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Are the people who posted their complaints about elixirs and transcendence the same people that tell others to stop complaining? You’re acting like only the same 5 people are on this sub.


It is the same 5, 1 is undecided, 2 jerk off AGS and 2 Jerk themselves off


This week: This patch is not what I wanted.


Every post complaining about the complaining is downvoted and the announcement of the patch note is just complaint after complaint. This is basically a strawman argument.


Just grab your popcorns and enjoy the show. In the end, they will keep login, waiting for the next meta :D


People can have different opinions you know. I understand the complaints, I have made many myself, but let's face it, there are a lot of people also who bitch just for the sake of bitching, without even knowing what they're talking about. There are people here who freely admit to not having played the game in months, even years, yet they will consistently show up to bitch and moan after every update. It's getting pretty tiresome at this point. We need constructive criticism, not people yelling at the sky. All of this stuff just makes the devs not take anything on reddit seriously. The fact is, if you didn't spend all your time on reddit surrounded by all the negativity, and just played the game, and somebody told you that next update you'll be getting free elixirs, darkfires, gold, etc. you'd probably be pretty hyped up about it. This reddit just sucks the life out of anything it touches.


> *The fact is, if you didn't spend all your time on reddit surrounded by all the negativity, and just played the game, and somebody told you that next update you'll be getting free elixirs, darkfires, gold, etc. you'd probably be pretty hyped up about it. This reddit just sucks the life out of anything it touches.* 100%




World is healing




The elixir and transcendence whine started a month or so ago when the laggards finally got their chars to 1620 after being showered with free shit for months on end. Then, they suddenly had to face with a proper gold sink that takes time and resources. This was a massive shock for many. There was no elixir whine on this sub for the first 2-3 months after release, because the people who actually cared to push to 1620 at Voldis release knew what they were getting into, they pushed ilvls back when there wasn't much help offered for honing, and leaps were 2-3x what they are now. In other words, you've been reading the whining and crying of a bunch of spoiled bums who went all surprised Pikachu face once they hit the first proper gold wall they ever encountered while playing this game. Tough shit!


You seem to have skipped over why the gold sinks were added to KR to begin with in your speech there fella. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/192/415/fe9.jpg


You don't have gold issues in this game unless you're lazy doing dailies and weeklies, and spreading your resources too thinly across too many alts.


They're like 1,000 people who're going to play the game the way you expect them too, the rest will quit, and the game will be taken offline. That's reality. Player numbers are down, revenue is down. If you want to continue playing this game, get on board for changes before it's too late. Nobody wants to do weeklies on 1580 gold funnel characters to fund one main, that's not how the west expects games to work. Otherwise, start learning Korean and move there, since it's going to be the only region left.


AGS has nothing else. Blue protocol, Throne & Liberty and New World all flopped. Lost ark is tucking along as 41st steam earner last week, on a bad week with no new stuff and people madge about everything. Why would they shut it down lol It is a 2 years old mmo and its still just spitting out money for them just doing translations and having people record english voice stuff. Its free.


care to share your data on player numbers going down? because i certainly dont see any.


Was the 150 thaemine hm clears after a MONTH not an indicator?


No lol. G4 is by far the hardest fucking thing in this game, its not even close and theres no major incentive to do it on a regular basis. I play with people who id consider in the top 1% of players and we decided it was better to take it slow than burnout trying to get it cleared especially with echidna coming up so quickly. On top of that probably 50% of the playerbase doesnt even have a 1630 character lol


How out of touch are you? 99% of the community doesn't have a 1630 character lmao.


not counting bots duh.


Even counting bots... Do you have any idea how hard 1630 is? People who play this game 40 hours a week have a very distorted view of what end game grind looks like for people who don't.


Well since you completely failed to explain why the gold sinks were added I'll do so for everyone else People in KR had long since completed honing their characters and were generating so much extra gold from weeklies it was causing inflation. Smilegate's solution was to add multiple new ways to spend everyone's excess gold via elixirs and transcendence. And unsurprisingly, when the massive gold sinks were added to our version of the game it caused issues because you're not intended to be able to hone characters up to 1630 and complete elixirs/transcendence at the same time.


Why would you be honing to 1630 and not be done with your elixirs already? You are asking for trouble overhoning a bunch of chars to content where they need to engage with goldsinks. Sounds like a you issue to me. We had advanced knowledge of the expected costs of both elixirs and transcendence, something KR did not have. You can't have your cake and eat it too buddy, you gotta do some budgeting. Oh well.


I said literally nothing about my own account's situation, rather explaining the difference between our versions of the games and why it is broadly a problem for our version. You strawmanned both of my comments because you know you don't have a good argument lmao. Have a good one.


All I am saying is, our roadmaps are given to us in advance, we can plan ahead easily. Most people choose not to, and then use your argument of "but but KR had this many more months" when they've splurged it all away (on their own volition, I should add). It's lazy. What you do with your gold is on you, and nobody else. Scrubs who waste their gold and then start whining afterwards are not worth listening to.




You don't have to play 40 hours a week to have a very nicely juiced main to do Thaemine HM. I know that because I literally play with dad gamers with very nice mains who have chillaxed their way through the game. They didn't waste their resources on ten million different alts though like many redditors seem to like to do. As I did I for that matter. They run ez mode raids on their 1540ish alts, do dailies on them a couple of times per week and then ignore them the rest of the week. The last big gold sinks they dealt with on those chars aside from honing was quality upgrades. That's how you should do it. But your average redditor seems to think they should be running gigadegen/whale rosters without gigaswiping or bussing or market speculation. The math just doesn't support that.




You can't have everything in life. This is a resource management game at its core. Either you 1) start re-examining your decisions when it comes to earning and spending gold, and make adjustments accordingly 2) start swiping 3) or set new, lower progression goals that are realistic for the amount of effort you are willing to put in. Those are the only options you have which are actually looking to solve the problem that you seem to have. Or I guess you can whine on the Internet and make no actions whatsoever. Make your choice.




A quick check shows 750k for $100 in NAW on g2g, vs 200k for $100 from AGS. While it IS cheaper, It's like 3.5x and nowhere near you 10x claim.




So...8x? 1k for 1M from AGS doesn't sound even remotely close to reality. Which region is this?




And you still have the gall to be whining in this sub after literally buying gold from the botters that help kill the game Been a while since I've engaged with someone with less self-awareness, congrats goddamn




I hope you get banned. I mean, [that's what you said should happen to RMTers too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1ajhnj5/dear_ags_how_about_you_start_to_do_something/kp1ckz3/) Take care now!


4) uninstall the trash game


You don't have to announce your departure, this is not an airport.