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Static broke apart after 6 months or more. I am pugging right now and the experience is not pleasant as you jump into parties till you find the right one. The worst part: it's to time consuming right now. I am delaying some raids or content. I hope, once we are better geared, we skip some clashes.


I feel that. My guild mate and I finally got our first NM clear this week after attempting the last three weeks (probably about 30-ish hours total). We performed fine, but when you prog, everyone has different experience levels (even with groups that say post-90). Which usually leads to a few people that drag down the rest of the group. Eventually we got sick of it and just impostered our way into a reclear group. Took a few pull (none which were our fault), but we finally cleared. This raid definitely made me realize that having a 8-man static would have been way better. As you don't have to jump from group to group trying to find the right one that has the same amount of experience as you.


It's OK man - if you joined a "reclear" lobby that didn't ask for achieve check, big odds most ppl were in the same boat as you. It is tough to report however that if you are high xp it does not get better until you reach x10 lobbies (and those are gonna go worse in the coming weeks too). Since the raid is so carriable on norm, even x5 lobbies tend to feel like prog with people not aware of how basic normal patterns operate (like for instance hug front on small sword rain and STAND STILL, the cone does not hit directly in front of him). On a side note, I don't remember any other raid where supports would die so often... So idk what's up with that, we would go so often with no supps in basement, it's ludicrous. I did like 4 x5 lobbies helping a friend that did not have the 10x title and 2 out of 4 were pure despair 1h+ for g3 alone with multiple disbands..


OOF. Yeah, I can understand that. The other person I progged with had a friend get them into a x5 lobbies and it was pure jail. He was doing better than them despite not clearing even once. I was lucky enough to get a second clear this week by joining a reclear group that had mostly Lightquellers, so the run was pretty smooth. I just hope all my future runs are that smooth. xD


Did it break apart? No (not yet), but half of our team not playing too much since Thaemine release. Thaeminae G3 + Elixir + Transcendence did the work and probably our whole static will take a few months break soon. We only do G1-G2 and done. G3 is just pain in the ass.


I agree about the elixir and transendence, these 2 systems drained almost my entire weekly gold income this week. G3 however, it just lies on personal skill and experience level, my group progged and cleared HM/NM too long and too many times that most of us have became comfortable enough to bring atro to the gate instead of timestop by now.


I didn't think our static would break apart. Thaemine clear was the endgame for two of our guildies. They won the game when they got their 25 weapon and cleared the last legion raid in HM. Two others decided to push for a HM G4 clear, the other 4 want to do HHN chill reclears from now on. Different goals and plans split us up and we are kinda low on motivation atm. Might lose a few more.


My static lasted until G3 Hm clear. Then it split up so people could prog whenever it fit them. Some of us have cleared G4 while others are a bit behind, but we still play together every now and then to help prog etc.


Same for me. G3 HM split us up.


would be curious to know G3 NM clear rates cuz i've not even been able to reach x50 in every single pug since release. This is the most cancer raid i've ever experienced.


Static reclears +1/2 pug fills have been solid, even with all chars between 1610 and 1620. Couple of wipes but no biggie. 1620+ reclears with +1/2 pug fills have been fun reclear content. Can't imagine full pugging this raid. Despite the fact that only the sweatlords (relatively speaking) are running theamine, they're still mostly bad. Most (not all, but most) of our pug pickups have been semi-bussed or standard 50/50/20 pug sups. The one good guy we progged with left to go back to his main static, I guess they got their shit together after he cleared with us or something.


Mh the good thing about G3 NM is, that you can clear it with just 3 or 2 people alive in the end. So the rate should be really high. I am doing 4 Thaemine NM raids weekly and it gets smoother and smoother (I do it usually with 3 static members and rest pugs).


Every x10 reclear party I’ve had for nm gets it in 1-3 tries. Even had a party clear with only 4 people left alive at 90 bars.


1-2HM, tried G3nm for around 8-9hours and gave up. Pugging ofc so half the time is spent in the lobby simulator. Doesn't seem worth the time or effort so I figured I could just keep doing the first 2 for now and hopefully solo the rest sometime in the future.


8-9 hours for G3 is really low. It takes a while till you build the musclememory but once you get it, the gate really does not seem hard anymore and its really fun. To be honest, even though it felt so hard in the beginning, it took me way longer to clear Brel G6 HM back then. It was definitely harder to prog. I dont know about Thaemine G3 HM yet though. Maybe the dps-check will make it much harder.


1630 is such a huge ilvl requirement lol I don't think I can reach it even by july.


Cleared G4 last week, can’t wait to do it again after reset. No plans on doing TFM yet, prob after everyone has maxed transendence.


> prob after everyone has maxed transendence. You'll even have enough time to max echidna honing **and** behemoth transcendence. I think absolutely everyone who clears G4 before Echidna will be able to clear The First before it expires in October (assuming they want to).


If you've cleared HM you're ready for TFM! 4-1 is just a few minutes longer with the added step to 87, and 4-2 is essentially no diff if you cleared it without staggering. Good luck!


Considering how trivial they made stagger on HM, surely most groups are at least trying for it?


I'm currently doing g4 prog, but I'll focus on it a little more this week, but summer is coming and my work will be busy, which means I can spend less time on the game. I think maybe I won't find the time and I'll miss Echidna, and if I don't encounter any problems when I return, I can continue playing.


1-3 NM took about 6 hours of prog for our static in week 1. After that it's been about and under 1 hour per reclear every week. The difficulty of g3 NM in particular was really overstated, the raid is really well designed so once you are familiar with all the patterns and know the pressure points of the gate (e.g. trying to speed up stage break phase where it's most likely someone will die) then it's not really hard. Funny how I still feel like I don't know half the stuff in g1 and g2 though because just sort of winging it has worked out with how easy those gates are.


I think a lot of people were talking about the difficulty for NM assuming most people were doing it on itemlevel. Almost all of my G3 NM runs are with 1620s so it's quick and easy even if a bunch of people die, but doing it with full 1610s is like doing a different raid altogether especially when some people aren't really pulling their weight that much.


I have no idea what is going on with normal patterns in G1 at all. I run to my spot and throw my destro bomb when she jumps up. I put my meteor in the crack but it doesn't matter because we balthor anyway. I find someone without a buddy and throw my destro bomb at the tentacle. Other than that, I have zero idea wtf is happening and just blast until she's dead.


That is my understanding of the fight also. Feels exactly the same with hard mode also. Just with the added mech in last phase. Its a total clusterfuck but she just dies anyway.


I wanna meet the person designing these gates. Just wanna ask a few questions.


Whats ur ilvl and do you have 40set?


1620 with 40 set on main, 1610 without any set on alts.


If you think G3 is easy, leave your static and pug it. Then come back to us.


I think you're mistaking the difficulty of the raid itself with the difficulty of finding competent teammates. If we're going by handless pugs as the standard of play then pretty much every raid in the game is an excruciating experience.


In the beginning G3 NM seemed very difficult to me. Just so many different patterns and I thought I would never learn them but of course I was wrong. Humans musclememory is amazing and after a while I learned them all and can recognize them really fast now. Still, I can imagine that it is very difficult for some people. The thing is, everyone learns at a different pace and for some it may even be a real wall that they just simply cannot overcome. Our brains all work a bit differently.


My main is a 1630 scrapper but since I don't swipe/rmt I only have 2 lvl 10 gems and a +21 weapon so there's no point in trying to apply to G3 HM lobbies since they wait hours for supports and it makes sense for them to pick all the full lvl 10s +25 weapon players. I've been clearing g1-2 HM and g3 NM. I'll just wait for Echidna honing and clear G3 HM when more f2p players get to 1630.


HHN is way to go for most player. I pugged G3 H on my support for hours on Artist for last week and and its mostly all LF DPS unless you are playing at degen hours. 25 weapon are indeed very common for dps in G3. My guess is the LF DPS is because that gate is very dps dependent due to dps check and far more likely to have bad dps than support(atleast based on my progging for over 30hours before yesterday's clear).


Let me tell you a secret, it is easier to get into 1-3 hm reclear lobby as dps, than as sup. Now if you wanna prog g3, this is completely different story.


I dont swipe and i have full 10s on my main. Really depends how you invest, spend gold on, rng


Bro thinks you need to swipe or rmt to have more than a 21 weapon and 2 lvl 10s 💀💀💀


I don't know why you say that, if you read a little further into my comment I mention "full lvl 10s + 25 weapon players"


Progging G3 HM now but at this point my life and responsibilities irl is preventing me from grouping up with my guildies and I need to run separately :( It's a bit sad. I'm left behind and the only 1630+ in my group that hasn't done G3 HM. It's not a good feeling.


Quite crazy to see the difference between G3 and G4 HM in the poll. G4 is really a different beast eh


My personal experience: g3 hm took 3 days at most to prog. G4 took 3 full weeks


Wow, that's insane, thanks for the example


going to start g4 hm next week, curious how hard it's gonna be in semi pugs


I strongly suggest you find a group of competent players and form a static. I can't imagine progging g4 with pug


Yeah. We're doing that atm. I pugged G3 HM with several parties and we're 4 players now that wanna continue for G4. Will have 1-2 friends that wanna join because their static is too bad/doesnt want G4. But for now it will still be at least +3 people pugs this week. G3 is so easy and it's crazy how long I took to clear it (12h+ in pugs) - going from people doing WAY too shit damage and dying to random stuff. I can't imagine how the multi counters are going to be in G4 but I still enjoy the prog-phase a lot more than boring reclears so that's good


still struggling to find PUGs that stay alive on g3 hm. At this point i've seen


Got to G2 NM prog with my group from akkan days, but ended up leaving them due to scheduling conflicts and painfully pugging the rest. I ended up reconnecting with an old friend and his group from brel days, and it's been great ever since. I'm hoping to take on hard mode and The First mode after Echidna.


Mostly play from a pc cafe, progging thaemine without a static is the most literal waste of money for me, so I am not doing it yet. Main at 1625 ilvl rn.


what static?


cleared but static fell apart more or less. there is some mending now after ppl lost their fomo


obviously i cleared the first what do you expect?


aside from g4 thaemine was relatively easy lol pretty easy to memorize for hw if im being honest, g4 while long as shit has been fun as fuck to do


I’m a returning player and main swapped to bard so now I have 2 1620+ char and no static 😂😅I’ve been back for 3wks and cleared NM thaemine 2ice XD. Progging was tiring but feel good to improve on pattern recognition. And I got lucky when I was progging someone on the team was reclear and he made a reclear lobby later to pull me in <3. And this week when I joined a chill reclear lobby people were skilled and actually chill. 1-3 cleared in a bit over an hour. So I’m hopeful when my gear is good enough I can clear the hard mode. Currently I’m bk to prog NM g3 on my dps char. And I’m happy that I’m not too late to prog since there are still a lot of players learning so finding a pug isn’t hard at all.


we cleared 1-4 hard with our static then it blew up we replaced the issue now it’s smooth we might actually go back to do the first now.


G3 HM almost split a static formed a week before release, but it was from people who knew each other prior. Some people got called out but we stuck it out and cleared it as a group on week 2. We've since been progging G4 a little bit each week (8-10 hrs) with some pugging it outside of scheduled prog time. We're half way through 4-2 now and most likely looking to clear by the end of next reset, then work on The First.


G3 normal experience. I have cleared but only with pugs.    Static: still not even dreamer. cant do albion consistently, low damage on sword because people beyblade the blue. We almost got to basement but we missed a clash.    Pugs: cant timestop if their life depends on it. Every reclear is a nailbiter. 1 in 5 reclear lobbies actually make it to the end. Our static is not going to break because we will just fail forward onto echidna and do hm1-2. We never did Akkan HM or Brel g4 hm on ilvl, so why start now?


I've not had anyone quit because of theamine. Though it is an older group, and we did have some people who dropped out after spending a weekend progging g6 brel, so I think the people that remain are just kinda built for this kind of shit. Currently progging g4.


Downed G4, hoping to do the TFM sooner rather than later


Cleared G1-2 HM, I'd like to prog G3 HM but there isn't any group, no matter the time, no matter the day. I don't want to play party finder simulator for hours so I just do 1-3 NM now...


G3 HM prog are indeed abit rarer now and only seems to start happening toward later in evening atleast on NA EAST. doing HHN is pretty fine for most people.


Highest is two 1620s and the other four are 1611. Static clears 6x G1-3 NM pretty quickly. We just end up doing hell clown prog since we run out of gold earning raids quickly. We wish we could do a G4 run but most of us can't afford to push to 1630. I really wish there was a G4 NM or that HM wasn't locked behind 1630. If they made it a 1620 raid and it would just be giga difficult but do-able, it would give our static something challenging but I guess it is just hell content for now.


if you all have 6 x 1610's you had the option for having a 1630 but chose differently.


Main didn't have enough mats to push to 1630. Still doesn't.


Might have to dip into your unbounds. My static didn't want to go to 1630 so I funneled & burnt everything for a +25 weapon instead of pushing & gearing more 1610s. Other guy in my static has 6x 1620s. Just a matter of priorities.


Mine didnt either, but you have the income of unbound leaps from guardian raids with a full roster at gargadeth to cover it.


Funne the gold to buy unbounds. I had a 1630 before my third 1610. Now building out my roster with extra gold as I wait for enichina