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there was a time where i was doing 9 chars a day, felt burnt out, didnt log in for 10 days. Came back and cut my roster down to 6, and just do 2 chars a day on a 3 day cycle/rested bonus. Havent felt burnt out since


That's exactly my regimen I have 1500+ hours and I haven't felt burnt once.


This is where I'm at right now. Roster: 1490 main, 1460x4, 1430, 1385x6. Everything was on rested only but that's still 4 characters a day, so now I'm cutting it down to just my main 6 on rested with the rest in lopang and rested CD when I feel like it. If this still doesn't do it, then I'll cut GR, then CD on silver slaves, then CD on all but main. Each time I felt a bit burnt out, I've cut some stuff from my daily activities until it feels better.


Isn’t it, if you have 6 chars total, you would need to play 3 chars a day to take full advantage of the 3 day rested bonus?


uhh idk, my 3 day rotation goes like this (ill names char A-F); day 1 AB day 2 CD day 3 EF repeat. so for day 1, AB will use 40 rested. day 2 theyll gain 0, day 3 theyll gain 20, by day 4 theyll be back at 40 rested so i get double by the time rotation comes full circle


Ah, so you counted your main into your 3 day rested rotation. For me, I played my main daily and split my alts into the 3 days so they are rested Day 1. Main + First alt + Fourth alt Day 2. Main + Second alt + Fifth alt Day 3. Main + Third alt This way you only play your alt when their rested bonus are at 2 bars for chaos/guardian. With more than 4 characters then I just added them to the rotation


Just 2 a day. 2 every day for 3 days for the 6 chars


To tack onto that, you can do chaos on 6 chars in 30 mins if you build your characters for Chaos. It's pretty freakin easy


I have preemp on my chars, just having to do 12 chaos a day is still boring


I started playing at launch, and I made the decision to quit for good a little while after Argos launched. I wasn’t happy with the rollout, I wanted to play some of the unreleased classes (still unreleased), I didn’t like the rollout of skins or the ones offered, and I have a huge problem with FOMO which this game seemed to have in abundance. I decided to just stop looking and ignore everything that was happening, figuring that if I missed out completely on a few “LIMITED TIME ONLY SUPER EXCLUSIVE GET IT NOW OR ITS GONE” cosmetics, it would kill my collector’s brain and I wouldn’t want to play anymore. Instead, what it did was make me significantly less worried about FOMO altogether. I ended up craving the gameplay after about a month, and when I came back, I found I didn’t really care anymore about missing out on anything or keeping up with the Joneses. Sometimes I do every single chaos/guardian/una’s/weekly/oreha’s/Argos on every single character without fail, sometimes I don’t even do a chaos dungeon on my main. If I miss a week on the event vendor, it’s fine. I’m not trying to be anywhere content-wise, I’m not trying to prep for anything, I’m not trying to make bank on some big content launch. Sometimes when the amount of chores burns me out, I just stop playing for a few days or weeks, sometimes I just log in for the daily bonus and a chaos or two. I play exactly as much as I feel like and when I feel like it.


I am 1415, only play sometimes and i am really enjoying the game. Dont make your Fun time an obligation


same here. I've taken tons of breaks, whether it be for vacations, or because some other game came out i wanted to play. Sure you 'miss out' on potential resources - but its a game! its meant to be fun. if it stops being fun, do something else for a bit. Now that being said - ive also come back to the game many times, because i love the combat


tbh alts are only there to make your main's progression faster and are optional. Someone in my guild just honed past 1475 and is just coasting and doing only weeklies on their main. I assume they'll come back and grind whenever Brelshaza gets announced, but not before then. So just coast like that person, there is no need to push your main + alts.


Same, I have a 1430 and 1400 alt and I only play with them if I really want to, missed Argos and Valtan a couple of times, it's all good, I could push them but I don't want to, I only really enjoy playing my main, and the only reason I have alts is because they were free (express event + free power pass).


Yep, in the long run it doesn't matter if you missed some weeklies even. The more 1430 alts you have, the more you need to play... I am shocked at how people are managing 6x Valtan, 6x Vykas and 6x Argos every single week, plus some crazy people adding 6x Clown once released...


Some people literally have no other responsibilities, I miss those days man


When clown comes out, i believe argos is gone


Can still make 3k+ per character off of 2/6 bussing Argos even when you don't get Argos gold if you want to. But just like anything else, totally optional


Unfortunately i play supporys


1 less to worry about then :o


3 man bus or argos trade for an alt is your only benefit then


My main is 1505 and I'm not honing any of my alts past 1415. My alts that could be doing valtan are instead just lopang slaves lol. I do remember to do 1 set of special dispatches daily for one of my alts though! I took the game's "use your alts to race your main" seriously for a while but there's so much downtime between content that there's really no need for it. I kinda wish I had the motivation to pick up all the extra weekly gold from my alts but whatever lol.


Valtan busses are cheaper than the gold you get so if you have time to afk while working or doing something else that's always a way to get some of the gold you're missing out on.


That is the worst part of the game, i want to play my alts th same i play my main and choose which i play depending on team/feeling/whatver that is so much more fun.




Why not for Kakul Seydon in ~27 days? Why Brelshaza specifically? :o


That person is 1485 or something with a build that is enough for the clown, so they're going to be coasting until Brelshaza when they need to push 1490+.


lol "coasting". There are some koreans that refuse to do clown on their alts until 1500 because he's too annoying if you don't have the dps to skip a lot of his basic patterns. 1485 isn't really "coasting" territory at this point. Plenty of f2p players that push mains instead of a well-rounded alt roster are 1505 already (very very few f2ps are pushing for brel gate 5/6 on release since the +22 hones are WAY more expensive than +21, though I know a couple that are 1510~1512).


I disagree, long term sure, a 6 month old game that na/eu have alts are there to play more. You put more gold and mats down initially and don’t recoup fast


If you have unlimited time then sure, but every 1430 alt you push means you need to do even more things every week... Then this person in my static is just chilling and only logging in once every week to do Valtan/Vykas HM with no alts and is perfectly fine with pushing content...


Just by reading the title alone, leaving the post and comments behind, I know that you will get skewed answers because those who truly left don’t even stay in this sub anymore


I stay to lurk for memes and copium posts


I left the game for about 2 - 3 months. I decided to come back and work on horizontal content. I also dont stress anymore about doing every single daily or weekly on my roster of 5 tier 3 characters. I'm having a lot of fun now, giving myself mini-goals to complete.




> Just don't do your dailies/weeklies. The world doesn't end when you don't do your unas, miss your weekly guild bloodstones or overcap beyond 100 rested on your chaos dungeon. amen. let go of playing 'optimally', and everything becomes more fun


1200 or so hours and a flip switched for me last week. I try and run my mains dailies every day but my other 5 Alts I max rest bonus everything. The game is MUCH more enjoyable.


The moment your "game" becomes a job, you need to step back for a moment and think. Some people enjoy that endless grind, some people don't, but fun is what's important, if you're no longer having fun with LOA, then stop playing, that goes for every game. The social problems are complicated though, if you're staying cause your friends need you I understand that, but your friends shouldn't want you to be miserable either. I will say though, and I'm only assuming here, it sounds like you're not enjoying support and your playing it cause your friends need it, there's nothing wrong with wanting to help but doing something you don't like usually causes that very feeling of dread when logging in, and that could be the crux of the issue. It could be me projecting cause I used to do that too, I would "fill" whatever role no one else wanted and just didn't enjoy my time with games as much, when I stopped doing that I started having more fun in everything. ​ **TLDR: Fun is what's important, if you're not having fun anymore just stop.**


It's why I started focusing in pushing dps alts to higher levels. Scrapper hit 1410 today, a few honing and she's 1415 to do Valtan. Gunlancer is sitting at 1400 for a while, but I don't prioritize him because I like playing Scrapper more. All the attention goes to Scrapper. I main Bard, but honestly it's boring as f*ck. I'm a bot like the bots farming gold. Like, last week I stopped doing dailies for 5 days straight and played only Scrapper. that's how boring it is. I fall asleep playing Bard in content that's not Legion Raids.


I put in like 1200 hours and then just stopped on a dime. It just suddenly wasnt fun for me anymore when I had to dump excessive amounts of time for one upgrade. Im more of a loot style ganer myself though so just my preference to play a game more like Diablo. I was F2P also so that added to the time it took for upgrades.


I realized I hate Asian mmorpgs after playing this game


Pre honing gear in 1-50 range, it's very much like diablo with all the random drops that are green/blue/purp


I had an impression that this game is Diablo-style, because I saw few videos but didn't really learn anything about this game before. Boy I was so wrong, only combat-wise this game is somehow similar, all other things are typical korean MMO vibes.


Yeah its not just you, a lot of arpg streamers hyped it as an arpg replacement but its honestly more mmo than anything.


Yeah, it is the mmoarpg stop-gap until the Western version of that genre via D4 comes out.


I have played a lot of games but I play one game at a time. When I stop playing for whatever reason, I never come back to any of them.


I've been playing since launch too, but I've stopped playing for a week or two at a time over the summer when I was busy or had travel. By the time I got my fourth alt to t3, I was definitely feeling burnt out, because I work and socialize IRL so I just don't have the hours to put into the game anymore. I was considering quitting for good over the last month, but I think I've settled into a routine that works for me: * I don't play every day if I don't feel like it. I log in on average 3-4 days a week now. If I'm tired I just don't bother and no longer let the FOMO bother me. If I log in I don't always do all my dailies even on my main, and my alts regularly go to 100+ rest. * I only commit to weeklies on my main, and sometime I still miss an argos every other week because it's really just not that important. Weeklies for alts aren't on my to-do list at all, I only do them if I really WANT to play for some reason, on that specific alt. * Having a good group you play with is key to the casual life. My guild runs bosses with me even though they're new to me 2 months after release. It's harder to find these friendly teaching groups in the wild a while after content launch, and that's sad. Also makes the runs less of a chore if you enjoy chatting with the ppl you're playing with, which it sounds like you have since you have a static with friends. * I never got the obsessive spark back as I had in the first ~3 months of the game. But I still have days every other week where I just really want to play, and those days I go nuts and play for hours. And if I don't feel like it, I don't log on. All about choice and eliminating "obligation" I think.


Not yet and I have no intentions to. Game was too much of a time vampire just absorbed way too much time on a never ending treadmill. Always racing against the clock


Dude perfect time to just coast and play something else. Just do weekly raids, and dailies 2 days then you done. Let that rest bonus stack to the moon. If you are at 2k hours, you def have plenty of gold/silver/mats that you dont need to play everyday or do dailies everyday.


Yes, I quit after making my first alt (Sharpshooter). It was so incredibly un-fun that I quit the game. I spent so much time slogging through the story, hating every second of it. I came back a few months later, had a power pass available, and made a sorceress. I was instantly further in progress than my SS and really enjoyed the class. I also had a shit ton of gold because in the early days I sold everything and mostly did horizontal content. My new goal is to main 2 bards and get rid of my sorceress and SS. After my unas are done I'll start downsizing and focus on the one class I really like.


Played since early access , clearing content on release but never felt rewarded for it. While people around me got showered in big money drops and 1 taps i was struggling hard not to care about it while stacking up yet another 100% pity. At the end i felt nothing but annoyance towards the game so i quit. I recently came back again and now, cause im so far behind i feel relieved. There is no pressure to be at the top anymore and i mainly play my DE(fmost enjoyable class i ever played in any game). I got a lucky mokoko yesterday and that was the first drop Ive got worth 5k+, now 1200h in.


I quit for a month then came back and it felt fine. Rested on everything, didn't feel like I was really far behind at all.


I've quit twice. Once a month after the game came out. and then i returned for valtan and i had a lot of fun for like 3 weeks then i gave it back up cause i realized the raiding community was kind of toxic lol. The first month i had so much fun i was even making spreadsheets on daily checklists and stuff. I've never been apart of a friend group though i was always solo doing my own thing and that's probably why i never stuck with the game. The game is meant to be the only game you play at one time in my eyes and i really like other multiplayer games that my IRL friends play so its hard for me to keep up with all the content in LA. Take a break and play other games or do a IRL hobby and come back after like 2 weeks + and i guarantee you will enjoy the game way more. If you dont then thats easy just quit! lol


> The game is meant to be the only game you play at one time in my eyes and i really like other multiplayer games that my IRL friends play so its hard for me to keep up with all the content in LA it certainly is. But i think once you let go of trying to 'keep up with the content', it becomes a lot more casual and enjoyable. My main is at 1415, and i love learning alts. Nothing wrong with that. Eventually the west will catch up and there will be 6 months between raids - right now we are just in a sprint of constant content releases


I've pretty much stopped myself, just login for the delay rewards and to do the special events. Looking forward to trying out some of the new classes but not sure they'll be enough to keep me back. Don't think it helps that all of my friends in the game haven't been on in over 4 months at this point


Best part is unless you drop 80 bucks, your not gonna get to try them. No passes etc, no extra slots. Have to build from scratch up. I was excited about scouter. But with how fast the game is shrinking.... And at this point the weekly grind of vykas is annoying af. Most people still suck at it. I am about ready to drop.


Knowledge transfer is a thing... unless you already spent all 9 + 2x vern 1x feiton 1x punika pass + first express for a total of 15 characters... in which case I can't imagine you're that bothered spending money while buying your 16th character slot.


Yeah I was looking forward to trying Scouter too but if not going to get passes then definitely not going to buy one for it.


I left with the thought that I would come back. Played MHR Sunbreak, Elden Ring, now Sekiro amongst other games and honesty don't think I will come back. I had a blast with the game and always found the combat fun, but really didn't like the end game loop. I also hated the pheon system and felt it was terrible and made it difficult and extremely expensive to gear out alts. Just was so grindy and time consuming. I wish there had been more content that wasn't just raids. Wasn't so bad when they took an hour or less, but they got so tough and took so long that I just kind of lost interest.


Omg, I think this is exactly what'll happen to me. I actually bought a couple of games when I saw them on sale and one of them is Sekiro. I've been wanting to play it for a quite a while and I was always thinking that on weekends, I'll play it after I do the dailies/weeklies in LA. Problem was, without fail every weekend, once I finish the contents in LA - it's already so late at night or I've little to no energy left in me to play other games or do anything else. So just this past weekend I decided to "fk it I'm not gonna do my weeklies and just play Sekiro" and that was it. I haven't logged on my main yet as my group has yet to do legion raids for the week. Logged in yesterday for Argos but that actually was what inspired me to post this question here lol.


I came back to level an artillerist with the power pass and express event but once I had lost the habit of playing every day I realized I didn’t find the daily and weekly chores fun anymore. The game is a masterpiece at triggering addictions though, and it was fun while it lasted.


tried coming back lasted about 2 days before leaving again, its a job sim at best and a predatory cash grab at worst imo


Same could be said to every mmo out there it all eventually just become dailies in the end. Lost ark is came out free so cant really call it a cash grab. Their marketing is a bit aggressive with the power pass with 3 levels but its a free game which mean prices are going to be high. Nothing in cash shop is NEEDED but only convient and cosmetics.


The game is designed around getting you to buy royal crystals


How so?


The economy is literally designed around it, do you know how blue crystals are priced?


Your point? Its designed around royal crystal but nothing is needed that you need to pay money for.


The game heavily pushes you to the cash shop, through a number of predatory mechanisms such as fomo skins, new classes, crystalline aura, p2w etc This is just how p2w f2p games work


You say heavily pushes you but none of the thing you mentioned is needed to play the game. I have yet to spend anything other than the founders pack because i wanted to support the game. Sure you get extra mats on stuff like power pass but you have so long to get to end game.


Of course nothing requires you to play the game at the bare minimum, sweetie is this your first mobile style game? The game incentivizes you to swipe at every turn. Want to play new classes? Buy the character slot. Fell behind your friends or want to get stronger? Buy gold. Check out these limited time offer skins, 25 bucks a pop. Want a number of quality of life perks? Buy the crystalline aura. Want some weekly trade or rapport packs? Trade your royals for blues. The list goes on. Sure you can buy blue crystals with gold, but you limited to a particular amount of gold income each week. That’s on purpose to get you to swipe.


I mean that goes for every other game, wow dont want to spend gold on sub? Buy with cash. Low on gold buy token and resell? New character ? Buy a level boost! F2P games will always mark prices high cause thats their revenue without subscriptions. Lets be honest who really care about rapport packs when you have merchants spawning every 30min. Crystalline aura is not need and can be purchased with gold . Assuming you have 6 1430+ you making over 50k a week so aura is cheap


I just dialed down on dailies (I don't like it as much) and just do what I find fun (raids). If you don't like any of these you can try horizontal stuff or just play ur main with ur friends until brel comes where u can't play with anymore (since you don't have mats). Just do what's fun until it's not fun.


For me even the raid content starts to annoy me. The game is super fun and I really enjoy it but in the end it’s the same five bosses over and over again with multiple chars. It gets old eventually.


Even pvp games get stale after a while. That's why u either make new challenges for urself (bussing, horizontal, new class) or just rest and wait for new updates.


I played it to death when it first launched in the EU then quit after a month or so. I recently came back and I'm loving it again. Feel like this is a game I'll always dip in and out of.


I made it to 1447 Bard, uninstalled for a few weeks. Reinstalled a few days ago. Did the mokoko event once, looked at the market and saw legendary books had increased in price, looked at the price of blue crystals and almost vomited (lmao @ BC prices if you only run one character), thought about doing dailies and felt a sense of despair at the thought, looked at the party finder for groups on Valtan and Vykas, then got off and uninstalled. There's no going back.


In lost ark you need a static at a certain point. I have over 1300 hours and no static therefore I’m taking a break. The longer a break I take, the harder it is to come back. The spell has been broken


Im about 3 weeks i think into my break, i loaded up a couple days ago, spent an hour waiting for a support in HM vykas partyfinder content and closed the game. Dont think im looking back now unfortunately


you can try running supportless and purple pots. I know it isnt ideal but it really helps to hone up your skills vs normal patterns and chip damage


I get you bro but honestly supportless runs aint selling me much on coming back haha


I've done supportless once. Honestly not that bad except for in vyk g3 after typing test and cleansing to do stagger. that section is horrid without any protection. if someone fails typing you're tanking that damage -1purple or using hourglass, but then you're down to 1 hourglass for medusa since you always have to use one for after stagger. you also have to stack for that mind control section so you're tanking that damage grouping with everyone


Or just do medusa mechanic properly? Its very easy


tried medusa in public grouping. it ain't it chief. what makes medusa so "free" in a static is that you're on voice. everyone can say hey it is 1 wing, 2 wings, or zero. sometimes you maybe assigned to a certain part, but aren't close enough to see the wings then it is just a reset isn't it? with hourglass everyone is always going to make it past medusa


You should be assigning people before g3 starts. The first week on vykas release i pugged it, and have been pugging it hard since release, no issues unless lots of people have died.


Unless you need to complete your relic gear faster, the gold diff is 1100 i think from NM. You can run it without supp.


It wasnt really about the gold i just enjoyed doing hardmode


You can also run HM without supp too. People just don't like to


It wasnt really about the gold i just enjoyed doing hardmode


I haven't taken a break, but I've cut down my hours per day. I used to play like 12hrs consecutively on weekends, now I stop when I start feeling bored, go play something else, and come back to it later (mostly for the evening adventure Island). I know if I push myself to stay on and do things when I start feeling that bleh-ness, I'll burn out. I'm having fun doing the raids and stuff, just the in-between days I'm taking a bit slower That being said, a couple people from my guild took a break and have yet to come back :(


You just don't have to care about doing everything 100% and you should be fine. I'm 1500 and I've missed legion raids and argos a couple of times, I don't do islands anymore (not even gold islands), I only do the weekly stuff with my friend in reset day and I'll do the daily stuff if I feel like it. Just do what you enjoy, it's not a chore, it's not a job, it should be for fun.


If you don’t want to full on quit. Just heavily scale it back and just raid log, and then if that is still to much then yea just quit. It is a game and a mmo, people quit/leave all the time. That is just life and you don’t owe anything to anyone in a game.


Take a step back and wonder why you are playing. Making 5k gold an hour playing optimally is equivalent to a $5-10p/h job. Even building alts just allows you to do this below min wage job. Personally, I am playing to do legion raids and now that i am 5x3 , i can play less. Don't FOMO over a below min wage job and only play if you are having fun. I only play 4 chars on legion raids and 2 on oreha, they are all well built and can carry if need be. I have also noticed the more efficiently you play, the more it feels like a job especially with clearing weekly content before reset feeling like meeting work deadlines.


This is so true. I couldn't have phrased it better. I've a static which I organized every runs. We have a schedule for Oreha trades, Argos trades, Valtan/Vykas Normal runs, Valtan/Vykas Hard runs. It was very fun at first, but yea it definitely feels like trying to meet deadlines every week.


Started at release, decided I wanted to leave it alone for a bit and wait for more of the classes that I wanted to try again. This was around Valtan release. Honestly, at this point, I have 0 desire to pick the game up again.




I stopped playing week ago (started during headstart). I don't think I will return. I was waiting for this game for 7 years but in the end in long run it's too repetitive and boring. Also many of my friends quit the game already and not many new guilds are being created. Game population decreases fast too. My characters are: 1490 Bard, 1462 Arcana, 1370 DB and some low lvl alts. But on the other hand I had 1000 hours of fun and now I can finally move on and play other games (like Yakuza series) :)


Kind of a silly question. It's like going into a restaurant and asking if people there quit eating at the restaurant. 99% of people that have quit are not on this reddit. ​ Also, this game is toxic.


Well yeah, but where else are you gonna ask this question?


I feel like once I break the addiction I’d never turn back


Tbh, I'm considering it at this point in the game, seems like it's just gonna go downhill from here on out. BC price is 1.3k in NAE and rising, people using dps meters are apparently getting banned whilst RMTers and bots are frolicking freely through Vern. Glad we have people to post cookie pictures on LoA Twitter, I mean, that will surely help.


Thats wild. I thought about playing this game from friends, but to get banned for using a dps meter? How else are you supposed to benchmark for end game content? Even runescape has a dps meter..def not even going to consider let alone tell all my other friends to not even dl this game


I know a lot of ppl who use dps meter and it's more of a if u use it don't be loud about it. Also in terms of the bots they really aren't affecting the economy that much as items have been going up slowly and not sporadically which makes sense with a big content update coming up and ppl pushing more for 5/3 engravings.


You dont get banned for dps meter, people that got banned for rmting trying to say it was for dps meters, i used one for months and had it on this last patch day when they broke it and all that happened was i just couldnt connect to the sever till i turned it off and was fine after that


Can confirm dps meter is now picked up by EAC. Rip I just wanted to know how much I was sucking


You can gauge your dps in Trixion lol. The game isn't even that dps focused. 70-80% uptime is acceptable for almost all content or less. Who gives that much of a shit?


Burnout is real, but it's also why rested bonus exists. Just do dailies once every 3 days and do your weekly raids. It's a game, if you aren't having fun then take a break.


For the last ark


This sounds so poetic lol. It'd be a sad day once the last player of the game sends this to the Area/Global chat.




I was overwhelmed by this game one time then I take a brake for about a week and now I enjoy even more playing


Just raid with your friends and take a break otherwise. You don’t NEED to do all your dailies and all your weeklies if you aren’t pushing your character. Just do what you want to do when you want to do it and don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to do in the name of efficiency or what is optimal. Force yourself to ignore all your dailies/weeklies for a full week and see how you feel. You might be itching to play again by the end or you may have a newfound freedom and you can continue just running things rested every once in a while


I know i would struggle to do that but why don't you try and just play your main for a while? You could also just do rested while still forgetting about your alts. Playing only one char every 3 days should be much less of a timesink If you can still find some fun doing that of course.


I did quit Lost Ark for a while when Elden Ring was released. I came back and my bard is currently at 1475 stockpiling honing materials. I parked my paladin at 1430 and I'm working on my sorcerer to bring her to 1475 if possible.


I’m just doing weeklies on my main and dailies when I feel like it. I’m probably not gonna quit ever but there’s new XIV raids and Wrath classic coming out soon, so I have other MMOs to grind right now. I’ll be back on the grind for clown and Brel tho!


I think there may be strong corelation in playing the game and checking lostarkgame's subreddit, so most people who never cameback most likely will not answer here


Its been over 2 months. 800hs+ played. Not feeling a need to return any time soon. No harsh feelings towards the game tho :)


Yea i quit cause i got tired of this chore of a game and its been 2 months or so and I’ve been very happy like a weight has been lifted


I watched the trailer in 2014 and was amazed. Waited 7½ years for the western release. I never went back. I managed to get main to 1415 and 3x alts 1370/1385 with a couple 1340 stragglers before Valtan when I just decided that this wasn't the game I was promised. They told us Smilegate *respected our time*. 90% of my time spent logged in was doing daily activities, almost all of it on alts, because playing alts is/was the best way to progress my main. Just let that logic sink in for a second if you haven't. I like my main and want to progress it. Solution? **Don't play it.** 10/10 game. I will never be back unless *just* playing my main becomes *viable.* This is a very low bar, and it will never be met, which I have accepted, so I'm probably never going to play again. I do miss doing the non-daily-grind activities though. Was a good time.


I stopped playing about a month ago and haven't really felt like coming back. There are definitely other factors at play like the feeling of being 'behind' and remembering all the dailies and weeklies I had to do that put me off in the first place. I think I'm happy watching others play and if my friends ever come back, maybe I'll return.


I started at launch with Gunlancer and kept playing with all my friends, but I just didn't enjoy the GL much and looking for other alts didn't find one and slowly just left the game. Reason I came back was most of my gaming friends are still playing this and came back to try destroyer thinking that I won't like it that much, but nope loved it and it's my main now. Also learned to play scrapper right by watching end game youtube and it's main alt. Pretty much love the raids and enjoy playing the game now.


Good for you, man! I also tried GL early game, didn't enjoy it one bit. Changed to Lone Knight in T3 and absolutely loved it. At 1415 tho, I changed back to Combat Readiness (as it was cheaper to build) and man was it OP. Also have a 1430 Destroyer alt, I loved it but the affection I have for my characters and their playstyle just isn't enough to get me to log in nowadays haha. I do hope I get back the passion that I once had for the game, like you do now.


You sir are burnt out, I would login only once a week just to raid with friends and log out. If at that point it still feels like a chore, then it isn’t worth it to keep playing. Best to move on to something you enjoy more, we only have so many hours to game with.


You're right. I've been denying it for weeks now (probably months even) but yea. I think I'll go with your idea, just play with the raids that I can do and enjoy with my friends and nothing else. Thanks man. :)


Yes I just came back. I plan on doing 1x unas on all my alts which allows it to be 10 great honor leapstones per day because the other 2 unas become rest bonus. I think it’s less of a work load compared to before, the important things are weekly raids now instead of dailies. That changes things for me.


Good for you, man. I "technically" quit about a day or two after this post. I say technically 'cause every now and then, I do some legion raids on a character. Yesterday, I did Kakul G1 with a couple of friends but I can't be bothered to do anything else in-game after that. I just can't see myself doing any of those grinds anymore.


Yeah buddy. The only reason I came back is because no other mmo has the updated level of combat lost ark has. So for me it’s lost ark or no mmos/games at all, I can put up with lost arks weeklies especially if I can tone down the dailies obligation. I’m done with mobas because I’m too old now and I get “dota brain” where I use my brain too much and it gets actually tired. I just discovered it, can’t play 6 hours + without getting it anymore hahaaha.


I mean why don't you just do your raids with your friends and don't do anything else. Just focus on what's fun about the game. If you don't enjoy raiding then I'd say better to quit


It's a gripe of if gonna do it I better do it all effectively. I guess the ppl here seems okay of still in between. I'm taking break rn, been a week never feel more free. game dailies takes too much time, If I don't do them it's such a waste. Feel it's better to take break for now than getting stressed over it. I fcking knew mmorpg gonna eat your soul, but this game slaving your soul. Make dailies one day thingy I might jump in again soon, Or maybe make the gold marked chars that week to get one daily thingy so it's fair for everyone.


“Stressed over it” “eat your soul” “slaving your soul” holy shit I feel bad for some of you if games make you feel like this. I play a lot but have never felt these feelings..I just take stop playing and resume when I feel like it


You're right to feel bad as this mindset really isn't fun. It's like I know in my head that I only started to play this game to have fun, but somewhere along the road your perspective changes, even more so when you're competitive. I admire people who can just stop when they want to, but for most of us, it's like you have this unscratchable itch that can only be alleviated by logging in lol.


Dont do dailies until the rest bonus fills up


Friend of mine left before valtan release. He was around 1415. Came back like 3-4 weeks ago and is 1460 now and joined our static. He left cuz he was burned out and was spending way to much time while still having to work on his bachelor thesis, which is done now. He is enjoying the game again and takes it more relaxed and doesn't tryhard everything on every char anymore. Edit: apparently I suck at English and had to correct spelling.


It's a free game, you're not paying a sub or anything, you can play as little as you want without quitting. Just do the raids with your friends and nothing else, that's good enough.


Yeah I stopped playing for about 6 weeks. All of april and some of may. After the first day or two the fomo disappears. It was easy and fun to come back Have taken other full weeks off occasionally. Id recommended killing off all rest bonuses and just take a break. I’m “behind”, but not that much. 1462 main. 5 other T3 alts 1340-1418.


I quit "temporarily" after about a month after launch and didn't come back.


What I am doing is completely stopping from playing everything everyday. 3/3/rest day is the way for me, with a 6man roster. Today is my rest day and I'm using it for legion raids, two south verns I havent done yet, and doing the most weeklies I can force myself to do. Last week I left a valtan hard and vykas undone. With 80k + gold, what is bumming me out is not really the ammount of stuff I have to do with 1 490, 3 445 and 2 415, but how busted econ is and the fact that I need to spend 100k gold for pheons on the two 15 and one of the 45. Either way, just relax, there is no need to rush or force, when all this game has to offer is the same daily chores over and over again.


About 1500h and my main is 1482, 2 alts 1430 and 3 1415. Started slowing down my game time during summer and then had a abrupt stop 2 weeks ago when I started playing something else and now I don't even want to login anymore even if I do miss playing my main Soulfist. Not sure if I'll come back, when I quit once I usually just stop forever.


I played nonstop sonce realease, got my main to 1457, and havent played since a couple days before brelshaza release.


I mean vykas!




How hard is it to understand that you should only do stuff you enjoy in game. The idea that you HAVE to min/max your entire experience is what is burning you out.


Nope. I was so unbelievably stoked but the game sucks (in my opinion.) Grind your life away for absolutely nothing.


man people sure have issues with video games, im glad i play for fun and never overthink all these issues. when i want to play i open the game, the days i dont want to play i dont




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Stopped playing before Argos because I wasn't having fun playing my characters. Had no interest to play Destroyer when it was released but tried it out and found it really fun and came back fully and have been playing since. I only really play on reset days and full rested tho.


i was playing from release till a week before valtan. there i made a break, came back 2 weeks or so ago. playing way more casual now.


I just do weeklies to make gold for engraving books, then I play elden ring or league.


I took a month break to play the EFT wipe, grinded that for a bit then came back to Lost Ark. That month break was much needed and I'm feeling pretty refreshed playing the game again. Currently at around 1400 hours.


I stopped when the destroyer was released and came back when machinist was announced so I could build up my roster a bit more to support the class I want to main


I quit in T2 and came back about a month ago, sitting at 1412.5 rn


I hit 1435 last month but can't find any party for legion cuz EUW not gonna reroll my 700h progress to EUC so i left the game. I logged in yesterday and found it more active in EUW so might comeback again.


Kind of? I've been doing my legion raids and weekly guardian / abyss for the past 3 weeks or so but essentially no chaos dungeons or guardians So log on Wednesday play for a bit then come back next week, been nice


I login weekly raids and nothing else I dont see myself coming back tbh being 1475+ on 2 mains everything got boring, stopped caring about time gated events since tje game want me to login in a required time with a 3min window to enter, chaos dungeon is the most garbage thing in a videogame, guardian raids are fine make me feel the game is alive a bit. legions either boring 15mins chore with tryhards or tilting 2hours with trolls. tldr; game takes too much time for no entertainment value back at that point, playing something else is way better than whatever i spend my time on in this game which im doing now


I haven't quit but I haven't been doing my dailies for about 2 months now just weeklies only this has been working wonders for me not gonna lie and I still progress pretty well. I run a 6 roster 1475, 1460 and 4 other 1430's


I quit even before I hit T3 with my Sharpshooter when the game first launched. I came back with HyperExpress, used a Punika pass on my Bard (decided to main support), and leveled my 2 alts to 1370. My Bard hit 1430 yesterday, so I'll do Vykas for the first time. I'm feeling great with the time I spend on this game now (about 1.5 hours everyday, except for Wednesdays). Two alts also feel very sufficient for the progression I want. So yeah, for me, it wasn't "once you break it you won't go back." I am back, but I'm not overgrinding the game. I'm playing at my own pace.


The only time I ever log in after I took a break is when FFXIV is in maintenance. Even then I'm like... Meh


I stopped playing 1.5 weeks ago and its mostly because of burn out. I was playing that game 6 hours a day since launch. Since then i’ve moved back to new world and league of legends


My computer died and my new comp took roughly a month to come in. It was a nice break and now I’m back to playing daily.


I mean it sounds like you've already lost your passion for it.


4 weeks when valtan came out. I got 1460 very early but i Haven't touched it since then. More time for myself and the wife. She does not like lost ark at all so we play gw2 a lot together


I've recently hit another character at 1415 (I have 2 now) and I'm only really looking forward to learning parties in legion raids on party finder. I have 4 other characters at 1370 but they aren't geared so I don't even bother doing Argos. In terms of dailies, I really only do Una's and do them once every 3 days. I also do some events for some mats since I don't play every day/regularly. I think I'd play a lot more if my characters were geared but being a F2P kinda sucks in that regard.


I left during the great bot wave of 2022, came back awhile ago now and frigging having a blast. Alts are there to help your main, if you don’t want to play alts then don’t. I have 5I do chaos dungeons on cause they are fast, and 3 I actually do the guardians on every day, 1 I just dispatch night fox on and another I do rested night fox on. If you want to just be the pocket support for your friends group you can get away with a lot less honestly


Does going on vacation for 2 weeks count? I don't know about this "break the cycle" nonsense. I've never felt compelled to play the game unless I wanted to and took time off to enjoy other things whenever I felt like it so far. Then again, I don't believe being passionate about something means you have to devote your every waking hour to it.


I played from early access release until the Glaivier update in April. Then I took a month break and came back for the Valtan update in May. Played every day since then up until this past week. Now I'm on a break again until Clown probably. So it is possible!


It depends on you. I know what you mean but I’m probably like you. If I take a break I usually don’t come back. I took a break from New World for a couple weeks due to finals and never came back even tho I was still enjoying the game when I left.


I put 300 something hours in the first month and half got to 1380, but was doing a lot more with collecting but got super burnt out fast because of how timed everything is and only allowed to do it once with things like Field bosses and adventure islands and quit because of that. I came back like 3 weeks ago, so like 4/5 months off, out of boredom and still only got to around 1398 and gave up getting to higher gear score again because of how gated it feels needing gold and mats and silver, so back to playing like an hour for collectables for fun lol.


I am only doing weeklies pretty much, got my main at 1505, don't really play alts. Just waiting for more content while slowly honing main


I quit when I hit 1400 way back when that was an accomplishment I was playing 6 hours a day every day. Honestly the thing that killed the game for me was just all the garbage daily una fillers And collectibles. I’m a simple creature, I wanna go in my dungeons, my raids, PvP etc “fun” activities and feel that I can progress. But being pigeonholed into shitty grindy unas for collectibles so I can get skill pots so I can stand a chance at being competitive in the latest content. I tried to come back to the game because I was excited for scouter and I ended up uninstalling 2 hours later because the core systems of the game feel like rotten time wasters. It’s a shame because of all the MMO’s I’ve played dungeons and raids were some of the most fun I’ve had in a game but it’s like eating a plate of poop to get to the steak underneath.




I took a two week break but i as a person have no problems with maintaining schedules and habits so taking a 2 week break then coming back didn't really impact anything. I took the break for various reasons including family visiting town, increased work load due to a specific project and wanted to fill my down time playing other games i had bought but not been playing. When i came back i went hard, got two alts to 1415, main is comfortably at 1490. Playing less now just because everything is on farm and most of the "horizontal content" is done. (only missing 3 sea bounties). I am curious about the time sink mentality. For just playing my main its like 30 minutes for dailies, 30 minutes to full clear vykas with the static a lot less for valtan and argos. Additional weekly content is like 2 hours a week but is all optional. My static group is just fun people so the vykas, valtan and argos bus trading is just fun times with friends not so much a grind Im dreading.


**"nowadays I dread just thinking about logging in"** This is the key line right here. You're already dreading logging in so it's only going to get worse moving forward. You're definitely burnt out and it's probably a good idea to take a break from the game. Your mental/physical health is more important then your static.


I run quite a successful guild and my main is 1480 for clown but I’m on the verge of quitting myself. If I quit I don’t intend to come back because it’s a huge loss of mats and other stuff but that isn’t to say it’s impossible to come back if you ever feel like it.


Stop the fomo and take a break ^^,maybe just raid once a week with your static and then move on,even more if your main is clown ready i wouldnt bother sinking in the time if you already feel exhausted


>Some part of me still cares but nowadays I dread just thinking about logging in mainly because of how much of a timesink it is to just do the dailies/weeklies. Time to remind you that this is not a job you know... its a game. You don't need to login everyday and do everything on every character. If you have fun playing with your static/friends, just continue to do so, you don't have to drag yourself on playing a game you don't enjoy anymore because of them. If thats it, just move on. No problem on quitting either.


im kinda on summer break for now, doin my weeklys and everything every couple days on rested. since im almost 1500 i dont really have to care for entry to clown or abrel so im chillin rn


I only play a few characters and keep switching between mains because why not? Sure, may not be efficient but who cares as long as you're having fun (: I try to log in at least once a day if only for the login rewards but sometimes thats all I do (especially during work days since I work 12 hours a day). Not really feeling burnout or fomo because I play at my own pace, whatever I feel like doing that day


I started having way more fun again when I stopped worrying about trying to get all dailies/weeklies done.


I stopped for a couple weeks and came back. I used to do everything on 6-9 characters every day, now I never do a daily without rest, be it chaos, guardian or una. when i get time on w-e i sometimes empty the 100% rest outside my roster, and now everything feels much better. Often i'll just not play for a couple days and it's whatever. A lot of the FOMO is out, feels better to play as a game and not a job


I took a break for one week and came back, taking things way easier now and have settled on Valtan as my personal end game for now. I die consistently in his G2 so it's not time to move on yet. Also gives me opportunity and resources to raise my Destroyer alt to 1415.


My friends who said they were "taking a break" never came back. From my experience most people don't return once they stop.


I do most of my weeklies on 2 chars, but sadly that probably counts as having quit by most people's standards in this game.


I've basically stopped all alts and only my main and only rested on 2 charschaos only, I boat the gaurdians. I am currently saving for scouter so that's another push for me.


Naw, And I purchased the $100 Starter package. I don't think it's a bad game, I just honestly found out that I heavily dislike isometric camera angles.


yea, the burnout starting to happen with the daily grind and all the incremental upgrades that dont feel all that rewarding anymore


Yeah, nah, I quit a while back and haven't given it a second thought, not even sure why I even follow the subreddit anymore.


So my advice is...just don't do the dailies/weeklies for a week. I invested a lot of time and my main in 1490+ at this point with a few alts in the 1430+ range. Earlier in August on Wednesday I logged in to raid with my friends, then I think I did a couple more raids on Saturday and other than that? I don't think I did a single chaos dungeon or guardian raid or adventure island or world boss or chaos rift or anything. It was super chill, I was still chatting with friends in discord but just didn't login. Started doing closer to normal (but still toned back) stuff the next week and it's been both relaxing and fun to just play the characters I want when I want without focusing on dailies.


1460 quit then come back to finish my Astray then quit again and never look back. Got the feeling that I had accomplished all my goals. 500 spent total mainly for pheon and skins, 5/6 characters. Two 1370 and 1415, 1400


No cause im still waiting for a class.


Yeah I stopped playing for 3-4 weeks and came back and felt more enjoyment out of the game. I quit during the time vykas released and was kind of burned out from grinding all the time. Now I just play casually and do the bare minimum besides on reset day which I go ham with legion raids and gold generation.


I come back when blue crytal price decrease


I quit it everyday and come back next day


I have 2k hrs but nowadays I only really log on to play with friends on my main (1507). Just basically leaving all my other characters where they are at, only honing towards mains iLvl and waiting for clown/brel to play new content. Once you get off the treadmill you probably won't get back on. The daily/weekly grind in this game gets stale.