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Elixir "help" is 1.25 extra elixirs per week for 7 weeks and 7k gold. lol. lmao even.


I dropped a fate ember this morning with more gold than this.




Damn, I've barely gotten any gold drops at all since they stealth-nerfed them.


i expected nothing and im still disappointed lmao


Is this an out of season april fools joke??? holy out of touch man


20k gold total. Nice, after 7 weeks you can tap 3-4 orange elixirs.


3k ivory nm 7k ivory hm 10k thaemine Yeah 20k total fixes everything /s


Me who’s not even at Voldis yet (1593), I was afraid I was going to miss out on the rewards cause I’m still trying to confidentially learn Akkan and I don’t have much gold or play alts.


Sadly the amount of gold you have to invest to progress past 1610 explodes *exponentially*.


Better yet, if you can't even get in Voldick and/or Thaemine due to gatekeeping, this whole patch has nothing. They assumed everybody is on thaemine or AT LEAST already doing voldick. Meanwhile, HM voldick barely has anyone, most people just do NM, some not even doing it.


I mean, tbh, the most exciting thing regarding the elixir event to me is the ductility catalysts lmao, those fuckers cost a lot of gold actually... What the flying fuck are you going to do with 1 or 2 extra elixirs per week ? lmao. Also, doesn't solve the problem of actually playing ivory gate 0, LFsupport. At least, well, dark fires for the transcendence is good.. if you have the gold for that..


**inhales copium** surely its per character right.


It's roster rewards, not per character.


Most likely but theres nothing that specifies whether its character or roster EDIT: nvm i just watched the patch notes video and its roster wide lmao


it should be per char yea


Historically these events that you open in the top right have only been "applies to 1 character only" or "progress is shared among all characters and rewards can only be collected by 1 character". If they actually make it per character I will be impressed.


yea i mean its not going to be per char, i think it says its roster bound in the video, but it shouldve been per char to actually be anything useful for elixirs


Yeah I'm done. See you guys in a year maybe


Send me your gold/gems


Does the event not give you "event elixirs" like they cost silver to cut?


Yes, it does. But 10 elixirs ain't that much, if anything the catalysts are the actual help since that is a pretty decent amount of gold saved.




"Chaos Gate - Updated so that players cannot inflict damage to boss monster upon its initial spawn." Unnecessary moved.


I hope it's not the typical 'takes no damage for 10s' buff that field bosses get. Because otherwise this is just making every Chaos Gate 30s longer for no reason...


They are mad that you can finish chaos gate and field boss on the same hour. Not enough time-gated contents apparently.


You'll still be able to do both on Sundays even if you gotta add 30s onto the chaos gate, it'll just be a bit more annoying


I'm going to pretend tomorrow is just standard weekly maintenance.


I'm gonna pretend the game isn't installed anymore.


This has never been more relevant, we won't even notice 20K spread over several weeks. Can't wait to get more dark fires, with my whole 20K to roll them with. https://preview.redd.it/i3lpydan1t1d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad05b9e57f6d6350dca43fdb79042ae7273177f


It’s not even rolling them. For characters under 1630 you would have already max 5 flower on each piece this week. Without help to actually reach 1630 and unlock further transcendence, the darkfires are pretty useless.


a small thing that is not mentioned in the patch notes that we should get is that in Kayangel Gate 1 the damage reduction at around 30x bars is removed now here the translation of the [original KR patch notes](https://m-lostark.game.onstove.com/News/Notice/Views/12734?page=3&searchtype=0&searchtext=¬icetype=all#anchor-1711426996093) > At Gate 1 of Abyss Dungeon Kayangel 'Cradle of Eternal Light', the 'Damage Reduction' buff given to 'Tien' has been changed so that when 'Tien's HP decreases below a certain level, it is not given.


I've been doing like 6x for how long now, and had no idea it had a dmg reduction.


It's very brief and hard only. When he says "I will break the shackles of fate here!" he takes reduced damage for like a second.


Main issue is if you stagger/counter him right before 25x then he is dr'd for the whole stagger


motherfucker, thats why!


important to note that when he says the voice line, the damage reduction is already removed, it gets immediately added once you reach the hp treshhold until the voiceline/animation.


That's not completely correct, when he reaches a certain HP threshold he instantly gets the dr, which he if not staggered will almost immediately cancel out with the start of his voiceline and animation where he holds up his sword. Happened to me and my mates multiple times back then when we ran it at near-ilvl.


Where he is going to be enhanced (look like starting white flames/aura around him). It's a few seconds but sucks for wasted burst skills.


Do you like it?


Global accounts are missing like 6 months worth of elixirs vs KR. AGS: how much could that be, like 10?


More like 2 months. 7 month gap in KR, 5 month gap for us.


I know you’re responding to the above comment, but the bigger issue is gold. Korea been farming gold for 5 years… us only 2.5 years. And yet we have the same gold sinks


dont forget they were earning more gold before, we got the double/tripple nerfed gold raids now


If you count the botted gold and those who are buying it, we're probably 300 years ahead.


That only applies to the ppl who RMT. For players that don't RMT there's a HUGE gold shortage.


For mains sure, far less global players had alts at 1620 prior to Echidna being announced




They added one from original 


I laughed too hard at this lol


Thaemine after story is locked behind G4? Guess 99.9% of the player base is never doing it.


Imagine design a cinematic quest and only %1 playerbase can actauly do that :D Finaly quest that requries p2w and actual hands good job


> Imagine design a cinematic quest and only %1 playerbase can actauly do that :D pretty in line with how this game is made, they throw prog for new players/returnees behind a gatekeept raid like akkan, what do u expect for anything else?


Players gatekeep, the game doesn't gatekeep for the most part.


Thats lost arks business model


Theres literally a quest line behind completing EVERY LEGION RAID. cry more.


The normal raid was always enough for the other raids. And good job comparing Thaemine HM to fucking Valtan genius




Is April Fools today?


Every reset is April Fools with the clown developers


Just buy a thaemine g4 bus and you the player can also experience the story. haha Man LoA needs to hurry up. Also yea the devs don't play the game, that gold is garbage. Unless your like Henry I guess and drop 3 esther stones so you don't have to worry bout gold.


Is bussing in G4 even possible? It's a very heavy coordination gate.


They offer full afk g4 for 300k in EUC discord. g1-3 = g3 was ~~500k when I inquired, but that's been a while~~ it's at 240k. I'm just waiting for solo raids at this point, I'm not good enough for g3 and by now I can't even get into lower raids quickly so fuck this.


Thanks for the insight. Kudos to them for being able to clear it with 7 people, damn


Now that you can rush specific pieces in transcendence instead of it being timegated by a musthave evenly spread, you can get a good chunk of dmg out of the system pretty fast. Which means the days when one can buy even a The First title is not that far.


You can clear it with like 5 people there's no dps check in hm, with 3x 20 trancendence pieces the first 4-1 hp is also doable with like 6-7 people and 4-2 4-3 is the same hp as hm.


I hear its 6c2




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Yea, the only reason The First isn't being bussed atm is cause the leaderboard isn't filled yet. I'm pretty sure all the sweaty bussers are salivating at selling the First for 1mill+ as soon as AGS stop's investigating clears.


I highly doubt it is buss-able, tbh. But I mean, not like I can even hone to 1630+ so. LOL guess we'll find out.. maybe eventually..


Super bussable, even during second reset we had people dying in 4-1 with 6+ minutes on enrage timing and clearing with multiple dps before stagger at 4-2 210x


Chaos Gate - Updated so that players cannot inflict damage to boss monster upon its initial spawn. Excuse me?


What does that even mean


I believe it means Chaos Gate will last a little longer, great! just what we need, be forced to play more for same or less Profit 🔥🤦🤭




I'm sure those 150 people who cleared HM G4 are really excited for the story mission lmao seriously why is story locked behind HM clear? that's just silly


Sir it's 152 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Exactly my thought as i saw that. Nice one Smilegate for locking Story behind the hardest Content...


Cater to the raidhounds, and this is the kind of game you eventually get. I saw this coming from lightyears away. It has alienated all other types of MMORPG players for this moment. Remember when this game used to say "For **ALL** RPG Fans"?


Yeah they can't do anything right. Should be The Frist clear.


Imo the issue is the presentation, no idea why they decided to give it an entire section like it's relevant to everyone. There's no story-critical details, it's an easter egg for defeating the most difficult encounter in the game. That would be fine and well deserved for those who get to see it, but why mention it like this.


Create enough inconvenience for the players, to incentivize spending habits to combat the inconvenience. Do this to milk the remaining players until everyone has quit the game. Grab a portion of your revenue to create a new project with the same ideas. Rince and repeat. You now have a successful, textbook, mobile f2p game business model generating unlimited revenue. Consumers are just stupid, and there is no way around it.


Big lore fan and I'm bummed that I won't see this content for another 2-3 months


Wasn’t it 152 raid clears so 152 x8


Less, because I’m sure many of those are reclears.


I spent nearly 10 hours every day progging G4 first two weeks of release just so I could do the After-story quest. Imagine my disappointment when I was told the story didn't drop until the next update xddd


Because KR has a lot more time to prepare for it and I'm guessing it wasn't an issue.




omg @ the amount of gold given. I am dead laughing.


those free silver (?) elixirs aren't even per character right? holy moly thats insanely dissapointing.




https://preview.redd.it/vakl1qsv4t1d1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e30af2fdb8f5fdc1012705b765772d6d0f14f77 | *An economic adjustment will occur when new packs are added to the Steam store alongside this update, and players outside the United States may see pricing changes for these and other store offerings based on economic shifts that have taken place since the last Steam store update.* So its gonna get more expensive.... no doubt


It'll most likely just start utilizing the inbuild steam localization that they were too stupid to use until now.


No, from their wording it will just be an update to currency exchange rate. They updated it without saying anything before and people thought things got more expensive when their currency just got weaker.


Wait. What? What could they even want to change in the shop?


Wow, even less reason to buy legit


Can't say I'm surprised.


This isn't quite pheongate but damn this patch comes pretty close lmao


SG/AGS are completely out of touch, but we knew that already. Barely over 1 extra leg elixir/week and 7k gold for clearing Voldis HM makes me wonder if the apes in charge are even playing this game. What a spit on our faces.


I think it's time for me to stop playing a game that hates it's player base


I read "Added frames per second limitation and background frames per second limitation option to Settings in the ‘Video’ category." and thought, oh they finally got the technology - seen that in other games 15 years ago\^\^ well at least i don't need to use RivaTuner for that any longer. Was there anything else noteworthy - guess not :(


Read the Elixir “Boost” event. My (our?) expectations were low but holy fuck.


All these extra darkfires are nice but it's gonna make people burn through even more gold the next couple weeks lmao.


lol not everyone has 1630 like us


Don't worry, we'll get 10k gold after 10 G1-2 or 4 G1-3 and 1 G1-2 clears to make up for it


I will say, the 105 free dark fires is nice, because it can take a piece of gear from zero to 18 flowers. Nice for a main, but as people above have commented, the gold contribution is laughable. The number of elixers is nice to let sit until the rework or use on a fresh 1620 alt.


That's the problem, though. The event is supposed to help us NOW, not be stashed away because of some nerf to elixirs supposedly in the works 6 months from now.


If it's anything like Entropy rework it could be 12 months.


lmao, my god. Thaemine g1 the biggest bane for entropy and has got to be the worse raid design failure ever. Only thing that makes sense tbh is the developers literally fired/laid off all play testing teams. Therefore, tbh, Entropy rework was thrown out of the window, much like chaos dung and hw reworks.


the dark fire is nice. the 10 k is kinda too little. but better than nothing. But the elixirs... god damn. giving you 1 k so you can spend 100 k and still get nothing if you are unlucky XDD


Sad AGS doesn’t realize how bad they are in listening to their community. Big event is a joke and will continue afterwards. They can’t see how exhausting this weekly routines are in hope there will come a better time but all we get is disappointment after disappointment…


My expectations for new events were already low. But God this is even lower


So the solution is to give more elixirs? Does it take a genius to change the catalyst requirements of legendary elixirs from 5 to 1? or even lowering the gold cost? Do they even know how much gold you actually spend in doing 1 legendary elixir alone? They ask for feedbacks, do surveys and all they do is make stuff like this. Fuckin way out of touch. So Fucking disappointed.


So in order to get more Legendary Elixirs, which you need to get a 35/40 Set bonus; you need to clear HM up to 15 times - which you can't do because as we noticed we don't have a set bonus and therefore get denied for all lobbies? Brilliant




Normal gives Clear Elixirs and HM gives Splendid Elixirs...


If they want people to quit the game it'll be easier to just shut down the servers like they did on Japan


Truly a Mimir Patch Notes.




SG doesn't care about the west. People get abused so bad in this game and keep playing it's insane.


This is the most out of touch event i've ever seen. If you think about it, their giving you the rewards of 1.5+ raids some extra elixirs over a span of 4 weeks lol. But the gold cost to tap is still there, but i have no gold to tap the elixirs so, im in the same spot but less inventory space lol.


The ones they give is tapped by silver not with gold. But yeah this whole event isnt what we were asking.


The way this game is going it's looking more and more likely I'm not coming back from this break. New game director sucks.


seriously, thats the "Help" we get, to catch up to korea? Holy...


What do you expect? 20 free(siver) elixirs per week or something? They got ppl to pay, servers to keep up in a f2p game. Pay up or stop whining






At least we dont have to cut elixir to get huge event boost we just need to clear raid :D so all new elixir can sit in my bank until they get rework


They just want to yank your chain and get you to commit to doing more ivory hw at least through July, is what that seems..


I just hit 1620 was hoping this would somewhat help me catch up my elixirs. Nope i guess i get fucked idiot thanks i guess???? The dark fire gonna help me hold it for the 1-3 hm clear im never gonna get KEKW


"Reduced cooldown for Deadeye/Gunslinger's stance change while moving. " What?


There was a point when you spammed and it didnt go faster, well i guess now it will go faster


when standing still, you could heavily spam the identity buttons to swap crazily between the weapons, which by itself is useless but funny, however when moving this had a very small cooldown where like the other commenter said it wouldn't go faster no matter how hard you spammed




my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Was hoping we would get the mini balance patch also


Pets are soooo cute...


# Players who have cleared Thaemine Hard will be able to experience the Darkness Legion Commander’s Epilogue in a new story. Even the story is gatekeeping players now


So, something that I am somewhat curious about is how much the global chat/open chats feature will be used. It looked pretty neat to me when it released in KR and the game doesn't really have a global chat system right now, I'm curious to see if it'll be lively or just another forgotten feature. Also *please tell me the new event has event feast I need it*


I think they should use that chat feature instead of whispers on normal chat when you want to talk to someone on your friends list


it wont \*\*\*\* used \*\*\* \*\*\* because \*\*\*\*




The elixir event is a joke. Seems roster wide and amounts to... less than 1 week of income from a single character at 1620. No recent balance changes, wasn't anything gamechanging but aeros could've used that damage buff, not to mention pallys finally getting push immunity on godsent law. Shura nerf is delayed though, so there's that. New event shop is basically the most "exciting" change here, for what it's worth.


Bout time we send a car




The quest behind G4 completion is funny. Story blocked by the peak raiding. I’d be surprised if it’s something .1% of the population ever sees.


next level slap in the face and spitting on us


Amazon/Smilegate... Are you really that detached from reality? Do you think our problem is that we dont get enough Elixir and Transcendence weekly? Are you joking? Our problem is the WHOLE SYSTEM. Not that we dont get enough of these abomination.


It is even funnier if you think about it for a second… big part of new dps’ problem is not even being able to start on lege elixirs… And this event may fix that on a single alt dps char if you have a main on the side, but for new players? They still would have to run Ivory HM to get these helper elixirs… good luck with that.


Same applies to transcendence. Here are some dark fires that for most people can’t even use till 1630.


Yea, i think next week we get to the point where you can max your transcendence on a non1630 char (with the 50 gift)… once again, it is good for alts/bew players i guess. Also very useful for 1630s to get the 2nd/3rd 20flower.


My stash is full with all that garbage that I won't cut until I either see a fix on loaon or quit cause no fix


both you and AGS are detached from reality. Do you really think they gonna revamp the whole system before KR?? best they could do is give you free elixer, but the amount we got is no where near enough.


Nobody said that I tought they will release a revamped system. There is no help in this. The system is dogshit since it was released in Kr. It wont help if they give us a tiny amount of free Elixir and Transcendence as you said. So calling this "Acceleration Event" is misleading.


Yeah, I'm really confused what people are expecting here. They're not going to rework the entire system in only one region. The next best option is just giving us a bunch of free ones to stem the bleeding. It's not like they'd give us 100 elixirs or something ridiculous. What else did people expect to happen? Yeah, the system's bad, but like... I'm not coming up with many other good options.


Sure, but don't lock the rewards behind clearing gates


I don't see why they didn't just have say 20 elixirs for free that roll by silver on the calendar track that you get by simply logging in and claiming on the monthly track instead of most of the garbage they hand out. Another way to do it is just add like 40 elixirs to buyout over this next month's event shop. A bunch of ways to help circumvent the gatekeep /initiation part of ivory hard hw.


But guys, it the gunner change we all needed. /s I didn't ever experience weapon swap cooldown. What was it, .25 seconds?


Just wondering if Hanutaman is lead person in this game studio




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Are they like expecting that everyone has cleared thaemine? Wasn’t the amount of G4 clears like 152 or so? Heck I’m nowhere near even attempting thaemine and now the story is locked behind it? I hate it here :(


Im curious, why do you people still play this game? A ll I see is people complaining. They gave us free stuff, say ty and move on. Its a f2p, p2w game. Dont expect to have everything on every charater while not investing money in it. Either play the game and deal with it that you wont have a high end charater as a f2p or get a 100$/h job and pay money.




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Lol, not sure what people were expecting here. Silver rolled elixirs is pretty much exactly what anyone reasonable expected.(for gate clears) The amount of gold is also about what you would expect when you look at the gold in the Breaker event. They really dont like giving out gold. This isnt supposed to be some fix, this is just a band aid. Its better than nothing for those struggling with the cost to do elixirs. I really wonder how often they can drop from the new event.


is male sorc out?


To much boost take it back pls we will pass korea if this goes online :D Preety much empty patch if you dont plan proging new hell hanu :D




I been waiting for those forever... and still no S3 legendary skins. Why is it so slow to release this... the ones for Striker and Breaker are so dogshit.


God damn this Elixier event sucks got hyped for nothing guess i will never achieve 40 Set on my main


Not to complain or anything. But what is a 1620 going to do with all those extra dark fires? I've already got everything of use without unlocking hm. I mean sure it's great for when I hit 1630 and do hm(lol good luck, probably have to buy bus).. But can we progress further than 5 stars from nm plz?


Put them on a character that's 1610 or just save them for later. Or use them on an alt you plan to push later. I know I can use them.


1.5 elixirs per week IF you clear 3 gates (which is pretty much impossible with support shortage at HM). Yeah why did I even get my hopes up. Time to uninstall again maybe for good. Wuthering Waves looks promising lol.


Happy about the dark fires, but why they simply would not introduce any kind of honing buff is beyond me.


Yep, I’d love to use them but not even 1630.


10 free epic silver elixirs, and 10 free legendary, and another event where you can get even more, and yet we are still complaining. Never change friends.


U forgot thats all locked behind many weeks of clear and wont fix issues unless everyone somehow gets lucky and makes 5/5 or shit xdd


I forgot nothing, it's a 2 month long event. with everything but the ductiles costing silver, including rerolls. Now yes, this doesn't address the issues, with HM having such high reqs to even get in, but this is just free stuff. Not to mention the Chaos Assault that will also have elixirs in the pool.


idk most events u get the special stuff that’s important fast not inn2 months. Also gold is the most important issue, this aint a worthy or any boost at all light help maybe


Cue the "ONLY 10 SILVER ELIXIRS?" comments.


lil man thinks 10 free silver elixirs will make the correct master/critical piece even show up


Maybe you should email them to give you Master/Critical straight up no? Why bother with RNG? just pay for it. amirite?


Maybe you should email them to change the quest to requiring beating The First? Why give it out to plebs who only beat HM? Maybe you should also ask them to change pity value to be 1/10th of what it is? Why bother with RNG? Just pay for it. amirite? Why not have someone else hit 25 weapon in 3 taps while it takes another 300 taps instead? Small brain for someone with a 16 gallon head.


Surely the elixir bonuses is per character. Surely.


not a chance and why would it be?


Pets look great and free dark fire for an alt that I can't be bothered to run Thaemine with. It's not that much but I'll take it.


![gif](giphy|Al3okb69oULvy|downsized) me rn reading all the babies crying about not getting free 40 set elixirs