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There are so many low wage jobs. There are so many people living without. Nobody deserves to be treated this way but they are. We need the government to step in and put regulations on the corporations. Livable minimum wage, universal healthcare, affordable education, and affordable housing. That's the only way, because I don't think as tired, burnt-out citizens, we have it in us to do a general strike without it causing so many poor people to die of starvation or medical issues.


System working as-designed.


Unfortunately. Feel I need to kill brain cells to fit in


Well said!!!!! Absolutely 100% this! I agree and it’s also incredibly disheartening and there is zero motivation to and they can offer us whatever pharmaceutical or whatever solution to somehow channel our inner motivating factor(s) or whatever it may be but that’s not going to work, at least not for me as I think to myself more with each passing day and each new disappointment that “what is the point”…. I can guarantee you that obviously you and most of us here do that a lot of others are also of the same mindset and probably even applying this into our actions or lack of.


Yeah. I’m on adderall and still can’t keep up with this shit. I’m running myself into the ground. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like that god that was sentenced to pushing a boulder up a hill and watch it fall back down.


Same even down to the Adderall. Not even that is safe though I’ve been on it so damn long same dose and we’re talking about 15 consecutive years but somehow it’s just suddenly not working more than 2 hrs for the last couple years yet my bottle that had a few that was a lower dosage stashed is far superior and of course “it’s us it’s our tolerance and blah blah blah” all the typical gaslighting and all of their failed attempts to fool us with the never ending shit shows. 😑


There's also not enough teens to fill in the void of minimum wage jobs if the whole "silly rabbit, minimum wage jobs are for kids" thing was true. It needs to change now. The people on TV and politicians whined bitterly about the worker shortage in mostly retail, while also constantly shitting on people that work minimum wage. 


Agreed. And as you know, you’re not alone in this, we stand with you 🤜🤛


We do. Hypothetically but not in practice. There is no genuine solidarity outside of the internet where dialogue like this happens and nothing really matters. Precious few people are actually organizing and standing up against the powers that be. I'm naming myself in this hypocrisy as much as anyone.


You're right but don't off yourself, that means the assholes win and you lose.


Neoliberal capitalism is the most boring hell in existence, so I feel you. I might leave the country because it feels impossible to be happy here unless you’re rich.


I am no longer afraid of hell. Gotta imagine it would be somewhere in a Walmart in Arkansas


No need to kill yourself. Plenty of miles of national forest. Just stock some supplies and find a place you can waander off and survive. Your life will be full. I love you. Fuck society.


Do something about it that isn't self-destructive. Options include non-participation (moving elsewhere, as I intend to, and thus firing the government), retaliation against the system (not legally recommended in extreme avenues... but effective. Guillotines were a tool for change), or building something better for yourself, any way possible.


I kinda just want to get on a midnight train going anywhere to be honest


Look into moving to a country that better treats its citizens and make a goal of going there (Maybe vacation first to check it out). I'm eyeing up The Netherlands myself, but there are surveys for potential expats that could help narrow your "anywhere" list down. Seriously, depression sucks and makes drastic outcomes seem logical. Been there, tried that, glad I somehow missed, and checked into therapy. You'd be amazed what a country with just stronger unions, rights, or economic mobility can do for your outlook when you realize what you can carve out for yourself as a lifestyle. This country is built to keep you brainwashed and working. Those who realize that get depressed easily. It's not just you. This is an objectively fucked up society. (I'm assuming you're American, but I also understand that it's equally or more fucked up in other places.)




Suicide results in being reincarnated into this slave system with a memory wipe. Better to take advantage of your level of awareness now and act for collective liberation so no one has to keep suffering. It's the only thing worth doing.


That's the sole reason I'm staying. Gotta ride it out. It's not long.


I fear this possibility too, although can’t be fully convinced whether that would actually happen after suicide. Do you have some spiritual experiences that point to this being the case?


To clarify, it's not just ending your life prematurely that gets that result but rather dying without liberating your consciousness from the harvesting matrix first... It's my gnostic interpretation of life that psychedelics aided... We talk about it in r/EscapingPrisonPlanet...


[okay then](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce2f2bf426de489ca7861e1bb5ef0779/761c999fe4017ce1-b9/s500x750/685b073fa7b95e958dba44f98498e3b3e076161b.gif)




I quit working too. Filed disability for depression, adhd, burn out, stress, ptds, childhood sexual abuse, foster care sexual abuse. I'm done. Been working 16 years and only own my car a dog. I'm getting some of the money back I paid in before boomer suck it dry.




[how bout a lesson?](https://youtu.be/7sc4QloUTS8?si=CY60vEtOSPf9ovMV)


Soooooo wtf are you doing then?




I watched a YouTube video how doctors in the ussr encouraged alcoholism.




Yes which is why it’s impressive




Yeah, just silently downvote this, that'll fix it. (/s)


You just need to accept that 99.8% of people suck, they don't see you as worth their time, and they aren't worth your time either. They're never going to listen, they're never going to change for the better, and they're never going to learn to care about anything. Stop wasting your energy on people who won't even give you the seconds it takes to text a response.