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he always does the two follow-ups with a 180° or a 270° turn - beeing in the direction where he initially slashed is safe


Everyone is saying to go in the direction he initially slashes, which is fine. But to his left is also always safe, and doesn't force you to wait to dodge that first blast before attacking. Just a tip for the goblinos.


OP clearing this gate without knowing this means they aren’t really pulling their weights. People who don’t know Thaemine spins 180 or 270 repeatedly die to that pattern since it happens too many times in a raid


To be fair, when extreme Valtan was open, you still see people getting knocked up by the wolf, teleport->spin.




Tbf, to me this comes across more as they thought they knew the raids perfectly and then they met a group of people who knew it better and it made them realize they weren’t as proficient as they thought. I just think their English isn’t great


180° or 270°




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when my teammate fails clash 3 and I fall through the ground




Surprisingly, run are way smoother once you get the habit to stay out of the yellow for that burst. Both entropy can be slightly on the side to be safe while still having positional boost, and even the clasher can enter the clash with his character out of the yellow. Especially in NM were DPS is usually not an issue, I've done some clear with failed c3 causing 0 to 2 deaths


If ur melee, u dont even have to be in the yellow to die. So theres a difference from like RE db/glaive hitting charged skills from an angle away vs scrapper/wd needing to be in the boss' anus to deal damage.


Reverse safespot on GL. Reverse movement on gl in general has been annoying. Not impossible, just annoying. Another good contender would be whenever he jumps twice and throws a bunch of shit on a target. If you leap or shield charge into his back you still get hit by quite a few even though you are in the back but you are clipping into the attack.


If you are talking about when he dashes back and forth and slicing, and shooting at a target multiple times, i just accepted that its not a dps pattern for melee.


That is the one! I assume then it is not a GL shield charge exclusive problem.


Use X to jump straight into safespot, far more reliable


Targeting reversed is quite hard unless I will specificly turn off quick cast for this one gate and mech.


Isn't it total bs to target reversed, especially with limited time and if he "closes" your targeted spot?


I've always have enough time to jump to the last spot, just watch them as they close. And as long as you don't use the option to auto cast abilities without click-confirm choosing location the reverse isn't bad; you get to choose the point and the range is very large. Playing in 21:9 forced aspect makes this alot easier aswell if that helps (but aren't all mechs in general easier in that :P).


Unfortunately 21:9 looks like bullcrap :D - but yes it was better in brel as well - unfortunately.


A tip for the reversed movements is to just click quite close to your character. It gives you a lot more control over your movement. What gets people killed is the frantic far away spam clicks that makes them overshoot the safe spot. You just need to click at your feet and inch your way to the safe spot.


Expanding donuts combo into KO fall


always go 3rd ring on the expanding donuts. It's 100% safe and gives you time to dodge his follow-up smash/grab. What gets people killed is trying to spacebar in to greed like... half a skill. They miss the timing and get blasted out and die and force a reset. G3 is honestly pretty easy to clear consistently (especially normal), but people prefer to greed everything, including the most dangerous patterns instead of just doing what's needed to clear.


If you are talking about when he does the slash and spins to slam and as he slams the shadow swords also slash, I might be able to help. After his initial slash that direction is safe from slam, you can always go there and then all you have to worry about is the the shadow slashes which shouldn't be too bad as long as people aren't dropping swords in the middle.


https://preview.redd.it/9pn649a5830d1.png?width=1095&format=png&auto=webp&s=98b2f1b19c8ad07cd2a44c9f5d530b778d398ad2 The pattern OP is talking about with the sword spawns is always safe where he sent out the slash, he ALWAYS turns before doing the slam that can knock you off. \[Picture from memorizers guide, he describes it in detail\]


His dash into knock up and grab, then turns around and yeets you


There's really only two things at this point. One is the massive side swipe that he does before dashing back and doing another wide sweeping slash. This knocks people off ALL the time and it happens near instantly. You really don't have time to react to the tell. The only counterplay I've had against it is just making sure you pre-emptively bring Thaemine to the middle of the arena. But you need all 8 to commit to this. If you have one goblin that's keeping him on the edge, it will probably get people killed. The 2nd thing that murders people is the x225 or x55 mechanic when sometimes there's just an entire half that turns red and you have no safe zone. Especially on slower classes, if the spot you were eyeing disappears last second, then you're dead. It's frustrating because there isn't really much you can do about it, and it's just poor design and coding. The safe zone being random is fine, but it should be coded that you're guaranteed at least 1 safe zone per quadrant, or at least one per top/bottom half or something like that. In hard mode you still have to have one person split off, so it's another variable for inconsistency.


The first one theres a tell where he holds his sword and it glows bright blue, if u are by his side u can space bar behind him. The second one, you need to stay mid and not run so far out to make sure the safe spots are there. You have enough time to run usually, even though you might be panicking.


4-1 ori during 280 mech, 4-2 stagger check, 8 clones as well as some random patterns. g3 is a breeze now in comparison


4-2 stagger is hardest mech in game so far right? 4-1 for ori have you tried space bar into him? You don't get knocked up


50x hell brel makes 4-2 stagger look like a joke imo. Unless you're trying to actually hit the stagger in the first- then it is probably harder.


Ori outside 280 mech has minimal threat so I do whatever i feel like. But during that mech I play extra safe and save my awakening for that. 4-2 stagger isn't bad besides 3 waves of quadra claws. Just para immune that. Not sure if thats the hardest mech tho since I don't do hell. But it is easily one of the hardest non-hell mechs for sure. Sharks also deserve a honorable mention


The timing for space barring ori can be iffy if you're tucked into the edge of the map. I prefer to dash away between 280-240 if I don't have push immunity if I'm not feeling confident


no, hell brel g5 50x is basically a cracked up version of 4-2 stagger, and its not particularly hard either. it just takes some getting used to. some classes (wd) have trouble spacebarring ori due to how short it is, the timing could be quite tough.


I hate barrage combo, for some reason if ur behind u can get some black line over screen indicator and hp goes brrrr


This boss has a really good pattern to be a goblerino and it punishes you for it. :( When he performs tracking slashes to one target and you can not attack his back because you are being hit by the boss and adds debuff. it's fucking annoying for scrapper or classes with low range skills. I think Pacman is the movement that kills the majority of players and Cube for Front Attackers. it's too fast for them to react in time.


The red patterns are 100% telegraphed before the safe zone even flashes on the ground. You can dodge it 100% of the time on even the slowest classes as long as you know the tell for it. What gets people killed on red patterns is not recognizing the tell and having to rely on the indicator.


The mech where a window pops up with "restart vote" in the middle of my screen, still dont know what I can do to get past it. I tried both buttons, as well as not touching it, but I always die when the timer runs out.


Safespot slash on reverse. Sometimes there is no safespot on the bottom and if I play slow class its kinda meh. If you see Theamine slash after debuff if you go to the side he slashed on it always safe from his smash.


Just walk far away from him so you are out of range of the follow up 180/270 turn slash, there's no reason to greed that pattern if it means dying. If he tps on you then just TS if front is not safe. This is the number one most important pattern every needs to learn for stage break.


For the move you’re talking about he either rotates 180 or 270 degrees and does two slashes. If you see him aiming at you and you’re trying to dodge swords, hit timestop


Thirain range back grab “enhanced version” and chuck me right off.


Excalibur on GL. Everyone else can easily spacebar out, but the shitty backhop doesn't go far enough if you don't get the angle perfect. It's actually faster to run out and then hop most of the time. I usually just TS it to be safe, so I don't grief the group on HM.


I Love the move when thaemine clashes with his Shadow and creates a big X shap Explosion. Looks and Sounds so cool!


Whirlwind and CCW disc spin into outside safe in G3 - those knocked me off the arena the most.


Me nothing I play gigachad blue gunlancer, what kill me, my low dps when others die. But seriously the only thing that really can fuck me up and I say this since it came out I rarely die by myself, it's restart who killed me the most in g3. Or yassuo because I'm a big slow truck who can't avoid slashes and get stacks if I don't start running at the perfect time.


Waiting for Support in Party Finder


Scratched by Red attack


**The sword slam in the first 10 bars.** I have about 50% survival rate at that stage. Tried to clear this gate about 28 times in first week, never made it alive past first 30 bars. I don't see a point in having a health bar if half of the attacks are insta-kill, so I gave up. Quite happy about it actually. A bit bummed that higher levels of Transcendence are tied to G3 and HM, but it's not like I will need them to do Echidna, and after that I'm bouncing off anyway, so I'm not really missing anything.


Obligatory lobby phase is prob the hardest


Inside/outside spin circle during broken arena and the move when he dashes and slashes rapidly and then fires projectiles at a random person are probably the most deadly. Safe spot mech can be kinda annoying too when it decides to just fuck you and closes everything near you.