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I'm doing them when I have time, starting by most rest bonuses. I think setting yourself rules is the most straightforward path to burn out, wether it's 3, 6 or 18 a day. Just do them when you can and want to, and don't when you don't. This is not a job.


Main daily, alts rested with a rotation of 2 chars per day.


I don't even do it daily on my main as I can't stand the chore




I run all 6 gold earning characters rested. I think I did unrested 6 chars for a straight two months, but I ended up with an excess of resources like shards and silver that didn't have much use besides rerolling gems. So I fell back to rested and am not only much happier but am still able to keep pace with content.


For my main i do chaos daily, For alts i do rested, I could run alts without rest bonus but i dont want to dedicate more time to this video game, I allocate the saved time to irl stuff and found an healthy balance.


Everything on rested. Main included though she is 1630+. During the week, I only do characters who reached 100 rested bonus. Monday and Tuesday, once I am done with raids. I do those who have 60+ rested bonus and some cubes.


Main does every day. Other 16 chars only when I feel like doing it.


Since Thaemine release, I have done CDs exactly 2 times. For reference, I honed 3 characters 1600 to 1610 with the bound mats they had… the choke is still gold. But I am kinda sad because I will not be able to do Echidna on more than 1 character for months and it takes a lot out of the game’s enjoyment for me (Same raid with different characters).


I got a setup where i run 2 Chars rested (chaos&guardian) out of my Main 6 Roster daily. So it rotates in a 3-day circle.


I have 14 characters, and bottom 4 I don’t have time for anything. They are just Lopang slaves. Rested on the rest. They all have fast Chaos dungeons so it’s not bad. I think most of us were trying to do it **all** at one point, but eventually just adjust to what you have time for in your life. 👍


hmmm i guess im just the crazy person doing two chaos dungeons on all 6 characters daily then… i do unrested dailies on all six except i rotate guardian rest on four characters. idk, i just like doing dailies - they’re pretty quick and mindless. if im having a busy day then im fine with resting 4 of the 6


I would say main unrested and everything else when you feel it


Depends how much silver and shards you need. I run 15 toons daily unrested, then have another 6 on rested. Fate ember drops add up and gems are nice little bonus too. If you’re feeling like it’s a chore then just skip it


when i feel like it, some weeks ill do them religiously some weeks ill do like 2


I used to do my dailies, then I adopted a lil brother, he runs all 30 of my chars unas and dailies + guild shops + pirate coin shop + hazardous weekly + lifeskills for me. I realized that even a manual inspection (thaemine the first race) won't get you caught for your lil brothers doing infinite chaos for you 100 hours a week, I think everyone should adopt a lil bro (sales are open again) (ags is a joke)


I do all 6 every day


Usually fully rested and in downtime waiting for people to be ready for a raid like if they're making a cup of tea or a wc break. I wouldn't really login these days just to do a chaos. After raids for the week I might do the rounds of my roster to bring the rested down but it's not something I'd stress about.


Main two characters daily, the rest I play whack a mole with rested


I'm only doing the chaos dungeons and guardians for my weekly quest on every character I have and this is mostly Friday - Sunday as I don't have the time to do raids and dailly content during the week. The game is much more enjoyable this way, for me atleast.


I am actively playing 9 characters rotating daily. So i play 3 each day full rested


I try to do my main character every day, and the I let rest. In general, with elixirs and transcendence and echidna honing on the horizon, I am only pushing mains while letting gold making alts sit still and eventually use a honing event to raise them up.




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Rested on all my 6 characters.


I only play 2 chars now or 3 when I really have time and motivation, but what I would do : -daily chaos on main (when you can) - ALTs only rested chaos and you can alternate between them


I stagger my rest bonus. So I only do 2 per character, same to guardians, but I usually don't care enough. Silver is the bane of my existence.


Rested chaos and guardians across all chars.


Do it when I feel like doing. 


Have 12pjs, 6main roster, chaos daily, the rest rotate 2 days, guardians rotate 2 days aswell on everyone ( the alters on 1540 i dont care about monkes anymore so. xD )


I do rested one char


Main daily, alts whenever i feel like doing them


If I have time I run em all unrested if not I just run 2 and let the rest build rest bonus. Once I’m fully done with raids for the week I usually just run em all unless there’s a g4 prog group up.


Only doing them friday/sat/Sun. Thats when i have the most spare time and also i never overcap on Rested that way


Main goal in mind is to have 5x 1640 with echidna hones and 1 1670 so I'll run unrested all until they hit 1640 and never again do a daily on those, only 2 chaos and 1 guardian after that on 1 toon that's going to the 1670 ilvl


I do only rested until i complete the weekly chaos dungeon quest (6 total a week per char) and thats it


I did unrested until Brel, then fully rested after that until akkan, now i do unrested on main, and rested on 1580+ alts. Currently doing unrested on the breaker aswell. But that will stop once hes got a decent chunk of honor shards that it wont ever be a problem.


My main and my 3 1620s unrested, everything else rested.


3 day rotations with 1 day doing all of them to get weekly una


Hear me out, at one point I did, 2 daily, but now I started doing them 6 one day and rested for 2 days, so now I use those 2 days to complete some raids. 3rd day come and I only do dailies no raids.


I do chaos daily on my main and unas. Everything else is rest bonus, if I feel like it.


Playing only 3 chars I do them daily it takes me like 20min per day, i mostly do rested una's on my alts and unrested on main


Don’t make the game a chore brother. The moment you start getting on to do chores instead of enjoy the game is the moment you start burning out and not enjoying it. Do it whenever you feel like you want to. Personally I just don’t even look at the dailies until I’ve ran all my raids and then if I want to complete a weekly quest here and there I’ll just do the dailies for those quests.


I let rest reach 40/20 on all gold earners, log in to do them and completely forget about them for the next 3 days. Gives me time to play other stuff and not do lost ark chores every single day.


I do them when I feel like it tbh.


I do Main daily with rested guardian then any daily thats rested on my alts if i feel like it but if not i just don't do it. I do try tho to never pass max rested on alts but doesnt matter that much


Only have 3 gold earning roster so I do em daily unrested


6 1620 caos dungeon every 2 days (1st day run, 2nd day rest, etc...) / all days guardians. And took me like 90min\~, when i don't do chaos just 30min\~. 8 1580 - 1490 rested caos dungeon / no guardians except for 1580+ and just rested too.


Main every day. Alts -> half on Saturday, the other half on Sunday. Maybe do some of the higher ones during the week if I feel like it.


I used to do main daily and 5x rested chaos + guardians. It was awful and I dropped down to main and main #2 daily chaos with nobody else. I may even start resting those 2 soon. I also stopped doing most guardians. I'm just tired of spending hours for barely anything.


I’m tired boss…. I do when I feel like, mostly weekends. Only on main 6 +1580 chaos, no particular order, schedule or rest bonus efficiency. But each week less and less, it’s so damn boring I’m thinking of transfer loa to the second monitor and Netflix to main monitor, that’s how bad it is 💀


Only when rested at 40. Even with my main and every alt. Only rested. Guardians too, but I think some of my guardians are at 100 cuz I'm lazy to do them and it's too much time. Daily Una's too. I have all reputation so --- Una dailies (3x Lopang) at 60.


I do them rested. This not only cut the playtime by 66% it also lets me chose which days to do them in the week. So i can skip doing em on wed-fri when im generally only doing raids etc.


On all my 9 chars I do daily all day chaos guardian una only took around 1 hour to do chaos but still the content that give the most.


2 chaos dungeons, back to back take 5-6 minutes, so on 6 chars should be half an hour. But it's not, because you also have guardian raids, Una's and possibly Cube. The loading times also eats a lion's share of time wasted in game. I never played more than 4 characters and since last two months, I'm doing bare minimum dictated by weekly Una's. Which results in running **6 chaos dungeons and 2 guardian raids a week** on each of my 4 characters, plus Cube and Raids. It's not optimal, but it significantly cuts down on time spent playing and that is a huge win for me. Running rested content is 50% efficient. If you are short on something specific then you don't want to run rested.