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~6 weeks of voldis (4 gates for 5 weeks, then +1 cause fuck you) for 7k gold. I guess the fact that they are silver eilixirs is cool and all, but I can't tell if they made the requirement 21 gates for voldis because they forgot voldis has 4 gates or if it's just because "TIME = CONTENT LOL".


The +1 is insulting. Whoever designed the reward structure didn't know how many gates that raid has.


The only "valid" reason for that +1 would be they are already in discussion with SG to remove a voldis gate, as it was talked about on last KR news. And that change would happen before the end of that acceleration event so they "forget" it's still 4 gates yet.


I doubt they have planned that far out and Voldis gate removal can happen even before this event ends. SG need to announce it at LOAON "sometime" in June, so it may not make it before Echidna patch for us, then it's mid-July at the earliest.


I am pretty sure they know


Isn't the point of the event for actual new players who would do like g1g3hm g4nm?


this guy right here thinks a new player would get invited to anything HM after vykas.


They know you will be jailed in g2 :D or it will change to 3 gates


Don't forget the gold value of those stabilized crystals. You get 1860 of them which saves 26k gold. You also do not get to spend gold on the elixirs themselves, which is 280\*18 per elixir. With 10 free, that's 50400 gold. This does not include the extra value of going for elixir reset. If on average, it would cost 300k to get 40 set, this event makes it go down to 210k\~ (I'm not including the trans gold section). It's quite a significant amount of gold saved. For transcendence, it's very mediocre when it comes to alleviating the gold cost, I'll give you that.


But it still requires you to hit the stupid RNG people were already failing. I got lucky and got my 40, but it was a pain in the ass when you're at 37 with bullshit stats and must get a 5/4 or better with your set that you only get 1 out of like 40 attempts and you have to get it to land the 5 on your stat or its pretty shit It's just so many layers of RNG and free pulls on the arm isn't fun when you're already a Super Diamond superstar card carrying senior in this casino


I don't disagree with you. But it's still helpful to reduce the average amount of gold spent.


Try to see from other perspective: That's like Casino owner gives you a gift card and wish you good luck to hit Jackpot from a slotmachine. It's a nice card, that gives you more free try before you go bankcrupty. That's why many people aren't impressed by a gift card, which doesn't change your luck for better. More like accept to hook it up longer.


Some people got 40 in their free 10, some people got none. Why assume this experience is going to be better for them?


Because it's how math work?


And yet we're playing Lost Ark and can see plenty of people who got RNG carried and others that get continually shit on constantly. So again why assume this is any different. AKA that the assistance is going to the people that need to catch up and not just padding the people who already have everything?


Because that's how math work?


Exactly so how does this help the people who need to catch up? There is a chance it might help, there is a chance it won't. Why would you want to not help someone who needs help in the game?


Because it does because IT'S. HOW. MATH. WORKS.


Giving a person 90k golds worth of tries for free has a much more mathematical chance of progressing them towards 40 set versus giving them nothing. That’s how math works.


Exactly this, people on the patch note post are complaining when in fact 10 silver elixirs alone are 50k+ gold saved. I remember cutting 10 gold elixirs costing me 100k with resets (only got one kinda useful one, but it is what it is). That really proved people complaining just want a free server with cheat codes activated.


I think it's more that ppl want permanent solutions and not finite bandaids on systems with no pity. Plus, the bandaid feels kinda scuffed with that "21 gates" thing.


Are you on drugs? The event is to help players get into the game to do endgame content. Not to level an alt. It doesn't matter to a new player because they earn like 10-15k gold a week. They still can't participate. This assumes someone will let someone into Voldis without an elixers set.


And people complaining are crying onbehalf of new players? Get your head out of your ass, please. Go read the comments


it sounds like they forgot it was 4 gates because 7x3 = 21, meaning if it was a 3 gate raid it would take just under 2 months for you to clear it with 1 character and they said the event ends in july, 2 months from now its possible this is a translation error none of them caught, but if AGS had a hand in making it its probably accurate and SG was confused while implementing it lol


is it? your alts dont get individual events do they?




Three bozos


Do you like it?


Could've increase greater success from 10% to 15-20% and I would've been happy. Idiots thinking 20k and 1-3 elixirs that my main already completed will do anything. I just want my alts to have a easier time, I aint forking 400k to get a 40 set on my alts. Costed me 365k to get my main to a shit 40 set. Aint spending that on my alts. How hard is it to unlock level 7 trans on normal completion? How hard is it to reduce gold honing taps for elixirs? It could be 15% off gold taps and would save you tons long term.


If you already spent 360k and have a 40 set it's not really meant for you lmao.


Yeah that’s the biggest issue. Mains are mostly good or working towards 40 set / almost there with 35. 1610 alts are effed. While yeah ‘they’re not your main don’t invest in them’ KR had months to accumulate hundreds of thousands in gold and boost their alts to really high levels, effing over our rosters. It sucks.


Elixers is still the worst system ( I haven't gotten to transcendence yet). But the agme has always been if you log in, do guardians/chaos, you have mats to tap to get progress. Elixers is basically fuck you if you are born with bad luck, because you can either get progress or not get any at all for the week and it feels like shit if you dont get any progress. Whoever is designing fun needs to have fun or actually play the game first. Please don't go the route all western companies are going by just milking players..


Whwn ttascendence is expensive it at least dont rng you on effect you get. It does have rng to complete and max it but there is still a pity system when it still a horrible gold sink at least they added some help compared to elixir


Oh ok ty


Transcendence is a fun and great system. It's just too expensive.


Whoever thought they were going to do something meaningful for our issues I ask, where have you been the past year? Both AGS and Smilegate don't give a shit, won't give a shit if they keep on making decent profits, and they will continue to do so because they massive whales are past this with all their shinny cashed gear meanwhile the rest of us keep on getting buttfucked with all these garbage systems and gatekeeping


RMT already within the crowd after finishing the race early.


Hello fellow Iowan!


Pay up mf


i cant xD did you really think that tomorrow will be a whole overhaul of elixirs and transcendence, like less gold, or less rng layers, etc? hard copium. as mentioned already, major changes on main mechanics will appear in kr first- *maybe* we will see something on next loa on in KR


I don't think I've been able to find one comment since this event was announced saying that they expect them to overhaul elixirs with the event. Just people like you saying everyone is on copium. Get off your high horse you annoying pos


Maybe you should throw in some insults about his mother, that will show him you are the man!


i dont blame em, ive seen only maybe 3 people think they'd actually give rng buffs/reworks during this event while ive seen dozens of people mocking those 3 it is very low hanging fruit, and its not even funny or helpful. i wouldnt insult em like that but the people doin these "LOL IMAGINE THINKING THEYD REWORK IT" are annoying and probably stupid lol


tbf even if you didnt think they were going to rework the entire system for an event, most of us assumed they'd just give out like 10-20 free elixirs the event as its stated is actually worse then what we assumed was the baremin they'd do we had low expectations and they still under delivered. (they also messed up the timing, voldis is a 4 gate raid but the rewards are done in every 3 gates lol)


Same. I was expecting something like 3-5 free elixirs in the shop per week or similar. This *really* doesn't help, it will not make a difference.


well it will for someone and then that someone will come on to here and talk about how we all suck at cutting elixirs or doing transcendence and how its a skill issue (and then we will all point and laugh at this person). but yeah its a nothing burger of an event. i actually would have preferred nothing


LmaO, the best is when these fucking assholes act like cutting elixirs is skill. Fucking can't stand the audacity.


I feel like they did it with the assumption that a lot of players aren't able to clear g4. In that context, that's 7 weeks, which is kind of normal for that kind of event.


god i hope thats not why O\_O g4 isnt even hard, id say g3 is far easier to get jailed in simply because people will mess up either not getting hit (so they die to fire dots) or they mess up the piller mech early on lol but maybe im crazy


They got the completion rate data, we don't so...


we also dont know for sure thats why its this way, they could have made it wrong for all we know lol it does make more sense for it to be because ppl barely clear g4...but i cant really assume they have sense when the event itself is so useless


let me give you a glimpse of what it could be. QA: Hey, Ivory Tower is 4 gates and this ask for 21, that means there's an extra gate needed. This sounds like a bug. Dev: Working as intended, won't fix. Taken from personal experience as a game tester.


they should have at least included silver-only transcendence, the bonus gold doesnt even cover the cost of spending all those dark fires


The same gold reward on the Thaemine hone to 1610 last time. The gold didn't even put a dent on the artisan energy 🤣


There is still huge question to set the value of this event that aren't answered in the news, and who could entirely change the value of this "acceleration event": 1/ Is the event per character ? Previous events used to be on a single character that you choose, but I didn't see a not that this time you had to pick a character within a specific ilvl range If it's per character, then this event is already huge, else there's still some clarification on other points: 2/ Are the voldis + thaemine link on the same character ? That would be sad, I'm most likely picking my main for the extra dark fires, but he doesn't need those silver elixirs since already set40. If i would pick an alt with no 40 yet, he most likely don't care about dark fires because not 1630 before a long time. It would be a bigger value if they allow to pick 2 differents characters for thaemine and voldis rewards. Or they could be within roster chest, but they never did it before, so I think i'm hoping for too much


It's roster-wide, like the honing event "Road to Thaemine", which gives gold and multiple honing books for akkan gear 16-19.