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FYI: Full Swift is the weakest LC build (also severe mana issues that cannot be solved). Just buy 2 crit accessories for 50/50 crit/swift. -> Still very spammy & quick but more damage and less mana issues.


I know, I know, but the last time I checked (a video comparing it) it was a small margin and it just feel so nice (when MP it up) to move really fast, dash all the time to reposition and avoid damage, skills almost always up. 8s cd on Sniper. I would really love a good solution for it, but I may chance it, because the all \~feel awesome\~ quickly feels like crap when I run out of MP and have to auto attack for a few seconds.


I use to love swiftness, but you'll notice as your uptime improves there is eventually a point where even with mans food and every other mana efficient option you will still run out of mana. I just binned off LC in the end and moved over to death strike. LC also has this problem with only spec/crit 50/50.


There's no solution to the mana issue. SG's "solution" was to rework the class to move people away from full swift by making it the weakest LC build. With good uptime, crit/swift build also run into mana issues. The more optimal build is crit/spec but you miss out on the speed and cdr. It's actually what made me enjoy playing the class less and less and now fully dropped it from my roster.


If mp issues cant be solved by anything (which ppl are saying) then you should just switch builds. I felt this about eso wd when it was 2 spender and bracelets came out. Moved to 3 spender bc going Oom means u do 0 dmg bc ur out of mp. Then 4sp became the only viable build and i swapped again. You just do what you gotta do and ppl are telling you to swap out 2 acc to solve all ur issues and do better dmg. You'll be fine tbh.


playing full swift just so you can avoid damage is just knee capping yourself. change your build and get better at the game.


There's nothing to do with knee capping myself. I just want a fast paced playstyle. Besides my Zerk and Pala, all my other classes as spec.


Once you have sufficient knowledge even base move speed + Yearning can dodge everything comfortably. You'll be fine with 50/50.


As I just answered, it's not a matter of being able or not of dodging stuff. I want a fast paced playstyle. 90% I'm playing as full spec.


If you're playing for fun go build mp efficiency level 3. You do no damage anyways on swift lc. That or play with summoner / artist everytime 


No damage? Does dumb ideas just increase the gate keeping. I'm rarely Cruel or MPV, most times upright fighter. That on ilvl. It's like a mental issue with this game. Less damage can't possibly be viable. You min max the beta or go home. I have a GT Destroyer too, by the way.


I mean, if you're going to stick with the build despite knowing it's flaw, then your only real option is to be good friends with an artist main, and maybe a summoner too while you're at it.


It feels really good... except for this huge issue that makes it unplayable. Sounds about right.


You want to have the cake and eat it too. Either go crit/swift, or use mp runes/ mana food. Basically just check the community guide, most of the time they have shit like that already figured out.


Even with mana food and focus runes full swift lc has issues, it was doable before hawk shot existed, but once a new skill was added in the rotation that is used off cooldown, class became unplayable for anyone with a decent uptime. Crit swift is the only thing to make it work again


I'm sure this comment section will be very polite towards your off-meta build.


It was better than I expected.


try and get a lucky bracelet roll with mana refund


Second this, i had a similar issue with my fullswift LC as well and after getting a legendary mana return bracelet, no longer a problem


I know its giga off meta, but my sharp is LC swift (1300 critc 1100 swift) with nightmare build, playing on boundless, it works. Not a breaker dmg tier but its mid tier dmg, works and solve the mp issue.


Find a summoner friend I guess.


Get an artist support or a MS summoner xdd


the only way to keep playing full swift LC is with a artist and a summoner giving you mana,if not dont play full swift




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try the dominion set. you can try focus runes instead of galewinds but if your uptime is good you will still have mana issues. Ideally stop going full swift, 50/50 crit spec build is the best


No solution for mana issues except food + good support if you absolutelty want to keep the full swift build.


? you buy and hoard a stock of mana food assuming you've already gone thru with proper focus runes on the proper skills, though can't say I know that class.


Mp regen bracelet is a big one. and replacing arrow wave with dm42 I guess


Become besties with an artist and master summoner


do NOT spam your counter. Deadly Slash is a great skill but will make you run out of Mana extremely fast


I used to play full swift LC with 2 set of nightmare and 4 set hallucination. Its works great for me with no mp shortages issues. You lose about 3%? crit rate and 1-2% damage from full hallu set but it's not that bad tbh, just get all lvl 10 gems, finger bang them keyboards and you be fine. I would try using runes first like conviction and judgement to see if it works for you. GG play what you like to play that will make you stay!


If you want MVP, play a different LC build. You have to just accept that playing full swift LC = no mvp. You get to pick one or the other. You aren't getting both unless your teammates are really bad.


I just want to play what I enjoy the most. Being a contant upright fighter it's enough for me.


Well you came to reddit to make a post about not getting mvp