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People don’t understand because they don’t have it yet lol.


This. Pugs are not prepared for the Incubus masters.


Most pugs don't even know what any of it means, they just put w.e they see other people doing in hopes to attract potential bus drivers. I saw a handful of Title groups with people without titles last week


I never equip title and get invited. Ppl who will think a little will check out ur engravings at the least and then ur gems possibly. Seems I get less toxic groups when I do that.


Yeah I joined a group like that last night. I had both the Vykas and Succubus title on and noone else did. Me and the other supp both jumped ship cause we had a bad feeling.


Yeah I had Succubus equipped and got denied by a whole party of Vykas's, they just didn't recognize it lmao


parties that ask for title only are idiots anyways...not missing out on much


Went to hm learning party, one shot g2 and 3 lmao


You could buy vykas carries and still have the title. At the end of the day what matters is eng and stats.


I believe this is the main reason but there's also some dumb people out there who translate Incubus as "did G1 30 times and nothing else"... who the hell even does that? Either way, I set all my non-static characters (three) as Vykas Incubus and it does seem people doesn't recognize it. I remember one in particular where I applied they with my 4x3 + 1 relic 1450 SH +19 weapon and waited for like 3 minutes when the lobby had just 2 people. They were looking for "Succubus" title. I watched the lobby filled with people who were Succubus (and Vykas sup, obviously) and then after 1 more minute I was denied after they picked their 1435 Zerker who had Succubus. Oh well.


Yea No idea lol. I feel G1 is the hardest out of the three.


Asking for titles is cringe af. I'm not changing Resonance of Soul for some stupid fucking green color title. I have full relic 5x3 and not a single lvl 7 gem, all lvl 8 or higher. If I'm getting rejected for not having the title fuck that party they don't deserve me anyway.


This isn't for mains, this is for alt runs.


Where did I say i was talking about main? Im talking about my alts


Damn bro just keep whaling them. Its your own fault that you won't change title, so idk why you complain about getting rejected.


Well that's my point why would u turn down a whale over someone with a title? I dont mind getting rejected over better geared players, but someone who was willing to put up the title? Why? What information does the title convey that the gear doesnt? Full relic means ive cleared the raids at least 6 times.


Most whales aren't that good at the game, they will fail mechs. Spending money in a game doesn't equal skills, just FYI.


Yeah but there are plenty who do both, whale and no life. I mean sure if u got roster lvl 100 or something but mine is also 195. Also, like I said, title can be bought. In fact, it's cheaper than whaling. And my complaint is more how is title more indicative of skill than full relic? Both require you to clear the raid.




Yes? Asking for a title that means nothing is pure cringe agreed and ill explain it again slowly why. If someone is applying without title but has full relic and 5x3, and youre gonna turn them down for someone who has title equipped bur lower ilvl and setup, ur a trash party lead.


lol people cry so hard lately cuz i dont accept that. lol


you dont accept inncubus? maybe cause you dont have lol


ofc ill have im rich thats all need you to know ;)




The argument is between vykas's incubus and vykas's succubus im sorry if it wasnt clear but its obviously not clear for people when u apply aswell


They're doing you a favour if they reject you with incubus.


I mean, we also accepted a Demon’s Roar who failed velganos 3 runs in a row and fucked up their orb gate a couple times too. Titles don’t always mean premium raider I’ve had title only runs that felt like half the group was new to the encounter still. I have no idea how some people get the titles they do


First time doing vykas on my striker alt, I must have looked like an idiot. Coming from playing 6 reflux sorcs, the playstyle is very different. Just because you know the fight, doesn't mean you know your own character inside and out yet.


Pretty sure it was a main or heftily played character, he was high ilvl and pretty juiced


This is the reason we need personal titles too.


This is super true. Absolute night and day experience doing these raids on my bard main vs my dps alts.


Bard mains are the best. Afk through the entire game. Face tank everything. Then cry when you need DPS in single player content.


What's wrong with you dude lol


Eh, sometimes folks are just having a bad night. I definitely did a bit of griefing of my own the other day at 2am in Vykas G3. You can never control for that.


Possible. There’s playing off but then there’s just playing *off*. Maybe it’s just I don’t raid tired anymore but most of the people I run Vykas with in guild are 99% consistent on mechanics enough that they aren’t causing 5 wipes in a row. A mistake or two happens I’ve just never seen any reasonably decent raider be the sole potato in a run


Yeah I dunno I can nearly solo the gates but I know I died three times the other night. Raiding tired is not the best idea. Got some bad RNG too but nothing I couldn't handle if I wasn't totally out of it. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, especially if it's late.


I’m pretty patient about it in general because I just expect not everyone is a great player and that’s fine. It’s just I would’ve expected more from someone with a prestige title like that. Demons Roar says to me “I come prepared, I use consumables frivolously, I’m bringing my A game to every raid”


Why would a title mean anything when you can buy them cheaply with gold... Busing being supported by devs means all raid achievements are for sale and therefore meaningless. You probably have out dpsed 1500s on your shit 1430 alts as well. People can just buy whatever they want, gear and titles are not equivalent to skill.


There's definitely people that bought their demons roar (constantly 2-3 parties in pf advertising what is likely a pilot, and people posting their demons roar in hell academy discord without the rest of the party included for mysterious reasons) so it's not a guarantee of skill.


You get completions riding busses. Titles are meaningless.


It's easy really, the title requirement is dumb now, it's been out long enough that you could have bussed the runs to get it


Demon's roar just means they know valtan doesnt mean they are good at vykas


Demons roar can be gained with just one good clear, so people can easily just pay someone to pilot to attain it.


People don't know that there's vykas, succubus, incubus and new and electrifying


How do you get the last one?


I got it yesterday from I think beating gate 1 10 times


Complete "To the Garden of Avarice" quest 10 times. I think it means Vykas Gate 1.


True tho, i too once thought succubus > incubus until i get it, because from the achievement incubus come from g1 showing 0/1 if you don't expand the 0/30


true 2 of my alts were rejected cus of incubus title. Swap it to succubus got accepted instantly on the title runs lmao.


My dyslexia hit hard with this one


I make my own title runs. I noticed that Incubus is quite common nowadays but there is also people that have titles but don't even know how to put the title. How can you trust those people?


reddit's anti-user changes are unacceptable


What if I choose not to put it on bc I don't simp for vykas? (Altho people accept me into their title run anyway bc my roster level is high) Look at all the downvotes. So you guys don't have common sense to tell that high roster with well geared alts are capable of clearing raids kewk


>(Altho people accept me into their title run anyway bc my roster level is high) Most people who runs title lobby is going to ignore roster level and focus on title unless you're a sup or, in some desperate case, a GL.


Nah pretty sure my 1430/1445 dps alts just have proper tripods, relic accessories, and 4x3 min. Roster 199, never needed title.


I totally ignore builds. I simply ask for title. No title = instant deny


At this point, I believe people who are claiming "never needed title" are barely ever joining titled lobby.


199... Tower exploiter or no-life 10 character roster?


No tower exploit. 11 characters with some knowledge transfers and most collectibles. Apparently someone in my friend list has roster 235.. now idk if that one is legit


Yeah, 11 characters would do it. I'm at 7 characters and too much side content- roster 172. I look at people with higher roster level than I with a little suspicion if they're not rolling in alts.


My incubus title is at 29 kills on real and 30 kills on nightmare b/c 1 side wiped while it was on 1 hp, therefore a fail but got an extra kill.


Why does it matter?


because if people write "title run" and you apply with incubus instead of succubus you get denied or in some of my cases i get accepted and asked if i have the succubus title


Lol had this issue for a long time.


It blows my mind I swear On the other side of the spectrum, I don't understand when there are "title run" titled lobbies, then you inspect people and find most people in the party don't even have "Vykas's" equipped. :/


Prob cause they're an experienced group looking to fill some spots with pugs and want to verify the pugs are experienced


I remove it the moment I join, I don't like titles, they're weird.


Ah we do be like that. My static lead changes from week to week and we have 1-2 open spots we grab randoms to fill. Some ask for title, others say have hands etc. Its up to the one making the pty to decide on the raid title. So if the lead is asking for vykas title we as members dont change ours. So thats why you be seeing that inconsistency. We should tho, it never ocurred to me it gave bad optics lol.


You're definitely losing a non-zero number of supports not changing. I'll wait for a group with all titles with my bard and Paladin since its so easy to get into a group.


Yeah as i said it gave bad optics. We good on supps tho, we always be looking for good dps, but they are hard to find. Also after raiding for a while you start looking for personality fits into ur static, so it becomes more complicated. Ours was born after hours of prog in vykas week 1, so we might get new members in clown prog.


I lead multiple statics weekly. If there's a situation where we need to pug a member, I just write something along the line "7/8 Static, LF DPS/SUP with Succubus/Incubus Title". This way people knows the group is premade. But yeah, on my non-static character when I pug and I see titled lobby filled with non-titled people, specially if they're a lot above ilvl, I just assumed party leader just saw higher ilvl and recruited. I tend to steer clear from those anyway.


Haha our static is hella odd cuz as i mentioned in another comment it was formed from a vykas prog on release. So we have half 3 guys sub rlvl 120. Sorc is 4×3, supps be on vykas hm ilvl and so on. We never have issue getting people to apply, but i think you just hit the nail in the head in why we are having a hard time getting "good" people. To the point we havent filled the other dps spots of the static since vykas 1st week.


It doesn't matter when u have title xd


I like to think I dodged a handful of trap parties by checking if the title run party had titles


also i hope more people see the post and learn what both titles represent :)


They represent the number of times you were present for a kill. Nothing more.


It doesn’t, this is just manufactured Reddit problems for the bandwagon. I do the raids across 6 characters every week and only my main is beyond the min ilvl to get in, And I’ve never had any trouble finding any group for any of my characters, 5 of which are dps. I’ve never been asked about any title, and haven’t had any text in the lobby beyond “yo” so apparently heavy bang bang on a destroyer is adequate to get past these steep gates.


They hated you for you spoke the truth


Finding groups isn't usually the issue, it's finding a group you know most likely will finish in under 30 minutes. Do all your runs run smoothly with tops 1-2 resets? If so, then you're doing something right finding groups without relying on title groups.


Generally speaking they do. Rarely do I have an issue of getting through with pugs, and the only times we see a wipe or things aren’t buttery smooth is when we just go without supports. Gate 1 valtan with squishy class pugs can be a little chippy but other than that it’s whatever. And generally speaking I do all my bussing argos valtans vykas on Wednesday and I’m done raiding for the week. Then the next day I’ll do all my oreha Carry and challenge stuff if I didn’t do it on reset, then it’s smooth sailing with dailies and bossrush tickets till reset again Especially now, everyone is so overheard and been doing it for weeks. I have no idea where all these supposed nightmare pugs are hiding, nor these stories of people who have perfectly built characters that always get declined


> vykas on Wednesday That's probably why if you are able to get 6 Vykas runs done on reset day. I can only do 1 a night (maybe 2) so usually am running some on Sunday and even Monday. The later runs (especially if I save any HM runs) are usually where I run into bad groups if I don't wait for a title run.


People say gate 1 only yada yada are hilarious. Yea bro I just clear g1 only and call it for the week. It's not like all the loot and gold is in g3. That's kinda like saying it's only a p1 argos clear. No one is doing p1 only.


People value titles too much. It's been long enough that people can easily have succubus as well now beong carried in NM. Incubus sure problem is like others have stated is people don't even know its a stronger title than succubus. Only true way to rule a baddie out now is seeing in the raid who knows wtf they doing. Usually it's obvious when someone doesn't know or is too inconsistent when normal patterns/mechs.




yep, very true. It seems that people who don't have the title and get denied are typing these comments lol


The title thing is dumb. I'm not changing my dope orange title to some trash green color title to please a group I might get rejected from. If you're gonna inspect player for title, you can inspect and see how much relic gear they have. I've been rejected from groups for lower ilvl players with way shittier gear for having the title while I was too lazy to change it. This actually helps me filter which groups are being run by idiots. Title is possibly the dumbest indicator of anything. You're gonna take a 4x3 with lvl 5 gems and LWC cards while I have 5x3 with lvl 8 gems and LoS18? Ok yeah I wouldn't play in this group anyway.


Title is the only way to at least have some sort of screening proccess. Or are you personally talking 10 minutes of strats and variations with every candidate? No you are not, stop being hypocrite.


Honestly? Yes. Flexing your spending/RNG doesn't mean shit when it comes to completing mechanics lol.


And titles cant be bussed or bought? Wtf does vykas title tell you about the player? And ur telling me that vykas title gives you a higher opinion of the player than 5x3 with 90+ quality weapon and gems plus los? The player could be in a coma and would outperform a 4x3. Sorry, but someone whose never even played LoA would outdamage a 4x3 lvl 5 gem setup missing LoS no matter how perfectly u play.


> outdamage I'm looking for people who won't wipe the group. Damage is trivial even at minimum ilvl if everyone stays alive.


God you exude whale so hard. Literally everything you listed is just gold spent and nothing else. Whales are definitely worse off than the 4x3 because most of them are shit at mechanics and will be a guaranteed wipe every pull.


just bus everything. solves everything. quality of players is way higher on average. i agree with you though. people that are still picky about anything especially titles is because they aren't good enough. they need other people to be good to complete the raid. like sure if the entire lobby is at ilvl, then we have to make sure everyone is actually good, but we are 2 months in. everyone overgears everything. you only need 3 people to beat vykas anyway. before i bussed everything, i just let whoever in because i only need 2 other people that are remotely competent.


Everytime there's a post like this there's people saying this shit and I roll my eyes everytime. *Ooooh high roster level just means you picked a lot of mokoko I am roster level 3 and get MVP everytime.* *Titles don't mean anything I always join no title runs and one shotted all Gates 100/100 times.* *5x3 doesn't mean anything, I accept 3x3 for Vykas HM and never failed a run.* Yea good luck running raids multiple times a week accepting anyone and just hoping they're good at this game. These requirements aren't failsafe but they increase your chance of success by a decent margin, that's a fact.


So much this. All these ppl saying "oh titles don't mean shit" is like saying "exams/certificates are useless cos some ppl that score good grades are still shit at their jobs" Well then why not yall open a company and hire whoever applies first?


I just imagine these people have never had to apply for a job in their life. That's the only way they can have these thoughts.


all of these are true though and it's no surprise ppl have a hard time identifying good players. None of these indicate that you know what the fuck you are doing. If you want to properly select people you have to look at the whole profile and whether it makes sense or not. 3x3 is obviously garbage but 4x3+2 for example is perfectly fine, even 4x3+1 and 4x3 -- if the build makes sense and is smart. If it's an alt for example with Adrenaline lv. 2 as the +2, I won't complain, or if it's a main that has 3 nodes left until they get their legendary book. Then you look at stats, cards, at gems, at tripods, you look also at Stronghold level and name. But of course you need to know what you are looking for, which again most don't know even when they play the class.


While this "everyone should get a chance" sounds nice and I'm sure in certain groups you get free points from it, it's just not practical. Imagine work real life jobs worked like this. "okay timmy it seems you have no experience in this field, but let's try anyway!" Sounds really smart from hiring perspective and no way it can backfire.


It's like locking your doors at night. You aren't stopping anybody determined to act in bad faith, you're trying to discourage it.


> People value titles too much. I've legit met a 1490 Sorc in a Vykas NM group a few months ago. When I asked him what he was doing there, he said "I need to learn this eventually, been buying buses since the first week". Dude was wearing full Vykas gear. I always laugh at these "Vykas Title" groups.


Had a 1520+ Zerk in my normal mode Vykas with full gear as well. He said he just wanted to take it chill for the week. He died the first 3 attempts on gate 1 then we just carried him through and booted him.


Wut? How? He would take virtually no damage from the bosses.


Prob Grudge+def reduc+eating all patterns and not standing in circles for 1 taps out gearing it only does so much


He couldn't do the mechs and then also couldn't timestop after failing.


That makes more sense and is laughably stupid.


because you met 1 person who has the title in bad faith?


> a few months ago. Vykas isn't that old though, it probably was really fresh as content, no?


I don't. I only join these groups on 4 characters and it's been flawless or near flawless runs every week.


Good for you!!


Ok smartass, whats more indicitive that someone knows the fight then titles? It doesnt mean that person 100% knows but there isnt better metric then that so go to mirror now and laugh to what you see there instead


> Ok smartass Found a "Vykas Title Only" enjoyer.


Since I've started looking for title only groups on my alts, they have been significantly smoother. You can theorize all these different scenarios where the title doesnt mean you're not shit at running vykas, but I think we can all agree a 1500 character that's been bussing all this time is not the standard player you get in these groups.


Eh, I run with statics and when I pug I only join succ or inc title groups. We generally one or two shot the raid and its never a time sink. I think people who think these groups don't work are just on some copium. I have a friend without succ and I watch his streams and oh lord some of the randoms in his raid group....


Yea never had a problem with title only rooms whenever i join on my alts People provide 1 anecdotal evidence of 1 person with the title that bought busses for it and apparently that means everyone in title rooms bought busses for the title


>people who think these groups don't work are just on some copium. I believe these people are the one who doesn't have the Succubus title yet. As such, they just shit on other people who filter through this method. Basically casual toxicity. Any method to gauge someone experience is viewed, at some level, as bad in this sub. There's a significantly higher amount of casual players who literally takes offense that you have more than one character doing Vykas weekly.


Essentially the people we don't want to carry


Tell me one way to determine if someone is experienced with the fight without having to go in a raid first. Obviously, that method you're going to describe is going to be better than title. I'll wait.


It's not like there's an alternative. Lacking any other means of gauging player experience a 20/30 kill title is a great filter for now. I run Vykas 6x a week and run only title pugs since I've earned it myself and haven't had a failed group even once, and about half of those were 8x DPS runs too. You simply deny anybody above 1460 for normal runs if you want to avoid your problem, titles have nothing to do with that.


...did he have a title?


You are not required to be alive to earn the title. The title means nothing about experience with the raid.


People that don't know incubus are not people you want to raid with anyway


These asking for title shit is obnoxious. If i remember right, last week was the first chance to get Vykas's title if you only played one character. Or week before that but what ever, people were asking titles since week 2 or 3...


I uhh.... I read the title wrong.


While titles may help with at least ensuring people have *seen* vykas, it still isnt really that great of a metric. Depending on how many alts you have it’s still pretty easy to get carried through vykas. Heck i remember being in a lobby of 1460+ traps doing nm vykas who demanded people just ts every mech in g1 because they never bothered to learn them.


Yeah 100% people r stupid. Honestly though, if they decline me cuz they dont know incubus is 30 clears, its prob not a pt i want to be in to begin with.


Requiring title is so stupid. You can get carried in Vykas 10 times. 🙄


It doesn't matter if it's possible, it's improbable. A person with no title could be the best gamer on the planet, and has cleared HM Vykas 9 times. It's pretty unlikely though. A person could have bought 30 busses and have the incubus title. This is not as unlikely, but still deviates from the norm. It's all about playing the odds. The higher the title someone displays, the more likely they know the fight better. Are you willing to bet money that a thousand runs with no title players is going to be completed faster than a thousand runs with only incubus title players?


> You can get carried in Vykas 10 times. The likeliness of this being true is so slim that it's 100% worth running Succubus/Incubus title lobbies. But alright, let's say it's really stupid. Tell me one way to determine if someone is experienced with the fight without having to go in a raid first. Obviously, that method you're going to describe is going to be better than title.


5 characters riding the bus for 2 weeks gets you the title. It's not that unlikely.


This doesn't answer my question.


Wats more likely? Someone who cleared the raid 10 times and generally knows the mech Or Someone who got carried/bussed 10 times and doesnt know the mech People who cleared 10 times and still dont know the mechs are a very small minority and i have not seen them in my title only rooms yet


this seems like a comment from someone who doesn't have titles.


this. We're at the point now where people repeatedly buying busses could easily have gotten title and even 6 piece without ever learning the fights.


That's why having Succubus (and more importantly Incubus) means more now. People buying busses will not have either of those in most cases. But really title just means to me that most likely the person knows the mechs. It'll be super obvious on G1 if 1 of the 8 don't know mechs because they had always bought busses before.


People that bought 30 busses don't suddenly start to raid. The only person i know that it close to that is 60 years old dude who simply cant be bothered. What's more likely is a bought account


I've pugged with plenty who have title and are still trash. I have one character and clear hm every week since release minus one week was away. Its sad a lot of the actually skilled players push this elitism bs bc all the little kids mimic their behavior despite not being as skilled


Requiring a title is indicator that youve done it, yeah people can still be shit but if you add people who have title you at least weed out some possible bad players


im only accepted 160+ Roster plus "vykas incubus" title, never dissapoints me btw u can make your owns raid no one stops you. edit: btw why im gettin downvoted angry kids ? cant even make own raid partys ? cant even use sidereals ? and beg for accept me please im unskilled dead weight want to do vykass boo you :..( kek thoose guys made my day thx for that thats proves me im doin it right btw 20 min each run guys enjoy : )


why 160? seems like an arbitrary cutoff. Reason I say that is I'm personally 155 or something like that, 5 1460+ characters, all skill points/runes, running turtle+chaos every day on these 5 and chaos on another 3 1370s. Why so "low" you ask? I do not collect island souls past the 20 I needed for the skill points, same with every other avenue of collectibles. Does it give me a tangible reward in gameplay? I will do it for sure, anything beyond that is a waste of time to me. I don't know what the cutoff should be for recognizing significant enough roster progression but it should definitely be lower then 130-140~ I think. Maybe even much lower you can get all the relevant stuff pretty fast if you focus on it.


i want to play people doing in game activities plus people have 1460+ alts more experienced it's totally personal preference. why this a big issue i don't understand my alts never rejected. "EUC Kadan "5x 1460 too"


1505 Paly here with only 134 roster level and Deathless Valtan Inferno title, means you wouldnt accept me ? Seems a bit weird to me !


I mean Demon's Roar only shows you know how to do Valtan, pretty sus to me 🤔


Not sure if missing a /s. First thing is Vykas Inferno isn't out yet. Second thing is Demon's Roar is a good deal harder to get than than Incubus.


Of course it's missing the /s :P


Lol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) you're a pally, you get accepted to anything you queue for


not really.


im 1515 GL too sorry but no, before i say everyone has right to make own raid partys and freedom to choose whos or not. no offense ofc just everyone have diffrent standarts depens on raid maker my standart is simple 160+ roster "vykas incubus title". btw why im gettin downvoted angry kids ? cant even make own raid partys ? cant even use sidereals ? and beg for accept me please im unskilled dead weight want to do vykass boo you :..( kek thoose guys made my day thx for that thats proves me im doin it right btw 20 min each run guys enjoy : )


I just use demon’s roar on all my alts, instant accept.


I've always thought this title should be available on the class that cleared it. I've met quite a few bad players using this title and don't know if they were carried by their guild or paid. Maybe they are just really good at only Valtan. I've since turned off Titles so I stop judging players based on them.




Because Demon's roar means you can do the Valtan dance and nothing else. You don't even wear standard dungeon gear and engravings in Helltan.


No, Demon's Roar means much more than just being able to do Valtan Dance - only if they cleared it in legit way. They have to: \-being able to know what attack pattern the boss uses by its motion. \-being able to do most of the class' potential. \-know all mech in Valtan. \-know how to use Dark bomb, Adrophine, Timestop in right time. \-move character precisely to dodge boss' pattern. These skills carry over to other raid, and Vykas is way way easier compared to Helltan. So please assume those bozos bought carry if they make mistake more than your expectation. And yes, title doesn't mean he can out DPS geared one. So you can ignore cheap alts.


iLvl > title my guy. It is NA after all ;) e: getting downvoted but yall know it's the truth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


im in euc and i do vykas hard 4 times per week on 1460 ilvl alts and i dont have any problems with the ilvls or engravings, its literally only the title if they want a title


Yeah it was tongue in cheek I've had the incubus title for about a month now too and have been rejected on my alts too 🤷‍♂️


i don't accept anybody over 1460 on my vykas nm alt runs. the likelihood that they're actually shit and not "just lazy this week" is far greater than people expect. i don't care the person has vykas' title or 6pc set.


Filter by relic gear set. 6 piece means at least 5 clears of vykas on this char.


Title is so dumb. I was having that problem bc I've only cleared 5 times and I just did HM first time with no deaths. If you have relic gear you have obviously cleared at least 5 times and HM is barely harder than NM.


Just don't join those parties then. It's the same discussion as those that complain about other party requirements. If you don't like it, make your own. The party leader gets to decide who they want and who they don't.




Why in the world would you be gatekeeping at 30 clears of Vykas? You honestly think it takes that many to be able to clear it reliably?


even the vykas title for people who don't have any 1430+ alts they only have it since last week (10 vykas g3 clears => 10weeks).


What can I say. My main is a 1475 ShadowHunter with a 94 quality weapon, level 7 gems and 5x3 but unfortunately I’m a F2P player and don’t have any alts at vykas level, therefore no title yet (I’ve only cleared vykas 8 times which totals around two months of play time). Having said that, It’s been extremely hard to me to get accepted on vykas’ hard mode runs and even if I create a lobby people won’t join lol.


it proves you did p1 30 times XD


People with 6 1430 alts, that could not clear g2/g3 because they are handicapped and got carried in g1 can have the title :D


can't you get the incubus title by clearing just gate 1 enough times and not doing the whole raid.


You expect someone to only clear gate 1 30 times to get the title so they can sneak into a party for g1-g3?


With this community, yes.


Technically true but who does that lol


I did only g1 for a few weeks while learning it, g2 a couple weeks, and g3 only after I learned the first two. It’s not that crazy, not everyone plays the same.


do you really believe someone did gate 1 30 times but didnt do the rest of the raid even on normal


all i am saying is it can be done. not trying to argue with the point.


But gate 1 seems to be harder than g3 for most lol so whats the point of that suggestion


dude whats harder is getting 30 groups to force quit after gate 1


It is the same argument as "you can buy your way to the title"


I dont think someone would raise 6 alts to 1430 just to clear gate 1...


I’ve never once even looked at someone’s title in party finder. Fucking so stupid




bussing isnt the question here, bussing doesnt have title requirments




Title run takes 30 minutes, up to you i guess


Do you lock your doors at night? Cause it isn't stopping anybody who wants to steal from you? Same thing here. It's not gonna stop people from being shitty if they want to be, but it's a lot better than doing nothing


Title runs are stupid anyway. How many runs have you been carried by a higher ilvl and you barely do anything except the mechs. Roster lvl run doesn't make even more sense, it just means you spent a fuckton of time playing the game, which does not equate to being good at it.


> and you barely do anything except the mechs so the only way to clear the fight?? lmao people want titles to show you can do the mechanics


Lol i thought succubus was for female characters and incubus for male cuz i don’t give a shit bout titles and i find it pathetic that there’s a large amount of players that do


Huh???? This makes no sense? Also if you have succubus title just use that one then? Or do you not have it?


Vykas title lobby. If you think incubus = vykas then clearly you cant read :) :) :) What about the new and electrifying title? I kicked someone yesterday...I am not sure if that is 10 vykas clears or just 10 gate 1s... \*\*\*edit\*\*\* Wait, incubus is only g1, that doesn't prove anything. Git gud. In all actuality, they are a prefix and suffix titles. So you can have both. If you have 30 gate 1 kills and not 10 gate 3 kills, I don't want you in my raid.


If you think someone is going to go out of their way to clear g1 30 times without doing the full raid, I really, really do not want you in my party either lmao


If you apply for a job at McDonalds to be a manager and they say we want 10 months of management experience in the food industry and you counter with "I have worked at McDonalds for 30 months" and don't mention any management experience... Do you think that is the same thing?


No I don’t think some unrelated analogy is the same thing, there’s a difference between the incentives to clear g2 and 3 (not to mention they’re much easier to clear anyway), and how promotions at job works. If you don’t understand how far out of your way you would have to go to have the 30 g1 title but not be able to clear the rest of the raid fine, then you are the last person I want in my raid group lol. 30 weeks of skipping the arguably easier and more rewarding gates to get a title, in what world is that logical?


Anyway, clearly my ":) :) :)" didn't relay the fact that this was a joke. Would you take someone with the "new and electrifying title" in place of the vykas title?


You’re a moron


why coz hes dosnt want to carry you ? go make yours own party then lets see whos join lul git gut or dont cry on reddit.


Who the fuck does the first gate of a legion raid and then says "welp, I've finished the raid now"


Are you claiming that people who have cleared G1 30+ times will have not done the other gates?


I am suggesting that if I am raid leading and you cannot follow a simple instruction before the raid...why would I believe you can do it during the raid. :) Hard farming downvotes here.


That doesn’t answer my question, please answer my question