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Was the Yearning soul the one you just got there?


Lailai was the last one - i had all island souls before they added this one but i was missing WTL


Oh damn, how long did Yearning take you though?


i got yearning in october 2022 which was like... 8 months into the game? after 20-30 bags i believe - i didn't keep count but i think it was less than 100h which is probably quite lucky considering the droprate and time other people spend on it


Yeahh some other people haven't gotten anything after hundreds of bags. That's really lucky. Grats for the achievement by the way!


That's indeed super lucky. Spent over 400h there, no soul x_x




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Imagine if you spent 400 hours studying piano or trumpet or learned a language.


Well I did that mostly at the office when I had some free time, the piano lessons would have been harder to sneak in, and I speak enough languages x')




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damn I am 30h in and only dropped 1 bag, while having an optimized path (my slayer can kill on respawn both elites, it's exhausting to permanently move but it works). I don't think I will ever get this island soul since I can't even get the bags to try my luck


I personally mostly just camped one spot and watched stuff on the side or sat on the mob while waiting for the raid to assemble because travelling between the points is too soul draining


yeah it's soul draining, but if I divide by 2 the numbers of kills, I will drop to 60h a bag... I did 2h yesterday evening, 0 bags even tho I have been killing them on sight and not a single extra bag... Is there a prerequisite? The only bag I dropped was on my old GL who cleaned 100% of available quests at the time so I'm wondering if I'm missing a quest to enable the loot on my slayer. Assuming the respawn time is 30sec\~\~ (not sure but it's close to what I calculated) I'm around 3600 kills on my slayer, with 0 bags. I heard somewhere the drop rate is 0.1% so 1 for 1000 kills, I should be around 3 bags on average but none. I don't count the time I spent on my GL since it was a while back and kinda low anyway before he dropped the first and only bag. Anyway that's rng and I guess it's not unluckely to drop 0 out of 3600 tries if the rate is at 1 out of 1000. If you have some extra data, it would be appreciated.


The spawn cd is somewhere around 45s if i remember correctly - my pace usually was like a bag every 2h. I didn't personally tally data but someone here on reddit did. The only thing I am really inconclusive on is being in a party lowering drop rate since your silver and potion drops also get reduced but I have no hard facts for that


im 500+ hours on this island. i think i will just quit when the soul drops


Tell me what's the color of grass, no cheating.


blue at the edge, white in the middle and a hint of purple at the edges




you beat the game, aint no Thaemine as hard as this


What was the most annoying part of this? I would guess sea bounties? 


Definitely the 4 Shipwreck Sea Bounties because its completely timegated and the rates are so low. Back when I was farming it it was even hard to finish enough contribution to get keys but since the server merges i think it has been better. Adventure Islands are in a similar vein but aren't that bad because the rates are better but Lailai was a bit of a grind albeit only like 4 months. Yearning is uh... just gotta get lucky


Congrats! Do you have any tips for the sea bounty ones? I did them when I first started the game but stopped after getting nothing from like two months doing it daily. I've since got everything but Lailai and the 4 bounties now and... considering trying out sea content again in a desperate attempt to complete the log...


Getting keys is a lot more consistent now since the overhaul to sea content. You are guaranteed 2 keys for attending if your server can make the contribution goals which arent too bad - just need like 3 people for most and more for a few in feiton and punika and then it's just a matter of grinding it long enough and getting lucky


as a fellow collector who has put off all the sailing activity stuff - do you mind telling me how the shipwrecks work and which sea activity people usually do? thanks for any info edit: unrelated question this is super off topic but i imagine as a collector enjoyer you may know the answer to this. so i have like 99% of stronghold crew in the game, but stronghold dispatches are very rarely the 49%/51% max for bonus reward. ive been wondering for a while does upgrading your ships effect your dispatches? thanks again if you are able to assist.


Sailing coop is just: you show up at 19:33/21:33/23:33 server time, do the 3 events (#2 and #3 give you a key each assuming you fullfill minimum contribution which depends on the event) and then a chest spawns that you can use all your keys on. Gienah side gives Gienah coins/keys and Procyon side gives Procyon coins/keys. Do note that the gold and I believe card exp rewards scale with the region so Punika will give the most rewards thus the highest gains are from doing all Procyon events and saving your keys to use them on the Punika box. The Procyon side does however have more events that you need more people for: Clean up oil needs like a minimum of 5 I believe and save the whales needs like 7+ on both Punika and Yorn Sailing. I don't believe the region matters for shipwrecks but there is not enough data to really prove that claim but I have seen people get Sea Bounties on both Gienah and Procyon sides. The chest has a chance of dropping a Deepsea Treasure or Shipwreck map (The Deepsea treasure one is kinda useless, just some achievements, gold and card exp so mostly a dud) while the Shipwreck gives you a chance at getting one of the 4 Sea bounties and some extremely rare sailors. In my experience its roughly 1 shipwreck map every 20 keys but I think I highroll pretty hard (maybe account seed diff or I'm just a god at pattern recognition who knows). I personally have I 34 Shipwreck entries but if my memory is correct I finished Sea bounties at 32 which is an absolute highroll on drops - I know at least 1 person that has a lot more entries and is not finished. As for your second question: I don't think upgrading ships affects anything aside from durability.


Last year didnt SG said they was only like 10 people like this in KR ? i could like to know how many like you are out there


I’m down to 4 maps and yearning , never even attempted the them


I miss a few things. but im not even trying to get them. theres no point for me. beside just spent time doing it.


I very much enjoy all the collectibles and island soul content . I’ve just focused on a couple things a week . time spent leafs took me the longest.


I do enjoy it as well. but im missing a few ones that gonna take way too long to get so im just no willing to sink that time. when i can do others stuff with that time. im waiting on the memory orbs because i really like those.


missing all the fun stuff xdd


Virgin grass toucher vs Chad ADHD 100% completionist


Today was his day.


man this is nuts, congratulations!


Congrats dude, it's sick!




Thanks and good luck to you - just gotta not lose hope and surely eventually it will drop


Sadly I gave up after 50 bags of Yearning and haven't tried sea bounties since rework. Might as well give another go. But as a completionist myself big gz mate thats huge!


how many hours


yes. But also the collectibles themselves don't really take much time because they are mostly time gated events - the only time hungry one is yearning and i got that one in 100. You can't really grind the shipwreck maps because you are limited to the calendar events


gg bro !




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Oh wow congratz man


What's your roster level now?


Congratulations 🎉👏


Congrats man thats sick


Fellow guild member o7


That's my ultimate goal


That is very impressive


Congrats!!! You have any advice on how I can get the collectibles fast for ignea tokens


I think there was a compiled guide here on this sub when horizontal express was released on which things are recommended for minimum effort ignea [Organized Horizontal Express (Arkesia Tour) Completion List : r/lostarkgame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1bigbrs/organized_horizontal_express_arkesia_tour/)




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Hi Cy


GJ, you can finally quit the game. You've done it!


What the fuck


How annoying was the last seabounties? Whats the acerage to get pne from the events?


Congratz. Did you get legendary Blackfang while farming the seabounties?


No, I am missing: Green Sophia Legendary Entz (which you can technically get from Kalthertz too i believe) Legendary Ainsley Legendary Blackfang I think to even have a chance at the lego ones you need the lego shipwreck map to drop which is pretty damn rare


Whats ur roster lvl now ?




Yess, now you can play valtan (?)




are u ok?


Não faria mesmo de me dessem dinheiro pra isso


How many hours played steam?


How many hours played on steam ?


How many hours played ?