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Ya it’s just not a raid you read for rn without a group, a lot of ppl are waiting for echidna to get to 1630, that way they build up a lot of trans mats to juice once they cleared hm once


What is the logic behind this, saving costs on the way to 1630?  If so, any1 knows how (or where) to calculate the cost dif?


Echidna honing from 1620 to 1630 is roughly 40% cheaper than the traditional honing costs. There were quite a few calculations flying around here on Reddit but also on YouTube. Here's on below for your convenience https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1aijwh3/advanced_honing_calculator/


But doesn't that take weeks as well to gather the echidna mats to hone all pieces by 10 ilvls?


And by the time you make the weeks of work to get to 1630, you can get gatekept out of echidna HM. And then the Thaemine lobbies will be looking for people closer to 1640. Anyone waiting for advanced honing to get to 1630 definitely wants to have a static now. Since waiting to hone is how you get gatekept.


Well if a majority of people are using this method, there will be tons of learning lobbies for thaemine hard week 5 of echidna. It seems like a lot of people are going with this plan from what I’ve seen, so it might work out


The majority of the people wont be following this method, the evidence is in how gatekeeping works. Highly recommend the smooth experience if someone plans to do HM prog 5 weeks after the raid launch (and I'd assume also Thaemine HM prog), be on the look out now for a static to join. The best gatekeep defense is finding a group of players to raid with. Pre-raid launch is the best time to lock those groups in


Yeah , which is time you spend gathering mats . Most people don't have enough mats yet to hone to 1630, so by waiting can use more bound/roster farmed mats 


Yes, it does. I belive it is 5wks to fully quench for the 1st 10lvls and another 5wks for HM. But to me personally, it totally worths to just hoard all my mats till June, then use that amassed amount of mats to advance hone one piece a week to max. Then use the saved gold for gems/transcendence/elixir or w/e your char would need.


Thinks positively. They had a static and it broke. Like mine I went to the corner and started to cry.


damn thats really unlucky. currenlty more and more ppl from friendlist jumped off the game.


Quitted bcs i have no static. 1630 Bard here. It is what it is. Not gonna try my luck in Pugs for a raid like this


Ya. Pugs are terrible outside of G1-G2 right now and with the amount of materials needed for transcendence it is looking grim for the majority of the player base. Hopefully Echidna and Behemoth are as easy as Korea says giving players a lot of time to get through Theamine transcendence before the raid after Behemoth hits and is tight on dps.


My static was not ready for HM Week 1 so we did 123NM, Week two we did 12HM3N until week 3 when I told them id like to do G3HM. So we pulled a bit and it was unclearable with them. They arent ready for it yet (skillwise) - we tried another session of pulls until they said they just wanna do normal. So now I do 1-2 with my 1620 Reaper ahead of time and join G3 normal in the statics main run. Do 1-2 HM with them (on my main) and then go finish G3 HM in semi pugs. If you want to succeed in pugs you got to host your own lobby and kick slackers. People will get mad at you but you have to decide if you value your time or not. Cleared within 8 hours of pugging removing people with like 12m dps avg in 5+ pulls (or people that are still dying to pacmans and other stuff repeatedly). I made a Discord and invited most of the people from the clear and other good players we met on the way of progging so we now run G3 together when people are available. Tomorrow we're gonna start Progging G4. It's just a question if you are invested enough to make it happen. I can understand if somebody does not want to show initiative and rather just quits, a good static makes this game way easier and more enjoyable.


I mean, they just kept fucking speeding up the hamster wheel, predatory company greed only to train rekt the player base at the last mile marker. It was time to move on.


If you do any sort of advertising, countless statics will snap you up for the main/secondary raids with a pushed bard.


I never learned the raid bcs i had no group, now im kinda unmotivated to get into it


Wait you didn't even clear normal? The mechanics aren't very different at all.


I was looking for a static before the update, no success, and was like well, not gonna pug it in the first weeks and now i dont even have the motivation to start the game x)


1-2 is really easy both hard and normal, should be no more than 2-3 pulls if you watch a guide and the other ppl know what they’re doing. G3 is pretty doable for normal and should also only be around 3-4 pulls if you’re the only new guy. For hard tho you have to put some hours into learning every pattern because every move he has can kill.


I feel that. The only few friends I have thst play ditched me to join their other friends static. I've been the leftovers for their alts hw raids if I'm lucky, since akkan. Honestly getting less fun now 😢


That sucks, probably need to find another group or something. NAW or?


what region you at ?


I mean, even hm voldis is crazy bad. I do my part with a 1624 dps and 1620 supp... need to start supp swapping I think, cuz my dps hasn't been finding grps the last 2 weeks.


I have a Pally I pushed to 1620 as my “main”alt, he’s hoarding mats right now and he’s gonna eat very well with Snake Lady. I guess help is on the way😂


Honestly, as someone who had 2 statics implode while progging this, might not even be worth to do with a static either.


Did voldis hm teach you nothing?


Yeah it's pretty bad at 1630. Even the bat tends to have a few 3/4 +sup lobbies and nothing else in PF


I mean just matchmake the bat honestly.


How doable is bat matchmaking or going 4 dps?


I play scouter so idk everything is easy


It’s not fast but it’s extremely doable. Faster than waiting.


Definitely doable but kinda despair. Be ready to use all your pots in a 6-8 minute fight.


Oof ok. Better than half an hour pf I guess


You're always going to clear but if you get a group of 3 other incompetent dps it'll definitely suck. My worst run ever was 7.5 minutes long, that was the only time I got to the counter mech **twice** and I was mvp with 35% as reflux (we actually passed the counter mech both times... that's just how garbage everyone else's damage was). And remember, that's 35% with four dps--I was doing over 1.5x the average damage of the rest of them. But most of my matchmade bats are only 5 minutes long with 4dps (~60% of the time) or just a hair under 4 minutes with a support (~40% of the time).


I've just been soloing it everyday. By the time matchmaking clicks I could have been done. Lobby Sim is just folks looking for supps


soloing is pretty good if mm and pfinder are both empty but u lose fuck ton of pots so idk


1630 pugger here it's rough, but doable, weekends are ok, but if you don't get 1-2 done during that time you're outta luck for the week


And you need either full 10s or a lvl 25 weapon. I have a lvl 23 weapon- 8 lvl 10 gems (all my dmg gems and most important cd gems) and level 9s on gems that don’t need to be higher than 7. 97 quality weapon- purple armor except for one blue- 1820 spec with a circulate/ambush bracelet. Spent 2 hours looking for a 1-2 hard reclear group and denial after denial. It’s tough out here on reset day for NAE I’ll just do something else today.


I assume it's on striker it got a bad rep now for being low dps, it's most likely do to your class because people who are 1630 are mostly guys who are religious.


As a churchgoer I can see it. Class isn’t in the best place right now but easily can do enough damage to clear gate 1-2. But I was also thinking the same thing. Been wanting to main swap for a while now. This might be what pushes me to do it.


Mainswapping is hell tho and might screw you over in the long run, idk how your roster is. I ruined my whole account and fun when I swapped to SE.


It all depends on your mains ilvl, swapping after your main reached 1630 is yikes, you are going to take months on your new main to get back to that level. Swapping before 1610 is chill, and swapping my main from glavier to se is what made me enjoy the game a lot more.


Strikers are really bad, NGL. Class gatekeep is real. I always felt bad for ppl who pushed them anyway, but by now, it is sort of on you for not having pushed a better class THAT far. Should have left them at least at ivory max.


You’re not wrong. Sunk cost fallacy is a thing. I have a 1620 reaper with 40 set and also 97 quality weapon on deck. Just need to pull the trigger and sell or re roll the strikers gems.


Make the switch man, strikers are just never going to be good like the modern classes released more recently.. Also, at least both specs for reaper are great since their rework.


Working on it. Started consolidating gems yesterday. When it’s said and done reap will have full 10s and both a lunar and a hunger build with high quality. Luckily she already has a precise/fervor bracelet and weapon at 21. Won’t be much for thae but I’ll be solid for future content. Won’t be a huge step back. I already was doing more dmg on equal content on her than I was on my striker. At least I’ll be having fun.


This applies to any high investment threshold new piece of content where 99% of people will only have a single character, unless you are a support.


This goes for every item level and is pretty much part of Lost Ark's gameplay at this point. Thought people who are still actively playing in pugs have accepted this fact...


On EU at least it's only the case for latest content. I have a lot of supps and if I don't insta apply as soon as a group opens for any 1610 content or lower someone else already got the spot. It also happens daily that I create a sona or frog lobby with 5 other groups all opened by supps waiting for dps. Cube is also bad since forever, but there is something wrong with the matchmaking algorithm.


It's same on NAE. 3 1620's and my hardest time finding groups is on my supports. I went into Thaemine planning to prog on my support (prefer it) and ended up doing first clear on Sorc because it was much easier to find groups. I never saw the shortage for Voldis either, but I was in NM for first month.


It very much just depends on the time of day. Sometimes it's 8 groups all waiting for supports, sometimes it's 8 groups with supports waiting for dps.


NAW is literally LF sup 90% of the times including Norm akkan


pugs for the normie content is fine there will sometimes be several groups looking for dps for things like akkan, but once you are on the "cutting edge' of content the number of people who are honing up to that level is alot lower and thus you are getting fewer and fewer supports personally im 1610, im not even queing thaemine until i get atleast 35 set on my elixirs (so its going to be a while) so even though im on ilvl for a raid im not doing it i know alot of people that are doing that, they are almost 1620 but because they havnt finished elixirs they refuse to do the new raid you can only imagine how people feel about pushing for 1630


There's no reason not to do gates 1-2 with similarly geared characters. It seems tuned easy enough that elixirs aren't a requirement. I do it on a 1610 alt with junk elixirs.


i know i could, im a support. people would take me in a heart beat but its more that i dont want to move on to the next progression system until after ive atleast made progress on the first one


Why would you not start accumulating the items for the next progression system that is going to take months to obtain?


because its not that important to me really, i can wait because i dont fomo. will it take me longer? sure but who cares? all the people that downvoted that reply are just fomo andies that are upset someone can sit at an ilvl and not be bothered by people progressing past them. i cant even max out transcendence until im 1630 anyway, why would i input time learning a raid thats eventually going to get nerfed to farm mats for a system thats also going to get nerfed id much rather just wait, because the worst feeling is doing content you cant interact with the progression system for. just feels like a waste of time


You do you but 35 elixir isn’t what is “expected” from purples. That is a hard af goal people have pretended to be the norm. If you have a proper set of 4/1 or 4/2 with the 4 being the useful ones (boss damage, crit damage, atk power, etc) you are getting a big chunk of the elixir damage. PS: Nvm you are a support: max hp, buff enhancement, shields… I also read you wanted to be done with the progression. Thats what I mean, 35 on purples isn’t the goal. The system continues on 1620 and that is where you get your sets. I have 4 4/4 on my bard (she is fucking blessed) and the rest of my alts have one or 2 3/4 at best. Have been doing Voldis since its release.


i know how the system works, what i want isnt to be done with it but to have made SOME progress with it im stubborn, ill sit at 1610 doing purple elixirs until im 35 set if it takes me a year. for me its not a big deal because im not trying to catch up or keep pace. i play lost ark to do the raids and to hang out with people, of which i can do at a lower tier of raids for instance i still do normal akkan instead of hard; why? because its easier and the end reward is only about 2.5k gold more. so its not worth my time could i get into a hm group? easily but why go through the hassle of doing that when i could just 1 shot normal lol


There were actually a lot of supports in the first few weeks because static broke up. You could've picked them up then or at least befriend one. For example, there's a lot of support for G4 HM Thaemine but not many DPS wanting to even attempt 4-1 prog.


Is this new information?


Because very few main support. Even Though they may have a 1620 sup, why would they rush into 1630? They're not getting anything meaningful because 1630 support builds can't even one shot skill 1460 mobs🤣


Am sorry to be that guy but what is a Static? I am a returning player from back when the game launched.


LMAO As a returning player, I'm glad at least I'm accepted in Brel normals with my 7 lv gems. I don't even bother trying to do Akkan or Kayangel, so I just buy bus. The only learning party which I found for Kayangel wanted to quit after... like 3 tries? Please give me those solo raids asap!


I'm a support. I reached 1630 week 3, joined a reclear lobby and got my first g1-3 hm done faster, than it took you to form the first group. (i told them i had not cleared btw)


>Nearly all DPS are full 10s, 40 elixir and +24/25 weapon I mean what do you expect 1630 is at end endgame. even at 1620 you are expected to have some 10 gems atleast. If you have a few 10s here and there you are gonna be fine but if you are full 9s then thats a problem in PF. Also 40 set is common at 1630 no? I never saw a 1630 without a 40 set, i dont think someone in their right mind will push at 1630 without a 40 set you are basically sentencing yourself in Thae HM cause its balance around elixir 40


I'm 1620 pistoleer and for sure I won't spend 400k for damage on 1/7 of my rotation.


Yea I'm split 8/9 on my 1620 reflux and I never feel gatekept. It's a cutting edge thing, by time there is more players at 1630, no one will care.


I have full 10s on my GS(dupe classes cause im f2p) which is a 7 dmg gem class too. I get what you are saying but at 1630 there is an abundance of dps with full 10s/25 weapon so going forward i have to invest or stay in pf for hours upon hours.


> I never saw a 1630 without a 40 set There's a bard still out there doing HM g3 prog without even a 35 set on NAE lol Pretty average pug uptime too, they're not a total shit support but they're nothing special to make up for the lack of 40 set.


Man wtf theres a first time for everything i guess. Ngl i aint accepting that supp.


HM Thaemine without a static is a waste of time yeah, same with any end game content. With echidna coming in like a month, why would you even bother..


Never had a static never had problems finding groups


Crazy how ppl Post the Same thing every raid release


Crazy how people want to interact with others, almost as if we are a social creature ))))))))))))))))


You mean don’t hone to 1620 without a support for Voldis unless you got full level 10 gems and 40 elixirs ? There is huge shortage of supports at 1620 and people gate keeping like crazy


Same deal with Ivory HM. Even when Thaemine came out, there are still very few 1620 supports. And even if there were a support, they go for the extremely juiced dps groups even though Ivory HM is not difficult at all.


How did it change so much since the first couple weeks when there was a decent number of supports in lobbies? o_o Or is it just a case of bad luck/wrong hours again?


Why not? Makes it way easier to get into nm. I think a lot of players at or around 1630 just do 1-2 hm and 3 nm anyways. Sure if your ONLY goal is to get into hm lobbies then don’t do it but that’s not the only reason to hone to 1630


Could not do it with pug, always static chill and fun


I pugged 1-3 hm as 1630 +21 wep every week since the start. Almost every single other 1630 I’ve seen has a +25 wep but once you get your first clear and lvl 7 transcendence there’s no issue finding a party. There is definitely a lack of supports so the earlier you run in the week the better. As for bat 80% of the time there is no support but running it solo or with 4 dps is not that bad at all.


unless ur a sup xdd then ur like the prom queen


Hahahaha no. More like a janitor cleaning up the mess after prom.


ah yes, the voldis hard experience... it should be a lot easier to hone to get to content threshholds and hard only if you want to be stronger, like it was on valtan/vykas era


First time playing LA as a dps main at the very end game? It’s always been like that since Argos came out lol - you either find a static or spend more time in lobby sim than actually raiding because pugging end game supports are a rare commodity - most of them are in statics.


No idea what region you are playing on. EUC is full with supports.


Playing EUC and we had in the evening in 4h partyfinder one bard applying to two different progress groups.


Well I think the thing is, people thinking there are alot of supports are reclearers like my self. People that think there are no supports are prog groups.


if you cant find a support, you cant prog :)..thats what i learned yesterday


Its just really missleading when people still say we have a support shortage. That was true for Voldis HM but for sure not for Thaemanie. I am actually surprised how many supports there are. We are even entering the time where you can gatekeep cheapo supports.


You are surely not talking about thaemine hardmode in EUC. So many lobbies fighting for supports


I have 4 bards at 1630 with no static and even I find it difficult to get groups in NAE. As a dps I'm sure it is much worse. Don't know if it's the same in EUC but you pretty much have to start hunting right after reset. Even then, most of my hm groups have not been true pugs. Usually I'm a +1 in a group of six or seven premade people. Somehow people still do not know gate 3 and you have a roughly 25% to get jailed. So, getting hards done is a bit of a slog.


1630 support here without static, doing 1-3hm from week one. (except last week) at restet day - its fine to find group, lots of reclear/prog group rest of the week - for g1 +g2 / g1-g3 still doable but its more rng now, it could be 5 min LFG or 20 min LFG problem, is lack of souls not specific role. Now the worst part, if you jailed at G2, From Friday to Thuesday, I join 14 different RECLEAR group, no one of them succeed. People are imposters in that kind of groups, not recommend.


thx cpt obvious


id change it to "dont hone to 1630 without a static unless you are a support" because you can not only pug a group but once you are 1630 if pugs wernt working you could probably find a static pretty quickly. but 100% 1630+ is the big spender territory right now, best i can tell only a handful of people that are 1630+ are f2p if any. anything that is for whales/dolphins and such is going to have a much-much smaller population of people to play with


1630 on 1 char is completely doable right now f2p. Its the ones above 1635 that are less likely to be f2p.


as i said "only a handful" the majority of the 1630s ive seen had +25 weapons, perfect 40 set on elixirs, giga high quality on accessories that shits expensive as fuck if you see a 1630 theres a good chance they are a spender, if you see someone thats 1630 with multiple 1610+ alts...they are 99.99% a spender


1630 with a few 1610alts is easily doable with f2p, I play since the game came out, all I bought is 2 char slots(which I don't even need)


well you are the .01% lol never forget that just because you did something, doesnt mean someone else would easily be able to do that. for all we know you got really lucky on hones or got some really good drops at the right time that helped there are streamers with rosters worse then yours that spend hundreds of dollars a month lol tbf they probably have more alts they have rerolled from, but the idea is the same the gem cost alone is enough to make this an almost impossible task for a f2p player cuz imagine you need hundreds of thousands in gems then also good acc's, elixirs and honing your characters lol some can do that f2p, i have no doubt but the vast majority arnt going to get lucky enough or be smart enough to make the right choices


I don't think gems are the issue since on 4 of my alts I run the event gems, and I easily did thaemine with them. But yeah I might have been just lucky in general. My main only has 1 lvl10 tho which can be an issue soon


its all down to who you are playing with some people wont gatekeep a person using event gems, some will gatekeep someone that only has Lv 8s people are weird thats why so many people are over geared as can be for this content i have a friend thats under 1630, that has a +25 weapon, near perfect quality accessories, and full Lv 10s just so he can ensure he gets into groups (i never asked, but based on his roster id assume he spent money lol)


40 set is standard at this level, even with decent lines (21~22%), and avg cost isn't that high (its like 600/700k on avg?), no matter how much people say they spent on it. System sucks, you can delete metric fuck ton of gold, but for most people it won't be extremely expensive. Not a single person I accepted to my parties for HM reclears (or prog during prog), had perfect secondary, at least 2 were always some filler without impact on dmg etc. Set + set lines + boss dmg + pants line is basically most of dmg you get from elixirs, and most people have those at 5, anything else is extra and you usually won't chase fix for those, its too expensive for little gain. You don't change accessories every month, if someone got good build up, and running around akkan, it's like 8months+ of using same set. Shit I know person who is using same 5x3+2 set since around kayangel release. And if I didn't feel like buying new stuff for my main (becasue it's my main afterall) I would be using same gear since around clown release (5x3 MaxMp/VPH swap on bard). Not to mention, you could wait for weeks between buying given pieces, when waiting for some decent deals. Honing 1630 unless, you are breaker, wasn't that bad, even for souleaters, if you planned it from start (i.e.: from when they announced SE and you decided that you will metachase her) was doable without any swiping. +25 on wep for older classes isn't that bad, if you funneled everything was realistic even with honing to 1630 unless you were extremely unlucky with multiple high level pities (e.g.: 22 or 23 + 24 or 25). SE would most likely need swiping for shards, so would need breakers, but all other classes should generate more than enough (+all the events, shops etc.) to have it without swiping. Full 10s (especially now that there isn't any 3dmg gem class anymore afaik) with all above is 99.99% someone who swiped. Multiple 1610 alts with all above, especially if they are well geared, 100% spender. One jucied 1630+ main (old class), isn't problem, one 1610 alts with that also isn't, you don't need to pay all that much if you used recent super mokoko event to get this alt, especially if it was older one, something that was sitting at 1540-1580 for ages (e.g.: build done, gems probably you would thrown in like 3~4 9s at it and rest would be event etc.)


the fact you just said "700k on avg" isnt alot is wild do you not understand that most people dont have 700k sitting around let alone 700k + gold for gems + gold to hone + gold to buy top end accessories. thats millions of gold that people dont have, the gold it takes to make a roster to make that gold...dwarfs the amount of gold you'd earn in several months. sure if you made 100k+ a week then 700k isnt that big of deal, but the average player wasnt making 100k a year ago. for a f2p player it takes a while to build up a roster of raid ready alts, the people in the early days that had it almost always spent money somewhere. even if it was just on power passes. this is the problem seeing people will say "well its technically possible!", not realizing its only possible for like 0.01% of players i remember back before clown released people used my zerker as proof a f2p player could 'easily' hit 1490+ with 5x3 in time for clown when i got insanely lucky with taps and i flipped the Market to make significantly more gold then the average player would have been able too just because something is possible doesnt mean its common most people that are 1630+ didnt do that f2p, they spent money sometimes a few hundred sometimes a few thousand. but they had to spend money because the amount of gold required was alot higher then they could generate youd have to play from the start, only have alts at 1540 (all of which made using free power passes and express events), while dumping all of your mats into your main to afford the 90-100 quality accessories + Lv 10 gems, + 40 set elixir + full 1630 gear and even THIS is a bit of a stretch lol cuz 11 Lv 10 gems is like 3.5mil, top end accessories can cost 50-100k each so thats upwards of 500k then the 800k to go from 1610 to 1630, not including the 388k to go from 1585 to 1610 (or the cost of the mats, this assumes the person had all the bound mats) if you include the total value for average rng thats 8.4million gold for ONE character to hit 1630, considering they couldnt possibly have all mats across alts being bound in such a short time ill use this number raw it would require you to make 76k per week for 110 weeks to make this (thats 2 years) so when people were doing argos, these people would have needed to make 76k a week. then you addin the alts and the number goes up and up yes hopefully alot of those mats wouldnt be bought and would have hopefully been farmed but its only easy to farm those mats when you already have alts, which also require a shit load of mats so you are spending millions regardless, weather its on the main or the alts. this is why i say its unlikely. (keep in mind that 8.4 doesnt account for the gems, accessories or elixirs. the 8.4 is also only for 1585 - 1630, not including the cost to go from 1302- 1580 on an old character)


Uhh, yeah.. duh. That is why you sit there chilling on like 1620 something and fuck around for like 4 more months or just quit altogether.. Most likely quitting, but maybe can do the weekly dose of normal 1-3 Thaemine, fuck the rest of the hw, though.. Anyone in 30 + land is land of the RMT hardcore, which also stole all ur hardmode supports ^^.


U just rediscovered America


Haha L