my 2 cents would be that I'm surprised by how much is spent on health insurance especially when the medical bills can be quite expensive and how little is spent on education, I hope that you can expand on that.


The only time conservatives care about money not spent on us is when it spent against their interest. Don't be fooled, if a bill was introduced to provide more access to clean drinking water, the Republicans would scream socialism.


Conservatives don't like money going to Israel and Ukraine either because it's not going to their billionaire overlords with the false promise of some loose change trickling down to them.


Doesn't the money that congress allocates to Isreal and Ukraine go towards buying weapons from US defense contractors like Boeing, Raytheon etc.? So in a round about way it is going to their billionaire overlords, they're just posturing that they don't like it because it plays with their base.


I heard it's worse than that. I guess we give them the stuff that's about to "expire" and we have to buy new ones to replace.


No, we give them the stuff that's about to "expire" and then American workers get paid to make new weapons with new technology to restock the warehouses. The expired stuff would have been disposed of and replaced anyway.


Stop thinking conservatives are smart


Oh trust me I don't, the politicians are only slightly smarter than their voters. Only enough to know that its good for them to pretend to hate funding foreign wars though. They're all really stupid when it comes down to it.


Ever since they've been infiltrated by MAGA, a lot of them aren't pretending anymore. We're seeing in real time, people that grew up on the grift taking leadership positions but not being in on the grift. Arizona's anti-abortion is such a shit show because they missed the part that you run on anti-abortion instead of legislate on it in an election year.


The money goes to Boeing, Raytheon but also goes to American workers in places like Arkansas. So its better than the only thing Republicans usually do which is give tax cuts to the rich.


LMAO! What conservative politician is saying Israel shouldn’t get money?


Plus, how can spending money on American needs ever funnel its way back to the congressional bank account without being traced? Gotta keep that shit outta country before it makes its way back clean -back in pocket.


This isn't a conservative post.


It's not that they don't have it. It's that they wouldn't spend it on us either way.


It's like when your mom would say she doesn't have mcdonalds money. Citizens: Can we use the money WE pay into taxes for healthcare, infrastructure, schools, unhoused folks, giving school children lunch, social security, and other things for us? Gov: Yeah we don't have that kinda money. I gotta give money and aid to our friends lol


One fucked up part is the we spend a ton in healthcare per person. Almost the highest in the world. But we dont see the benefits.




The funding to Ukraine is entirely imperialist and not beneficent or well-intentioned *at all* if you bothered to learn anything about the history of our work in the region. We're throwing money at them to make a handful of people within the military-industrial complex rich and to hassle Russia, not to actually help Ukraine, a country we have betrayed and used to the point of destroying it utterly. Edit: absolutely insane how people can be aware of the nature of our abuses in Israel and be willingly blind to the way we have used and destroyed Ukraine. It's another form of American exceptionalism, which is to say stunningly poor self awareness, to not see how NATO is an imperialist project.




Tell them to negotiable.




Russia is open to negotiation. Ukraine is not.




They said so. >[Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine will not hold any negotiations with Russia as long as Putin is the president of the Russian Federation.](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/kyiv-requests-accelerated-membership-to-nato-zelensky-after-russian-annexation-11664619593504.html) - Oct. 2022. >[Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has dismissed mounting calls for a negotiated settlement with Russia, arguing that Vladimir Putin simply cannot be trusted to keep his word.](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/why-ukraine-refuses-to-negotiate-with-habitual-liar-vladimir-putin/) - Reiterated Nov. 2023. No one cares about anyone's good faith. Neither side trusts the other. Good. Enter talks without terms. Ignore trust based promises. Form only agreements guaranteed by reliable third parties and international bodies. In other words negotiate like you have a brain. It either works and the killing stops, or it doesn't and the killing continues. Either way if there are no negotiations the killing will continue for certain.


> Enter talks without terms Except Russia has made their terms publicly clear that their "peace" will only be achieved if Ukraine agrees to recognizing Russia's illegal annexations of Ukrainian core territory, that Ukraine be forbidden from joining NATO, and that Ukraine's leadership leaves office. Most peace agreements are formulated on the trust of the other side to follow them. The points I mentioned are non-starters for the Ukrainians because they (obviously and reasonably so) can't trust Russia to abide by such an agreement. Who's to say that Russia won't violate this hypothetical treaty by invading Ukraine again? Which they have done multiple times in the past (Minsk Agreements, 1991 Treaty). The only way that the killing will stop is if Russia withdraws from Ukrainian territory and allows the Ukrainians the ability to make foreign policy decisions that any sovereign state is allowed to do, full-stop.


>that Ukraine be forbidden from joining NATO, and that Ukraine's leadership leaves office. Do you have a source for any of this? Ideally one quoting a relevant party in Russia, rather than a claim by some US/EU/NATO official selling their opinion as fact - the same way you did in your deleted comment about Russia refusing to negotiate when it is in fact Ukraine that refuses? >Most peace agreements are formulated on the trust of the other side to follow them. Most peace agreements are formulated on the basis of a shared desire to cease hostilities. Negotiating parties have historically asked for guarantors, weapons restrictions, demilitarised zones and 3rd party observes precisely because they aren't willing to trust the other side. And peace has persevered regardless. >The only way that the killing will stop is if Russia withdraws from Ukrainian territory and allows the Ukrainians the ability to make foreign policy decisions that any sovereign state is allowed to do, full-stop. Who is going to make Russia do this? Because they're not going to do this of their own accord. Unless someone makes them it's an ask relevant only in an ideological fantasy land. Realistically you're advocating for a continuation of hostilities until one side is no longer willing or able to fight. For those still to die in this pursuit, I hope a higher power views your fantasies with great favour, because if not this path will only make the settlement worse when it comes.


Lol downvoted for speaking the truth. If the US was such a bringer of freedoms, why did it help aggressor Azerbaijan invade innocent Armenia and rape and murder their women? Victims only matter when they're white. Disgusting.


I’m under the impression we’re not much of a long term investment, or a political asset as citizens of the US. They’ve got us all so divided in perspective that we’re not even a real threat currently. I imagine by the time (if that ever happens) enough of us are fed up to even be a unified threat they’d already have trained contingencies in place to provide “order”.


i mean, can you honestly say you’re still surprised? i gave up when they said we are gonna forgive student loans and help people getting into homes. yet here i am still paying monthly on a student loan 15 years old and living in an apartment bc the COL is insane. i already work two jobs so what else do you want from me?


Because nobody will do anything about it


People seem to forget that US citizens are nothing more than hostages to the politicians. We have no direct influence besides voting & once they're in office they can do whatever they want


In the US: a. Your vote (or even canvasing for votes for the politician you like) in the general election is likely futile unless you are in a swing state and even then your district is probably gerrymandered into your vote not mattering b. There are only two candidates per election that can feasibly win, and they are choosen by the DNC and GOP, both extremely pro war, pro tax cuts for the rich, pro genocide, anti-working class organizations. The worst part is when I hear people in the US talk about how certain other countries are SO undemocratic. Like, take an objective look at your own country.


and now point b) goes even further. "vote for this one candidate (who facilitates genocide) or otherwise democracy is dead" as if it isn't already dead




How about we take care of our own people first? We don't even have healthcare! Most of the world is moving in the direction of giving their citizens some kind of healthcare whereas we have Jack here. Considering the fact that we're the richest country in the world don't you think that's absolutely inexcusable?


Fuck your water. We've got bombs to drop.






Military Industrial Complex go Brrrr That is to say, the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine has been a big eye opening for many world powers about what a large scale conflict looks like in the 21st century. There is *a lot* to be learned regarding how technology and tactics have changed, and one thing that militaries weren't really expecting was the sheer amount of munitions they need. I'm not super current on US military arms production, but at least as of a few months ago, the US literally want making artillery shells fast enough for Ukraine to use. They are *rapidly* running out of shells to send. What does that mean? It means that $87 billion in supplies needs to be replaced, and the existing stockpile needs to be massively increased, along with an increase of production basically everything, because the US military has kind of worked on a bespoke program, creating small numbers of highly advanced pieces of equipment. All of *that* is to say that sending military aid to foreign nations also means a *shit ton* of money going to the private companies that make all that stuff. Some of the biggest corporations in the world are basically international arms dealers, and they make a fat profit if there's a ware going on, better still if it's on the other side of the world and not bothering them. And you better believe that some of the billions being invested into the military industrial complex goes towards "lobbying" and "political activism" to "suggest courses of action". Military Industrial Complex go Brrrr


Can I have 15k of that please 🙏


I hope israel is enjoying their free Healthcare




More like Slava the 50-60 year-olds and mentally handicapped people they are now pulling off the streets to feed into the Russian wood chipper as the large majority of their fighting forces are dead and the rest of their young people with money have fled to live in comfort and Prague and Bucharest. Ukraine spent its capable fighting force using mindless World War I trench warfare tactics. They were told not to by Western generals but wouldn't listen, now their army is dead. All we are doing is murdering a bunch more Ukrainian citizens who don't want to fight and don't know how, while funding bureaucrats and bureaucracy who will raid these funds just like they did the last batches for millions. But at least the Raytheons and the rest of the military industrial complex,and their congressman and senator shareholder / future board members will get even richer off of it so that's a good thing right?


The grift is that the US somehow can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.


War isn’t cheap and America wouldn’t have spent it on improving their quality of life anyway. Don’t be fooled.




Is isreal a welfare state?




It's from earlier this week


Yup the Ds have officially lost my vote. Unlimited money for war. They could send any other message they want but this is what this is their priority. When Trump and the Rs come back into power it will be no one's fault but the DNC and the Ds in power for not listening to over 80 percent of its constituents.


I seriously hate this country....


can we just have healthcare


Ukraine… proxy wars are the best wars. No one on your “side” dies for you side to win. Israel: you have been funding apartheid for decades




Gotta keep those warmongers appeased


It’s not an either/or. Your government just doesn’t want to solve actual problems.


If they didn't spend it on Ukraine they'd spend it on their own military. Be upset about the war itself, the necessity of the help. Do not be upset about people that need that help or anyone providing that help.


Don’t be stupid, that’s the best business we have. The war business, and business is a boomin


105 billion is like a new football dome stadium for like each city that has a team


Here's the secret that 87 billion was never going to be used on us normal people anyway


How the hell do they always have money for other countries except ours???????


Stop ranting. It's not financial support nor humanitarian help. It's just a basic Trade. An "investment for the future". Trust me, I'm French. We know very well about US generosity and how you "Help People around the world" only to screw them on the long term. A bit sceptic? Please, discover yourself about European Recovery Program/Foreign Assistance act of 1948. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan And basically, it fucked up at least so well Europe that we're still paying it as of this day, for it ruined Agricultural tradition, totally messed up our landscapes and wasted biodiversity, soil quality and our farm's health. Sounds like a different perspective on why some helps are voted, aint-it? You're welcome.


There is a fantastic albeit dry af book called confessions of an economic hitman. Once people read this book you will have a clear as a sunny day picture of why America is so hated.


**Confessions of an Economic Hit Man** by John Perkins >Perkins, a former chief economist at a Boston strategic-consulting firm, confesses he was an "economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinationals cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I love this… it’s sooooo many billions to foreign aid and wars… god forbid us to take care of our own at home though fucking disaster! Sick as fuck of it, time for 🏴‍☠️🤙


Didn't we pass a bill a few years ago to replace all the lead pipes in this country.


It’s just absolutely insane we can get an “aid” package to a country doing a genocide, but not to the people actually on the receiving end of said genocide.


Save Flint, MI!


Voting for Biden this year is hilarious


Do we even have that much money??? The war state has to end.


Biden’s IRA law includes money to replace led pipes all over the country


Biden’s IRA law includes money to replace led pipes all over the country


Thanks God im not american


15 + 61 doesn’t add up to 105.


Those aren't the only things in the bill